Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Kitty Vamps PG. 4 - 01/29/05 06:43 AM
Late evening in Perry’s office, “Perry.” Perry snaps out of his intensity of reading the article that Denny had written. “Is the article okay? No spelling error or grammar errors?”

“No. It’s fine. I’ll do some editing. You can go now.” But as soon as Denny left. Perry went right back to reading the intriguing article on Kryptonian History.“I can sure say one thing for sure. She sure knows how to keep people’s interested in her article, even though her grammar is horrific.” Perry thought to himself and then saw the new section on Kryptonian Physiology. “Okay, that is getting a bit too graphical, I think I should edit that a bit.” Perry was finished with it in no time and rushed it off to press for the morning edition.
The Next day at the local newsstand on a corner street, the tall slender man hands out the recent issue of the Daily Planet. He has been selling the newspaper like hotcake. Almost all of the citizen’s of Metropolis and plus other citizens in Los Angeles to New York had subscribed to the Daily Planet’s newspaper just for the science section.

Everyone in the US was curious about Kryptonian since their last attempt to take over earth. But without any source of information, the curiosity soon took a back seat. Since information was now provided, everyone found themselves crazy glued to the paper.
In Jason’s new home, Jason was telling his fellow Grobeck friends of the bat colony about the current crisis of the overpopulation of the crossbreaded mosquitoes while he was hanging upside down from the specially designed roof. His feet were in bat form but the rest of him was in human form.

After three hours of briefing Philip stopped by to check and see if the new Grobecks were okay. It didn’t take long before he knew that they were recovering perfectly fine.

But Jenny was mad, she didn’t want to do it just for the humans. She had talked to a bat from earth and that bat had told her about how humans had taken over what used to be the bat’s land and when humans came along; they flatten their home and told the bat’s there to get out. It was a common attitude for humans. The woman inform Jason that the current position of his house used to be a cave located there where hundreds of bats had lived along with other daytime wildlife that was left homeless when humans came and tore down their tree top homes. Jenny was mad and she said she’s not helping the humans. She’s only doing it because she has to eat. Jenny wanted to continued on to tell about other horrific things humans did to the animals. But she was stopped. Jenny manages to say, “No wonder the humans have this mosquito problem even before we and the Kryptonian mosquitoes came.” before she finally shut up.

The other bats however did not share her distrust in humans but they all knew that they would have a better chance of survival in a human world then the bats of the human world because in bat form they eat insects and in human form they can eat human fruits that left them a variety of options of food to eat since the US offering bountiful supply of them. The rest of them have no complains. They were all in school right now and was indeed learning everything that needed to be learned at a faster pace then normal people.
Post Note: frown at getting no replies.
PSS. for future stories or page 5 email me. spider frown
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