Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Wanda Detroit FDK: Three - 06/03/04 04:32 PM
Hi FoLCs!
It's the home stretch!! Almost there! Thanks for reading all along, and thanks to those of you who are just joining in the fun now!
--Wanda :p
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Three - 06/03/04 06:28 PM
Cute. Looking forward to 1 and 2
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK: Three - 06/03/04 06:43 PM
Heh. I believe in natural childbirth. And what could be more natural than drugs? goofy Made from poppies and all that wink

I will say, though, that the breathing techniques actually do help. I was quite surprised. smile

Posted By: It'sMeCaryn Re: FDK: Three - 06/03/04 07:17 PM
Wanda, that was cute. Looking foward to "2". dance

Posted By: Crazy_Babe Re: FDK: Three - 06/03/04 07:42 PM
“Lois, it’s brought babies into the world for centuries. I mean, look at the Native Americans. They used to squat in the corn fields--”

Lois crossed her arms and shot her husband a look. “Clark, I am *not* going to squat in a corn field.”
rotflol That was classic I almost burst out laughing and I happen to be using a computer at uni not going to be a pretty sight!

Otherwise this was cute can't wait till Lois delivers and I respect Lois' decision on a medicated birth a woman has a right to choose! That's my feminist comment of the day
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK: Three - 06/03/04 07:42 PM

Great part. thumbsup
Posted By: daneel Re: FDK: Three - 06/03/04 11:29 PM
LOL! smile1
Posted By: TriciaW Re: FDK: Three - 06/04/04 02:02 AM

This is great. smile1

Tricia cool
Posted By: L Re: FDK: Three - 06/04/04 06:43 AM
This is very funny!

I *did* opt for med-free, and my first, I wasn't in a corn field, but I did crouch by my bed (in m y bedroom) and give birth that way (in a deep squat). It was easier to do that then when I gave birth in the hospital, ON the bed.

(I had an emergency at home birth the first time, because I woke up in hard labor).

So Lois might mock me, but that's my story and i'm glad I did it! (all births are natural, if you ask me!)
Posted By: Julia Re: FDK: Three - 06/04/04 01:30 PM
That's exactly how I imagined Lois and Clark in a Lamaze class. grumble

Can't wait to read the next part,

Julia wave
Posted By: ChaaBreh Re: FDK: Three - 06/05/04 05:56 PM
That was quite a hoot!!! I guess those maternal hormones haven't quite kicked in yet...but they will!

Reminds me of Friends, when Rachel is giving birth and she has an unexpected pain(I forget the technical term for it) and Joey has to rush her to the hospital. The doctor tells her that it's nothing serious....Rachel says "no vagina, no opinion!"

I can SO see Lois making those kinds of comments!!

Can't wait!
Posted By: Wanda Detroit Re: FDK: Three - 06/06/04 06:40 PM
Thanks for the feedback, everybody!

Chris, the quote from "Friends" is priceless, and very Lois! rotflol

Julia, "Three" was definitely the shortest of the series, but it is also my favorite one, and I was araid of having it go on for too long. I promise that what length was missing in "Three" will be MORE THAN made up for in "One!" (As I mentioned before, it is shaping up to be an epic!)

Crazy Babe--glad you liked the corn field bit, it is my personal favorite part of "Three" and when the lines came to me I was cracking myself up!! LOL.

Maria--Interesting point about Lois going natural. I sort of thought Lois would go the medicated route because it's the more "modern" way, not particularly because she fears the pain. Although you bring up a really good point. Think I might make up a poll to see what others think she would choose.

L & Maria--Just because Lois has PLANNED a medicated birth, I can't promise she'll actually GET one. That's all I'm going to say for now...

Thanks for reading!!! --Wanda
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