Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: KenJ Aurora Borealis – The Complete Story 8/11 - 02/14/13 11:27 AM
I know, I posted a chapter yesterday, but this one fit Valentine's Day too well to not post it.


Aurora Borealis – The Complete Story 8/11

By Ken Janney
This story is rated PG-13.

Comments are always welcomed at ken.janney@kjanney.com

Disclaimers: The characters in this story are property of DC, December 3rd productions and Warner Bros. No Copyright infringement is intended. I have just borrowed the characters for a short time.

This story originated with a single scene that I had written as a suggested plot device for another author. It was rejected in favor of another one. I still liked the idea so I wrote a story around it. This is only loosely related to my Matchmaker series.

I wish to thank Artemis and Morgana for the beta on this.

< > denotes thoughts
* * denotes emphasis


When the door was closed Superman crossed to Lois, put his arms around her and said, “No, my love, I’m not a clone and I don’t need a DNA mapping to prove it. When I left that night, I left you a note by the coffee maker explaining that I had to fly a science package into the aurora.”

His expression became one of joy as he continued, “Something very strange and wonderful happened. As you know, my powers are derived from sunlight and the fact that these were unusually violent solar flares must be the reason they affected me so. The unusually intense solar flares hyper excited my body. Since they are an intense form of solar radiation the flares rejuvenated me. I’m young again, just like you. We can now have a lifetime together. The life we were supposed to have had ninety years ago!"

Looking up into his young again face with a questioning look she asked, "Why did it take you so long to get back?"

"The reason I was gone was the electronics package they wanted flown through the aurora. The ionization of the solar flares interacted with the electronics I was carrying. That interaction opened a portal right in front of me and I couldn’t avoid passing through. That portal sent me six months into the future.”

With a wicked grin and a raised eyebrow he asked, “Do you think the Planet will let you have time off for your long delayed honeymoon?”

With a wicked little grin of her own and an arched eyebrow matching his, Lois asked, “How can you be so sure I want to spend this lifetime with you?” At his look of shocked dismay she couldn’t keep a straight face any longer. She started to giggle and said, “Come here you lunkhead. There is no one else I’d want to spend every possible lifetime with,” and throwing her arms around his neck she gave him a kiss like they hadn’t been able to share for ninety years.

As her body melded to his she knew that they would finally be consummating their marriage the proper way. She couldn’t wait. She still had that teddy that she hadn’t been able to use.

She whispered in his ear, “I’ve got news for you buster. We’re not waiting for Hawaii. How quickly can you get us home?”

“I think, for the sake of appearances I will need to meet you. We need to come up with a plausible explanation for a young Clark showing up.”

“We’ll deal with that second. We have something else to do that’s more important. I’ll type up this story later,” she gave him a come-hither look, “after we consummate our wedding. I think we’re overdue.” With a final wink she put her Reporter's Assistant in her bag, threw the strap over her shoulder and headed for the door. She said over her shoulder, “I’ll see you at home, Handsome. Don’t keep me waiting any longer than necessary.”

And Now

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Chapter 8
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It was several hours and twilight before Clark was able to get away from STAR Labs, but when he did, thanks to the DNA mapping that had been done previously, he had the necessary certificates attesting to the fact that he was indeed the real Superman.

He had undergone a whole battery of tests so that STAR Labs could try to determine just how the solar radiation had effected his rejuvenation. They had taken many readings with numerous instruments, most of which he had never seen before. Aside from the one DNA sample, however, he refused any other biological samples.

After doing a victory lap around the city he hastened to the Wisteria Lane house. By the time he arrived it was almost dark and he landed without being seen. He spun out of the Suit into casual clothes. His step was light and eager as he crossed the back yard to the door. As he crossed the yard he stopped at the arbor and plucked some roses. He removed the thorns so that she wouldn’t be stuck and carried them in his hand as he completed the trip to the door.

With his superhearing he picked up Lois’ heartbeat upstairs and headed in that direction. Not wanting to shock her by his sudden appearance he, by the strength of his will even though it was a struggle because his emotions wanted it otherwise, kept his feet on the stairs rather than float all the way to the second floor. He knew that the tread third from the top would squeak if he put weight on it and he made sure that he did. As soon as that squeak was heard by her he heard her heartbeat speed up. She knew that he was home.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lois had gone straight home. The first thing she did when she entered the house was check her appearance in a mirror. When she did she saw that she was flushed with excitement and anticipation. She hoped that it wouldn’t be too evident over the video link when she placed her call. Thinking, <Oh, well, it is what it is,> she pulled out her Reporter’s Assistant and used it to place the call to Frank Edwards, the Editor in Chief of the Daily Planet. As soon as she saw his face on the screen, with some trepidation she said, “Frank, Lois Lane, listen, uh, something, uh, something’s come up. I know that it’s rather short notice and I’ve only been back at the Planet for about a year, but, I think I have some vacation accrued by now and, well, I … I need to take the next two weeks off. Can you let me have the time?”

She could see his surprised expression as Frank replied, “What?? Two weeks?!?!? Yeah, this is short notice.” Realizing that he would need a good reason to deny her request he asked, “Well, let’s see, what have you been working on?”

“Well, you see Frank, that’s just it. I was doing the follow-up on that unexplained solar eclipse story and something unexpected happened at STAR Labs while I was there. I got a story that you are not going to believe because I hardly believe it myself and the best part is that I didn’t even have to chase it. It came to me. Hold onto your hat! Would you believe that Superman has returned, and get this … he’s young again!”

“What??? Are you sure? He’s been gone for six months! Young again!?!? How could that be? Are you sure this isn’t a clone somebody created? Did you get any pictures?”

Chagrined because she had been so taken up with what had happened to her husband that she had failed to think like a reporter, she replied, “Oh, no, no I didn’t. Darn! I’ll have to get some for a follow-up,” Lois replied with confidence. “As to the other, they have mapped his DNA at STAR Labs and compared it to the mapping they had on file. He’s the genuine article all right. That science mission STAR Labs sent him on six months ago was the cause of him being missing. Tell you what, I’ll write the story up and e-mail it to you for tomorrow’s edition along with the follow-up on the eclipse thing.”

“This is a coup for sure. I just wish you had gotten at least one picture. Do you think he is still at STAR Labs? Where are you now? Could you go back and get a picture?”

This was taking longer than Lois wanted it to. She needed to get ready for Clark’s arrival. She needed to terminate this call, but she didn’t want Frank to think she was blowing him off. Lois replied, “I don’t know, he might be, but I’m already at home and he’d probably be gone by the time I could get back there.”

Frank replied, “Well, it would be better with pictures, but we’ll have to go with what you have. File this story and scoop the STAR and you can have the two weeks off that you asked for.”

She smiled as she replied, “You’ve got it, Frank. I’ll send it off before the morning edition deadline. Thanks!”

“I’ll look for your copy. Good job!” Suddenly something from her history came back to him and before she could break the connection Frank said, “Hey wait a minute. Weren’t you and Superman really close, you know, back in the day? Is that why you’re so excited? Is that why you need two weeks off? What about Clark?”

She knew that she had to deflect this somehow and she blurted out the first thing that came to mind, “Oh, well, we’re both good friends of his. We will both be spending time with him.”

“Won’t that be kind of awkward, Clark being old and him being young again, like you?”

Lois decided that it was time to end this conversation so she decided to attack, “Just what are you implying, Frank? I love my husband. Superman is an old friend and that’s all. Clark is as happy for him as I am.”

Frank, on the defensive now said, “Okay, okay, don’t get upset. I didn’t mean anything. I was just thinking of Clark.”

Appearing somewhat mollified, Lois replied, “Okay, I’ll pass on your concerns to Clark. Good night Frank.”

“Good night Lois. I’ll look for your copy.” She broke the connection.

That being accomplished she set her Reporter’s Assistant aside. Now she would be able to concentrate on her young again husband. She wanted to set the mood, but wary of what had happened before, she did everything she could think of to prevent a repeat of the last time. She was worried even though it was like worrying about lightning striking twice in the same spot. But, still, with Tempus you never could tell.

Trying to look in all directions at once, her head acted like it was on a swivel as she dug into her lingerie drawer and pulled out the black teddy. It was as good as the day she had purchased it. She held it up in front of her as she checked herself in the mirror. She decided that she was going to have to be extra careful. She needed to have eyes in the back of her head to prevent herself getting caught off guard. In order to do that she decided that she would have to keep at least one eye on a mirror the entire time she changed so that Tempus couldn’t sneak up on her again.

First she retrieved some scented candles from a bathroom cabinet and placed them around the room. Then she turned down the bed and fluffed up the pillows.

She looked around the room and decided that the room was ready and since it could possibility be some time yet before Clark returned home, she picked up her Reporter’s Assistant again and checked the time display. Deciding that she probably had sufficient time she used the dictation function to convert her spoken words into text, she spoke her story into the device. Once she was finished she keyed the Assistant to read back the stories using the text to speech function so that she could see how they sounded. Listening to it she found the inevitable typos and homonyms and corrected them before sending the stories to Frank’s inbox.

Giving the time display a final check, she felt satisfied that that chore hadn’t taken all that long so she shut down her Assistant and put it away in her bag. She couldn’t afford to have a call come in and activating the camera, catch them in an intimate embrace. With a physical shudder she thought about what the sleeze rags wouldn’t give for an image of Clark as a young again Superman making love to Lois Lane.

It was time to prepare for her husband’s arrival. She went into the bathroom carrying only the teddy. After hanging the teddy on the back of the door she started the shower. She hoped that Tempus, if he showed up again, would at least be gentleman enough that he wouldn’t snatch her away, in the nude, from her shower. She normally took quick showers when she was preparing for work, but this evening she beat that record. She was very thankful that she had kept her hair short because it only took a few minutes with the hair dryer for her to finish up. She put the teddy on and moved into the bedroom.

Since she remained on the alert she felt comfortable that if Tempus showed up again, as long as he didn’t have that chrome plated automatic he liked so much, she could take care of him; after all he did hit like a girl.

Crossing to her vanity she picked up a bottle of a lightly scented perfume and applied a few drops here and there. After the heat of the shower she was just the slightest bit cool so she grabbed a gauzy black shawl and watched herself in the mirror as she draped it over her shoulders fussing with it and rearranging it several times until she had it just right.

She looked around the room and at the clock then out the window. She thought to herself, <Where is he? He’d better not have disappeared again!> Suddenly she heard that creaky stair tread. She thought, <He’s here! Am I ready? Candles!> As she finished up she thought, <What if it isn’t him! Could it be an intruder? Should I call for Superman?>

Then she heard his soft voice, “Lois? I’m home. Can I come in?”

At the sound of his voice she could feel a flock of butterflies take wing in her stomach. She choked out, “Just a minute!” She rushed around lighting the candles. As she finished up she turned off the lights and thought, <Okay, everything looks ready.> Quickly moving over to the doorway to the bathroom she took a sexy pose in the doorway and said, in a sultry tone, “Come in.”

The door slowly opened.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Once he placed his weight on that step he knew that she had heard him because her heart rate went into overdrive. He climbed the final steps and then moved over closer to the door and listened. He said, “Lois? I’m home. Can I come in?”

In response he heard her breathless reply, “Just a minute!”

Resisting the urge to use his x-ray vision to peek, he waited patiently. He heard the sharp rasp of a match and then he heard her scurrying around the room. A few seconds later his nose picked up the scent from the candles. There was the sharp click of the light switch and then he heard her cross the room.

Finally he heard, “Come in.”

He reached for the door knob and turning it opened the door.

What greeted him from across the room was the vision of Lois wearing the teddy and shawl, looking very sexy in the doorway to the bathroom. He stepped into the room and brought the flowers out from behind his back.

She said, “Flowers? For me? You shouldn’t have.”

She started to move and he stopped her with a gesture and said, “Don’t move. Not yet. I just want to drink in the sight of you, my beautiful wife, my bride.”

Blushing under his gaze she watched as he moved over to the bureau and faster than the eye could follow he pulled out and spin changed into black sleep shorts and matching top. Suddenly her eyes were drawn to splashes of color on the bed and looking that way realized that he had strewn the rose petals atop the bed and also in a path from where she stood to the bed.

When she looked back he was in front of her with his hand outstretched. She took it and he led her over to the bed where she turned and sat on the edge. She kicked off her heels, threw her shawl over the end of the bed and gracefully sat on the edge of the bed, lifted her legs and spun around so that she could lie down on the pillow.

She watched as he slowly moved to the other side and lay down, moving over next to her. She looked into his eyes and saw reflected in them the smoldering fires of passion mirroring her own; a passion that had been long delayed in being fulfilled. He rolled on his side facing her and she reached for his hand. He allowed her to do with it what she willed and she willed that it cup her breast so she slowly brought his hand over and placed it on her right breast. She heaved a sigh as his hand actually came in contact. She turned her head to face him and he moved in and started a slow languid kiss as he gently massaged her breast. Once the kiss started she immediately wanted more and moved to deepen the kiss. Teasing his lips with her tongue until they parted and she was granted entry. Their tongues performed a dance of their own to a silent tune. She felt his hand move up and slide the right strap off of her shoulder and her breath started to come more rapidly in anticipation. She felt his hand as it slid the strap off of her shoulder and down her arm baring her right breast in the process. Then his hand was cupping her bare breast. Her breathing was becoming even more rapid and a little ragged as she was becoming more aroused.

While he had been doing this to her, her hands had not been idle. She had been exploring his chest and back, all of the planes and ridges. In a husky voice she said, “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this.”

"We’ve both waited, but we need wait no longer, my love. It has been too long. We have a lot of lost time to make up for."

Lois shrugged out of the other strap and lay there as he slowly peeled the teddy from her body.

She was moving as one in a dream, a dream driven by her lust for her husband, a lust that had waited uncounted years to be satisfied. Her head was shaking from side to side as the tension built within her body. This fulfillment of her long delayed desires was almost more than she could handle. She was out of her mind with the pleasure created by their joining, the fulfillment of the act.

Her body was as tight as a violin string and vibrating like a tuning fork when suddenly it was like the fourth of July and an entire fireworks display went off behind her eyes. She started to scream her delight, giving voice to the ecstasy she felt.

Their lovemaking was complete and so thoroughly satisfying that she was totally spent and lay on his chest in contentment.

After a time she recovered enough to turn her head and start kissing the side of his face and neck.

It had been a little more rushed than she had wanted but totally enjoyable and there would be ample opportunity for slow. This was only the first time. There would be many, many more.

She was about to move when she first realized just what had happened. She had been on top of Clark and he had floated them up nearly to the ceiling. Looking down at the bed she giggled and asked, "Do I have this to look forward to all the time?"

Smiling he replied, "I don't know. Maybe only when I'm this happy." He slowly floated them back down to the bed.

As he did, she showered him with kisses and he gave as good as he got while she lay next to him. As they continued to kiss he was stroking and petting her in a very possessive yet gentle way which she loved. They both drifted off to sleep, arms and legs entwined.

After a while, when they both awoke they had a slow, sweet encounter. Lois knew fulfillment, total happiness and total love for the first time in her life.

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TBC in Chapter 9
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