Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Cherry Tongue-tied - 04/11/05 12:35 AM
Okay, I was bored yesterday. So I wrote this small One-Shot. Hold on, that's not what you call it here, is it? Vignette. There, all better. XD
I know, there's no plot at all in this thing, but I thought it might be worth posting. ...Hopefully. :p
Well, I hope you like it.

by Cherry

“I can’t believe you’re wearing brown socks.”

“Is there something wrong with brown socks?”

“Lois, they’re brown.”

“Look, they’re not just brown.” She pulled up her pants slightly, making her brown socks a bit more visible. She had no idea how Clark could have noticed the brown socks: they were barely visible under her pants. He really must have eyes for details… “See? They’re black as well. And they have this really cute bunny with a moustache.”

“Yeah and that yellow ball it balances on.”

“It matches the yellow umbrella it’s holding.”

Clark smiled, his eyes glistering with amusement. “Oh yes. Matching, indeed.”

“Oh, harsh words coming from a guy who walks around wearing blue and red together.”

Clark’s eyes widened “What?”

“Oh, really, Clark.” Lois rolled her eyes. “Didn’t you think I wouldn’t notice? It really isn’t that hard to see.”


“I mean: honestly!” Lois rolled her eyes. “Didn’t anyone tell you never to match two primary colors together? It doesn’t match.”

Clark grunted. “I might have heard that once or twice, yes.”

“Well, why won’t you change it then?”

“I thought you liked it and…”

“Well, it isn’t that bad, especially on you and I’ve seen worse. But, really Clark: It doesn’t match.”

“Uh… okay…”

“Clark, why did you ever wear blue and red together in the first place?”

“Well, my mother made it for me. Really she made a dozen, but this one was the one I liked the best…”

“Your mom made you that tie?”

“My… tie?”

She shook her head. “Yes, your tie.”

Clark glanced down at his tie: It actually was blue and red. Oh great! “Uh, yes! It’s a new hobby my mom is trying out -tie making. You should see the other ties she made, some of them have really strange patterns.”

“Like the rest of your ties, then?” She smiled at him. “Well, I’ll make you a deal: I wear my socks, you wear your ties. Fine?”


“Fine.” She smiled. “You’re one strange person, Clark Kent.”

“Wouldn’t I know it…”

The End
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