Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Simona FDK- The Long Road Home part 25 - 03/27/05 02:18 PM
YES! YES! YES! smile1

Simona smile
Posted By: Tank Re: FDK- The Long Road Home part 25 - 03/27/05 03:42 PM
Lois is going to be PO'd that Clark didn't take her along. Still she'll be proud of him for 'taking charge' of the situation and doing what's best if not entirely what's right.

Tank (who has to wonder how much of Lois and Clark's recent conversations have been monitored by Lex and his evil band of villians)
Posted By: Simona Re: FDK- The Long Road Home part 25 - 03/27/05 04:06 PM
Tank said

Still she'll be proud of him for 'taking charge' of the situation and doing what's best if not entirely what's right.
I'm wondering what he's going to find in this warehouse! I mean, if this is Bureau 39' headquarters, you could find almost everything, from spaceships to strange glowing rocks, which are coming from a little town in Kansas!
I fear Clark'll need help very soon, but just when we have a Lois Lane who *knows*, and who could come to the rescue, she is half-world away!
And probably Lois is in danger too, with Luthor' men lurking in the shadows!
OOOHH, this difficult balance could crashing every moment now!
Please, Erin,come back very soon for your next part!

Simona smile
who thinks so many exclamation marks probably explain her feelings for this story(!)
Posted By: SuperGEM Re: FDK- The Long Road Home part 25 - 03/27/05 04:19 PM
YAY!!! smile1 So happy you finally posted Erin, and this was an awesome part!!! thumbsup

Worried what's gonna happen next, so now we've got Clark ready to break into the warehouse in Metropolis, and Lois thousands of miles away with Luthor on her tail. This can't be good.

Wonder how long they'll do the long distance thing, I can certainly understand and feel their growing frustration!

Love this story more and more with each part, and here I am still on the edge of my seat!! wink Looking forward to more, whenever you can post it Erin of course! notworthy
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK- The Long Road Home part 25 - 03/27/05 07:05 PM

Great part. thumbsup
Posted By: TriciaW Re: FDK- The Long Road Home part 25 - 03/27/05 08:14 PM

Great to see you posting again. smile1

Tricia cool
Posted By: HatMan Re: FDK- The Long Road Home part 25 - 03/27/05 10:14 PM
Yay! You're back! Great to see more of this. smile

L&C aren't being all that careful about this long-distance thing, are they? Maybe Clark can put a story out that he's friends with a pilot... someone he knows from Kansas who has a small plane and makes frequent trips to Metropolis and California.

It is curious, though, that he was worried about Jimmy overhearing his flower order when he wasn't worried about anyone in San Fransisco seeing them delivered.

I'm glad Lois convinced Clark to go to the warehouse. Looking forward to seeing what happens there.

Oh... one more nitpick. Clark's first broken law? Jaywalking, speeding, rolling through stop signs instead of coming to a complete stop, and all that sort of stuff aside (really, who hasn't broken at least one law?), he had to have lied about his birthplace on his driver's license and passport applications. Superman's activities certainly boarder on vigilantism. Then there's the whole thing about breaking the sound barrier while flying over land. Big no-no there. (Also, probably a bunch of laws about flying a personal aircraft without a license, FAA registration, clearance from a local tower, etc.) Oh, and crossing the US boarder (with unsealed food packages, including foreign vegetable matter) without going through customs. Maybe first major law broken? I'm not even sure that's true...

Anyway, that's just a little nitpick. It probably didn't bother anyone but me.

Great part, Erin, and I'm very glad to see this story back on the boards. smile Looking forward to seeing more when it's ready.

Posted By: jwb Re: FDK- The Long Road Home part 25 - 03/28/05 07:15 AM
I was so happy to see this story again. I hope that everythings all right with RL so we can see more if it soon. I must admit, I was getting a bit worried about how often Clark goes to see Lois. Nice that you touched on that in this section. Actually, the fact that Clark is Superman makes this long distance relationship harder, not easier. The very fact he can go see her at a moments notice means the potential to "abuse" that power is there. It's like an addiction. You know you shouldn't, but because it's so easy to do - and it makes you feel so good - you do it anyway.

Was a bit disappointed not to see any Lex, but all the B-39 stuff made up for it.
Posted By: Julia Re: FDK- The Long Road Home part 25 - 03/28/05 12:20 PM
I'm glad you're back. I really missed this story.

Excellent part help

Can't wait to see Clark do a little breaking and entering. laugh laugh laugh

~Julia wave
Posted By: daneel Re: FDK- The Long Road Home part 25 - 03/28/05 11:36 PM
Yay!! You're back hyper

It was safe to have that conversation through the phone? confused

Jose wave
Posted By: ErinK Re: FDK- The Long Road Home part 25 - 03/30/05 08:56 AM
Originally posted by daneel:
It was safe to have that conversation through the phone? confused

Jose wave
Never fear, Jose. (And the rest of you who have wondered about this.) Lois's phone isn't tapped.



stay tuned!
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK- The Long Road Home part 25 - 03/31/05 06:29 AM
I'm so happy you're back! help But, my suffering came to an ending now! dance

I loved this part [Linked Image] (and all of the others [Linked Image] )! I can't have enough of this great, wonderful, fantastic story! jump

Post more, please! grovel
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