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Here's a little cliffy to hold you over to next week.

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This reminds me of All-Star Superman...

Urggh! A cliff hanger! That is simply not fair! shock

What's happening with Lois?

Chrono-energy? It figures Tempus would have something to do with this. Honestly, you need to do something about that that troublmaker!
Hi Morgana,

I keep seeing these references to All Star Superman. Is that a comic I am not familiar with? I remember All Star Comics, but not All Star Superman. Please enlighten me.

Update -

Okay, I've educated myself. I did a search on IMDB and found it. This is the one that James Denton did the Superman voice for. I thought it was histerical that Teri couldn't get away from Superman even when she was on the other show. Her husband in both cases was Superman. rotflol
Interesting developments. It would make sense that Tempus would do the time travel in a way that messes with Lois' body.

Having children that fast must have gotten overwhelming. Hopefully Superman kept a low profile during those times.

So did Clark go back to work for the Daily Planet.

My theory is Clark is going to try to actually use the machine he has in his baement.
I agree with John. The machine in the basement will finally be used. If it worked on Jimmy why wouldn't it work on Lois? Actually, I thought Clark was going to use the machine on Lois to prolong her life. Of course, I wasn't really thinking this through. She wasn't even 30 when she disappeared so she really didn't need to become younger at that point. (Actually, I thought Superman was going to prolong her life with the machine and mess up, making her so young, well, a young teenager, that he would once again have to wait for that honeymoon.)

I don't know if Tempus is to blame. It might have had something to do with Superman's super charged status and his "extra" energy going into his kids and into Lois via the womb and <<cough, cough>> being intimate with her husband. Sometimes it's not the super villain's fault, no matter how much he'd want (or would take) the blame.

At least Lois's super aging didn't progress so badly until her kids were in college. After raising what 8 kids, maybe THAT'S what drained her energy. laugh I know my kids are to blame for my wrinkles and greying hair. Kids take energy from their parents and use for themselves. That's why they seem to have more energy the older they get and we have less. With super charged kids... wink

If Lois dies of old age, Clark will at least be able to be surrounded by his family, which he didn't really have the first time. It would be sadder, but a normal progression of life.
Hi, Ken.

“I appreciate that doctor. It is my understanding that the life force transfer machine that Veeda Doodsen used on me back in the 1990s is here in storage. Is that correct?”
Ah... The solution to the Clark Kent problem.
That is a very strange machine.
I never liked that machine. As presented it was too much like magic. (And inconsistent magic at best.)
It means that you now have energy to spare.
So now he is going to live forever? Have you read Lonely Is The Man by Jon Wolff This is a very nice story that - as a minor part of the sub-plot - deals with the idea that Superman being properly charged up is tied to his health and longevity.
Physiologically, Lois in 2102, would have been forty-five years old, however, by 2102 Lois’ hair had started graying and she had been developing laugh/worry lines which is to say age wrinkles and shortly after Joel and Lara’s birth
Well that part's not a mystery. It's all those kids! smile
The deterioration is accelerating. Within a year Lois will die of old age if we can’t find a way to drain off this Chrono-energy
#@^* Tempus! But I have an idea!!! wave


Oh, if you want to understand AllStar Superman, you have to start with the comic, not the movie adaptation. Look here: All Star Superman
Hi John,

Originally posted by John Lambert:
Interesting developments. It would make sense that Tempus would do the time travel in a way that messes with Lois' body.
This was an accidental side effect of what he was doing. He didn't know that keeping the time window strobing like that would have this effect.

Having children that fast must have gotten overwhelming. Hopefully Superman kept a low profile during those times.

They were surprised by how rapidly the children came and it was the rapidity and the shortened gestation that caused them to go to STAR Labs for answers.

So did Clark go back to work for the Daily Planet.
Of course, you can't keep a good reporter down.

My theory is Clark is going to try to actually use the machine he has in his baement.
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Originally posted by VirginiaR:
I agree with John. The machine in the basement will finally be used. If it worked on Jimmy why wouldn't it work on Lois? Actually, I thought Clark was going to use the machine on Lois to prolong her life. Of course, I wasn't really thinking this through. She wasn't even 30 when she disappeared so she really didn't need to become younger at that point. (Actually, I thought Superman was going to prolong her life with the machine and mess up, making her so young, well, a young teenager, that he would once again have to wait for that honeymoon.)
The machine in the basement. It has been sitting there for years. I wonder if he even remembers that it is there.

Yeah, really, there was no need. It was just for show. A means of explaining a young again Clark. Would it really work?

Uh, make her too young? Could that happen?

I don't know if Tempus is to blame. It might have had something to do with Superman's super charged status and his "extra" energy going into his kids and into Lois via the womb and <<cough, cough>> being intimate with her husband. Sometimes it's not the super villain's fault, no matter how much he'd want (or would take) the blame.[QUOTE]

At least Lois's super aging didn't progress so badly until her kids were in college. After raising what 8 kids, maybe THAT'S what drained her energy. laugh I know my kids are to blame for my wrinkles and greying hair. Kids take energy from their parents and use for themselves. That's why they seem to have more energy the older they get and we have less. With super charged kids... wink

If Lois dies of old age, Clark will at least be able to be surrounded by his family, which he didn't really have the first time. It would be sadder, but a normal progression of life. [/QB]
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
I agree with John. The machine in the basement will finally be used. If it worked on Jimmy why wouldn't it work on Lois? Actually, I thought Clark was going to use the machine on Lois to prolong her life. Of course, I wasn't really thinking this through. She wasn't even 30 when she disappeared so she really didn't need to become younger at that point. (Actually, I thought Superman was going to prolong her life with the machine and mess up, making her so young, well, a young teenager, that he would once again have to wait for that honeymoon.)
At the point that he acquired the machine there was no need to use it on Lois. She was already young. Perhaps, if needed, it could be used in the future. The problem with the transfer to Conner resulted in him being an infant. Do you think that would happen to Lois?

I don't know if Tempus is to blame. It might have had something to do with Superman's super charged status and his "extra" energy going into his kids and into Lois via the womb and <<cough, cough>> being intimate with her husband. Sometimes it's not the super villain's fault, no matter how much he'd want (or would take) the blame.
No, this is definitely related to Lois being held in the active time window. The doctor said that her body is trying to catch up to where it should be agewise. That is why all of her bodily processes were speeding up.

At least Lois's super aging didn't progress so badly until her kids were in college. After raising what 8 kids, maybe THAT'S what drained her energy. laugh I know my kids are to blame for my wrinkles and greying hair. Kids take energy from their parents and use for themselves. That's why they seem to have more energy the older they get and we have less. With super charged kids... wink
The aging process had been going on right from the day Tempus released her and it was slowly accelerating the entire time. Note that each pregnancy was shorter than the previous which indicated the age acceleration.

If Lois dies of old age, Clark will at least be able to be surrounded by his family, which he didn't really have the first time. It would be sadder, but a normal progression of life.
Yes, there is that consolation, however, the children would not be a substitute for Lois. I wonder if Lori would be around. Do you think Herb would finally be alerted that there was a problem?
Hi Bob,

Thanks for the FDK.

AA I said in another response, Tempus really didn't plan the contamination with the Chrono-Energy it was an accidental side effect.

Thanks for the link to "All Star Superman". I read through the material and I found the video. I have now watched it and I am up to speed.

All I van say isnthat in my scenario he didn't fly directly into the corona of the sun. He was in a more diluted form of solar energy in the Aurora so he wasn't as supercharged as what happened in All Star Superman (I was going to abbreviate that, but thought better of it.)
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