Lois & Clark Forums
Sorry it's taken so long problems with my e-mail.

thanks Linda

Part four

The next day, Lois and Clark were walking through the halls of the doctors office both looking worried and nervous

“So what exactly did they say?" Clark asked.

“They just said that the test results were back, and I should come in today to get them,” Lois explained.

“Well, did they say why they wanted me to come?”

“No. He just said that you should come too.” They stopped outside a door. “This is it.” She looked at Clark. “I’m sure you’re right, nothing to worry about.” She smiled and squeezed Clark’s hand as they went inside.

“Lois,” the doctor said with a friendly smile. He was a tall man in his early forties with green eyes and greying hair that was starting to thin. “And this must be Clark?” He shook Clark’s hand. “Please sit down.”

“So Dr. Burns,” Lois began as they all took a seat, “what's wrong with me?"

“Nothing. Well, nothing that won’t go away in about 9 months. Kids, you’re going to have a baby.”

“What” they both said in unison.

“Lois is pregnant?”

“That’s impossible,” Lois said.

“Impossible? Have you not had sexual relations?” Clark shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

“Well of course but” Lois tried.

“Then why is it impossible. Nothings fool proof. What form of birth control were you using”

“Well we aren’t using any.”

“Well then why are you so surprised?”

“I was told, by my doctor, that I couldn’t have children,” Clark explained.

“Oh. Well um” He looked at Lois.

“I havent been with anyone else,” Lois said then looked at Clark. “You know that right?”

Clark smiled and kissed her knuckles. “Of course I do.”

“Oh well, doctors can be wrong,” Dr. Burns said.

“Yeah, well, that reassuring,” Lois said. “So you could be wrong.”


“Well you just check those results again,” Lois demanded.

“Sweetheart, calm down,” Clark soothed. “It’s okay.”

“No, Clark, it’s not okay. We were devastated when we were told that we couldn’t have children; now you say that we can. What’s to say that you turn around in a couple of days and say oops, sorry but we got your tests mixed up with someone else’s.” Lois took a deep breath. “Now check them again,” she demanded, again.

“OK. I can see that you’re upset. I have a free appointment in an hour, so come back at one and we’ll do a sonogram. Maybe seeing the baby will help.” Lois nodded. “Okay back in an hour and you need to drink a pint and a half of water so the scan is clearer. OK” Lois nodded again then she and Clark stood up, still holding hands, and left.


They went to a dinner across the street from the doctors offices. As they sat down at a booth opposite each other, a waitress came over to them. “What can I get you?” she asked

“Just a glass of water please,” Lois said.

“And for you handsome,” she smiled. Clark smiled back then felt Lois kick him under the table. When he glanced at her, he saw her wince in pain.

“I will have the hamburger with fries and a chocolate milkshake,” he said looking at the menu. The waitress wrote the order on her pad then left. “Whatdcha kick me for?”

“You were flirting with her,” Lois said as she sat back with her arms folded across her chest.

“I smiled, she smiled so I smiled back, it’s called being polite.”

“I can’t believe you. Here I am, possibly carrying your child, and you’re flirting with the waitresses.”

“Waitress! And I wasn’t flirting,” he said as he leaned toward her. “Lois you are the only woman I have ever been interested in. I was crazy about you the first time I laid eyes on you, and after four years, I’m still crazy about you.”

“Crazy about me huh?” She softened and as she leaned toward him, and he leaned toward her. They came together; there lips were millimetres apart.

“Yep, totally… utterly…madly…hopelessly…crazy about you.” Each word was punctuated by a kiss. Then she captured his lips in a solid, passionate kiss. They were interrupted by a fake cough. They both looked up to see the waitress standing with their drinks which she practically threw at them. “Um, thank you,” Clark said as she walked away. “What happened to service with a smile?”

“I think she realized you’re taken.” Lois smiled and quickly drank her water. “Excuse me,” she said to a passing waitress. “Could I get another water please?” As Clark drank his milkshake, he began making a slurping noise. She glared at him while drumming her fingers on the table. The waitress brought over another glass of water. “Thank you.” She glanced at Clark, “Do you have to do that?”

“What?” Clark asked confused.

“ slurping noise,” she said, just before she began to chug her second glass of water.

”I always drink my milkshake like that. It never bothered you before.”

“Well it’s bothering me now,” she snapped and finished her water. “Could I get another glass please?”

The waitresses brought over another glass. “Would you just like a pitcher?” she asked sarcastically.

“Yes thanks,” Lois replied with a smile.

“Lois, are you alright?” Clark asked.

“I’m Fine.”

The waitress returned with the pitcher of water and Clark’s burger. “Will there be anything else?”

“Yes, may I have a coke please?” Clark asked as he watched Lois pour another glass of water. “Lois, that’s your fourth glass.”

“Well I want the scan to be clear,” she explained.

“Sweetheart, are you sure you’re alright?”

“I’m fine,” she repeated. Finishing her water, she poured another glass.

“Honey, do you want to talk about it?”

“No, no I don’t.”


“Clark we were so upset when we thought we couldn’t have children. I refuse to get my hopes up. I just couldn’t go through that disappointment again.”

“Yeah. I know how you feel sweetheart.” He reached across the table top and squeezed her hand.

“Are you going to share those fries?” Lois asked with a serious face.

“Oh, I’m sorry” As he began to feed her a fry, he noticed her fidgeting and clutching her stomach. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I have to pee,” she whispered. That made Clark smile.


Later, they were back at the doctor’s office, but in another room that was more clinical than the office.

“OK Lois, would you lie down and lift up your top please?” Dr. Burns asked and Lois complied. “This may be a little cold,” he told her as he reached for the sonogram gel and squirted it on to her stomach.

“Ah.” Lois flinched as the cold gel hit her stomach. “A little cold?”

“Sorry. OK, just watch the screen here,” he told her as he pointed at the flickering monitor. Lois squeezed Clark’s hand as they both watched. “There you go; there’s your proof,” he said pointing at the screen. “Let’s see if we can get the heart beat.” He turned some knobs and a soft, fast thumping sound could be heard. “Good, strong heart beat.” He smiled at them both. “Well, now are you convinced?” Lois nodded, tears filling her eyes. “I’ll give you two a minute,” he replied as he left the room.

“Clark, we’re going to have a baby,” she whispered. All Clark could do was nod. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” he said then kissed her. “I can’t believe it; we’re going to have a baby.” He put his hand on her stomach. “Urgh, it’s all sticky.” he grimaced, looking at his hand now covered in the gel.

“Way to kill the moment. Can you hand me some paper towels?” Clark handed her some towels to clean up with, then he cleaned his hand too. When Lois was back in order, they went back into Dr. Burns’ office.

“OK Lois, I estimate you’re about 12 weeks along. Your due date is January 15th. Here’s some information on pre-natal care and birthing classes. Also, here is the sonogram; your baby’s first picture. Your next appointment will be in two weeks.”

“Thank you,” Lois said as she took the leaflets; then she stood up. Clark stood with her and took her hand. She handed him the keys to the Jeep and stared at the photo as they made their way to the car.


As they got into the Jeep, and Clark pulled out of the parking lot, Lois was still staring at the picture.

“I still can’t believe it Clark; we’re going to have a baby.”

“Yeah. I know what you mean, it’s amazing.” In Clark’s reply, Lois could hear the awe in his voice.

“I don’t want to go back to work today Clark,” Lois stated.

“You want to play hooky?” Clark asked with a wicked smile.

“Yeah, I want to play hooky.” Lois smiled back.

“OK. What do you have in mind?”

“I thought we could go to Smallville and tell your folks.”

“Really? You want to tell them now?”

“Yeah, and they’ll be just as excited as we are?”

“OK,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders. He drove them home, made a quick call to Perry to say they wouldn’t be back, then they left for Smallville.


They landed in the courtyard of the Kent farm a half an hour later. Clark spun out of the blue suit and into his black work suit. He waved at his father who was out on the tractor. Martha came out to greet them.

“Hi Martha, sorry, I really have to use the bathroom,” Lois said running past Martha.

“OK,” Martha called to Lois as she entered the house, then turned to look at Clark. “Hi honey, what brings you two here?”

“Since when do we need a reason to come visit?” Clark asked.

“Well, you don’t, of course, but it’s not like you to visit in the middle of a work day.”

“We took the afternoon off,” Lois said as she walked back outside.

“Oh? Oh well, you’re just in time for lunch.”

“Great! I’m starving.”

Martha smiled and wrapped her arm around Lois’ shoulder and they both walked inside.

Jonathan walked up and joined Clark. “Hi son. What brings you here?”

“Lunch,” Clark said and they both followed their woman inside.

They all sat down at the table. Clark was sitting next to Lois. Both of them were still wearing the silly grins that had been on their faces since they got the news about the baby.

“OK you two. Are you going to tell us what’s going on?” Martha asked.

“What makes you think anything is going on?” Clark asked.

“Clark Kent! I can always tell when you are hiding something. You are a terrible liar,” she winked at Lois who smiled. “When he was four, my parents came to visit and brought him a large bag of chocolate. I told him he couldn’t have it until after dinner then sent him out to play.” She looked at Clark who had his head in his hands.

“Mom.” Clark moaned.

Martha ignored him and continued with her story. “I went on with preparing dinner. Then there was a knock at the door, so I went to answer it. When I returned, the bag was empty and all that was left were the wrappers scattered about the place.” She looked at Clark again who was shaking his head. “So I asked Clark if he had eaten it. He shook his head but, I could tell he had.”

“How?” Lois asked.

“He had chocolate all around his mouth,” Jonathan answered chuckling. Lois and Martha both laughed too.

“I thought I was the chocoholic,” Lois said looking at him and smiling. He smiled back to show he wasn’t really annoyed.

“My point isâ…” Martha paused to look at them. “…you two have chocolate all over your face.”

“Well…”Clark began then looked at Lois.

“Tell them.”

“Mom, dad,” he said as he took Lois’ hand. “You’re going to be grandparents. We’re going to have a baby.” They both looked at the older couple.

“I thought you’d given up on the idea of a sperm donor,” Martha said.

“We did,” Lois said smiling.

“It’s mine.” Clark’s smile broadened. “Ours,” he corrected.

“Oh Clark, Lois, that’s wonderful.” Martha stood up and hugged Lois then Clark. “I’m so happy for you,” She replied as she wiped tears from her eyes. “I’ll get lunch. You must be starving, and you have to keep your strength up.”

“I thought I was the babbler.” Lois smiled and hugged Martha again.

Jonathan got up and shook Clark’s hand then hugged him. “Well done son,” he said then went to Lois and hugged her. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks,” Lois said.

“So, when are you due?” Martha asked.

“January 15th,” Lois answered.

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