Lois & Clark Forums
I just couldn't help it. Happy Valentine's Day

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I know I have been absent from the boards for a bit, but it is great to be back and enjoy a few well crafted LnC stories.

Goodness Ken, this was an excellent part!

He had undergone a whole battery of tests so that STAR Labs could try to determine just how the solar radiation had effected his rejuvenation. They had taken many readings with numerous instruments, most of which he had never seen before. Aside from the one DNA sample, however, he refused any other biological samples
S.T.A.R. Labs would want Clark to do a total physical workup! Those guys never change!

“What??? Are you sure? He’s been gone for six months! Young again!?!? How could that be? Are you sure this isn’t a clone somebody created? Did you get any pictures?”
Perry White or Frank Edwards, Editors always want pictures to make the story sing!

She started to move and he stopped her with a gesture and said, “Don’t move. Not yet. I just want to drink in the sight of you, my beautiful wife, my bride.”
This was probably one of the most romantic LnC scenes I have had the pleasure to read in a very long time. Lovers separated by time and circumstances finally brought together. Perfect!

Okay, I'm very ready to read what happens next. hyper
Hi Morgana,

I'm glad you liked this chapter. dance sloppy twins love

I do think it is about the best I have done. Still room for improvement though.
Well, I guess this is the perfect story for Valentine's Day. At some level I wonder why you don't end it here.

Of course, on the other hand, Clark has two major problems. Actually Three.

1-How will he explain being young again.

2-How will he distance his being young again from Superman being young again.

3-This is by far the hardest. How are they going to explain Lois taking two-weeks off in a way that will not lead to "she took it off so she could have a honeymoon with her now young husband". Which will quickly lead to people thinking, "oh yeah, Clark is Superman. Look, they both became young again the same time."

I almost wonder if she should have postponed her time off a little. I understand why she didn't, but I think it will cause problems, at least if he does not want everyone to know CK=SM.
Hi John,

Since it Valentine's Day I just had to post this chapter.
About your 3 concerns - evil shock jawdrop

Oh, that is four. Oh well, you get the idea.
Clark and Lois better be careful, this Frank Edwards guy sounds pretty sharp!
Hi Morgana,

As Perry used to say, 'I didn't get this job because I could yodel.'

Frank is cut from the same cloth.
Oh dear! All the more reason for Lois and Clark to be careful! This man will not be so easily swayed.

I like the way this story is moving!
Nice part for Valentine's Day. blush smile1

I had some questions, but when I read John's FDK I found that he had already asked them all. So, just pretend that I asked the same questions as John. :p

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