Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: KathyM FDK: Ordinary Lovers, Part 2 - 12/05/04 08:37 PM
Kaylle, this was wonderful! [Linked Image]

Although I do like the fireside conversation in Ordinary People, this was definitely better. I love the two of them discussing all of this openly and honestly, even though it made them a little uncomfortable. And it came at a very appropriate time in their relationship: I was always surprised that the topic of their sexual pasts - and hence a need for Clark's "confession" - wouldn't have come up prior to Virtually Destroyed.

“Do you know what they say about Superman?” he asked, interrupting, and at last he raised his eyes to hers. There was quiet shame there, sorrow, and she reached to touch his shoulder. When she didn’t answer, he continued, “They have all sorts of theories. Making love on the ceiling... instant recovery... super-awareness of his lover’s responses, of what gives her the strongest pleasure... They’ve made him out to be the ultimate sexual partner.”
Oh my...these people must have been into the nfic... laugh

“Is that what you expect from me?” he asked after a moment, looking at her with anguish.

She raised an eyebrow. “Should I?” She’d taken enough steps onto this particular tightrope, and he’d used her confessions against her one too many times. She could see the tension in him, but she couldn’t keep up this cryptic exchange any longer.

Clark sighed, raising his hands in a gesture of defeat. “Honestly, Lois, I have no idea.”
Obviously this wasn't something that the show could explore... But assuming that there would be speculation in the tabloids about how Superman's superpowers would affect his sexual abilities - and of course there would be speculation - of course it would worry Clark.

This was beautifully written. Just beautiful. sloppy

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Ordinary Lovers, Part 2 - 12/05/04 08:47 PM
I agree beautifully done. I really loved the open conversation. Good job, Laura
Posted By: HatMan Re: FDK: Ordinary Lovers, Part 2 - 12/05/04 09:36 PM
You really did a great job with this conversation, Kaylle. Very sweet, yet also very realistic. I really like Clark's "inspired" reassurances, and his insecurities about "super" expectations are a brilliant insight. Seeing Lois understand his loneliness, as no one else could, was just beautiful. Of course, I absolutely love the ending. Great un-twist. <g>

Wonderful story. smile

Posted By: YellowDartVader Re: FDK: Ordinary Lovers, Part 2 - 12/05/04 09:51 PM
I love this conversation laugh laugh laugh .

- Laura smile
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: FDK: Ordinary Lovers, Part 2 - 12/05/04 09:53 PM
I agree with everyone else.

This was wonderful. I enjoyed their talk, their embrassement, Clark's revelation. It felt honest and real. Well what I feel like should be real in a great relationship like they have.

Thanks for the great story. I'm going to read it again. Sleep is over-rated anyways.
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK: Ordinary Lovers, Part 2 - 12/05/04 10:12 PM
“Do you feel like being just a little bit Super?” At his surprised look she smiled sheepishly. “As many times as I dreamed about spending the night in your arms-- even just sleeping-- I never really pictured us on a deserted island. And sleeping in sand isn’t really appealing.”
Superb conversation, very matter-of-fact, honest and poignant. An apt uptake on the whole expectation issue which both Lois and Clark were prone to mull upon, given their histories...

thumbsup clap notworthy
Posted By: TriciaW Re: FDK: Ordinary Lovers, Part 2 - 12/06/04 12:32 AM

WOW! This is beautifully written. smile1 I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Tricia cool
Posted By: CC Aiken Re: FDK: Ordinary Lovers, Part 2 - 12/06/04 05:16 AM

This was note perfect. A really involved dialogue raising so many ideas, and yet it is such smooth, seamless reading. Sweet, smart, and thoughtful.

Just wonderful.

CC- who isn't nagging, but would really love to see more from you soon!!
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK: Ordinary Lovers, Part 2 - 12/06/04 05:55 AM
Yeah, what they said. laugh

Seriously, this is really good. Well-written, and a new insight on Clark's insecurities -- it'd never occurred to me that there'd be speculation about what a "super" lover he would be, although it's perfectly obvious once you pointed it out. And they worked through it so nicely... really great job.

Write more! smile

Posted By: Wendymr Re: FDK: Ordinary Lovers, Part 2 - 12/06/04 07:31 AM
Kaylle, as I told you on IRC last night, just beautiful! Now, that was what they really needed to do on their romantic getaway: talk, honestly and seriously, about themselves and their relationship. I love the way Clark trusts Lois enough to strip his insecurities bare in front of her, and how he coaxes her to do the same. What a level of trust! goofy - just perfect! clap

Wendy smile
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK: Ordinary Lovers, Part 2 - 12/06/04 04:43 PM

Clark chuckled. “Had enough of the regular guy so quickly?”

She grinned. “Well, it might be nice to have my Super boyfriend back again. At least until my ordinary lover and I are ready to take the next step.” She met his gaze, enjoying the newfound understanding that passed between them. They weren’t ready for that step yet. But she had no doubt the day would come when they would be. And, married or not, they were going to stay together. “Take us home, Clark.”

He gathered her more fully into his arms, cuddling her close against as his chest as he began to float them into the air. “I thought you’d never ask...”
Beautiful! drool

MAF clap
Posted By: Karla Kent Re: FDK: Ordinary Lovers, Part 2 - 12/06/04 10:42 PM

great story


Posted By: daneel Re: FDK: Ordinary Lovers, Part 2 - 12/07/04 08:38 AM
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: FDK: Ordinary Lovers, Part 2 - 12/07/04 03:17 PM
Whoohoo!! Finally had the time to finish this!!

“I’m not very... I mean, I haven’t had a lot of experience with sex,” she said softly. “The guys I’ve been with in the past—not that there were very many of them—they weren’t particularly... satisfied. With me, I mean.” She fell silent again, struggling against the sudden shame rising in her. “With Superman... How could I be what he needed?”
Wow, Kaylle!! I can really hear Lois saying this and... awww, can I give her a hug? drool

He wasn’t pushing, but he was making it clear that he cared for her, that he wanted her, that the touch of her lips alone gave him pleasure. When he pulled away, he smiled crookedly, running a hand self-consciously through his hair. “Now, I don’t know about you, but that felt pretty inspiring to me.”
AWWWWW!!!! Ugh... I'm commenting on damn near every line... I'll try to be better... blush

“Did it ever occur to you,” he continued softly, ignoring her, “that Superman wondered how he could ever be what you needed?”
This line just reached right into my chest and grabbed my heart! Powerful! *sigh*

“You said you never fantasized about Superman,” he said quietly. “You never imagined what it might be like, making love with a ‘god in a cape?’ Supersex? Or whatever fantasies you had about Clark-- did they change when you found out Clark was Superman?”
Wow! eek To be honest, I don't think I'd ever thought about Clark's insecurities in this way, but it's *more* than believable! Okay... reading on... laugh

“Is that what you expect from me?” he asked after a moment, looking at her with anguish.
Oh!!! Poor Clark!!

Clark sighed, raising his hands in a gesture of defeat. “Honestly, Lois, I have no idea.”
I know I just said it, but Oh!!! Poor Clark!!

He laughed, harshly. “Not what you expected? That Superman hasn’t had sex before? Ironic, really. You were so worried about not living up to my expectations. But yours are so much higher... I hate to disappoint you, Lois, but your superhero isn’t what you thought he was.”
Grr... no more poor Clark... don't get so defensive so quickly!! OTOH... I suppose I can understand...

Lois closed her eyes, the mental picture he’d painted rising insistently in her mind. A young Clark Kent, painfully alone. Seeking solace and connection in a woman’s arms, in her bed. And emerging from that experience feeling more empty and isolated than before. For the first time she understood how deeply he needed to feel that connection, just how fragile his confidence in himself as a man worthy of love really was. What Martha had said was true; he feared his solitude more than anything else. “Oh, God, Clark, I’m sorry,” she said softly, looking up at him and reaching to touch his face.
Oh wow, Kaylle!!! Wow! I... can't think of anything to say but 'wow'.

Maybe it will just be... ordinary.”
/me grins sloppily... but wipes the expression off her face quickly... Knew I shouldn't have read this at school blush

Clark chuckled. “Had enough of the regular guy so quickly?”

He gathered her more fully into his arms, cuddling her close against as his chest as he began to float them into the air. “I thought you’d never ask...”
Now I really wish I had read this alone at home because I'm dying to "AWWWWWWW!!!!"

Kaylle, that was fantastic, wonderful, extraordinary (or you can read that as 'ordinary' if that's more of a compliment wink ), waffy, romantic... I could keep going, but my post is already quite long. laugh

I really can't wait to see more from you, Kaylle! I love the way you write with so much emotion and insight. You have a great grasp of the characters.

Thanks for a waffy little interlude to my boring day at school! thumbsup

Sara (who still has another 90 mins to kill... )
Posted By: Kaylle Re: FDK: Ordinary Lovers, Part 2 - 12/16/04 02:15 PM
I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reply to this, but I do appreciate the feedback! What with the end of term, final projects, exams, etc. I haven't had a lot of time to visit these boards.

I'm glad you all enjoyed this smile My apologies again for not posting it in one piece, but I hope the wait didn't upset anyone too much <g>.

One thing several people mentioned is that they'd never thought/realized that Clark might be insecure about living up to his Super reputation regarding sex. I'll admit to being a little surprised, since I didn't think I'd originated that idea. I thought sure it had been covered in fanfic before. But now, off the top of my head, I can't think of other fics that dealt with it. Can anyone remember fics that cover this, so I can give credit where credit is due? <g>

At any rate, I'm glad everyone liked this, and I appreciate your taking the time to leave feedback! Especially at the end of the year, with holidays and finals looming, I know how hard it can be to find time! It was a lot of fun writing this little conversation once I figured out where it was going, and I'm flattered it's been so well-received smile

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