Lois & Clark Forums
Part Three:

Two weeks later Lois and Clark were having dinner with Chloe, and, as Martha and Clark had said, Lois and Chloe hit off. Chloe had told Lois stories of Clark as a young boy that she hadn’t heard from Martha, mainly because they were things that they had hid from her. But Lois had a feeling that there wasn’t much that got past Martha.

“So when do you move in?” Clark asked quickly changing the subject while he had a chance.

“Not ‘til next month. I have so much stuff.”

“Clark will help, won’t you?” Lois smiled.

“Yes, of course.”

“Thanks. You’ll have to show me the best place for wall paper.”

“Sure. We can leave Clark to move you in while we go shopping,” Lois said as she smiled at Clark.

“Thanks. I don’t know many people here.”

“Well, the people in our street are nice, although there’s not many under 50,” Lois said.

They finished their meals, and Lois and Clark drove Chloe back to her hotel.


“So what do you think of Chloe?” Clark asked Lois as they entered their brownstone.

“She’s really nice.”

“I told you, you would get on.”

“Well you were right,” she smiled and kissed him. “Shall we go to bed?”

“Yeah.” Clark chased her upstairs.


The following day, Lois and Clark were at the Metropolis Family Clinic. Lois flicked through the out of date magazines.

“OK, they’ve forgotten about us, let’s go,” Lois said and she threw the last one onto the table in front of her.

“Lo-is…” Clark said.

“Kent!” a woman called. Clark took Lois’ hand and pulled her to her feet and she reluctantly allowed him to lead her into the room. “Sit down,” the woman said indicating the chairs, and they both sat down. “I’m Julia Hart.”

“Clark Kent and this is my wife Lois.” Clark introduced himself and Lois.

“Hi, nice to meet you.” They shook hands. “So you want to look into artificial insemination?”

“Yeah.” Clark nodded but Lois kept quiet.

“Why have you chosen this option?”

“What has that got to do with anything?” Lois said.

“Lois it’s OK.” He took her hand then looked at Julia. “I’m unable to have children.”

“Well the way it works is we give you the profiles of the available donors and then you read through them and chose one. Then you need to work out the days when you’re fertile then you come back and we insert the selected sperm,” Julia explained.

“OK,” Clark said as he noticed Lois cross her legs uncomfortably.

“Right. Well, I’ll get the profiles for you.” Julia turned to the computer and typed. After some clicks, the printer started. “Ok. Here we go,” she said taking the print outs and handing them to Clark who took them.

“Thank you,” he said. Then he and Lois left.


Later that evening Lois and Clark were sitting in the living room looking over the profiles.

“What about this one?” Clark said. “He’s 6ft, black hair, green eyes, from Chicago, and a lawyer. He’s the youngest of, wow, big family, seven brothers. His interests are basketball and sci-fi movies practically Star Wars. Cool, this one sounds great.”

“Because he likes Star wars? What guy doesn’t? I don’t get the big deal with that.”

“Princess Leia in a gold bikini,” he muttered.

“I heard that.”

“So what do you think about this one?”


“Why? What’s wrong with this one?”

“He’s a lawyer.”


“So. I don’t like lawyers; you can’t trust them. Anyway, he has green eyes.”

Clark let out a frustrated sigh. “You’ve vetoed 50 guys. Their too short, too tall, have blond hair, blue eyes, is a lawyer, you even dised one because you said he had serial killer hand writing. Just pick one damn it!”

“Don’t you swear at me, and don’t yell at me. This isn’t like picking out an outfit. We’re choosing the father of our child, and none of these guys are good enough.” Lois wasn’t quite yelling yet but she was building to it.

“Oh. So who would be good enough?” Clark didn’t low his he could feel a fight coming on and wasn’t going to back down without a good reason from Lois why she was being so difficult.

“I’m looking at him!!” she yelled at the top of her voice, and then took several deep calming breaths. They stared at each other. “I want your baby, and if that’s not possible, then I don’t want one. I’m sorry. I’m not doing it.”

Clark kissed her. “I love you,” he said and kissed her again. “The thought of you having another mans child wasn’t that appealing.”

“I knew it! I knew you weren’t comfortable with it,” Lois said and wiped the tears that had formed in her eyes. “So it will just be us; is that so bad?”

“No, no that’s not so bad,” he smiled and kissed her again.


Several weeks passed, and Lois and Clark got on with their lives together, enjoying being in and making love.

They often caught the other watching a mother with a new born or a father playing with a toddler and would comfort each other.

The stress and sadness was building. They needed to get away and spend some quality time together, to focus on each other, so they decided to take a short second honeymoon.

When they returned, they helped Chloe move into her brownstone. She told them that she was pregnant and asked them to be the Godparents. They were both looking forward to becoming an aunt and uncle. Lois told Chloe that she would help with the nursery as she neared her time.


Several weeks later, Chloe came into the Planet. “Lois,” Chloe said as she approached her desk.

Lois looked up at her. “Hi Chloe. What brings you down here?” Lois smiled and gestured to the chair next to her and Chloe sat down.

“I had my 10 week scan today.”

“Oh of course, how did it go?”

“Look at this.” Chloe went into her purse and took out a sonogram photo.

“Oh wow, look at this,” Lois smiled as she gazed at the picture.

Chloe looked at her rather intently. “Hey, Lois, are you okay? You look a little pale?”

“Uh, I’ve not been feeling well for a couple of weeks now. Clark insisted I go to the doctor. I’m just waiting on the results.”

“Lois, here’s the files you asked for,” Jimmy said handing her some files.

“Thanks Jimmy. Oh, Jimmy this is Chloe Sullivan. Chloe and Clark grew up together. She recently moved into the brownstone two doors from us. Chloe this is Jimmy Olsen, up and coming journalist,” Lois said with a grin.

“Hi.” Chloe said and shook his hand.

Lois looked at Jimmy who was staring at Chloe with his jaw open. “Jimmy you’re catching flies,” Lois teased.

“Huh.” Jimmy tore his eyes from Chloe to look at Lois as she closed his mouth for him. “I err… I should… C.K. needs me to… the Chief will want his… nice to…” He rambled, not finishing any sentence, and left.

“He’s a little strange.” Chloe said.

“That’s our Jimmy.”


“Oh! Yeah, well I just see him as this annoying little brother who’s always interrupting me and Clark.”

“Hey what are you two up to?” Clark said as he came over to them.

“Hey,” Lois said and kissed him. “Chloe was showing me the Scan pictures.”

“Oh. Yeah. Here.” Chloe gave Clark the photos.

“Oh wow, these are great. So, is everything OK?”

“Yeah everything is fine.”

“So, do you ladies want to get some lunch?”

“Sure. I’m starving,” Lois said.

“No wonder. You threw up everything in your stomach this morning.” Clark teased. “How are you feeling now?”

“Better.” The phone rang and Lois picked it up. “Lois Lane,” she said and listened to the voice on the other end. “Uh huh. OK. Th…thank you.”

Clark looked at her concerned. “What’s the matter?” he asked.

“Umm… that was my doctor. He has my results.”


“Well, he wants me to go in tomorrow.” Clark nodded. “He also said that it would be a good idea if you came with me.”

“Me?” Lois nodded. “Did he say why?” Lois shook her head.

“This is bad. There’s something seriously wrong?” she mumbled.

“Lois, honey, lets not jump to conclusions. If something were seriously wrong, they would want you in right away. Right?” Clark looked at Chloe for back up.

“What? Oh yeah, I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about,” Chloe replied, trying to dissuade Lois’ concern.

“See. Everything will be OK,” Clark said with a smile as he rubbed her back.

“Yeah. Yeah. Your right. Shall we go to lunch?” Lois stood and picked up her purse. She grabbed the first coat she saw and put it on.

“Lois, that’s my coat.” Clark said.

“I know.” Lois took off the jacket and Clark helped her on with her coat and they left.

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