Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Cristina FDK - Betrayed 6 (you gotta hate Luthor ) - 11/27/04 02:22 PM
Great part, Wendy!

I loved the way Lois was telling Clark what had happened, and also how she wants to explain everything to him, so he understands and doesn't form a bad opinion about her (like that could happen wink ).

I'm really enjoying this story (even if I haven't left any comments until now)

Dying to read the conclusion (of this part at least laugh )


Great part. grumble Luthor was prepare all along for that moment or they were giving the drug to Lois in her food? hyper
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK - Betrayed 6 (you gotta hate Luthor ) - 11/27/04 04:56 PM
Well, this obviously isn't going to be resolved until the third part of this series, but I want to see how you end this part. Then make way for Lane and Kent as they proceed to show Luthor that he made a *biiiig* mistake!

Ah-- now I can see how it might have happened. If Lex actually waded out into the water with her, taking advantage of her increasing drowsiness, he could have gotten her far enough out so that, disoriented, she'd swim away from shore and there'd be little chance of her washing up on the sand further down the beach. And her disorientation could have been enhanced by the coldness of the water after the initial first shock, I suppose. And his actions on the shore just before they took their little swim? What a nasty thing for Lois to have to keep remembering!

This was hilarious--
I mean, you’re not some moronic pop star who doesn’t know what she wants and marries someone on a whim and divorces him two days later,” he said dryly.
goofy Now, whatever she might know or not, she knows something's up-- and she'll dig 'til she finds it!!

So-- now we sit back and watch an investigation? Or is that to come in the third story? I do wonder how Lois will get out of the marriage now. She can't let on she's alive, not right away-- Lex is too powerful for her to just step up and accuse him of attempted murder, isn't he? Of course, Lois has the considerable talents of Clark-- both super-powered and non-super-powered-- to add to her own powerful investigative talents-- I almost feel sorry for Lex. But only almost!


I'm sorry for not posting on every part. I've just managed to catch up. smile

This is superb. smile1

Tricia cool
Wow scary stuff Wendy. Poor Lois. Lex is quite evil in this, and creepy. Good job, I am looking forward to Lex getting his due. Laura
Ooo great part! It's different to see lois explaining her self to clark, and How prepared lex was with lois (not really)death. And I want to know why he married her and stuff.

I can't wait to find out what else is going to happen. Gosh i'm soo impatient.

Posted By: daneel Re: FDK - Betrayed 6 (you gotta hate Luthor ) - 11/28/04 05:36 AM
Ohh! eek

Luthor's bad! smile1
Maybe Lois can be hypnotized to remember what's she's supposed to know???

Luthor is REALLY evil in this one!

Good job (since we love to hate Evil Luthors)
I knew I had reasons to hate Luthor. [Linked Image]

I'm relieved Lois is free of him, at last. smile

Now, are we going see kisses on the next part???? [Linked Image]

Please, please, please! hyper

Posted By: Karen Re: FDK - Betrayed 6 (you gotta hate Luthor ) - 11/29/04 07:23 PM
ooh, finally read the first 6 parts... poor Sammy got disturbed with my laughing. Ah, well. Interesting so far. I'm wondering what, exactly, did Lois see that she doesn't remember? And why doesn't she remember? I can't wait to see them go after Lex! Can't wait to read more. laugh
Posted By: Sira Re: FDK - Betrayed 6 (you gotta hate Luthor ) - 11/30/04 04:45 AM
I finally got around to reading part 6 and I'm very impressed with Lois' story. Quite some things are starting to make sense now. And I can't wait to find out what happens next. They just have to go after Luthor!

Sira - thumbsup
So everyone hates Luthor, hmmm? goofy Poor, misunderstood Lex! wink

I knew I had reasons to hate Luthor.
LOL, Andreia! goofy

The really ironic thing, here, is that it looks like Lex may have overreacted. Lois hasn't tumbled to whatever it is he's worried about. There isn't something she's been wondering about-- something she saw-- ever since they got married. Thinking back to right before "things changed" may not help, either.
This is true. Perhaps he did over-react; on the other hand, he tends to be very thorough in terms of finding out what he needs to know about the people he deals with. Whatever it was that Lois saw, he knows her well enough to be aware that it might come back to haunt him some day. All that needed to happen was for Lois to start to suspect that he wasn't what he seemed... and if that happened, she'd be after him as tenaciously as she investigates other targets. So better to take pre-emptive action, perhaps?

So-- now we sit back and watch an investigation? Or is that to come in the third story?
Well, this obviously isn't going to be resolved until the third part of this series, but I want to see how you end this part.
You're quite right, Nan - not in this story. wink Story three will deal with any investigation which may happen. As to how I'll end this story... all will be revealed very soon! goofy

I'm relieved Lois is free of him, at last.
Um... well, she might or might not be... wink

I do wonder how Lois will get out of the marriage now. She can't let on she's alive, not right away-- Lex is too powerful for her to just step up and accuse him of attempted murder, isn't he? Of course, Lois has the considerable talents of Clark-- both super-powered and non-super-powered-- to add to her own powerful investigative talents-- I almost feel sorry for Lex. But only almost!
LOL! And yes, it's not at all simple for her to accuse him of anything. He's far too rich and powerful, and she has absolutely no evidence to support her story... or has she? wink But, yes, having Clark on her side will be very useful... as long as she has him... notworthy

Wendy smile
For the first time, something struck Clark with the force of a blow. Her husband had tried to kill her. A man she’d trusted enough to marry. A man who had claimed, she’d just told him, to love her. A man whose bed she’d shared, with whom she’d shared her body. A man she’d been completely intimate with, with whom she’d joined her life. That man had tried to kill her.
Yeah, ouch, that hit me too. :mercy:

“Yeah. But there’s a story to that too,” she said. “But first, I want to tell you why I want a divorce.”
OOOOH!! /me sits back and waits to see if Lois says what she *wants* her to say...

And he wanted to know if Lois had enough evidence to convince the police. He wanted Lex Luthor behind bars. Today.
Yeah! razz

“Meeting me?” he questioned, taken aback, his attention distracted
LOL!! No kidding! <g>

She couldn’t possibly mean what her words seemed to imply... that maybe he wasn’t the only one who’d been falling in love... could she?

No, of course not. He was being pathetic.
Awww!!! Can I give Clark a hug? Please? I won't drool... promise! <g>

“Yes, you.” She gazed directly at him, and there was something almost like defiance in her expression. “And now you’re going to say I’m fickle on top of everything else, but... you weren’t the only one who started falling in love with someone you shouldn’t have.”

Lois seemed to be more comfortable at that; her body posture relaxed and she sat back against the sofa cushions again. “You’re right.

Clark, call me naive, but I didn’t see what was right under my nose. Or maybe I was in denial. I kept telling myself that I just found you good company. Nothing more than that.
Wow, this seems familiar! <g> But, yay, good parallel to the series!!

“I was the same,” he confessed, feeling his heart lighten at being able to tell her the truth. “Well, I guess not exactly. I mean, I knew I never should have come back after the first day. I think I fell in love with you the second I looked up and saw you.
Awww!!!! Being a big mushy pile of goo doesn't make it easy to sit on the edge of one's seat. <g>

he said, realising too late that his voice was husky with emotion.
I like that!!

It still could be just a crazy crush, Clark thought wryly. As she’d said, it had been a summer fantasy. Not real. Not living, breathing love. Just a couple of strangers detached from their real lives and thrown together. *He* knew that he’d fallen in love - but why should that mean that Lois had too?
Awww!!! That just breaks my heart!!! :mercy:

Shocked, Clark exclaimed, “You weren’t! Lois, there’s no way you would have...”

“Slept with you?” she finished dryly.

Anyway, I asked what he meant. And he said he’d called the house earlier, looking for me, but Betty told him that I was out walking with my man friend.
EEK!!! So not good!

the way he was acting just made me mad anyway, so I told him that what we should be talking about wasn’t you, it was our marriage.”
I would have loved to have ring-side seats to that arguement!!

“Of course, I had to stay outside and listen.”
Of course!!

One of these days, she’s going to remember what she saw and she’ll put two and two together.
/me falls off the chair... and picks herself off the floor... Oops! Too close to the edge of the chair... *ahem*.... OMG?! Saw what?!?!!

Then he said that he knew Nigel had always thought he should just have had me killed in the first place.” She pulled a face. “That’s when I knocked against the wall.”
Oh crap!!! eek

“Oh yeah. He slammed the phone down and came charging out of the room. I tried to run, but he caught me. And the look on his face was vicious. He told me that I should have been asleep, but that he should have known that I never do as I’m told. And that I’d regret it, because he was going to have to do something he’d always considered a sign of failure.”

And then we were at the water’s edge. He stopped. He held the gun to the side of my head and he... oh, god, Clark, he kissed me. He told me that it was such a waste. That I was an attractive woman and he’d enjoyed f... Well, you can guess,” she amended.

With one step, he was beside her. And, as the tears began to fall, Clark enfolded Lois Lane in his arms, holding her close and promising that he would never let anything bad happen to her ever again.

Wow, Wendy!! Even though we saw things unfold from Lois's perspective, it was still riveting and suspenseful! I can't wait to read what happens next... but I'm going to have to... so I guess I'll find out what all this hubbub is about later on. <g>

Sara (who is now certain that Wendy must have some kind of feedback radar, because only *she* would be reading my mis-post seconds after I accidently hit the submit button and not give me a chance to finish ;P)
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