Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: daneel FDK-City By the Sea 10/? - 05/11/04 05:58 AM
Should she tell him before or after?....

Jose smile1
Posted By: Sira Re: FDK-City By the Sea 10/? - 05/11/04 07:16 AM
Well, I don't know where to start... I had so many thoughts while reading the story that should have taken notes. But I'll try to get all the bits and pieces together:

Overall, although thought impossible this part makes the tension rise another notch. Lois and Charlie are thinking a lot about their situation, but they aren't sharing these thoughts. That's not that bad, except for Lois. She's made quite a number of decisions which let me think that their happiness will end in a big bang. Or not.

Obviously, I'm extremely confused by where this might lead. This confusion makes me extremely impatient to see what you've got in store for us next. So excuse my ramblings from above and give us the next part... smile1

~Sira - confused and impatient hyper
Posted By: Anonymous Re: FDK-City By the Sea 10/? - 05/11/04 08:23 AM
I know I said this on Nfic board but I want to reiterate she can't tell his folks yet, she can't tell him yet. He'll go through this whole soul searching thing if she does and his parents will want to take up his time.

He needs to have an awesome experience to miss if he decides to be mad at her for not telling him. "Super Stud" by ML described this wonderfully, that after making love with her, he couldn't go another day without her, even though he was really mad at her.

Maybe re-introducing him to his folks would make a good sum up, but recall on the show, he didn't even remember them until Lois gave him that mental push.

I like where this story is going SQD, please post soon. Love this I swear! X2!!!

Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK-City By the Sea 10/? - 05/11/04 08:45 AM
Great part. Everyone's happy, everything's moving and grooving...and then there's the mention of Clark's parents keeping in touch with Lois...I can't help but think that this is all going to blow up when Lois finally tells everyone the truth. She can't hide this forever. And for both Clark and his parents to find out that Lois has known all this time who he really is and has kept it from him...I smell some hurt feelings...

Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK-City By the Sea 10/? - 05/11/04 01:06 PM

Great part. smile1
Posted By: Tank Re: FDK-City By the Sea 10/? - 05/11/04 05:29 PM
More of the happy waffy stuff, well done, and it was good to bring a little guilt into this for Lois.

I have to think that the longer she waits, the worse it will be. Thought the 'there are things about me you don't know' parallel was cute.

I am a little puzzled about one thing. Granted, Mystic is not the center of the civilized world. Also, Clark/Charlie doesn't make a habit of keeping up with world events, still he's not a hermit. I have to think that over the couple of years that he's been 'gone' he would have heard about Superman. Especially in his sailing days where he was exposed to a lot of different places.

Superman was a pretty big deal for a time. I find it hard to believe that no one talked about him, or anything, particularly since he did save the world. Is Charlie that stupid? Wouldn't the powers make him just a wee bit curious about him and this former superhero idol of millions who had all these powers.

Tank (who has to wonder about Lois' true feelings for Clark if she is so taken with this man who is 'so different' from Clark)
Posted By: It'sMeCaryn Re: FDK-City By the Sea 10/? - 05/11/04 07:30 PM
This was a wonderful part.

The internal fight Lois was having whether or not to tell Charlie he's Clark was good to see. I wonder, will he remember before she tells him or will she finally tell him? eek I agree with Jen that this might just blow up in Lois's face.

Can't wait to see where this heads next. hyper

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