Lois & Clark Forums
You are cruel. Mean. Sadistic. And enjoying torturing Clark and Lois (and us!) entirely too much. razz

And you are very very very good at it. thumbsup

*waits patiently (hah!) for Monday*
Pretty powerful, Yvonne. I loved the brief return to home (now I see how you could be writing an nfic version--I was mentally throwing up at the thought before). Even in the gfic version, it was lovely and emotional. I'm glad L&C shared everything each one had learned. I think that will be a faster way to a resolution since they're not only stronger together, but smarter.

Boy, alt-CK is a bundle of nerves, isn't he? Then again, re that horrible ending transcript, he has a reason to be. Can't wait to see what's going on with our CK.

As a brief side note, you might want to rewrite an odd phrase you used from both Clark and Lois: "Too right." It sounds like you're using it the way an American might say, "You bet" or "No joke." In any case, it sounded odd trying to imagine it in Dean's or Teri's California accents.

1 day down, six to go... frown
I've been thinking some more about that last scene. Maybe it's wishful thinking on my part, but I'm wondering if Tank might not be right about Lana.

Well, not that she is completely innocent or anything. Just that she might not be as bad as we're assuming.

LL: Don’t worry. I’ll make sure he...it stays with me.
That's an intriguing slip of the tongue. It would seem that Lana does NOT think of Clark as an "it" -- perhaps she uses that pronoun to keep Trask from realizing that she does see Clark as a person?

Could it be that she is actually trying to protect Clark? That she has convinced Trask and that crew that she can keep Clark under control, so they won't simply kill him?

Maybe I'm reading too much into one word . . . but the possibility fascinates me.
Catching up here....

Wow, this is getting creepier and creepier. frown

Poor, poor AC! mecry

I was thinking the same thing as Rivka though. What if Lana is doing just that: trying to protect Clark? If she has been recruited at a very young age that could explain the decidedly sick methods she's using to keep him under control.

O dear, what do I know - we'll have to wait and see, eh, Yvonne? Looking forward to the next part!

Tank (who is never one to say he told you so, but...)
Tank thinks he knows something, but Tank may not know what he thinks he knows...

Rivka, yes, I do. But I always make sure everyone goes home happy in the end. Or at least, thus far, I always have done... And on the other thing (Ursie, too), my lips are sealed. laugh

Sheila, it's an nfic for two reasons: one, because my characters - Trask in particular - use stronger and more explicit language than is permissable in a PG fic, and two, because there are a couple of sexy scenes which go beyond the PG barrier. Glad to know the PG version of the reunion scene worked for you. smile Thanks, also, for the note on 'too right' - a few American folcs have now agreed that this is unfamiliar to them so I'll change it. smile And you make a very perceptive point regarding our L&C being smarter; this is undoubtedly true, and what I wanted to convey - so I'm pleased you picked up on it.

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