Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: SirRodStewFan The Family Adv Of Superman Pt 5 - 12/08/04 01:33 PM
Here it is sorry it took so long (computer problems)

Part 5

Lois and Clark returned home later that day. Clark started dinner while Lois sat at the table staring at the sonogram picture. The doorbell rang, and Clark looked at Lois, “Shall I get it?” he asked smiling as he washed and dried his hands.

“Uh huh,” was Lois’ response. Clark smiled again and went to answer the door. When he returned, Chloe was following.

“Hey. I just came to see how your doctor’s appointment went. Is everything alright?” Then she looked at the photos. “Lois are you…?”

“Yeah nearly three months,” Lois answered with a smile.

“Congratulations,” Chloe said and hugged Lois.

“Do you want to stay for dinner?” Clark asked.

“Oh no, I don’t want to intrude.”

“You’re not,” Lois assured her.

“Have you told your parents yet?”

“Yeah we we… err called them,” Clark said mentally kicking himself for the slip. He was so excited about the baby that he wasn’t thinking clearly.

“Yeah you can fly out there when ever you want.” She smiled at Lois and Clark’s shocked looks. “What? I’ve known for years.”

“You have?” Clark asked surprised.

“Of course. We were inseparable until you got distant, and I decided to find out why.”

“Does Pete know?”

“Please, he’s a man; when do they ever notice anything?” Lois and Chloe both smiled.

“Thanks,” Clark grumbled and went back to preparing dinner.

“Lois, have you told your parents?” Chloe asked.

“Oh god!” Lois groaned. “I guess we have to tell them. Don’t we?” She looked at Clark.

“Yes we have to tell them. I think they’ll start to notice in a few months anyway.”

“Yeah you’re right. It’s just that, mother will take over like she did at the wedding.”

“Just don’t let her bully you?”

Lois just nodded. “You can go with me?”

“What? No, no, no not after the wedding coordinator.”

“Hey, I’m not doing this on my own so you’re going. We’ll go on Saturday.”

“Can’t we go tomorrow, after dinner, then your dad can’t corner me with one of his mad idea's. We won’t have to stay for dinner?”



The next night Lois and Clark were about to leave for Lois’ parents house. Lois was trying on different outfits and Clark was lying on the bed watching the news.

“How’s this one?” Lois asked turning to look at Clark, wearing a beige pantsuit

“Yeah you look good; can we go now?”

“I don’t know; let me try on one more.”

“Oh no. Come on let’s go. You look fine.”

“You’re right, she’ll only tell me something’s wrong. OK, let’s go.”

They left the house and got into the Jeep. Clark drove.


They arrived at Lois’ parents house half an hour later. They both got out the car and walked up to the front door. Lois rang the doorbell and they waited.

“Hello Princess,” Sam said opening the door and kised Lois. “Clark.” The two men shook hands.

“Hi daddy. How’s mother.”

“Frantic wondering what this news is.” Lois sighed as the entered the house. Clark helped her off with her coat and took off his own and handed them to Sam who hung them on the coat rack. They then went into the living room. Lois and Clark sat down on the large white sofa that was covered in a protective plastic covering.

“Right, what is this news you have to tell us? You’re not dying are you? You said I’d be the first to know, but well, I don’t know if I really want to hear it,” Ellen rambled as she entered the room. Clark loved it when Lois went on a babble fest but hated it when Ellen did. He wondered if their child’s future spouse would feel the same. At that thought he got a stupid grin on his face. “What’s so amusing Clark?”

“Huh?” Clark said and looked at Ellen. “Hum. Oh nothing. Sorry.”

“I worry about him Lois. I’m not sure he’s all there.” Ellen spoke as if Clark wasn’t there or too stupid to understand what she was saying. She did lower voice, but Clark could still hear her without superhearing. “Now what is this important news?”

“They’ve just walked in the door; let them get a drink first,” Sam said then turned to Lois and Clark. “What can I get you to drink?”

“Just an orange juice for me please.” Lois said. Clark was about to say his drink but was cut off by Ellen.

“Never mind drinks, I want to know what is going on. Lois calls and says that they have something to tell us, and makes me worry. I had to double my medication, and medication’s not cheap.”

“Will you give it a rest woman? If you were to keep quiet longer than two minutes, Lois and Clark may get a chance to tell us what they came to tell us. Now sit down, shut up and have a drink.” Ellen was taken back by Sam’s forceful manner, but she sat down immediately. “Good. Clark what can I get you to drink?”

“Just a soda thanks,” Clark said. He too was a little surprised at Sam’s take charge manner but was a little grateful.

“You sure you both don’t want something stronger?”

Lois wished she could say ‘yes’. She needed something to calm her nervous. Then as if he had read her mind, Clark took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. When she looked at him, she felt calmer.

“No thanks Sam,” Clark answered.

“OK. Ellen what would you like?”

“I’ll just have an orange juice too,” she said in a quieter voice.

“OK won’t be long.” Sam left for the kitchen. There was an awkward silence, and Clark felt the need to break it.

“This is a nice piece,” he said picking up a wooden carved figure from the coffee table.

“I’ve never liked that,” Lois said “Used give me the wiggins when I was a kid.”

“African isn’t it?”

“Yes,” Ellen answered. “My sister gave it to us as a wedding gift.”


“Why’s that?” Ellen asked.

“Well, he’s an African fertility god.” Clark heard Lois moan.

“Here we are.” Sam said re-entering the room with a tray of drinks, and he handed them out keeping a glass of beer for himself then sat in the opposite armchair from Ellen. “Well then, how’s work?”

“Oh come on! We’ve done the niceties; tell us what is this news,” Ellen said. She had been quiet long enough. “You look terrible Lois?”

“Thank you mother, that makes me feel much better. Well the thing is…” Lois took a deep breath and looked at Clark who nodded. “I’m pregnant.” She said with a smile and waited for the reaction form her parents.

“Congratulations,” Sam said getting up and hugging Lois and shaking Clark’s hand. Ellen however sat in the armchair looking stunned.

“Well mother aren’t you going to say anything?”

“Ellen?” Sam looked at her.

“Well this is just…” She laughed. Lois, Sam and Clark smiled. “…typical of you Lois just jumping in before checking the water level. What about your career? You haven’t thought this through. A baby is a huge responsibility and don’t think you know how hard this is going to be.”

“I have thought about this and it’s what Clark and I want. We are really happy about this baby. Why can’t you be happy for us? Lois barked. “Come on Clark, lets go. Bye Daddy.” She kissed Sam’s cheek and headed for the door.

“Um, bye then,” Clark said awkwardly then followed Lois out.

Sam turned and looked at Ellen.

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