Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: chickberry FDK: Beneath the Surface (8/14) - 11/27/13 11:47 PM
Well if you're not cooking a feast tomorrow or out shopping on Black Friday, feel free to leave some FDK here. Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Posted By: Annie B. Re: FDK: Beneath the Surface (8/14) - 11/28/13 08:16 AM
I loved the end of the chapter--Linda King to play Lois Lane? LOL! And Lois's reaction was spot-on.
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Beneath the Surface (8/14) - 11/30/13 01:46 PM
This part had me scratching my head in some places, but still a very interesting read.

“I didn’t get to them yet. It took me all day to just get through Hager’s file….Ugh,” Lois groaned and ran her hands through her hair in frustration. “This story’s making me wish I had paid more attention to my father when he would go off on some medical breakthrough he was discovering. Maybe then reading these files would make more sense.”
Ah, the tedium of reading through reams of research material. Lois probably wishes she had powers like Superman's at times like this....

“Lois,” Clark said, reaching out and picking up her left hand. “You’re my partner and my best friend. You keep me on my toes and lift me up when I’m feeling down. You inspire me to help make this city a better place. You’ve done more for me than I can find the words to say. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world having you as my partner.” He brought her hand in his up and kissed the top of her hand.

“Clark,” she murmured, tears sparkling in her eyes. “No one has ever said anything like that to me before. Thank you.”
Oooh! Waffykins! huh

I look forward to the next part!
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK: Beneath the Surface (8/14) - 11/30/13 05:20 PM
I have to say the pace at which Lois, Linda and Clark took down Carpenter was more realistic here than in the TV show.

I am surprised that even Jimmy interrupting got Clark to not figure out how Lois was at a Superman rescue that he knows nothing about. Also, why hasn't Clark read that edition of the "Daily Planet" and seen Lois's report on the Superman rescue he was not at?
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: Beneath the Surface (8/14) - 11/30/13 06:40 PM
Whew! I'm glad they dealt with Carpenter in short order. Let's clear him out of the way and get on to the medical mystery.
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