Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Kitty Alternate Universe - 05/15/04 07:09 PM
To post or not to post... confused

Alternate World # 26
by Betty Huang <bhuang60641@yahoo.com> Story #6 of 23
Rated PG and Edited by Nqoire
Submitted August 2003

It was thirty-four years in the future on a spring evening; the flowers were beginning to bloom. The trees were budding and some of the birds had already migrated back to Metropolis as others were finally awakening from their winter hibernation. As darkness began to descend on Metropolis, the temperatures started to drop quickly. It was thirty-five years since Clark had almost killed Senator Bailey. Jimmy was now in his late thirties but still retained his teen-age look. Many were astounded at how Jimmy never seemed to look like he was aging. Jimmy was in the park waiting for Beth to show up. He had been waiting for her for an hour; she had abruptly left to assist with a fire. He was beginning to feel cold as the temperature dropped ten more degrees.
Beth returned in time to see Jimmy shivering in the cold night air. "Need some warming up?" Beth proceeded to use her heat vision to warm Jimmy up and spun out of her Burning Star outfit.
"Thanks. Now where were we?" Jimmy and Beth resumed their loving embrace and long kiss.
Three hours later, Jimmy and Beth were walking home when they came up to a man who claimed to be H. G. Wells. Jimmy didn't believe him at first until he remembered that Lois had told him about H. G. Wells. Apparently he had taken Lois and Clark back in time to save baby Superman.
"Ma'am. May I speak to your husband in private for a few minutes?" So Jimmy and Mr. Wells talked for a few minutes. Jimmy then began to remember something about him time traveling back to the past with H. G. Wells to prevent a criminal from messing with his wife's past. He remembered stopping the criminal from talking to Al-Dour. That criminal was going to pay Al-Dour the gold to make sure that the evil man would turn down Superman's offer and take Beth back to New Krypton.
"Jimmy. I've come back here is because I've seen the way you work. You have a good heart. I want to leave you my time machine. I believe you can do more with it, help more people. Will you come with me? I'll drop myself off at my time and you can go wherever you like from there."
"Why are you giving me the time machine?"
"Jimmy, You may not know this but I've seen you change from that messenger in the newsroom to a person who denied what he wanted and came to the aid of a woman who needed you, Beth. When she came to Earth, she was in an emotional turmoil and you turned it around. In reality Jimmy, you gave her the strength to keep on living the best life that she could possibly have. If it weren't for your support, many lives would not have been saved."
"Like what?"
"Like the time when Clark was unable to help because of a Kryptonite overdose and Beth was reluctant to come to Metropolis."
"Oh, yes. Now I remember that event. It was because of those men in that alley that had tried to rape Beth. Nothing like that had happen to her, but she had blamed the incident on all men. It wasn't like they could hurt her. Nevertheless, she had given up hope."
"But you stalled the men long enough for her to get away and change into her costume and you also convinced her that not all men are like that."
"Yeah, that incident has brought back a lot of bad memories for her. I'm glad those men are in jail now." Being fully convinced, Jimmy went back to his wife and said, "Honey. Why don't you go home first? I'll meet you there in a little while."
"Okay." Beth walked to a private area and changed to Burning Star and then flew home.
Jimmy took H. G. Wells back to his time and, after getting a briefing on how the machine worked, he came back to his time and pushes the time machine into the garage. Jimmy then exited into the house, locking the garage door as he left. Jacqueline soon greeted Jimmy; she was their six years old stepdaughter, who was 3/4 Kryptonian.

That night when Jacqueline had gone to bed; Jimmy sat on the living room couch with Beth. Jimmy could see that Beth was thinking really hard about something.
"What is it Beth? You look a bit depressed."
"I was just thinking about how am I going to tell Jacqueline who her real dad is. I wish I had never agree with Dr. Klein to do that test."
"What test is that?"
"He wanted to see if he could create a Kryptonian that is immune to Kryptonite."
"It worked didn't it?"
"Yes, it did. When Jacqueline was two, they exposed her to both red and green Kryptonite. She was indeed immune to it, but not the Kranite (For similar picture see:
"The Complete book of Rocks and Mineral", by DK publishing, PG 73, "Atacamite"). If it weren't for the money that Dr. Klein had offered to pay for my schooling cost, I wouldn't have done it. Now I have to explain to Jacqueline that she's made in a test tube."
"Isn't it all worth it? Now both you and Clark don't have to worry about Kryptonite killing either of you."
"True. But I wish there was some other way."

The next day, Jimmy went to his job at the Daily Planet as the head reporter. He'd been the head reporter for quite a long time now, since Clark and Lois had retired from the newspaper business and opened their own little shop.

-February 28, 2035 in the evening-

While Beth was still busy at her job as a nurse's assistant, Jimmy was tinkering with the time machine and accidentally turned on the parallel universe switch. Jimmy time traveled 35 years into the past and into another parallel universe. When the machine had stopped and settled down Jimmy had saw Clark running away from the cops. He was crouched against a wall facing away from the sound the siren. He looked at him in shock.
"Where did you come from?"
"Another parallel universe. I think I might have switched it on by accident."
This alternate Clark did not care where he came from; all he wanted was to get out of there. Clark took out his gun and then hopped into the machine.
"Now, get moving." Clark didn’t want to be thrown into the Kryptonite prison cell built just for him. He thought “What a time to loose your ability to fly. But at least I won't be caught by the cops again." As the time machine came to life again, and took the alternate Clark to the present day Metropolis, Jimmy saw a cop coming around the corner. He saw that the man looked like him. Jimmy Olson left a shocked alternate Jimmy Olson.
Jimmy did not hesitate as the alternate Clark stepped out of the machine and walked a few feet ahead to see what things were like. Jimmy quickly hit the switch to head for December 28, 6000 to see if he could get a scientist's help. It turned out that the scientist in question was Lois and Clark's third generation decedents, the one that had married Dr. Klein's grandson. But all Jimmy managed to do was have the honest scientist turn the big machine into one that fits on your wrist. Jimmy then destroyed the old time machine and put the new one on his wrist. He set the date for Metropolis, February 28, 2000. After he had returned to alternate Clark's world and gathered some information about that world's version of Clark, He found out that Clark had gone by the name of Ted Thomas. Jimmy returned to February 28th, 2000 to listens to the news and found out that the Alternate Clark had already terrorized Metropolis' citizens in his universe. But as to the fact of how he is to repair this mistake, he had no idea.

-February 28, 2000, 1PM-

He headed for the Daily Planet and snuck into the conference room without bumping into his younger self. He thought back and remembered that his younger self would be out of the office.
Inside the newsroom, Jimmy saw Clark and Lois had come back from lunch. Jimmy saw Mary hand Clark a piece of paper that he had given to her. He knew his younger self was out to lunch and would be back shortly. He saw Clark coming to the conference room.
"I'm here CK."
"What is this all about and why are you hiding behind that screen."
"I need to talk to you about the recent robbery. I know you didn't do it CK. Even if some the eyewitness had told the cops that you did." Just then, in the background another Jimmy Olson exits the elevator to get back to work and hearing Perry's call, he headed for his office.
"I know. It's just some guy who looks like me. You told me that already in the note. What is it?" Clark sat on the desk looking at Jimmy behind the screen.
"Actually, CK, it is you." Just then in the background, the younger Jimmy had come out of the elevator and headed for Perry's office while Clark was talking to the older Jimmy and had asked Mary where Clark was. Mary had told him that Clark was in the conference room talking to him. Jimmy thought that was a rather weird answer. How can Clark be in the conference room talking to him when he’s out here? Senior Jimmy stood on one side of the screen and younger Jimmy was outside the room, causing Clark to look back and forth between the two of them. The older Jimmy on one side hadn’t changed one bit. He still looked alike expect for a few minute traces of wrinkles.
"CK, are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Yes, I'm fine. What did you want?" But Clark couldn’t believe that both Jimmies were like identical twins. He thought to himself, “who is this other guy?”
"Perry wanted to see you as soon as you can. He wants to talk to you about the recent robberies." Jimmy leaves.
"Tell him I'll be there in a minute."
"Okay. Who are you?" Clark said after the other Jimmy had left and closed the door behind him.
"I am Jimmy, CK. The Jimmy from the future."
"Not another time traveler." If this is the future version of Jimmy Olson, how come he hasn’t aged a bit? Clark made a note to ask the question when the time was appropriate. "So, what do you know about these robberies, Jimmy."
"Well, I was tinkering with the time machine that H. G. Wells had given me and I landed in this alternate world and that Alternate Clark came up to me with a gun and made me turn on the machine. That's how he got here, CK."
"Now, that I know that he isn't a clone. Why is he robbing people?"
"Well, I went back and found out that this Alternate Clark's parents were the notorious Alfred Delamonio and Debbie Delamonio. The modern day Bonnie and Clyde."
"They're dead now."
"Yes, anyhow. They're still alive in the alternate world, or were until that world's version of Clark Kent turned 17. When his powers were fully developed, he killed his parents. Clark from that universe took after his father and started stealing at a young age. He committed his first robbery at age of 14 and murder at age 17. Soon after that he dropped out of High school. And after that, the whole family went into robbing the banks with Junior using his super strength to break open the safe and protecting his parents from the bullets. I tell you CK, his police file was a mile long."
"If he is the alternate me, he should have the same weakness as me."
"No. The Serum7 has made his system immune to it. He’s also had another chemical that allows him to look like whoever he wants to look like. I don't know what to do CK. Mr. Wells trusted me with his time machine and look what I've caused."
"It's okay, Jimmy. We'll figure out something."
Meanwhile at a nearby bank robbery, two cops were observing the crime scene, while another officer was talking to a teller.
"This is weird, it’s like he has super hearing. As soon as I pulled the switch, he stuck his hand through the marble, took hold of the wire and cut off the alarm with his eye." The cops started thinking, there was only one person they knew that had heat vision and that was Superman, but from the lady's description, the man did not look anything like Superman. Or was it another Kryptonian settling on earth like the way Burning Star had?

-Three days later, March 2, 2000, 3PM-

Five robberies and two rape victims also testified that the man was unusually strong. Both rape victims were blond and very attractive. The fifth bank that was robbed had a teller who had used a portable electrical teaser to strike the robber. She told the cops that after the shock, the thief's face had changed shape to that of Superman. So the investigator went to the Daily Planet to ask Clark Kent if he knew where Superman had been for the past six hours. But everyone knew Superman had been busy with a recent fire. Lois and Clark were there to observe the where Ted had thrust his hand through the marble wall.
That evening Clark Kent was patrolling the city to try and catch up with this Ted person. He caught Ted at yet another Bank. Ted walked out of the bank and flew off into the sky, followed by Superman. Ted left after Superman tried to talk to him. Ted didn’t want to talk, all he did was fight or try to get Superman to leave him alone.
After observing the two fights, Jimmy knew there was only one person who knew how to catch Ted, and that was the alternate world's Jimmy Olson. Jimmy walked to an alley to turn on his time machine so no one else could get caught in the time rift. He tapped a few numbers and then hit the previous button.

-March 3, 2000, 3PM-

In the alternate world, Jimmy appeared out of the alleyway within 10 minutes of when he saw the other Jimmy leave with H. G. Well's time machine.
"Hi, there. I'm Jimmy Olson. I bet you were wondering what was with that little thing that happened back there."
"My names Olson, soon to be NIA Agent Olson. Yes, I would, before I start to think that I’ve gone crazy. Oh, and explain why you look so much like me."
"Well, that is because I am you. The you from another universe."
“Alternate Universe like the show Sliders with the scientist Quin?"
"Yup. What you saw back there was Clark taking me hostage to bring him to my universe. I'm afraid he's causing a lot of trouble in my world."
"Clark? You mean that man with the gun aimed at you a few minutes back?"
"His name is Ted Thomas."
"Yes. I knew that when I came back the last time." He scolded himself in his head for becoming so forgetful.
"Anyhow, I've been tracking him down before he caused my boss to suspend me, pending an investigation. But luckily, my dad's ex-boss had gotten me a job with his old agency."
"Sorry to hear about your suspension."
"That's okay. I start working at the NIA in three weeks. This was only a temporary job to tie me over until then."
"I was wondering if you would come with me and help me capture Ted Thomas."
"Sure, but I need a few things first." He paused for a few seconds to contemplate if this alternate world's version of him was any good at computers like he is. "Are you any good with computers?"
“Computers! I'm a natural with them. There’s not one machine I can't learn or figure out how to operate."
"Good. You'll need to learn fast in case I need your help."
The following day in the alternate world, Jimmy was teaching Jimmy how each gadget worked in case they needed them. By noon, they were packing up everything in their backpacks and were set to go. But Jimmy senior was particularly curious.
“So how are your parents?”
"Well, great. Mom was thrilled when Dad finally explained to her why he'd been absent all those years and when he told her he wouldn't be gone for long periods now. Fortunately, instead of being gone ten years at a time, now he comes home every three months, plus holidays."
Before Jimmy1 turned on his time machine, Jimmy2 asked, "So, how’s your dad?"
"Oh, the last I saw him was at my college graduation. I'm 54."
"Wow! That’s a long time to be away." Jimmy1 switched on the devices as they talked.
"Yeah, tell me about it." Both Jimmys arrived in the current Metropolis, March 4, 2000 at 7 PM.
Jimmy2 changed the subject after seeing how his alternate self was getting depressed at the thought of an absent father, "You sure don't look older than 16."
"I know, that's what everyone tells me." Jimmy2 followed Jimmy1 to Clark and Lois' home.
Jimmy and Lois talked while Clark was out doing a rescue that Ted had caused. But, within seconds, Superman came flying in.
"I lost him, Lois." Just then Clark in his suit saw two Jimmys on the couch. "Hi."
"Hello. I'm Jimmy Olson, the one from Ted's world." Jimmy2 stood up to greet Clark before sitting back down.
"I'm Sup-" Clark started to say but Jimmy1 interrupted.
"I told him already CK."
"Oh." Clark spun out of his suit and into his regular clothing's. "And who's Ted?"
"The other man who looks like you, CK."
"Yes, but he'll be back to his normal self soon, the drug he used to help him change his face shape lasts only for a short time." Jimmy2 informed them.
"So, how are we going to catch this alternate world's version of me?"
"Well, for one thing is he hangs out at bars a lot, oh, do you have any female blonde cops? Ted likes blondes, especially if they're as good looking as your wife."
"Lois. I know what you're thinking. No, you can't do it. It's too dangerous."
"Why? I'll just dye my hair blond. I'll use one of those temporary hair dyes. So, how do you propose getting him to your dimension after I subdue him?"
"With this." Jimmy2 took out a small device that was no bigger then a dime. “Ted already has the other end of the device installed in back of his neck. If you can put this in, it will render him helpless like a human. He won't be able to use any of his superpowers."
"So where exactly is this other end of device located at?"
"May I Clark?" Jimmy2 asked. Clark allowed him to demonstrate it on him. Jimmy2 pointed out the exact spot.
At 6PM, in Alfred's' bar, Ted was drinking his sixth cup of vodka. He finally started to notice the blond female dressed in leather, which revealed her slim waistline and her legs. Ted started to move towards the left edge of the counter to take a better look while sitting in mid air without a stool. Lois showed a coy interest in him. Ted came closer and saw that she resembled Nurse Lane from his universe. She had been his nurse at one time. But he knew that he was in an alternate universe and that things might be different here.
"Hi, there. I'm Ted Thomas."
"So, what’s a good looking man like yourself doing at this bar all alone?"
"I'm a regular here. I come to this bar every week." Then Ted thought, ’At least in my universe, that is.’ He then asked, "What are you here for?"
"Oh, just picking up some men. How about you?"
"Sure, where do you want to go?"
"Just outside, where we can have some privacy." Once outside of the bar, "Have you ever kissed a lady before?"
"No." Ted lied, but he didn’t want to talk about the dark part of his alter ego.
Lois, "A man like you should have at least a dozen women."
But then they proceeded to get closer to a private alley where Ted made his move, coming up really close to Lois. Lois grabbed the small coin from out of her pocket and then put both arms around Ted’s neck. Using both hands, she snapped it in place and turned the dial up with the other hand.
"Hey! What did you do that for?" Ted managed to say before passing out.
That evening outside of the alleyway the Alternate World's Jimmy had the Alternate World’s Clark Kent cuffed in a special blue cuffs. Jimmy2 turned the dial down allowing Ted the ability to stand and walk. Clark soon noticed that Ted's right shoulder was quivering, slightly, "Hold on a second Jimmy." He searched Ted's pants pockets to find a bottle in the Alternate Clark Kent's pocket. Clark looked at the pills and recognized it as the serum7.
"Hey, that's mine." Ted told Clark as Jimmy2 was putting him in cuffs.
"Thank you Jimmy. Thanks for helping me catch Ted. We've been trying to catch him for years. He sold the M7 drugs which resulted in several deaths." The Alternate Clark, Ted tried to use his super strength to get free, but with the device on the back of his neck, he was unable to.
"Do you know what this thing is?" Clark asked the alternate Jimmy Olson.
"Yes, back in our universe we call it the M7 poison. Why?"
"It's a mind altering drug. To humans it may be poison but to a Kryptonian it can change a person's personality. It can also cause nerve damages."
"Kryptonian?" The Alternate World's Jimmy asked Clark in confusion. But all Clark did was walk up closer to Ted and noticed Ted's obvious slight trembling shoulder getting a little bit worse as time passes. All Ted wanted was to get his hands free so he could get his pills back; he was starting to feel the drug slowly wearing off.
"How long have you been taking this?" Clark asked Ted.
Ted remained silent and tried to get the cuffs off without success as the Alternate Worlds' Jimmy then answered, "Since he was ten. Why?" Ted tried to get out of his binds, but they were made out of a new kind of alloy that even he couldn’t break if he had his super strength.
"Jimmy, The older Jimmy. Take us to Star Labs to see Dr. Klein."
But Ted refused to go. He resisted their attempts to get him into the car. Jimmy2 then proceeded to turn the little device around Ted's neck to a higher level, causing Ted to collapse to a state where he was conscious but could not use his muscles.
On the way to Star Labs, Clark explained to Jimmy2 what a Kryptonian was and about the serum7.
At Star Labs, Dr. Klein was shocked to see yet another Clark in the room. Clark explained that this Clark was from an alternate universe and that his name was Ted and had been taking serum7 since he was ten."Do you have anymore of the antidote?"
"Sure, but I need to conduct an examination first."
"Let me turn down the P3, first." So the Alternate Jimmy turned the machine down to level five.
Ted immediately burst out the door. But Clark came back with him.
"Let go! Who asked you to meddle?"
Clark set his look-alike right down on a chair for Dr. Klein. But then right in the middle of the examination, Clark could see that Ted was starting to lose it, as the serum7 was starting to reach a point where he knew that Ted should be getting the urge to take more. Surely enough, Ted knew his time was running out and tried hard to get his hands free. He even went as far as to bargain with them to give him just one pill.
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