Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Cristina Nothing but a Luthor on the Way, 4/? - 04/24/03 07:20 PM
Hey everyone!

So here’s part four. Just a very quick note before I leave you with the story. When I reposted part one here, there’s something I forgot to do.

I have to thank two people, apart from all those of you that are encouraging me along the way with your comments. First, Jose, who’s been reading through this story and making some very valuable suggestions; and second, Tricia, because she’s been there from the beginning, form the first story I wrote; reading, re-reading... Commenting, suggesting... I have to thank her for all her efforts with this and my previous stories. It wouldn’t have been the same without her help.

I’m done.

There you have it. Hope you like it.



“'No! No! No! He was the -King. So the cape with the white jumpsuit was kind of a -royal outfit.”

Clark couldn’t help but laugh. Though Perry hadn’t realized it, in trying to emphasize his words, he’d raised his voice so, that he’d become the target of many curious glances from the other tables. Not that Clark really cared. He was, after all, having fun. Had anyone told him months ago that he’d be truly amused by one of his Elvis stories, he would have simply laughed and dismissed them. Yet now... <<Never say never. >>

“Son, it ain’t no joke. Some even believe that Superman got the idea for his suit from Elvis. How else could he have come up with a cape?”

At his last remark, Clark raised an eyebrow. <<Better not argue with him where Elvis is concerned. >> Trying hard to suppress his laughter, he stared at the older man. “Ok, Chief, whatever you say...”

Though he detected a slightly sarcastic tone in Clark’s voice, he decided to leave it at that. There were more important things that required their attention. “Enough of that. Let’s get down to business. You say you don’t trust Luthor and I believe you have your reasons. But without proof, we are like ice cream without the topping. We need help. With Lois ruled out, we only have Jimmy and Jack left. Have you heard anything from them?”

He shook his head. “Not really. I last saw Jack about a week ago. He’s still in detention, waiting for his trial. No real changes in his situation; they’re still pressing the charges for the bombing at the Planet. Other than that, I have assumed they’re both fine, since neither of them has called and hasn’t dropped by. If they had been in trouble or needed any kind of help, I’m sure they would have turned to me. I’ll try to get in touch with them later. Jimmy’s a computer whiz, which comes very handy when there’s research to be done. As for Jack, as long as he’s still locked up, there’s not much he can do, but I’ll see if there’s anything he needs or if he has heard anything that may help.

The older man seemed lost in thought for a few minutes, as if considering their options. After a while, he glanced back at Clark, expectantly. “You sure we can’t turn to Lois? It’s not that I’m underestimating you, but... well, you two together make a hell of a news team!”

For a moment, Clark looked defeated. Perry was probably right about that. As much as Lois would hate to admit it, they both brought out the best of themselves when they worked on the stories together. He was sure he did. But that didn’t change reality. “Chief, as much as I’d like that, she is too busy planning her wedding, for one thing. And there’s no way she is taking part in an investigation that has the sole purpose of framing Luthor.

It’s so frustrating! She means so much to me! She’s not only my partner; she’s my best friend. And I’m losing her and it feels like I’m losing a part of myself.

I’ve tried to talk to her about my suspicions... True, I might have not presented the facts as objectively as I could... Not that there were that many facts I could turn to... But still...”

Perry smiled at him and chuckled, “Ok, son. No need to babble about it. I know how you’re feeling; I miss her too. That’s exactly why we have to solve this mess.

And it’s up to Jimmy, you and I; we’d better get going.” He looked at the darkening sky then back at his watch. “We probably won’t be able to get much done today. Well, here’s what we’re going to do. I have some Planet files at home. As editor, I always received reports of all sorts, including those related to the financial status of the paper. Now, I just kept them at home in a stack- which by the way, Alice would be glad to see go away-, but never really looked at them. I’ll browse through them tonight and, first thing tomorrow morning, I’ll do some mayor digging on the Planet’s finances. We were certainly experiencing some difficulties, but... A newspaper as old and prestigious as the Daily Planet can’t just break down the way it did. Why ever did everybody turn their backs on it? And I’m not only talking about the bomb; that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The big question is who could want the Planet out of the game? Someone must have felt it was a big threat to resort to something as drastic as blowing it up.”

A little defensive, Clark spoke up, “I thought we’d settled that Luthor was our man.”

Perry adopted his boss-like expression before answering. “Clark, you know as well as I do that we have to look into all the possibilities before ruling any out. Besides, if, and I say if, Lex Luthor is really the one behind this, we won’t have an easy road ahead. If a man achieves the kind of goals he has using dubious means, he is bound to have his tracks covered.”

“Yeah. I guess you’re right.”

“I know that this is going to be hard, but you have to try to keep a hold on your feelings. All right?” Without giving Clark the chance to answer, he added, “So, you are going to head home, get some rest and...”

“ ... Then try to get in touch with Jimmy and Jack and find some names and reasons; who could want the Planet out of the picture and why,” Clark finished for him.

“That’s my boy! If you come up with anything, I’ll be at home.”

“Sure, Chief.”


The sky was already dark and a full moon had replaced the earlier shinning sun. Still wearing his ragged clothes, Nigel approached a nearby phone booth. He slid a coin through the slot and held the receiver to his ear, slowly dialing a number. One ring, two...

It had been one of Mr. Luthor’s requests to be kept updated on the advances of their little investigation. He had insisted that, whatever it was he knew, or didn’t, was reported before the end of the day. Thus, Nigel was indeed going to deliver the information, though there was little to be said. Kent had never returned from his meeting with Perry White, which implied that he was still lacking the proof he needed and so, would have to stay around a little longer. That worried him. As much as Nigel trusted himself, and as sure as he was of his capability to carry the task through, if Clark Kent was really Superman, he couldn’t afford to make any mistakes, which meant that the less time he spent hovering around his apartment, the better.

The familiar voice at the other end made him put his thoughts aside. “Goodnight, Mr. L.,” he said, his voice bearing an extreme calmness. “No, sir; not yet... He came out this morning a little after noon and hasn’t returned yet... No, I don’t know what he was supposed to be doing today; I have no knowledge of any appointments... Not that I know of, sir; he was alone as far as I can tell.” << There was no one else... apart from White, that is. >> So far, he felt that was one detail Luthor didn’t need to know. After all, it could be just a friendly encounter, even if he himself would likely rule out that option.

“Yes, sir, everything is set; now we just need Mr. Kent’s ‘input’. I believe this little field trip should be over tomorrow around lunchtime... Well, I very much doubt that he won’t be returning to his apartment before the day is functionally over... As soon as he leaves again, I’ll gather the equipment... If he doesn’t, I suppose there could always be a Superman emergency... Sure, sir, just trust me. If anything delays me, I’ll let you know.”

He placed the phone back in the stand and walked back to one of the many hiding places he’d made use of throughout the day. He couldn’t help a grin from forming on his lips. True, for the record, Lex was the powerful one; he was a mere servant, nothing more than an assistant. Yet he knew that, without his ‘helping hand’, Lex would have never become half the man he was. Facts? Who was dealing with the biggest secret ever? Luthor had not only shared it with him, but, also, he’d asked him to provide the evidence. And, despite Luthor’s endless denial, it wasn’t only a matter of keeping his hands clean. <<No, >> Nigel thought, amused. “It’s a matter of incapability. >>


Despite not needing to sleep much, Clark was always grateful for a good night’s rest. That, for him, meant no more than six hours, but non-stop. It rarely happened; when it wasn’t a Superman emergency, it was a stakeout, or simply his own obsessive musings, refusing to let him rest. Tonight, however, he had been undisturbed and it showed. Glancing at his watch, he realized it was a still a little before ten. So far, he’d done the laundry – a thirty-second task for a man with super-speed- ironed a couple of his capes and, most important, managed to get part of his research done. He’d had to stop, though, when the information he was coming across had begun to seem somewhat vague. He had determined that better data bases than those he could access from his computer were needed; it was either that or his scarce computer knowledge had reached its limit – hardly unlikely. And, anyhow, waiting for Jimmy was probably the wisest choice. <<And if I want Jimmy’s help, locating him would be most useful, >> he mentally added.

After a few phone calls, however, he still knew little about the young photographer’s whereabouts. His line had been cut off and, as he’d later discovered, his landlord had thrown him out of the apartment when he’d stopped paying the rent. It appeared that Jimmy hadn’t been able to find a new job and his bank account had soon gone in the red.

Unfortunately, the ‘good’ news didn’t come alone. He had also called the detention center, wanting to know if Jack was still there or if he’d actually been reassigned, only to find that he’d broken out a few days earlier. They had, of course, been searching for him, but all the efforts had, so far, proved unsuccessful.

<<Well, >> Clark thought, <<it’s about time Superman gets on the job. >> He considered, if only for a moment, the possibility of either of them having left the city, but soon dismissed the thought. Where would they go, anyway? No, he was likely to find them within the city limits and, given their situation and means, Suicide Slum was the best place to begin his search.

He walked out of the apartment and into the alley, beginning to spin as he did. He became a blur of red and blue and, in a matter of seconds; Superman was soaring high above Metropolis.

Not too far away, a familiar beggar stared at the flying hero, a look of extreme pleasure on his face.


A soft knock on the door drove Lex Luthor’s attention away from the computer. He answered with an almost apathetic ‘Come in’. Since he wasn’t expecting anybody, the chances were that it was just one of his many assistants with another insignificant question. Sometimes he wondered why he’d even hired some of his employees in the first place. There were a few who were rather incompetent, unable to face the smallest of issues. They would just come to him, seemingly unaware that there were more important things for a man in his position to be spending his time on. <<Hell, time is money! >> And money was power...

After a soft cough, a bearded man pushed the door ajar. “May I come in, sir?”

As the man’s familiar accent registered, the widest of smiles spread on Luthor’s face. He had been eager to have Nigel back, his task completed, yet he hadn’t expected him so early, at least not after their phone conversation the night before. “Yes, Nigel; please, do come in.”

His ragged clothes forgotten, Nigel walked in, wearing a dark suit and holding a middle-sized envelope in one hand and a videotape in the other.
Lex eyed him, a mix of anxiety and demand in his gaze. A look that wasn’t unknown to Nigel. Nevertheless, he drew the silence longer, before delivering the desired information. Sober as he seemed on the outside, inside his smile matched that of Lex’s. It was a smile of satisfaction for a job well done, but, also, a smile born from the acknowledgement of the other man’s dependence on him. He just loved to be in control of the situation, mostly if it implied having the third richest man in the world at his mercy.

“I thought that you would like to see the results of our little investigation. Kent left early this morning. Actually, he never left his apartment... as Clark Kent, anyway. But you’ll be able to see that for yourself.” He handed him the envelope and walked towards the TV set. He took the tape out of its case and slid it in the VCR. “There are over ten hours of recording, but I allowed myself to make a selection of what I though could be more useful. It brings it down to a little over an hour. You’ll see our super-reporter doing some house chores amazingly fast.” With a grin, he turned the TV on, pushing the play button on the remote as he did.

During the minutes that followed, Nigel relaxed, enjoying the astounded look on Lex’s face. It didn’t matter that he’d known before hand what he was going to see. After all, one thing was believing that Kent was really Superman, and a different thing was actually seeing it for yourself.

When the tape came to an end, Luthor was gloating. If he’d believe in luck, he’d have thought it was his lucky day. But he didn’t, so, to him, this latest achievement only confirmed what he’d always known; that there was really nothing, nor no one, on Earth, <<Or out of it>>, able to defy his power.

For the first, Nigel felt curious. He had himself thought of different ways to make use of the information, but what his boss intended to do with it was a mystery to him. “May I ask what you plan to do with this, sir?”

Lex, who’d been inspecting the contents of the envelope –frames from the tape-, raised his gaze from the pictures. As if the answer was obvious, he said, “You mean besides having Superman at my beck and call? Well, as much as I’d hate to hurt her, I really think Lois should see this. We can’t let her go around believing in her partner’s – ex–partner’s- honesty, in her worshipped hero’s integrity. Or can we? Personally, I think that would be too much of a burden for my poor conscience; she IS about to become my wife...”

Nigel’s only response was a half smile.

A while later, after being reassured that his help was no longer needed, he exited the room, leaving a more than satisfied Lex Luthor inside, lost in his musings.

Once he was gone, Lex seemed to return form his reverie, a crooked look on his face. It was really going to be a shame. “Good old Nigel. So efficient. It’s too bad we’re going to have to do without him.”


He softly landed in a deserted alley and spun back to his regular clothes.

After a whole day’s searching he still had not been able to locate Jimmy or Jack. However, he had found out that Jimmy hadn’t been exactly unemployed. He’d been working for a few days at a dump in Suicide Slum. It was some sort of strip club, though he doubted its owner was familiar with terms like health or hygiene.

Today had turned out to be Jimmy’s free day and no one at the club had been able to give him an address where he could be found. Since he’d also been flying around the city, with no sign of them either, he had decided to call it a day. He’d go back to the club the tomorrow. Besides, there was something else he was determined to do; he’d put it off long enough; he couldn’t keep running from it.

Resolutely (purposely), he turned a corner and walked into Carter Avenue. Picking up his pace, as if afraid to change his mind, he went straight towards one of the apartment buildings. To her apartment building. His mom, as usual, had been right. He was Superman; or rather, Superman was he. If there was something Lois saw in the hero, she had to be able to see the same thing in Clark, didn’t she? Maybe, instead of trying to convince her of Luthor’s evildoings, he should have let her see she had other options.

He just hoped that she chose to acknowledge those other options. At least, his other option...


She was trying to put on her right shoe when she heard a knock. She covered the distance to her door on one foot, still holding the shoe in one hand, as she reached for the knob and turned it slightly with the other. She was surprised to find Clark standing in her doorway. For a few awkward moments, they just stood and stared at each other. Once she was able to react, Lois led Clark towards the couch, closing the door behind her before following him.

When she met his eyes again, she found in them an amused look. Lowering her gaze to where his was aimed, she remembered she was still holding one of her shoes. She sat down on the couch and placed it on her right foot.

“Lois, is this a bad time?” Clark said, his voice filled with hesitation. “You seem to be getting ready to go.”

It was funny how his soft words and caring looks could soften her; every time she looked at him, she felt at ease, everything else forgotten. That soothing effect had rarely appeared over the last few weeks, probably because their friendship wasn't going through its best stage. She realized she still hadn’t answered his question. “No... Well, maybe... I’m... supposed to be meeting Lex in a while.” She paused briefly, unsure as to whether she should go on. She knew how the sole mention of her fiancé’s name was enough to make Clark feel uneasy. She didn’t want to argue again and she knew that Clark didn’t either; he wouldn’t have bothered to come to her apartment if all he intended to do was criticize Lex and her choices.

“He wants us to go over some of the arrangements... for the wedding.”

She looked at him, afraid she’d find anger in his eyes, but if anything, he seemed discouraged. “Clark, is anything wrong?”

“Not really. I just needed to talk to you, that’s all.”

“You know, Lex is supposed to be sending a car to pick me up, but I could call him and we could walk together to his place or...”

“No, that’s ok, Lois. I guess it can wait.”

What was she doing? He was willing to talk things through, calmly, and she wasn’t giving him much of a chance. She could call Lex and cancel; or... “Clark, I ‘m not working tomorrow. I just have to drop by to pick up some files. Maybe you could meet me at the entrance, around twelve?”

He smiled faintly. “That would be great.” Getting up, he turned to the door, as the sound of a car’s horn came from the street.

Lois grabbed her purse and followed him. “Wait, I’m coming down with you.”


Hours later, in Lex Luthor’s penthouse, Lois shyly smiled at her fiancé under the soft glow of the candlelight. “Lex, dinner was wonderful. Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me, dear,” he said, as he reached for her hand and stroke it gently. “Any man would do the same if he was trying to please a woman as beautiful as you.” He softly pulled her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles.

Lois blushed and tore her gaze away. “I mean it, Lex. And it wasn’t only dinner. I still can’t believe how many arrangements you’ve been able to organize so quickly.

“I just want our wedding day to be the most special day of our lives, and if putting a little effort into it is going to help that be so, then I’m more than willing. After all, it’s not everyday that a man gets the chance to marry such an amazing woman.” Without letting go of her hand, he stood and moved closer to her. He kneeled beside her and placed his free hand under her chin, gently pulling it up. When their eyes met, he brushed her lips with his, softly, undemandingly. Lex, of course, was more than willing to deepen their kiss, but he chose to restrain himself. There would be plenty of time to take things further once she’d become his wife; for the time being, he had to keep up the gentleman pretense.

Lois pulled apart slowly, an apologetic look on her face. “It’s getting late; I should really leave.”

“You know you don’t have to go if you don’t want to. You can sleep here.”

“We’ve talked about this, Lex. And you’ve been so understanding about my... wanting to wait until our wedding night... I... I just need time. I... want it to be perfect.” Again, she avoided his eyes.

“Hey, there’s more than one bed in the house, you know that.” The nervousness she felt about becoming intimate with him filled Lex with pride. She wanted to please him; it showed in her insecurity. She wanted him to wait a few more days? She was going to be his sooner or later; he would wait.

“Still, I’d better go.”

“Ok, then let me get you a car.”

Laughing, she stared at him. “You don’t give up, do you? Actually, I was planning on walking home. It’s really not that far and we have such a beautiful night.”

“All the better. Is there anything more romantic than a walk underneath the moonlight?”

Seeing that she wasn’t about to reject his offer, he waited for her to stand up before heading towards the adjoining room. There, he grabbed the envelope that Nigel had given him earlier and a copy of the videotape and put both things in the inside pocket of his jacket. He returned to where she was and offered her his arm. “ Ready. Shall we?”

Arm in arm, they slowly walked the empty streets, some times sharing small talk, sometimes a comfortable silence. When they reached her building, Lex held the door open for her and walked her up. They seemed both ready to say goodnight, when Lex spoke, “Lois, could I come inside for a minute? There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you...”

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