Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: mozartmaid The French Connection: Lois Returns (2/4) - 06/20/14 04:29 PM

Suddenly, Clark heard a cry for help. But the cry gave him pause, because it wasn’t his super-hearing kicking in. He heard it internally – and it sounded like Lois.

But, he knew, even with his super-hearing, he wouldn’t be able to hear Lois call for help all the way in France. And while that thought sent a chill through him, he mulled over the sensation that he had—felt her somehow cry out for him.
Clark stood up, worried that Lois was indeed in trouble.

Would it hurt to fly to France and just check on her? If she wasn’t in trouble, she never needed to know he was there…

Before Clark knew it, he was running out into the Daily Planet alley, spinning into the Suit and up into the sky. He wouldn’t be able to work anyway, and especially not if he worried over what was happening with Lois…


When Clark got within thirty miles of the south coast of France, he honed in his hearing, searching for a sound he knew better than any on Earth – Lois’ heartbeat.

He glided silently over the dark expanse of sky, listening… he heard it faintly, distant, somewhere near the port city of Marseille.

It sounded steady and sure—relaxed. She couldn’t be in danger then. Still, would it hurt to see her?

Once Clark found her location, he dived across the sky, slowing down as he came nearer to where he heard her heartbeat.

Clark floated above the trees, hidden by darkness and the thick foliage. Lois and Deter were sitting outside, sipping wine and eating dinner.

Clark heard her laugh, and it cut him to the core. He had thought that laugh – that free, sparkling sound—had been for him alone. It tore at him that through her hazy memory, she had found more comfort in Deter than she had in either of his personae.

Deter was telling her a story, something about his travels around France. Lois seemed enraptured, smiling…

Clark couldn’t stand it anymore. She had obviously moved on… and didn’t need him any longer.

He whooshed away, back towards Metropolis, leaving a swish of wind in his wake.


Lois shivered. It had suddenly gotten colder.

She had almost forgotten that Max didn’t want her to pursue the gunrunning story. He had been so charming during dinner… but now it was getting late. She let out a yawn and stood up to head inside.

“Thank you, Max, for a wonderful dinner. I had no idea there were so many amazing cheeses in the world either,” she said, gathering some plates to take in.

“Here, let me help you,” Max said easily, taking a few utensils and a plate out of her hand.

“Thanks,” she smiled, heading back in the house.

Lois sat the dishes in the sink, noticing suddenly that there wasn’t a dishwasher. “Oh my… I never liked washing dishes. At least, I don’t think I did…” she admitted a little wryly.

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of them later.”

Lois turned to go, suddenly uncomfortable with Max’s nearness. He stood just behind her, a hand resting casually on her shoulder. “Well, I guess it’s bedtime. It’s been a long day,” she said, about to move past him.

Deter gently reached for her hand. “Lois—“

She turned to him, seeing an unmistakable invitation in his eyes. But something didn’t feel right about it… even though she had kissed him in Metropolis. Here… things felt different.

“I—I just want to go bed. We had such a long flight, and it’s late—“

Max nodded, pulling her in just a bit closer. He cupped her cheek, his eyes full of promise. “Okay, Lois. Sleep well,” he said, and leaned down to chastely kiss her cheek.

She smiled shyly, and then headed out of the kitchen, up the stairs. She paused on the landing, turning to him once more. “Good night.”

Lois headed up the stairs, wondering why she suddenly felt like running. This wasn’t the cozy intimacy of their therapy sessions. There was something more here. And while she had declared that she loved him and wanted to come here, Lois suddenly wasn’t very sure.

She got to her room and changed for bed. Lois washed her face and brushed her teeth, wondering why she suddenly felt so uncomfortable. Hadn’t she wanted this?

With a sigh, Lois got under the covers. She thought of Max and how charming he had been tonight. But as she tried to conjure the man she supposedly loved – why did the image of her reporter partner with glasses and loud ties keep appearing?


Perry White leaned back in his chair, thinking about his phone conversation he had earlier with Lois.

For days now, Clark has been moping around the newsroom, barely able to bring in a story on a garden party, let alone a headline. Perry knew he missed Lois terribly, and he was just as shocked that Lois had actually gone off with that Doctor Deter as Clark was.

Perry rubbed his chin, thinking. He was thinking of meddling, to tell the truth. Clark was too much of a gentleman to go up to that Deter and tell him what’s what.

And Perry feared both members of his top team would suffer for it.

He loved those two kids.

And would it be so bad if he used the Planet to help get them back together?

“Clark! Get in here,” Perry called through the open door, before he could change his mind.

Clark shuffled over to Perry’s office door, his hands shoved in his pants’ pockets, looking decidedly dejected.

“Have a seat, son,” Perry said warmly. “I hate seeing you like this.”

“I just don’t know what to do, Chief. I can’t even talk to her now… How can I just trust that this Doctor Deter will even help her?” he said, clearly frustrated.

Perry nodded. “Yeah, I understand your doubts. Especially now… It was some slick move to convince Lois to go to the south of France with him. Certainly doesn’t seem ethical.”

Clark shrugged. “Am I kidding myself? Just hoping and waiting for her to come back to me?”

“Clark, I’d like to help, if you’ll let me.”

“Anything, Chief. What are you thinking?” said Clark, a spark of interest lighting his eyes.

“Well, the damnedest thing just happened. Lois called,” Perry said, enjoying reeling Clark into his idea. He knew those two were destined to be together, and if he could help the process along, he was happy to do it.

Clark looked hopeful. “She did? What did she say?”

Perry laughed, “Well, you know Lois. Amnesia didn’t chase the reporter out of her. She’s already onto a story down there.”

“Oh? And what does Doctor Doom have to say about it?” Clark asked morosely.

“Now, that I don’t know. But what I do know, is our Lois. Clark, she’s onto a gunrunning story. Those thugs can be very dangerous – and she doesn’t have Superman around to rescue her if things get rough. But I also suspect that this could be a good story for our international page. So, I am partnering you with her – all expenses paid. All you gotta do is show up and help her with the story.”

Clark seemed to think over what Perry told him. “Are you sure that’s a good idea, Chief?” Perry knew Clark was hesitant to do anything that might jeopardize Lois’ progress.

“Kent, listen. You are the best thing that has ever happened to Lois.” Perry leaned in, making sure that Clark looked him in the eye. “Now take the assignment and find a way to bring Lois back home.”

Clark slowly nodded. “I don’t like the idea of her on a dangerous story all by herself.”

“I know you don’t,” Perry confirmed.

“And I can’t sit around here much longer wishing that she’d return. I’ve barely written a word since she left.”

“You don’t have to tell me.”

Clark gave Perry a half smile, appearing grateful. “Thanks, Chief.” Clark turned to leave, but stopped at the door. “Oh, and Perry? Don’t worry about booking me a flight. Superman wants to see Lois back as much of the rest of us. I’m sure he won’t mind flying me down there.”

“I’m sure the bean counters down in Accounting will be grateful. Now, go home and pack.”

“On it, Chief!”


Lois stood at the door to Max’s office full of trepidation.

They were supposed to do another therapy session, but something just didn’t feel right.

She stared at Max’s back, as he was facing his desk, and she tried to summon the love she had thought she felt for him in Metropolis… but all she felt was insecurity.

Her hand gripped the door frame, as she was poised to almost pivot and run. But Deter turned to her, giving her a warm smile, and she found herself smiling back.

This was her doctor, her friend…and maybe she was just feeling apprehensive being with him in a foreign land.

“Lois, have a seat,” said Max gently, offering her a comfortable chair. “Are you ready to work on that memory of yours?”

The nervous feeling wouldn’t leave her. She felt her heart racing in her chest, and yet, she sat down. She did want to find her old memories… and if sitting through another hypnosis session would help – she needed to be game to try.

Lois nodded, feeling slightly comforted by Max’s calm demeanor. She was in capable hands. Everything would be fine…


Max did not like the streak of independence he had seen in Lois yesterday. He had let her go to the city center, but his driver had kept tabs on her. She was investigating again, and had even called Perry! That would never do…

He spoke in hushed tones as he asked Lois to close her eyes. Max intended to wipe out any inclination Lois had for returning to her old life. He had managed to come this far, bringing her to his villa. If she could just forget the rest, so much the better.

Max easily brought Lois under hypnosis… she was now putty in his hands. He could mold her into whatever he wanted.

“You will drop the gunrunning story. You will forget all about your friends in Metropolis, all about your old life, all about Superman,” he said softly. “You will stay here in Marseille, with me… You will fall deeper in love with me… you will want to marry me…”


Clark was a little apprehensive about approaching Lois after his quick flight across the ocean to check on her. She had almost seemed happy with Deter, laughing in that garden...

But he wasn't about to let this chance pass him by, either. Perry had given him the perfect "in" with Lois.

He hoped that working with her again would help her remember more about him, about what they meant to each other. But he knew Dr. Deter wasn't likely to approve of the arrangement.

But as Clark neared Marseille, he became more resolved not to care what Dr. Deter thought anymore.

He wanted his Lois back, and Clark was ready to do whatever it took to make that happen.


Lois sat in the garden, enjoying the afternoon sun. She felt so relaxed after that last session with Max…

She sighed. There was something so comforting about him. He was helping her after all, and she felt thankful that he had come into her life…

Wait. Wasn’t there something she was supposed to do this afternoon?

Lois wracked her brain, but couldn’t come up with anything. Oh, well. It must not have been that important.

Suddenly, the trees rustled around her like there was a sudden breeze. The sensation felt oddly familiar, but she didn’t understand why.

A man approached the low, wooden gate. He was tall, broad-shouldered, and very good-looking. He paused when he saw her, and she wondered if he was a neighbor.

“Bonjour!” she waved, wanting to be friendly. She couldn’t think of any more French, so she just continued to smile, wondering what he wanted.

The man approached slowly, a sad look on his face. “Lois? It’s me. Clark.”

“You’re American? Wait. How do you know my name?” she asked, apprehensive.

Clark sighed heavily, his expression looking even more forlorn. “You don’t remember me? I thought Dr. Deter was supposed to be helping you….” he said despondently.

Lois sat up in her chair, unsure of this stranger. “How do you know about me? How do you know Max?”

“Max?” Clark asked with some derision. “You’re on a first name basis with him now?”

“Who are you?” Lois asked forcefully, glancing towards the villa, wondering where Max was.

“I’m Clark Kent,” he answered her patiently, taking the chair opposite hers, wondering what had happened to cause her to regress. “I work at the Daily Planet, with—“

“Clark! What are you doing here?” Deter asked, making his way towards them.

Clark stood up. “What have you done to her?” he asked angrily, gesturing towards Lois. “She doesn’t even know who I am!”

Deter lifted his hands in what looked like a calming gesture. “Now, just relax. We had a bit of regression, but I believe it is only temporary. But Clark, I thought you understood that Lois wants to work with me on a personal level. Why are you here?”

Clark seemed angry at Max’s words, and Lois watched on, entirely uncertain as to what was going on.

“The Daily Planet sent me here to work on a story with Lois.”

Deter shook his head emphatically. “She is in no condition to work, Clark. Besides, I know what she was looking into, and it is far too dangerous.”

“She’ll be with me. She’ll be fine,” Clark said decisively, wanting more than anything to get Lois away from Deter.

“I’m sorry, I just cannot allow you to interrupt our work like this, Clark.”

Clark turned to Lois. “Lois, you have to remember. You and I are partners. You’re a reporter—“

“You are just confusing her,” Deter said, stepping in between Clark and Lois.

Lois stood up. “Wait! I’ve had just about enough of this! Clark? What do you mean, we’re partners? How can I be a reporter for an American newspaper? I live here!”

Clark looked struck, unsure of how to combat her uncertainty. “Lois—“ Then he turned to Deter, his patience worn thin. “I don’t know what you’ve done to her, but I promise you that you won’t get away with it.”

“Clark, I’m afraid you’re the one treading on thin ice. Lois has much more work to do here, with me, without you interfering,” Deter stated calmly.

“Lois and I also have work to do. Without you interfering!”

Deter raised his palm towards Clark, trying to calm him. “Now Clark, I suggest you cool off. Lois is in my care, and we are making progress.”

Clark stood there, tempted to turn into Superman right in front of Deter and wipe that smug smile off his face. The man really had no idea who he was dealing with…

“Deter, I’m warning you,” Clark threatened, but then looked over at Lois, who was eying Clark with fear in her eyes. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her. Clark sighed, feeling defeated once more. “I still have a job to do,” he told Deter. “Perry expects Lois and me to work together. So I will be back. Count on it,” he said, turning to leave.

Clark had to get out of there, and think… if Lois’ memory was still so lost, he couldn’t just fly in there and take her away. He’d terrify her… but still, Deter obviously hadn’t made progress, and didn’t seem very keen on wanting Lois to get better.

At least Clark was nearby, though. He didn’t have a plan yet, but one way or another, he was going to get his Lois back.


Lois tried to press Deter to answer her questions about the man who had visited them that afternoon. She couldn’t understand why he had been so angry, and she had no idea she supposedly worked for a newspaper. But Deter insisted that the man she had met was just a little confused, and he kept maintaining that her life had been there in Marseille, for years—though he remained vague on exactly how many years…

Something didn’t seem right to Lois about what Max was telling her. He kept saying her life had been here, in France for years—but with him? They weren’t married, though he was awfully proprietary with her. Max wouldn’t answer any of her questions directly, and it just made her that much more frustrated.

She claimed a headache after dinner and went up to her room to lie down. Even her room seemed strange… the style was like a bed and breakfast, and not like a home. If she had been living here for years, as Max insisted, Lois knew she wouldn’t have put up those chintz curtains, and certainly not the banana colored quilt. All of it seemed wrong somehow…

And that man…. Clark? There had been something about him… more than just his anger at Max, and frustration with her lack of memory. There had been something in his eyes that had tugged at her…

Lois flipped over on her side, groaning in frustration. She wasn’t going to sleep, and she didn’t feel like getting into another question-dodge with Max. She wanted to find that Clark guy and ask him some questions.

The more she thought about it, the more motivated she felt. Yes, she would find him. Perhaps call the Daily Planet and find out which hotel he was staying at…

Lois knew she couldn’t do it from here. She needed to go back into town. Why wasn’t the city just outside her door? In Metropolis everything was just a walk or a taxi ride away.

Metropolis! She just remembered something!

Lois glanced at herself in the mirror, feeling like a tiny puzzle piece of herself had slid back into place. She knew that she had lived in Metropolis! But the longer she stared, the more her smile felt empty. Was there nothing else? When had she been in Metropolis? How long had she worked with that Clark Kent guy?

She sighed with frustration. She had to get out of there… she had to find Clark!

Lois ran down the stairs, hating that she’d have to ask Max to get her a taxi or a driver or whatever to take her into the city. But she had no choice. She knew that the city center was at least ten miles away—definitely too far to walk.

“Max?” she asked, finding him reading in the study.

“Yes, dear? Feeling better?” he responded, not looking at her, as his nose was buried in a book.

“Yes, but I’d like to take a walk… maybe by the harbor? Could you ask your driver to take me?”

Max put down his book and came over to her. “I’ll join you. The sunset should be lovely on the water this evening.”

Lois tamped down a feeling of disappointment. She wouldn’t be able to look for Clark with Max at her side. She looked up at him as he took her hand, and wondered why her brain told her that she loved this man, yet everything in her body and spirit rebelled against the idea.

It was a very uncomfortable feeling. Lois suddenly wanted to do anything other than go with Deter into town… But still, if she could get away, even for a bit—perhaps she’d manage her mission?

Besides, it was only six thirty. She certainly couldn’t sit in this house and stare at the walls for the rest of the night.
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