Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: tipiwoman A Future for Us pt 27 - 09/01/04 03:54 PM
Pt. 27

They walked along in the park, trying to ignore what was happening because they were touching one another. The restaurant they were heading for was across the park, overlooking the bay. The sun was setting and the sky was turning red, reflecting on the water. A flock of white swans floated on the water along with a several green-headed mallard ducks.

They sat overlooking the water, enjoying a few moments together. It had been a long day.

They were going to work on Lois’ control of her super powers and the best place to do that would be at the farm.

They took a cab back to her apartment so she could change into sweat pants and a t-shirt, then headed over to Clark’s in another cab. Clark changed into his relaxing clothes as well.

Soon they were ready to leave the city. Clark spun into the suit and scooped her up. They shot up out of radar reach and over to Kansas in just a few minutes. Lois found that Clark could fly much faster now that she’d been endowed with superpowers as well.

Soon they were landing in the Kent front yard. Martha and Jonathan were glad to see them. “Hi Clark. Hi Lois. What brings you out so soon?”

It seemed quite easy to blurt out the fact that Lois had superpowers, but there was a rather sacred element to the way she got them. She didn’t feel like just jumping into a quick explanation of how she’d received them.

Soon they were sitting around the kitchen table, each having a piece of Martha’s apple pie. It was Clark’s favorite. She tried to have it on hand whenever he was likely to drop in. However, those times weren’t too frequent.

Martha wanted to show Lois the wedding dress she’d worn when she’d married Jonathan. They’d already agreed it was the right size and would be perfect to marry Clark in. Lois was practical enough to know that spending a fortune on a dress to wear once wasn’t exactly being too smart. Of course her mother would have different ideas about the whole thing.

She realized as she stood in front of the mirror as Martha zipped up the back of the dress, that she really hadn’t put much thought into this wedding. It wasn’t the wedding that was important to her, it was the man she was marrying.. She really didn’t feel much like shopping for flowers and such as that. She planned to pick some of Clark’s favorite flowers from Martha’s perennial garden. He liked daisies. They were all in bloom right now. That suited her just fine.

She and Clark had gone for their blood tests a few days ago. Of course, Clark had needed to go as Superman to Dr. Klein for his statement of perfect health. He hadn’t been able to take a blood sample, but he’d known that Superman obviously carried no diseases.

“It’s lovely.” Lois smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was still curled and hung gently to her shoulders. The white lace of the dress climbed her neck. Puffy sleeves at the shoulders tightened as they moved down her arms to her wrists. The fitted bodice opened out into a full skirt. A layer of lace overlaid the white satin dress.

“You look fantastic, Lois.” Martha agreed. “Here’s the veil.”

She pulled a white, lace covered veil from the bed where it lay and tucked the comb into Lois’ hair. She stood in front of her and draped the edges of the veil around her shoulders. “Perfect.”

Tears had come to Martha’s eyes. Lois saw them and reached out to hug her future mother in law, the woman who had molded Clark into who he had become. The mother of Superman. Lois didn’t realize how tightly she was clinging to Martha until she went to let go of her.

“You’re such a wonderful mother, Martha. Clark is so lucky. I’m so lucky.”

“Lois, I’m so glad you’re the girl Clark chose to marry.”

Lois’ face became serious. “Martha, I have to tell you what happened the other day in the treefort. We were both holding the globe, and Jor-el and Lara came out in a hologram. Jor El said some stuff, and said we’d be one forever. Then he said that the bonding was complete. I can’t remember everything he said.” Martha was nodding so she continued.

“Well, after that happened, I climbed down the ladder and we found out that I had super powers. We came out here tonight to test them and to teach me how to control and how to use them. But I also have these other powers now. First, Clark and I are completely telepathic. We don’t even have to be talking to each other to read each others thoughts.” She paused for a moment. “Like right now, Clark is talking to his dad. He’s telling him about the kryptonite someone brought in to the planet today.” She smiled. “He is knowing I’m telling you about that now.” She paused and assessed what Martha was feeling. She was very happy. She was overjoyed in fact. She loved Lois with the same love she showed to Clark. Lois felt humbled as she watched her.

“Anyway, we have no secrets anymore, I mean none. Everything that we’ve ever experienced is plain in our minds and we’re each free to wander through each others at any time. There’s so much we never understood about each other that is now making more than sense, it’s like we’re experiencing it for our selves, each others lives. It’s really amazing.”

Martha didn’t look like she wanted to say anything so Lois continued. “When I was given these superpowers, I was given a different kind of them than Clark has. I think I may have clark’s too, but I’m not sure. But what I do know, is that all those traits that are common to women, I have super powers along those lines now. Like I can feel and know all the emotions of everyone around me. I can’t read their minds, but their emotions are loud to me, just like Clark’s hearing is so loud to him. He’s been teaching me how to turn it off so I can do things, like drive a car without being totally distracted by all of the emotions around me.”

She paused again to collect her thoughts and noticed Clark in her brain again. She smiled and willed him some love, and to tell his dad what she was telling his mom. Then she went on explaining. Then when I was driving, I knew there was going to be an accident up ahead. I couldn’t see it and there was no reason to imagine it was going to happen from what I could see, but I knew it totally, just like Clark knows he’s hearing cries for help. Anyway, Clark could tell that the accident was going to happen, because our minds are one, that’s what Jor-el said was going to happen, that we’d have no more secrets from each other. Anyway, Clark rushed over to the accident about to be, and was able to stop it before it actually did happen. It was so cool, Martha. It was amazing. Clark couldn’t believe what he’d been able to do either.

And not only all this, but when Clark came over here the other night to get the yellow kryptonite sown into his belts, I was asleep, but it was like I was experiencing the same thing, as if I was right beside him. Whatever he sees, I see. Whatever he hears, I hear. I’m not sure if I really have the ability to hear and see those things myself, but since our minds have merged into this oneness, I do now. It’s the strangest thing ever. I really love it. I hoep it lasts forever. Jor-el said it would . I can’t remember what he said now, but it was certainly a permanent situation he set us up in. That’s why we had to go ahead and get married right away, because we’re already married by Kryptonian law. It’s just too weird to be married and single at the same time!”

She smiled. “Lois, this is incredible. I can’t imagine what it’s like. Sometimes I think I’d give anything to know what Jonathan is really thinking.” She paused. “Clark is such a good man. You’re really a lucky woman, Lois. I don’t just say that because he’s my son, but I am prejudiced, I must admit..”

“He said to say thankyou to you.” Lois smiled.

“Oh. I guess I’ll have to remember never to tell you any secrets you need to keep from Clark. No surprise birthday parties I guess. And I guess he’ll always know what you’re giving him for Christmas!”

Lois’ smile fell. “Oh. I hadn’t thought about that. No more surprises.”

Martha touched her arm lightly and laughed. “Aren’t you the woman who doesn’t like surprises?”

Lois’ smile returned. “But you know, I guess I won’t be able to sneak out and do dangerous things behind his back anymore. I did like finding things out on my own, even if I did dangle above the jaws of death from time to time.”

“It’ll sure be a relief to Clark. I know how worried he gets about you when you look like you’re going to run off to find the facts, no matter what happens. It really scares him to death. You have no idea how he panics about you.”

“Well, I guess that’s all over for him.”

“You know, it will be so much better for him if he can avert disasters before they happen. He’s always wished he could have done more. If it’s all in your mind and he’s reading it…”

“Like an open book. It’s the strangest thing ever, but it feels so natural. It also feels like it should have always been like this.”

Martha nodded. Lois listened as Clark related this all to his father. Jonathan was also very pleased and suggested the same sort of scenarios that Martha had.

“I feel so close to him now. I really feel like he’s a part of me and I’m a part of him. Whenever I think about it, I think I’m invading his privacy, but that’s the old Lois. I know that this is the way it’s supposed to be for us.”

She paused and sat quietly for a moment. Martha stood up from where she was sitting beside Lois on the bed and removed the veil from her hair. Tears were in Lois’ eyes when Martha looked at her face again.

“What is it honey?” she was on the bed beside her, her arms wrapped around her son’s fiancé. Lois let the tears flow, her sobs beginning to shake her. Clark was startled, then seemed to gain understanding and reached out to her. They embraced mentally.

“It’s all so much. It’s all so good. I don’t deserve all of this. I treated Clark so badly for so long. It’s all there, all the pain I caused him, all his worry about me, all of his attempts to convince me when I was wrong but too pigheaded to agree with him. And here he loves me. His father from outer space has sanctified our relationship and married us according to Kryptonian law. He’s even given me the ability to be one with his son. A woman he doesn’t even know.” She shook her head and looked around for a tissue.

Martha got up and crossed the room to the box on Clark’s dresser, bringing it back to the woman wearing a wedding dress on the side of her son’s bed. Tears came to Martha’s eyes as she realized how far she’d come in raising this tiny baby that had flown through the sky in a space ship.

Lois could feel Martha’s emotions more deeply than ever before. She understood her love for her son and what that love had endured as he had grown up into a man.

“I’m glad we came up here. I wanted to tell you about all of this, but I didn’t want to do it at the table with everyone around.”

“This is better, Lois. Thank you for wanting to tell me all of this.” She stood back up. “Let me help you get out of that gown so you can go out and practice your powers with Clark.”

As she unzipped the dress an idea occurred to her, “Are you going to need some sort of a costume like Clark’s?”

Lois didn’t like the idea. “No, I think I’ll leave the rescuing to him. I’ll just stick to my own little world of supporting him.”

Martha didn’t respond, but just continued to remove the dress from Lois’ small frame. She was doing some planning of her own. Lois didn’t know it now, but she would need a costume. After all, how would it be for superman to always be carrying Clark Kent’s wife across the country? No, she’d be flying on her own out to visit soon, this was Lois Lane we’re talking about, not some doting little wife. She was going to be as independent in marriage, bonds be damned, as she had always been when she’d been single.

And besides, wouldn’t it be nice for Superman to be married, too? Martha would have to work on Lois a bit, but not right now. Now she had a bride to take care of before tomorrow’s wedding. She was glad Lois and Clark’s mind reading abilities didn’t extend to their parents!

Clark stood up when Lois entered the room with his mother. They greeted each other mentally, then Clark announced that they’d better go outside and do some power practicing! Lois was glad to see Jonathan smile at her.

“Clark tells me what’s been going on with you two. It’s quite an amazing story.”

She nodded. “I never would have believed it, but truth is really stranger than fiction!”

Jonathan nodded. “Well, don’t you kids let me keep you, good luck, Lois.”


Clark took Lois by the hand and led them outside. The screen door slammed behind them. --Oops.-- “Sorry Mom and Dad!”

“It’s alright, son.”

“Just don’t let it happen again.” His mother’s grinning face appeared in the doorway.

Lois and Clark headed out back to the picnic table. They sat down before Clark spoke mentally, for secrecy’s sake, not that the yard was bugged. Speaking of bugs, had he seareched Lois’ apartment for bugs? How had he forgotten to do that? He’d have to do it when they got home.

--Okay, let’s try out things. Levitating?--

Lois floated effortlessly up, swooped around above the house and returned to sit beside him. --Check.-- she responded.

--Hot shot eyes?--

She looked at him and grinned. --hot shot eyes?--

He shrugged. She focused on a leaf on the ground, willing it to ignite. Suddenly it burst into flame. Well not the leaf actually, but the ground beside it.

--Check, but needs some work with the aiming.--

--Ice breath?--

--What without any mints?--

She blew on the grass. It became covered with a layer of frost.

Clark heated it up with his hot shot eyes so the grass wouldn’t die.

--Hey, I coulda done that!--

--Then you shoulda!--

--I woulda!--

--But you didn’ta. Let’s see, smoke sucking.-- Clark ignited a small pile of leaves. Smoke began to curl above them. Lois sucked at it, taking it all in, then reached up to blow it out in the air.

--Check. What about strength?-- She stepped off the picnic table, turned and lifted it up with Clark still sitting on it. --Not bad for an amateur. So now you can heat up your own coffee at work, remove the smoke after you make dinner, carry in all the groceries without help and chill the wine. Yes, you’re going to be a good wife! Oh, what about speed?--

Lois looked around for something to do fast. --just run to the tree and back.-- Clark said, feeling a bit silly telling her to do that. She zipped across the yard to the swing and back in a flash. --Super speed, check.--

He tried to think of what else he could do. Had they covered it all already?

--x-ray vision.--

--Oh, right.--

She looked through the tree at the ant crawling up the far side. --check.--

--How about super hearing?--

She listened carefully. --Your parents are talking about us.-- then she turned and looked around. --the cows are chewing their cud. Their heartbeats are slow.--

--What about in Smallville?--

--There’s a car about to run off the road.--

--Be right back.--

Superman hovered over smallviille looking for the image he was seeing in Lois’ mind. There it was, the car was heading for a tree. The driver was asleep at the wheel. Clark flew behind the car and pulled it to a slow stop, then flew skyward. It was nice doing prevention instead of repairs all the time, he thought as he flew back to Lois.

--That wasn’t hearing was it? Wasn’t that your future intuition wasn’t it?--

--I guess so. Okay, for hearing. I can hear a mouse chewing in the granary beside the barn.--

--Further away? How far can you hear?--

--How am I supposed to know clark!--

--Okay, can you hear the airplane?--


--The tractor trailer truck on the highway?--


--Hey Lois, you have my powers but you’re not affected by green kryptonite! That’s pretty incredible.--

--Clark, do you think I have these powers myself, or am I just able to tap into yours? Like what happens if you are disabled by kryptonite, do you think I’d still be able to do all of this? Isn’t this just part of our being one?--

--I don’t know, Lois, but I know you have powers I don’t have. I’m only able to feel people that you’re feeling. I’m only able to tell the future when I am seeing it through your mind. Your abilities aren’t dependent on me. Like you can fly when I’m not flying. Stuff like that.--

--There’s one we didn’t check yet. Invulnerablility.. I’m not sure I want to test that.--

--Me neither.--

--Okay, here try this, light a tiny fire and see how close you can get before it’s hot.-- She climbed back down off the picnic table and sat on the ground. Soon she had a small fire of leaves burning. She pushed her finger closer and closer to the fire until she was holding it in the flame. There was no pain at all. Just to be sure her fingers weren’t tough, she did the same thing, only this time with her foot.. Still no pain. She put her finger back in the fire and left it there for awhile. When she pulled it out, there was no sign of any burning. She held up her finger for Clark’s inspection.

--Ah, that’s very good, but can you swallow a bomb?-- he asked her with a twinkle in her eye.

--You really do want to show me up, don’t you. Is this some sort of a gimmick to prove you’re still more powerful than me? Blow up the competition?--

He loved it when her face was lit up in a smile like that. He reached over and grabbed her in a hug. She tumbled to the ground where they lay holding one another and laughing. It felt so good to embrace one another again. It had been a long time since they’d met up with the globe. --Watch it, Buddy or I’ll burn a hole in your cape!--

--Oh yeah? Just try it!-- She hot shot his face, effectively removing the beginning traces of his daily stubble.

He leaned back on the ground, his arms up beside his head, --Now this it the life. Take it off. Take it all off!--

She crawled over so she was kneeling beside his shoulder and worked on burning off his beard, the line of heat moving back and forth across his chin and cheeks. It was working! She began to laugh at the ridulousness of the scene, Lois and Clark on the ground in the back yard. Lois Lane burning Superman’s beard off with heat vision! What could be more impossible than that!

--It’s not impossible, Lois. I can see you’re going to be very good to keep around. Very useful indeed.--

--here, can you feel this if I heat up your back? You’ve done this for me when I have a back ache.--

He rolled over and she turned to face his back, then ran a line of heat up his muscles on either side of his back bone.

--It feels nice.--

--How come you can feel it? I thought you weren’t affected by the fire?--

--I can feel its warmth, it just doesn’t burn me. It doesn’t hurt me anyway. I still have a healthy sense of touch.--

--Oh.-- she leaned back to look up at the stars, her head on the ground . He rolled over as he ‘saw’ her looking up at the white sparkles on the black sky. --there’s so many of them.--

“Umm.” --I used to come out here and lie down and watch the stars when I was growing up. The ground was damp though, so I’d usually lie on the roof. It held the heat from the day better than the ground did. Here.--

They floated up to the top of the house and hovered over it until they found a good spot to lie down. Lois was in awe of the number of stars. --Are there always that many?--

--There are a lot more. There’s a moon out tonight so we can only see part of them. But use your supervision and see what you can see.--

--Wow-- she said after a minute. That’s incredible. I can see a million times more of them. How come I didn’t see that a minute ago?

--Sometimes you have to will your powers to work. It’s best if you have to do that, then you aren’t always having to keep a lid on them. It takes a lot of energy to keep them from working if they’re out of control.--

Clark mused on how he’d never explained how to use his powers to anyone before. It was nice. He reached out to hold Lois’ hand. It was neat, she already knew he was reaching out for her hand before she could feel it or hear it moving against the roof. They touched for a moment, but then pulled apart, preferring to embrace mentally than physically.

--We’d better get home, Lois, we have a big day tomorrow!-- With unspoken agreement they dropped to the porch and said good bye to Clark’s parents, then both soared above the clouds and home in a flash to metropolis. --No more of this slow flying, Clark!”

They went to their respective apartments and were asleep in no time.
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