Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: John Lambert You Take the Keys: Short - 10/22/13 07:18 PM
You Take the Keys

By John Lambert

Response to a challenge by HappyGirl

“You take the keys” Lois said as she and Clark were heading back to the “Daily Planet” after their meeting with Dr. Klein at S.T.A.R. Labs. Clark had missed most of the meeting, but he could tell Lois was shaken by it.

“Lois,” Clark began, hoping his concern could be heard in his voice, “What did Dr. Klein tell you that has you so shaken.”

“Clark” Lois responded, her frustration and strain a far cry from the in-love newly wed that she had been only that morning, “Just drive, we need to get to the bottom of this case. If that could happen to that man, it could happen to others.”

Clark could sense he was not going to get anything more out of her, so he drove the route back to the Daily Planet. True, this was not the worst he had felt on this route. That record would be taken by when he had been returning from seeing the Clone of Lois at STAR labs while he knew Lois was out and about because he had been a total lunkhead and let her leave, let her walk away, when he knew she really loved him.

Still something was eating at Lois. He just knew it. As they were pulling into the Daily Planet parking lot he resolved what to do. As she reached for her door, he reached out and touched her shoulder.

“Lois” he said, putting the deep pleading in his voice, “What is going on. It can’t just be the ageing going on. We have dealt with weirder things than this, and you had much less reaction. Only when I do things do you react this way.” Clark took a deep breath, “Lois, what did I do. Are you sad that I left you to go be Superman, I don’t know, what’s wrong.”

“Don’t be a lunkhead, Clark” Lois shot back, “I knew you would have to leave me as Superman. It was totally OK. Expected even.”

“Well, then, help me out here.” Clark stated. “What is wrong? What did I do, because I know it is something I didn’t do.”

“Ok, you asked for it. You didn’t trust me again, that’s what you did Clark. You didn’t trust me. I thought we had no secrets, and yet, you don’t tell me anything about how your dense molecular structure affects your ageing process.”

“What? huh?” Clark replied in total confusion. “What are you talking about? I don’t know what this is.”

“Wait, you don’t know?” Lois responded. Then she looked into Clark’s eyes. Seeking understanding. After a moment she continued. “Your right, you don’t. It’s some idea that Dr. Klein told me, and I guess, I just assumed he had shared it with you. He said it was theoretical, but he says, your ageing process will stabilize and slow. You will outlive me many times over.”

“Lois” Clark said, “we can’t know the future. We just got married. We will have a long and wonderful life together. I will love you no matter how old you are, or anything. You know that honey.”

“I guess I do” Lois responded, “It was just such a shock.”

“Well” said Clark, “are you OK now, really, or is their something else that is bothering you.”

“Well, we haven’t kissed for over an hour, at least not really kissed” Lois said.

So Clark took Lois in his arms and really kissed her. Then they went up to the newsroom to deal with the problems of the day.

The End
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