Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: ChiefPam FDK: Stuck With You - 09/08/04 10:59 AM
Hope y'all like this... we began writing it while still in the car <g> and, yes, *still* in Virginia...

In case you haven't seen, the story behind this story is found here: http://www.lcficmbs.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=10;t=000587

The great thing about being a writer is that you can find a way to use pretty much every experience you ever have...

Posted By: Kaethel Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/08/04 11:37 AM
LOL Chris and Pam! goofy

Kaethel smile

ps: Chris, now that you're back to writing Lois and Clark fanfic, WHERE IS MMIKC2?!?

pps: Pam, we're not so patiently waiting for Hearts Reunited and the Alphabet Series, so GET MOVING!!!
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/08/04 11:58 AM
LOL very cute girls. laura
Posted By: Wendymr Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/08/04 12:28 PM
If life hands you lemons, make lemonade... and that's exactly what you two have done here, Pam and Chris. Excellent, excellent work! goofy ) behaviour, this is a laugh a minute! goofy

Wendy smile
Posted By: Supes1fan Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/08/04 12:52 PM
Very sweet!! razz razz

Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/08/04 02:44 PM

Cute story. thumbsup

"I'm going to do what you've been asking me to do all afternoon, Lois. I'm getting us out of here." And he began to rise off the ground, his eyes steadfastly on the first, faint stars appearing overhead. "I know you'll probably be upset with me that I haven't told you about this before. I don't blame you, either, but I'm hoping that after all we've talked about today, you'll also be willing to listen to my explanation."

He lowered his eyes to look at her face and wasn't surprised to see a mixture of emotions on display there. To his dismay, annoyance seemed to be the most prominent one.

"Lois," he began tentatively.

"You bet I'm upset with you, Kent. Why in heck didn't you do this three traffic jams ago!"
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/08/04 04:42 PM
Hilarious. rotflol I'm glad Superman made an appearance. Thanks for writing!
Posted By: HatMan Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/08/04 07:25 PM
Great story, you two! Hilarious, and also sweet. All the better knowing some of that stuff is real. laugh Love the ending. rotflol

The one thing that got me, though, was this:

"Reporting on dog shows, cleaning my grout, feeding my fish -- the list, Kent, goes on and on!"

Clark took a breath and plunged into the deepest end of the pool. "Couldn't one of those things be going on a date with me?"
Maybe it's just that I'm exhausted and possibly sick and not really thinking all that well, but when I first read this line, I was pretty confused. "He wants to go on a date with her fish?"

Took me a bit to figure it out, but then I could read on and it was a very good turning point.

Anyway, glad you made it home safe and sound, and very glad you thought to turn it into a story!

Posted By: Aria Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/08/04 10:42 PM
This was adorable smile Some of the funnest stories can come from real life experiences, and of course you have to snort at the "good luck getting out" line!

This was great thumbsup
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/08/04 11:48 PM
Posted By: daneel Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/09/04 03:51 AM
See? You got something positive from the traffic jam!! laugh

Jose hyper
Posted By: Saskia Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/09/04 04:22 AM
laugh I'm glad you managed to turn your experience into such a great story. I think you two should be on the road more often together. wink I'm still laughing about the tag-line. laugh Thanks for the great laugh.

Posted By: YConnell Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/09/04 02:38 PM
LOL! Absolutely excellent, and clearly we should ensure that Pam and Chris get stuck in many more traffic jams. Wendy, invite them to Canada, will you? <g>

Posted By: Wendymr Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/09/04 02:42 PM
Invitation already issued, Y - we're way ahead of you! goofy

Wendy smile
Posted By: Juliet Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/09/04 09:08 PM
As a proud Virginian I must defend my state. It's a beautiful state and I would invite anybody to come and see it.

Cute story though.
Posted By: Meerkat Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/10/04 10:58 AM
Great story, you two! smile The descriptions of traffic jams and traffic lights letting only a few cars by were so apt! I was wondering if Clark was going to take a chance and tell/show Lois his powers. Does one of them have to come back for the car now, though? Also, what was Clark referring to about the "we've done it before?" Maybe I'm as clueless as Lois, but I couldn't tell.

Coming from Maryland, and since I make frequent car trips to the center of North Carolina, Virginia is also the hardest part of my trip. I actually got into a car accident with my then-fiance in the horrible stop-and-go traffic you often see on I-95 just south of DC. One time, when I was driving *north* through Virginia, I accidentally got onto Business-301 instead of regular 301. That meant 50 miles of driving on an almost-empty tank of gas without any gas stations or anything except trees for miles upon miles. Oh, and around 11pm at night. That was a bit scary. I, like Lois, was very relieved to see the lights of DC and "civilization."
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/10/04 01:24 PM
The others have already said everything about it, so I'm just gonna give a synopsis:

This story was great!! thumbsup thumbsup

Keep writing,
Posted By: sunrei Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/10/04 04:11 PM
Fun story!

Reminds me of those cross-country drives where the interstate drops down to one lane for construction (they say... but I never *see* any workers) and everyone is stuck in one long line. Yuck!

I like how the revelation came in when I least expected it- and Lois' reaction was priceless!

Thanks for posting~
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/11/04 11:47 AM
A Pam/Chris fic, and a funny one, too! I haven't seen one of those in a long time. You two need to do this more often. (How many more road trips do you have planned in the future?)

Posted By: KSaraSara Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/11/04 05:18 PM
"Don't be silly, Lois. They only stop traffic when chickens want to cross ... the ... road." Clark faltered under the glare in Lois' eyes.
ROTFLMAO!!!! thumbsup

Kae said:
ps: Chris, now that you're back to writing Lois and Clark fanfic, WHERE IS MMIKC2?!?

pps: Pam, we're not so patiently waiting for Hearts Reunited and the Alphabet Series, so GET MOVING!!!

Sara (who's still chuckling to herself)
Posted By: TriciaW Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/11/04 06:00 PM
Pam and Chris

This is great. smile1

Tricia cool
Posted By: KathyB Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/11/04 08:41 PM
Aww, so cute! I think I'm in good company when I say that my favorite lines were Clark's oh-so-casual way of asking Lois for a date and his later mutter of "we've done it before" (returning to friendship).

I'm glad you two were able to make the most of your time stuck in the car. You should go on more road trips if this is the result. smile

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK: Stuck With You - 09/12/04 04:34 PM
Yeesh, it's no wonder I can't find time to write anything, I can't even get enough uninterrupted minutes to reply to comments... but the family will just have to wait a little bit for the moment smile

Anyway.... Glad to see so many of you enjoyed this little piece of fluff! We started writing it on the road -- I started us off with the idea, then Chris added in tons of great details -- not to mention taking notes of the weirder exit names we passed <g> -- and then after we got home we emailed the file back and forth for a day or so, and... here we are smile

Kae, while I'd be more than happy to visit Annette anytime, I would really rather not get stuck in Virginia again! <g>

Our other stories are proceeding at the same pace as they have been... although I suppose that's not entirely *good* news... wink

Wendy, thank you, we were hoping that this would work as a relationship story, along with the comedy aspects. Just a straight comedy wouldn't have been nearly as much fun to write. And the brilliant insight was entirely attributable to my subconscious smile My subconscious thanks you.

Glad you liked it, Liz! And Maria, I see you enjoyed our ending <g> That was one of the first things we came up with, actually... and thanks, Roo, for laughing -- I'm sure you were only laughing at the parts we meant to be funny. Right? goofy

Sorry to confuse you, Paul; this thing was written within two days, so we can't have fixed everything. At any rate, that's our story, and we're sticking to it. wink

Thanks, Diane -- the "good luck getting out" was a direct quote from the front seat of my car, sometime last Sunday evening... <g>

Jen, bison? lol That may beat ostriches...

Jose and Sas, yes, I suppose we got something good out of the traffic jams, but I don't recommend it as a method of energizing your muse wink

LOL, Yvonne, thanks for inviting us to Wendy's house! We may just manage that, one of these years... but next time, I wanna fly <g>

Juliet, you're right, it is a beautiful state. And I've driven through it lots of times with minimal problems. But on the Friday afternoon of a holiday weekend... it was a teeny bit busy <g>

Thanks, Fuzz smile And the "we've done it before" line was about them trying for a romantic relationship, having it fail, and then going back to just being friends. As in, the end of first season. Of course, since Clark lied about it to Lois, she hadn't seen the parallel, until he mentioned it...

Thanks, Anna -- I know it gets hard to think of anything original to say, but I appreciate you chiming in regardless. smile

Sunkist, yeah, there's always something. It was just the collection of one thing on top of another, coming and going, that impressed us <g>

No more road trips planned, Nan, at least not at the moment. But if we do come up with another joint fic for any reason, I promise we'll share it <g>

Sara, thanks for using quotes! The first five bits you quoted were entirely Chris's contribution. Well, except for Oilville and Goochland. We saw those on exit signs <g>

Glad you enjoyed it, Tricia! I've been kinda surprised, actually, by how many comments this has garnered... our absence must have made your hearts grow fonder -- we'll have to go away more often wink

Speaking of which... thanks for de-lurking, Kathy <g> Your two favorite lines were written by two of us -- Chris, and my subconscious. I added some bits in, too, but my subconscious gets all the really good lines.

Thanks again to *everyone* for such an overwhelming response -- sorry it took me this long to reply to y'all! smile I know Chris really really appreciates the good reaction this has gotten. Hopefully, it'll get her fanfic-engine jumpstarted again. And maybe even mine, too. Stranger things have happened smile

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