Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: KathyM FDK - The Long Road Home 6 - 10/22/04 09:23 AM
Wonderful part, Erin! I got all caught up on your story yesterday - just in time for today's posting smile

There were so many marvelous things. I love how Lois did indeed head on up to the roof to throw herself off, and how the voice in her head kept urging her to leap into the danger.

And of course the long-awaited meeting of Lois and Clark...the deer-in-the-headlights look from Clark that we can all picture instantly, that Lois sensed his nervousness and pressed right on.

And I love how Clark stood right up to her when she started disparaging his journalistic skills. No doormat here! goofy

Looking forward to Monday...

Posted By: Supes1fan Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 6 - 10/22/04 10:05 AM
Yea! GO Clark! You tell her! clap

Lois==> jawdrop

Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 6 - 10/22/04 11:06 AM
Great part! [Linked Image]
Finally the meet between Lois and Clark. [Linked Image] I'm liking Lois and Clark in this story. Lois's too bright and Clark didn't allow she humiliate him.
If she had allowed herself a moment to think about something other than tracking down the city's elusive super hero, she might have stopped to consider the fact that he wasn't wearing a wedding ring.
Surely she wasn't indifferent to his good-looking. Good sign! [Linked Image]
As he thought about Clark's genteel nature and Ms. Lane's fire and passion, one thing seemed certain.
They were made for each other. [Linked Image]

She opened her mouth to speak, but Clark rushed on. "Look, Ms. Lane, I'm sorry that you're angry I scooped you, but I'll have you know I'm not just some hack. I've paid my dues just like you have, and I would not have been hired here as an investigative journalist if I didn't have the skills *and* the credentials. If we're going to talk connections, there's also something else you've probably heard of--it's called professional courtesy. And right now I'm not feeling particularly courteous. If you're going to walk in here and call me a hack, you can just go and find your own sources."
Good, Clark! Lois had what she asked for. Maybe so she learn to respect him. [Linked Image]
I'm looking forward the next part. [Linked Image]
Monday... [Linked Image]

Posted By: Wendymr Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 6 - 10/22/04 12:27 PM
You go, Clark!!! goofy Now I'm going to sit back and watch the sparks continue to fly! wink

Just one nitpick: wink

If he had asked, I would have told him I'd just gotten my black belt in Tai Chi last month.
Umm... Tai Chi is a form of meditation. goofy Lois was skilled in Tae Kwon Do.

More on Monday, huh? I'll be here if I possibly can!

Wendy smile
Posted By: daneel Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 6 - 10/22/04 01:08 PM
wow! smile1
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 6 - 10/22/04 02:42 PM

Great part. hyper Lois names him Superman.

"Actually, that wasn't the only thing I did to him," Lois continued proudly, "but that's what had the biggest effect. If he had asked, I would have told him I'd just gotten my black belt in Tai Chi last month. Maybe if he had known that, he could have saved himself some pain and humiliation."

Clark was suddenly aware of his hanging jaw and snapped it shut. For a long moment, he continued to stare at this woman in a mixture of disbelief and newfound anxiety. A woman clearly well versed in using her feminine wiles, with the passion and fire to go after her stories like a mad woman, *and* a black belt to back it all up? He was in trouble. Big trouble.
A mad Woman! hyper
Posted By: Tank Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 6 - 10/22/04 05:00 PM
Lois is just telling in like it is.

Clark, in his efforts, to stay essentially hidden, has produced an weak insipid article. Why wouldn't Lois think he was a hack.

Tank (who thinks there's more fireworks to come)
Posted By: gerry Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 6 - 10/22/04 06:22 PM
Way to go, Clark. hyper
He's been in the background up until now, but he sure didn't wimp out on the readers.

Although I have to admit that Lois made some good points too...except that we know why Clark held back.

Can't wait until Monday.

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 6 - 10/22/04 09:34 PM
Yay Clark, I like this growly version of Clark <g> It reminds me of the same Clark we knew when he told Lois "You're an investigative reporter Lois so investigate" Good job, looking forward to more. Laura
Posted By: mmprincess Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 6 - 10/22/04 10:31 PM
Way to go , Clark!! And Lois, well, she's just being herself. Can't wait to see more sparks to fly between them.
Posted By: TriciaW Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 6 - 10/22/04 10:53 PM

WOW! smile1

Tricia cool
Posted By: Sira Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 6 - 10/23/04 05:17 AM
First off:
Gathering information on unconventional story subjects called for using unconventional means.
That's so typical Lois!

Like everybody else, I love the way Clark stood up to Lois. Now we see what it's like when Lois isn't the reporter with the Daily Planet seniority! I can't wait for it to be Monday!!!!

thumbsup clap clap

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