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hyper Still so sad that Clark doesn't feel like he's man enough for his wife.

Oh, Lois, let it go! Can't you see that Clark doesn't want to talk about you sister hounding him? Poor Clark. <<hugs, Clark>> Disembowel Lucy, indeed!

Curious to see what will happen to LnC coming up next.
party Lois has returned!
Hi Virginia,

Of course Lois wanted all of the details, after all it was her sister and her husband. Sure she got upset and that was with him editing out the details.
Hi John,

Yes, our favorite couple has been reunited, however their road to happiness has never been a smooth one. Clark has been put through ninety years of hell thanks to Tempus and now Lois is experiencing a slightly less torture by having a very old and feeble husband.

We are just over the half way point. That gives thus roller coaster plenty of room for more twists and turns, climbs and dips. Hold onto your hat.
Originally posted by KenJ:
We are just over the half way point. That gives thus roller coaster plenty of room for more twists and turns, climbs and dips. Hold onto your hat.
I figured you added something to the mix since we still have 5 parts left. <<rubs hands together>>
Hi Virginia,

The original story was more of a vignette with plenty of room to grow.

When I started filling in the missing pieces it sort of took on a life of its own.

You know how it is.

The original story was just too pat, if you know what I mean. Okay, Tempus took her away for ninety years and then brought her back and they lived happily ever after once he was rejuvenated? Come on, that is baby food.
Clark's life as you describe it in the the opening of this section reminds me of some kind of crazy cat lady. I have this image of Clark wandering from room to room in that building taking care of unending scores of stray cats. (The smell must be - amazing. smile )

But YAY! - Lois is back!

“I don’t know if that would be possible. It’s been years …”

“Great, it’s my wedding night and my husband is too old for us to consummate our wedding.” At this point Lois broke down and started crying.
Come on, Clark. You're only 120 or so!

The rest of that summer they spent together on one long vacation getting to know each other all over again and the world that Lois had just stepped into.
Good. I hope that "getting to know each other includes some close physical interaction.

Lois then asked, “What happened to Lucy?”

He hesitated for a few beats before answering, “Lucy was around. About five years after you disappeared, she finally started dating again and three years later she married Jimmy Olsen.”
Nice try to dodge that bullet, Clark.

They found a house out on Wisteria Lane

Wisteria Lane?

Yikes! Where are the other housewives?

Just saying...
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