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Whew! What a semi-satisfying ending! Okay, so it was satisfying.. the only bad part?

“Lois.” Henderson’s voice was sharp. “Listen to me. He’s dead. Luthor - your husband - is dead.”
“Suicide, they think.” Clark sipped his coffee, and she could see him watching her warily over the rim of his cup. He still wasn’t comfortable, she realised. “A guard checked on him this morning and found him stretched out dead on the floor. The light-fitting had been taken apart, and there was water spilt on the floor.”
Hrmph. Bastard has no spine, does he. Yellow bellied bastard. (insert more colorful language here) wink He deserved to rot in jail.

But then we get to the really really good parts.

And, stretching up, she pressed her lips to his for their first kiss.
Awwww. The whole sections after that were meltingly sweet. *sniffle*

“Actually,” Lois had continued, “I think Superman works better.”
Aww, but we liked Super Rescue Guy! laugh

“Right as of now, I don’t have any of his money any more.” And she looked incredibly pleased about it.
WOOHOO! And she did such wonderful things with the money, too! Too bad that bastard couldn't see it.. (No, I don't hold grudges, not me. laugh )

Seriously, a wonderful end to a wonderful story. Brava!
Great ending! I've been remiss in commenting on your story and I apologize, but I've been enjoying it on the sly!

Nice wrap up..and they are in love *sigh*!


Great serie. wave
Aw very sweet Wendy. A very nice ending indeed. Merry Christmas. Laura
And Luthor's body was buried no? smile1
Great job Wendy. I really enjoyed this story!

OMG! YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!! I'm soo happy. They kissed. clap clap And Luthor is dead, WOO HOO(Sorry hon, but i wanted them to kiss) Thanks wendy, That was perfect. I loved the story. Thanks!!

I dont know... I'm going to miss Lex. He had a good thing going there for a minute, and his reason for marring Lois was well thought out, untill his paranoia got the best of him.Lane is one mean hen when wet.
Whoohoo!!! I'm done, I'm done!!! And it's only /me looks at the clock... uh... 5:22am. Oops! <g> Good thing I don't have work until 4:30pm. laugh

Dragging her eyes open, she looked up to see him peering around the corner of the bedroom. “It’s Inspector Henderson, Lois. He says he has to speak to you and it’s urgent.”
Yeah! Urgent!! He needs you to get a divorce lickety-split so that you can testify against Luthor, and Henderson's already done the favor of drawing up the papers. Quick!! Go sign them so you can kis... testify!!! laugh

“There’s no easy way to say this. Lex Luthor was found dead in his cell this morning.”

No kiss he’d ever experienced in his lifetime had come even close to this. No sensation, even flying, was anywhere remotely as amazing. Kissing Lois was simply the most sensual experience of his life.
Wow!!! AWWWW!!!!!!!!!!

And then he realised that he was flying. Or, rather, floating. They were a couple of feet off the ground and in danger of bumping against the ceiling.

He slid his mouth away from hers, gliding his lips over her cheek. “Oops.”

She blinked and looked around, and he felt her soft laugh against his hair. “Oops,” she echoed.
Awwww!!!!! That's so cute!!!!!

She groaned against his mouth again, and he smiled inwardly, turning all his attention back to Lois and their kiss. She deserved one hundred percent of his attention, and she would get it.
Good!! Cause I was about to get out the 2x4 because someone was doing too much thinking!!! <g>

A long time later, Lois sighed and ended the kiss, tucking her head into Clark’s shoulder. “That was worth waiting for.”
*SIGH* Yeah... it was. *sigh* smile

“Are you kidding?” she exclaimed. “Now that I know what a wonderful kisser you are, you want me to forgo this?” Again, she kissed him; this time he groaned and kissed her back.
LOL!!! No kidding!!! drool

“Hey, CK! I got those printouts you wanted.”
After all the angst and pain and villianry and angst and uncertainty and finally that kiss.... *this* is what makes me cry! Maybe it's the late hour, I don't know, but this just really got to me. :'''')

But then a new story had come along, taking most of the attention away from Lois. She’d been able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Not so Clark; he’d been the new story.

Superman had come to town.
Awww!!! And I'll bet that he timed it that way on purpose!!! smile

“See? I told you! S for Super Rescue Guy!”

He’d rolled his eyes and growled at her; his parents had laughed.
LOL!!!!! laugh

There was a sudden clatter as a pencil landed on the desk next to his arm.

Startled out of his thoughts, Clark’s head shot up, but he grinned delightedly when he saw who had thrown it. “Lois! I thought you wouldn’t be back for a while yet.”
LOL!!! She threw a pencil at him?! <G>

“Well, I was thinking... You know some people eat ants and grasshoppers in southern Mexico?”

He laughed at Lois’s look of revulsion. “Suddenly, a Kraft Dinner sounds appetising!” she exclaimed.
LOL!!!! Bad Clark!!! <g> And oooh!! A cameo!! goofy wink

She seemed to work out what he’d been thinking. “Even if I had - which I haven’t,” she said softly, “I’ve never done them with you, Clark. And that makes all the difference.”

Her fingers stroked his face; moved, he bent to kiss her again. And, even though whistles and catcalls echoed through the newsroom, he knew that neither of them cared.

They were in love, and love deserved to be shared.
AWWW!!!!!!! *happy tears*!!!! Sigh!!!!

goofy )
Ah, that's better-- everything's fixed up now and, to echo those who have posted before me, they've kissed! Yay!

Seriously, this was sweet, Wendy. I liked this whole story! I love a Lois who takes all Clark's abilities in stride as he reveals them, and I liked how Lois knew about Clark almost from the beginning. I liked how she (and he) put those abilities to use, and how quickly they found evidence to use against Lex once they were able to focus their considerable skills on their investigation.

Lex was so arrogantly sure that he'd be able to eliminate Lois as a threat. Even though she escaped what should have been a certain death by drowning or hypothermia. And escaped an escape-proofed building in the middle of nowhere, amid mountains and dense forests. And got back to Metropolis on pretty much the other side of the country, without leaving any clues in the form of a car rental or airline ticket purchase, and with no trace of her presence anywhere in between.

Faced with that kind of luck, he should have hightailed it back to the beach house to destroy any potential evidence. Imagine his initial surprise when he was faced with the police. And he took the coward's way out by killing himself.

Clark not only saved Lois's life at least twice, he also saved her with his debut in the suit. After a few weeks of heat, she dropped out of the news once her Super Rescue Guy showed up. Then she got down to turning all the bad into good. I liked that she not only donated a bunch of money to legitimate charities, but that she made an effort to right some of Luthor's wrongs.

Lex wouldn't be just rolling in his grave, he'd be spinning so fast you could hear the whir above ground! goofy

And the ending was just right-- you've got them working as partners at the Daily Planet, with Perry as the editor and Jimmy doing his information-gatherer bit. We leave them at what is usually the beginning of it all, with Clark as a new superhero and Planet employee. The big difference is that they're starting their official Planet partnership as friends and more.

One of my favorite scenes in one of the shows (among many favorite scenes) is where Lois and Clark kiss in the newsroom, and one tells the other that everyone is watching them. But neither one cares, even when Jimmy snaps a photo in the background-- they're in their own sweet, magical little world. That's the mental picture I was getting during the kiss at the end of your story-- not so much the specific poses or location, as the sentiment in the scene.

Oh, yeah-- and I really liked the bits you put in about Rachel, among others, after Superman's appearance. Loved her comment! There's an ally if he ever needs one-- like Lois's Henderson, except that Rachel knows about Clark's other job.

Thanks for a good read!


An excellent story! smile1 I love all three parts.

Tricia cool
Oh, yeah, they kissed.
wow.. that was such a perfect and sweet ending!! Yay!! So glad they found love, kissed and are together!!!! smile1

beautiful story!!
Excellent notworthy

Hi Wendy,

I just wanted to say this was great <g>

You got me worried a couple of times with youre twists and turns... but you wrapped it al up beautifully.

Thank you!

Whoa, Wendy! That was one heck of a ride, with a wonderful solution and I've enjoyed it a lot. thumbsup I know I haven't been commenting along the way, but I've certainly been reading! Even if I wasn't able to always read at once and had to do several parts at once. wink But I've loved this story from the start to the ending! smile

Of course I'm sorry to read that Lex had to die. <g> Just too bad it didn't happen in a more spectacular way. But I'm delighted with the fact Lois and Clark finally kissed! Woohoo! clap

Sas smile
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