Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Melisma Hack 1/? - 05/11/03 04:58 AM
This is a new little story I'm starting to work on, so I'm posting the first little bit to whet your appetite so to speak...

Melisma (ducking shyly back under her Rock)

by Melisma

Email: melisma@uniserve.com
Website: http://www.intergate.ca/personal/melisma/index.html

Disclaimer: Not mine.
Notes: This is sort of an experiment, and Clark may be a little out of character. I don't know, and if so, I apologize. Other notes may follow smile

Ralph James thundered into the Daily Planet bullpen, stomped into Perry White's office, and slammed the door behind him. Shocked, the entire bullpen staff dropped their work and watched through the thick plate glass window separating the editor's office and their own workspace. Most couldn't hear his words, but they *could* see his scarlet face and his agitated pacing, as well as Perry's startled expression as Ralph waved a newspaper in his face.

One set of Super ears, however, could hear *exactly* what Ralph was yelling. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD ALLOW THIS TO BE PRINTED, SIR!!!" he bellowed. "HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO BE ABLE TO SHOW MY FACE IN THIS NEWSROOM, LET ALONE THIS *CITY*, AFTER TODAY????"

Perry managed to mostly conceal his wince, but Clark caught it. And suddenly he didn't feel so smart. It had seemed like *such* a good idea at the time, though...

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