Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: chickberry Beneath the Surface (6/14) - 10/25/13 09:32 AM
CH 6

After dropping his spare set of dark clothing off in Lois’s car, Clark returned to his kitchen and the box of samples from Dr. Goldberg’s office, which was sitting on his counter waiting to be put in the refrigerator. As he picked it up, he thought about what this box contained and about the kids, on whom the doctor had been experimenting. Judging by his heart rate, the kid who had visited Goldberg’s office tonight was more worried about his knee than he was letting on to his friend. Unfortunately, at this point in the investigation, there was nothing to go on. Clark didn’t know who the kid was or for what he was being treated. The kid’s voice had sounded a bit familiar, but with all the people Clark usually talked to, as both Superman and Clark, he couldn’t place it.

Clark opened the fridge and pushed aside a six-pack of cream soda that he regularly stocked for Lois to clear a space for the box. As he set it on the shelf he sighed, hoping this box contained the answers they needed.

Shutting his fridge door, Clark pulled out the business card that Linda King had given him earlier that evening. Clark glanced at his watch and saw that it was just past eleven. It was too late to call her work number, but she had handwritten her mobile number on the back. Hoping that it wasn’t too late and that she wouldn’t get the wrong idea by him calling past eleven, Clark picked up his phone and dialed her number. He was just about the hang up when Linda answered.


Clark was relieved to hear that she was wide-awake. “Hi, Linda, it’s Clark. I hope I’m not calling too late?”

“Um, no. I was just catching up on some reading. Are you calling to take me up on my offer of wine?” she flirted.

“I’ll have to pass on that tonight. Actually, I was calling to see if you could help me set up an interview with your boss tomorrow morning. I don’t know if you heard, but my dinner with Lois at the Press Club just got worse when I returned.”

“Sorry. I hadn’t heard that, but, knowing Lois, I can’t say I’m surprised,” Linda said, taking an easy shot at Lois’s well-established temper.

“Oh, well. Let’s just say Lois made a scene and stormed out leaving me with the bill. Between the financial struggles at the Planet, and my inability to have a working relationship with my partner, I need to find something new. And since you offered…”

She jumped at his words. “It shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Thanks, Linda.”

“No, thank you, Clark. You’re really going to like working at the Star,” she said earnestly.

Clark cringed. He didn’t like playing her to get this story, but he knew it was necessary. “I look forward to getting the tour tomorrow then. I’ll give you a call in the morning.”

“I’ll be in early to talk to Preston. Call me there. And, Clark, are you sure I can’t tempt you with a glass tonight?”

“I’m sorry, maybe tomorrow. It’s just that it’s late and I’ve had a rough day. I think I’m just going to head to bed.” It wasn’t a total lie. Handling Lois’s ups and downs these last few days was wearing on him.

“Well, then, goodnight, Clark.”

“Goodnight, Linda.” Clark hung up the phone satisfied with how the conversation had gone. He felt a little guilty about using Linda’s flirtations with him as a way to get in with the Star, but not enough to stop him from using it to his advantage. The Planet needed this story, whatever it turned out to be.

He briefly thought about getting in a Superman patrol. He stretched his hearing out as far as it would go, hoping to find it quiet. A cat down a chimney and a flat tire were the first incidents he heard and decided to ignore them, but then a “Help, Superman!” rang out. Clark zipped into his bedroom to grab the suit he had removed earlier and spun into it. A moment later, he took off from his balcony headed towards the scream.


At six-thirty, Clark’s alarm blared. He had been out most of the night, kept busy after hearing the first call for help, but wasn’t going to let so few hours of sleep slow him down. He had too many things on his plate to accomplish.

After a brief shower and shave, he took his time eating a few sunny-side-up eggs and an English muffin. Then back in his bedroom, Clark grabbed a gym bag from his closet. From his fridge, he carefully removed the sample box and placed it in the bag. He then took the false termination paper Perry had drawn up, folded it in half, and stuffed it in his inner jacket pocket.

Not wanting to risk damaging the samples, Clark had called a taxi for his ride to STAR Labs, which was now waiting outside for him. Fifteen minutes later, he arrived at STAR Labs. While Clark waited in the lobby to be escorted back to Dr. Zeigler’s office, he gave Linda a call.

“Hi, Linda.”

“Hi, Clark,” she said. “You’re timing’s perfect, I just finished talking with Preston. He agreed to an interview at nine. Do you think you can make it?”

He glanced at his watch. It was a quarter to eight. “Shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Great. Do you mind coming a little early? We could grab a coffee and I could show you around,” Linda suggested.

“I could be there in forty-five minutes. Is that early enough?”

“That sounds great. I’ll meet you out front. There’s a small coffee stand out there.”

“Okay, see you then. Bye.”

“Bye,” he heard Linda say before hanging up.

A few minutes later, Dr. Zeigler arrived and accompanied him back to his office.

Clark removed the box from his gym bag and told the doctor about the samples. Clark had meticulously labeled them with everything Dr. Goldberg had written, plus its coordinates in the fridge.

Dr. Zeigler looked at the samples, removing a few to study the label Clark had made for each. “Mr. Kent, I’m rather impressed by your thoroughness.”

“I just wrote down everything I thought was important,” replied Clark modestly.

“Still, it will help very much in writing my report. I’ll make sure all this data is included with the findings of each sample.”

“Did I gather enough of each specimen to analyze?” Clark asked. “I didn’t want to take too much and tip the doctor off.”

“For the average medical lab, it probably wouldn’t be enough, but we have some of the best equipment available here. I’m sure I’ll have enough to analyze each sample.”

“Great. Any ideas on a time frame?” Clark asked.

“I will probably get some preliminary results back in a few days, possibly less. Growing cultures could take up to a week and DNA profiling, if needed, possibly longer. It just really depends on what I find once I get them under a microscope.”

“Well, please keep me posted. I’m going to be out of the office on assignment for the next few days. If you do find anything you can let my partner, Lois Lane, know,” Clark said, handing the scientist one of Lois’s business cards. “Here’s her number. She’s eagerly awaiting your call.”

Dr. Zeigler placed the card in his front lab coat pocket. “I’ll get on this right away, Mr. Kent. I’m very intrigued by what I may find and that makes my job more exciting.”

“Thank you, Doctor,” said Clark as he took the doctor’s hand and gave it a quick shake. “One more thing, can I leave this gym bag here. I don’t want to carry an empty bag around all day.”

“That’s not a problem, Mr. Kent. I’ll just keep it in my office. You can come by later, or in a few days, and pick it up.”

“Thank you, again.”


Once outside the building, Clark quickly jogged around the corner to find an area from where he could take off. The only thing in sight was a gated area that stored STAR Labs’ several large dumpsters. Hiding behind the dumpsters, he quickly spun into Superman and took off towards the Metropolis Star’s building. He just hoped he hadn’t been in the dumpster area long enough for the smell to permeate his clothes or hair, and that if anything had, his flight would cause it to dissipate.

Clark landed a block away from the building. After a change, and quick sniff of his clothes to assure himself there was no lingering garbage smell, he headed off to the coffee cart. He had just rounded the corner when he spotted Linda exiting the building. He took to a jog to catch up to her.

“Hey, Linda,” Clark said cheerfully.

“Clark. Glad you can make it. What would you like? On me.”

“Grande coffee, three creams, four sugars,” Clark told the barista.

Linda looked him over from head to toe before raising an eyebrow. “You drink that every morning?” she asked.

“Well, not every morning. Most of the time, I’m running late and just grab the bullpen brew.”

“I see,” Linda said as the barista handed both of them their drinks. They both thanked the barista before heading towards the building. “You ready for the tour?” she asked with a big smile on her face.

A little jolt of guilt went through his mind at the smile she flashed him. She clearly was excited and looking forward to working with him, but for Clark, it was just another assignment, and he had to play along. “It’s what I’m here for.”

Clark followed Linda inside. As she gave him the full lay of the land, all Clark could think about was how this was not the Daily Planet. Everyone was cut off from each other and arranged in blocks of gray cubes with six-foot walls , killing what he usually thought of as the pulse of the newsroom. Copy boys ran around with carts, delivering research to each reporter at each stop and yet rarely speaking. There was no open collaboration or brainstorming; everyone was just going about their own business and writing their own stories.

He though back to Lois who was probably waist deep in research with Jimmy hanging by her side. He could only hope that his tenure here would be short… very short.

After the tour, Linda led him to Mr. Carpenter’s office. The publisher called them in and asked that they both take a seat.

“So, Mr. Kent, Linda tells me that things aren’t working out so well for you at the Daily Planet.”

“Yes, sir,” Clark began his preplanned speech. “As I’m sure you know that the paper is struggling right now with sales. They’ve been cutting back expense accounts, paid sick leave, things like that. There’s even been a rumor of possible layoffs. I’ve been there less than a year; I could easily be on the list. I need to look out for myself and my future.”

Mr. Carpenter eyed Clark closely and smiled. “And what about your partner? What does Ms. Lane think about you leaving?”

“Lois? Well, she and I haven’t been getting along all that well lately. She seems to be obsessed over some feud between her and Linda and it’s becoming very difficult to work with her because of it. She’s constantly anxious, on the verge of some embarrassing outburst, continually criticizing my work. Even last night, after I walked Linda to the train station, she blew up at me and stormed off.”

Mr. Carpenter nodded his head in agreement. “I believe I heard something about that.”

“So, you see why I think it’s a good time to just make a clean break and start over. I’ve enjoyed my time immensely at the Planet, but right now it’s time for something new.”

Mr. Carpenter rose out of his seat and extended a hand to Clark. “Well, Mr. Kent. We work hard here at the Star. I don’t pull any punches. I expect my reporters to get the best stories in the city.”

Clark extended his hand to meet Carpenter’s and gave it a quick shake. “I won’t let you down.”

“That’s what I want to hear. Now, Linda, I have you scheduled to cover the Orani Jewels presentation for this afternoon. After Kent signs all his paperwork and gets his press badge, he’ll go with you to cover that.”

“Sounds good, Mr. Carpenter.”

“Very well.” Carpenter picked up some papers on his desk and sat back down in his chair.

Clark took that as his queue to exit as he saw Linda stand up head for the door. Linda had shown him where the HR department was earlier, so he headed there after exiting Carpenter’s office. He took his time filling out the paperwork to make his employment official. As he did so, he pondered over how different his interview with Carpenter had just been in comparison to his with Mr. White. True, he was now a known reporter, not just a hack from Nowheresville, and this job really meant nothing to him, but there wasn’t anything about that man, which would make him want this job.

The only thing Clark could read from the interview was that Carpenter seemed to be pleased at what Clark had been telling him. He enjoyed hearing about the Daily Planet’s current struggles. Even on his worst day, he couldn’t picture Perry taking pleasure in another paper’s struggle. Not that the Chief wasn’t above criticizing them, calling them names, demeaning their product and all that, but he wouldn’t want to see a paper like the Metropolis Star shut down and the hard working people there unemployed. Nevertheless, the vibe Clark got off Preston Carpenter was nowhere near Perry’s. The publisher was a cold ruthless businessman at his core.


Lois looked up from her desk at the clock on far wall. It was almost noon, and she was starving. She had arrived to work early, after a fitful night of sleep. She kept dreaming of their stakeout from the night before; only it had been Linda, who Clark had been with and not her. It was Linda, who he had eaten cold pasta with and teased him about climbing over her back seat. Linda, who watched him undress in her rearview mirror, hoping for a quick glimpse of the magnificent chest he hid under his suits. Linda, to whom he had opened up and divulged his biggest secret, while he was changing in the back of the Jeep. When she finally couldn’t take seeing Linda in her dreams anymore, Lois had gotten dressed, grabbed her scanner out of her bag, and headed to work.

The doughnuts were still fresh when she had arrived, so she quickly snuck two chocolate covered ones with sprinkles to have with her morning coffee. One for her and one for Clark, she rationalized. After that, she spent all morning printing everything stored in her page scanner, and then taping and binding the correct pages together, all the while, her mind kept drifting back to her dream.

Linda wasn’t the only thing that kept reappearing in her dream; a reconstructed scene of Clark changing in the back of her Jeep had been placed on replay in her mind. She had taken a few glances in the mirror last night, but hadn’t caught much; a little shoulder, a little leg. She guessed her mind had merged last night with seeing him in a towel and now wouldn’t let it go. She was thankful, at least for her own sanity that her mind hadn’t thrown in Linda seeing him in a towel. She could only imagine Linda pouncing on Clark and having her way with him before he had a chance to react. That thought alone made her want to pop a few antacids and return to taping and binding.

With Clark out, Perry had assigned her to cover solo the gifting of the Orani Jewels to the U.S. by the ambassador of Omir at one o’clock. Realizing she didn’t have a lot of time, nor in the mood to go out alone, she grabbed a cheddar on wheat sandwich from the vending machine along with a diet soda and returned to her desk. Jimmy had dropped off the list of possible addresses for Dr. Goldberg’s three patients earlier that morning. She had placed a round of calls, striking out on most of the numbers, but was waiting on the last two numbers to call her back. She picked at her sandwich for twenty minutes, having found it dry and unappetizing, and disposed of it before downing her diet soda and heading for the elevator.


Lois returned to the Daily Planet shortly before three. What was supposed to be a short exchange between two countries turned into a foiled jewel heist, when security found three gunmen trapped in a closet by a fallen statue. Fortunately, nobody had been hurt during the event and for the reporters present a much more exciting story . The worst part had been sitting through two hours of watching Linda fawn all over Clark. Lois began the press conference calmly keeping up the charade, but after overhearing Clark not deflect Linda comment about only having eyes for him, Lois became upset and once again argumentative. After security discovered the gunmen, Linda spent the whole time clinging to Clark while the police and FBI dealt with the situation. It was disgusting.

While Lois was out, Gage Hager had returned her phone call. He was willing to meet with her the following day as long as his name was left out of any print. Jimmy had taken the call and set up the meeting. That still left Sergio Cabellero Ramirez to return her last call. Dillon Ladner had already declined to comment.

Knowing she had a meeting with Hager the next day, she dove into reviewing his file. She hoped to memorize all she could and find something that would get him to open up. She figured that he would be protective of the doctor. Unfortunately, for her, the file was slow reading . It was full of technical notes and medical terms all written in the doctor’s scribble. She wondered how doctors ever read their own writing.

Lois’s attention on the file was interrupted when her phone rang. “Lois Lane,” she answered.

“Lois. How are you?” Lex greeted her cheerfully.

“Lex. I’m doing well, busy as usual.”

“Well, I’m hoping you’re free tonight.”

“Tonight? Um…I had something, but I can postpone it until tomorrow if it’s important.”

“Splendid. There’s a charity event tonight for the Luthor Children’s Hospital. I can send a car. Does seven work for you?”

“Seven sounds fine, Lex. I’ll see you there.” Lois hung up the phone and checked her watch. It was already a quarter to four. She knew she needed to leave no later than five to give herself enough time to find something appropriate to wear for Lex’s fundraiser. She had planned spending the evening on research, but a few hours socializing with Metropolis’s upper class sounded like a good way to forget about everything that had happened this week with Linda and Clark.

Lois couldn’t believe how much she had become accustomed to working with Clark and how much she enjoyed being his partner. A year ago, she had no partner nor did she ever want one. Occasionally, Perry had tried pairing her up with someone else. It never lasted, and Lois always took great pride in producing a front page story alone shortly after the partnership was dissolved, affirming her assertion to Perry that she worked best solo. Now, after being paired with Clark, she didn’t have that same notion. She missed her partner. The fact that he was undercover with a woman whom Lois had previous misfortunes, and that same woman had managed to scoop her this week made it worse. A night off to forget about both of them would do her good.

Refocusing on the file open on her desk, she took her notepad out and began jotting dates of Hager’s visits with the doctor. From what she could understand, Dr. Goldberg’s initial diagnosis was a displaced Tibial shaft fracture and a stable Fibula fracture. The Tibia required surgery, which was done the day following his injury, to insert a rod in his leg that would pull the bone back together. The Fibula fracture was not severe and was left to heal on its own. Following the surgery, Hager saw Dr. Goldberg twice a week for the first three weeks, and then once a week for the next three. Not being a doctor, but having broken her ankle a few years ago, she knew this was an odd time table for a break. Bones take time to heal and even at this point, several months after the accident, it was still possible that he should have been in a cast.
“Jimmy,” Lois called as she saw him hustling across the room. He altered his course and headed her way.
“What’s up Lois?” he asked.
“Do you think you could get me the average time tables for these breaks?” she handed him the short list of injuries listed in the files she had copied.
Jimmy took the list and quickly scanned it. “Sure thing.”
She thanked him before resuming her research.
Lois looked up at the clock; almost an hour had gone by and it was nearing time for her to leave. Deciphering the rest of the chart would have to wait. She placed it with her notepad in her briefcase, along with the copy of the notebook written in German, in case she met up with Clark later. She then slung her bag over her shoulder and grabbed her jacket before heading for the elevator.


As promised, the limo from Lex arrived promptly at seven outside her apartment. The driver was not one that Lois recognized, but then again, she had no idea how many drivers Lex employed. The vehicle pulled in front of Lex Towers, where Lex joined her.

“Lois,” Lex said, taking her hand and guiding her out of the limo before tucking it under his arm. “You look lovely, my dear. I hope the short notice wasn’t an inconvenience.”

Lois was dressed in a medium length burgundy dress with spaghetti straps and a low cut back that hugged her hips and accentuated her other attributes nicely. She had styled her hair up in a loose sweep with a single lock left free and curled in the front. It had taken her up to the last moment before the limo arrived to get her hair and makeup finished after spending an hour trying on dresses, but Lex didn’t need to know that.

“It was no trouble, Lex. I’m looking forward to tonight.”

“Shall we?” Lex led the way to the ballroom, stopping at the coat check briefly for Lois to deposit her evening jacket.

The first hour flew by for Lois. Lex, as the host, spent most of that time greeting people and introducing them to Lois. Having been to a few of these events as a reporter, she knew several of the attendees, but didn’t recognize any of the doctors or administrators from Luthor Children’s Hospital.

Her favorite part of the evening so far, was when Lex made time to dance with her. She had danced with Lex before and knew he was an excellent dancer, very skillfully trained and very precise with his movements. It was refreshing to just enjoy the evening and not think about work.

Lex was leading her in a waltz when she spun and saw a face she’d rather have not seen, taking a drink from a passing waiter.

“Is that Preston Carpenter?” asked Lois, knowing full well that it was, and that the sight of him had now spoiled her relaxing evening as her mind went straight to what Clark might be doing this evening and with whom he was spending it.

Lex turned to look at the man in question, briefly stopping their dance. “Yes. Why? Is there a problem?”

“No,” Lois said quietly as she shook her head. She tried returning her attention back to her dance partner, but failed when she couldn’t meet Lex’s eyes.

Lex began the dance again, but quickly stopped when Lois didn’t follow. “Lois, what is it? Do you want me to ask him to leave?”

“No, it’s nothing. It’s just that…” She exhaled, wishing it didn’t bother her as much as it did. “He’s Clark’s new boss.”

“Your partner left the Planet?” asked Lex.

Lois ignored the jovialness she had heard with his question. “Yeah,” she replied solemnly.

“Was there a reason? Did you two have a fight?”

“Apparently, he just couldn’t deal with me being his partner anymore.”

“Well, Lois,” he said, unable to hide a Cheshire grin. “You never needed a partner. You’ll be better off without him.”

Lois smiled back at him. “Thanks, Lex,” she said, not wanting to discuss Clark anymore, and half-wishing she hadn’t brought up the subject. She didn’t agree with Lex completely. It was true that she might not have needed a partner, but that didn’t mean she was ‘better off’ without him. One day away and she already missed him.

“Now, my dear, I’m afraid I have to cut our dance short. It’s time for me to address my guests.” Lex backed away from Lois, guiding her hand to his lips and giving it a kiss. “I’m having a lovely time tonight. Why don’t you enjoy some hors d'oeuvres in the meantime? We can resume our dance afterwards.” He turned and headed for the front of the stage.

While the Metropolis elite made their way to the front for the donation collection, Lois moved to the rear where the bar was located. Lex had yet to start his speech, so she took the time to have her glass of cabernet topped off and fill a small plate of hors d'oeuvres. As she turned around, she was shocked by who had come up behind her, causing her to inhale a sip of her wine.

“Hello, Lois. I didn’t expect to find you here. What’d you do, sneak in?”

“Linda,” Lois choked, still trying to recover from wine trying to make its way down her windpipe. “What a surprise. I just can’t seem to get away from you, can I? Here with Carpenter again?”

“No, Lois. He has his own date. I’m actually here for the paper. The society journalist called in sick. But I do believe you know my date.”

Lois rolled her eyes before responding. “Let me guess, Clark?”

“Well, now that he’s my partner, I figured we needed to get to know each other better.”

“How nice,” hissed Lois.

“I’m a little surprised at what a wonderful dancer he is.”

“Well, he had a good teacher,” conceded Lois, hoping to fill her in.

“I know, a Nigerian princess,” said Linda before Lois got the chance to continue.

“He told you about that?” said Lois in disbelief. ’What else did he tell her already?’

“Mmmm. He really is quite something; world traveler, great reporter, and buns of steel.”

Lois practically choked on her wine again. “How would you know?”

“Lois, it doesn’t take Superman’s x-ray vision to see what Clark’s hiding. He sure does fill out his tux nicely.”

“So, where is he?” As she had earlier in the day, Lois expected Linda to be dribbling off Clark’s arm.

“Restroom, I guess. We were about to head out to the dance floor again when he excused himself and headed in that direction. I hope he’s okay.”

Lois grinned. That was her Clark, always disappearing. “I’m sure he’s fine.”

“There you are,” said Linda, surprised when Clark appeared out of nowhere.

“Sorry about that, Linda,” Clark apologized.

“Are you feeling better?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” he said reassuringly. He then turned his attention to the woman standing across from him. “Lois, what are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same, but Linda’s already filled me in on everything. The society page? Now, that’s a step in the right direction. Good thing you quit the Planet for that job,” Lois said mockingly.

“Linda’s the one covering it. I’m just here with her.”

“On a date?” asked Lois.

Clark pursed his lips, preparing to respond when Linda cut him off. “Lois, you still haven’t told us why you’re here?”

“Oh, Lex asked me,” she answered indifferently.

“You’re here with Luthor?” Clark said, trying to suppress his jealousy, but failing.

“Yes, we’ve attended several charity events together. He was even so kind to send a limo to pick me up.”

“I’m a little surprised,” Linda interjected. “I didn’t think you had friends so high up.”

“Well, I do. In fact, Lex and I go out regularly. Tell her, Clark.” Lois waved her hand at Clark for his acknowledgement.

“Umm…I guess. I didn’t realize,” he mumbled more to himself than the two women. “I saw you dancing with him earlier, but I thought you might be here for the Planet and were just getting an interview.” He had also overheard her agreeing with Luthor that she was better off without him right before he exited for Superman duty.

“No, that’s what Cat’s for. I’m just enjoying a night off with the host.”

“I’d love to stay and chat about you and Lex, but I have to get back to work and go mingle with the crowd. You coming, Clark?”

“Yes, Clark, go mingle,” scoffed Lois as he walked past her, following Linda.

Clark wanted to tell Lois that he had only come here tonight to see if another ‘accident’ was going to happen. So far, there had been nothing, but he would stay until the party was over just to make sure. The Superman call he had heard a little while ago was for a grease fire that started in someone’s kitchen when their pot of fried chicken had boiled over catching the stove and the floor on fire. From there it spread rapidly to the rest of the apartment. He didn’t have time to give Linda much of an excuse and just mumbled something that sounded like “restrooms” before heading for the exit. Fortunately, the building was only a few blocks away and the fire was still contained to the one apartment by the time he had arrived.

Lois attempted to finish her plate of food by picking at it while she waited for Lex. Seeing Linda with Clark had spoiled the night for her. ‘Was it too much to ask for one night off?’ She had gone years without seeing Linda, and now, she seemed to be everywhere Lois went.

The only enjoyable moment for Lois from that conversation was Clark’s inability to hide his jealously over her being here as Luthor’s date. Clark had voiced his disapproval of Luthor from almost the beginning. During the Messenger story, he had questioned how far she was willing to go to get an interview with Lex and she had laid down her three rules. Clark had since become less vocal about it, but she knew that his opinion of the billionaire hadn’t changed.

When it appeared as if Lex’s speech was winding down, Lois put down her plate and ambled up to the stage to meet him to prove to Linda that she indeed was Lex’s date. Lex cradled her arm in his and led her back to the dance floor. As they danced and mingled with Lex’s associates, Lois caught a few glimpses of Linda and Clark checking on her. Knowing that Linda was working to cover the society section, she began to suspect that Linda would want an introduction with her date. As they were walking over to the bar for a drink, Linda approached them, Clark in tow.

“Lois, are you going to introduce me to your date?” asked Linda.

“I wasn’t planning on it. I’m here to enjoy myself tonight, not help you fill your column.”

“Well, then I’ll just have to make my own introductions.” Linda placed her hand in front of Lex. “Linda King, Metropolis Star. This is my partner Clark Kent.”

“Lex Luthor.” Lex replied as he briefly shook her hand before turning his attention to Clark for a brief acknowledgement. “Kent.”

“I want to thank you for putting on tonight’s event,” said Linda, obviously trying to make conversation with a man who was notorious for not giving personal interviews. “I’m sure the children are grateful for all you have given them.”

“I believe all children deserve a chance at life. You never know what potential they have. I’m so glad that the Metropolis Star feels the same way about children’s health, and I hope this means Mr. Carpenter will be contributing generously tonight,” Lex finished speaking before taking Lois’s hand and leading her to the far side of the room.

Lois heard a quiet “I’m sure he will,” from Linda as they walked away. She wished she could have turned around at this moment to see the look on Linda’s face. She was sure it would be priceless. Maybe she could ask Clark to tell her about it later. Hopefully, he wasn’t too offended by their brush-off. Knowing Clark and whatever his deal was with Lex, he was probably glad that they had left.

Lex ordered them new drinks from a passing waiter and joined her at an empty table on the far side of the room. Lois had informed Lex earlier in the evening that she had some work to do that night and that she wouldn’t be able to stay late. Adhering to her wishes, Lex had the limo brought around while they finished their drinks and then escorted her out to the car, surprising her with a light kiss before seeing her off.


It took longer than Clark had planned to leave Lex Towers. Seeing Lois there had shocked him and even more so when she announced that she was the host’s date for the evening. He was relieved when Lois left, but it had been torture to watch Luthor kiss her goodbye. He wished he could have left then as well, but knew he had to remain with Linda. After it finally wound down, she once again insisted that Clark should go home with her. Linda’s flirtations were starting to wear on him, more so than Lois’s tantrums from the last few days.

It was now almost midnight, and he needed to hurry to swap the tapes out. Clark quickly exchanged his tux for his tights before taking off from his balcony towards Dr. Goldberg’s office. A minute later, he landed with a small thump on the roof. To his surprise, he wasn’t alone.

“Superman! What are you doing here?” “Lois, what are you doing here?” they asked simultaneously.

Clark fumbled for an excuse. “I… ah…ran into Clark earlier. He filled me in on this story that you’re working on and asked if I could swap out the tapes for him.” Clark pulled a new tape out from his belt behind his cape and waved it around as proof.

“Why? Is Clark busy tonight? Still out on his date, so he asked you to come and do his job for him.”

“His date?” Clark asked curiously, trying to hide any prior knowledge about what she was talking.

“With Linda King. You’ve met her. She’s that new blonde reporter for the Metropolis Star. Well, she was the newest. Now Clark is, if you haven’t heard.”

“Lois, I know he’s undercover there,” he said calmly. “He filled me in on that too. And although Linda might call tonight a date, for Clark it was all business. He was worried that another ‘accident’ would happen tonight, that’s all. He gave me the heads up when I spoke with him earlier, hoping I would keep an eye out on the building.”

“I see. And I take it nothing happened?”

“No. There was a fire that broke out nearby, but it was legitimate.”

Lois was quiet for a minute while mulling over her next question. “Superman, it seems like you and Clark talk a lot. Does he tell you everything?”

Everything, like what?” Clark asked nervously. Being that he was Superman, they never had to talk and he would still know everything.

“I don’t know. Just…does he talk to you…uh…never mind.” Lois sighed and looked away, unable to find the right words.


“Really, it’s nothing big. It’s just that… do you think that Clark finds me difficult to work with?”

“What?” Clark was taken aback. He thought their talk in the car after dinner last night had put this fear to rest.

“Well, we were trying to put on a show the other night to help insure that Clark could get a job at the Star and we both said some things to each other.”

“Some things?” Clark knew what she was talking about, but even with firsthand knowledge, he still wanted her to clarify exactly which insults that he had flung out were on her mind.

“He said that I was difficult to work with, and I fired back about his disappearing acts.”

“And do you think what he said was true?”

“Well, I guess I would be lying if what I said didn’t have some truth to it, so it makes me think that his could also have some truth to it.”

“Oh,” Clark replied sheepishly, wishing he was here as Clark to really be able to answer the question.

“So, has Clark said anything?”

Clark stiffened his posture and put on his best Superman face to try to quell her fear. “Lois, from what I understand, Clark has never enjoyed working with someone as much as he does with you. There may be a time or two where you were less than easy to work with, but he doesn’t want any other partner, ever. Teaming up with Linda is only for the story. He has no interest in her.”

“Really?” she squeaked out, a tear forming in the corner of her right eye.

Seeing the emotion his words brought out in her, Clark relaxed his pose and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Trust me,” he said through the smile that had formed on his face.

“You know I do.”

“Then trust him. He’s not going anywhere.”

“I try to. It’s just that everywhere I go, he’s there with her. It’s like he’s superglued to those wide hips of hers.”

Clark couldn’t suppress a chuckle. This long conversation with her was causing his Superman persona to wear thin and he was slipping back into Clark. He needed to stop talking about himself in the third person. Clearing his throat, he changed the subject. “You never answered my question. Why are you here?”

“What can I say? I was bored,” she said coolly as she looked out into the night past the roofline.

Clark knew she was lying. “Bored? And were you planning on waiting around here all night?”

She looked back at him, glancing at the stylized ‘S’ on his chest before returning her gaze into the night. “Well, no, not all night. I wasn’t sure Clark would actually come and swap out the tapes, and I was right. You’re here doing it for him.”

“He would have, but I said that I would save him the trouble of coming all the way over here. How did you get up here anyway?”

“I have my ways,” she smirked, crossing her arms.

Superman peeked over the ledge and saw the upside down trashcan sitting near the raised ladder of the fire escape. He chuckled to himself at her resourcefulness as he had no idea where the trashcan had come from and how she would have gotten the large piece of metal over here quietly. Ignoring the obvious question, he changed the subject back to why he was there. “Did you already swap out the tape?”

“I did.” She reached into her back pocket, pulling out a tape before waving it in the air.

“I guess I’ll save this one for tomorrow then.” He put the tape he had been holding back in his belt.

“So you’re coming back tomorrow? Don’t you think it’s a little unfair for Clark to monopolize your time for something this small?”

“It’s no problem, Lois, really. It only takes less than a minute of my time. Now, may I give you a lift to your car?”

“Why? Don’t you think I’ll leave?” She crossed her arms and put on her best Superman impression.

Clark smiled and shook his head, knowing that answering the question would only get him in trouble. “I’m only offering a ride.”

She relaxed and stepped up to him. “A lift sounds great, but can you make sure the trashcan gets back to the alley.”

End of Chapter 6
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