Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Female Hawk FDK - Once Bitten (13/?) - 02/02/13 09:34 PM
A big THANK YOU to my two BRs, Iolanthe and Lynn, who looked at this part (and 14) before a huge re-write and after, as well. sloppy

Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Once Bitten (13/?) - 02/02/13 10:01 PM
Well, we are making progress. On the other hand some things are getting worse.

We have gone from Lois being married making it so Clark feels safe around her, to him feeling despair.

However none of Lois' thoughts or actions really seem to indicate she sees her relationship with Matymbou as preventing developing more of a relationship with Clark.

However, I can see her line about wanting to be friends being taken as a limiting line by Clark.

The story is slowly developing.

I am glad that Clark did not ask Lois any really tough questions.

I do have to say I feel for Clark. He finally finds the perfect woamn and she is already married.
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: FDK - Once Bitten (13/?) - 02/03/13 03:06 AM
His tone - suggesting he'd been mulling over something - caused an instinctive spurt of panic. Lois smiled, smothering her concern. If he asked, she just had to stick to the story she'd told for five years.

Except, if she wanted his trust, how could she consider lying to him?

She would have to. Because she had given her word.
Hmmm... it would seem Lois still has secrets of her own to protect. Wonder how that will affect her relationship with Clark?

The story is developing nicely. You always make us anxious for more! dance
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Once Bitten (13/?) - 02/03/13 02:00 PM
Kent's emotional connection with Lois is growing by leap and bounds and scaring the hell out of him. I can see why. He had given his trust, love, and heart to another and she had flung it out the window. He's claims already to have a stronger emotional bond with Lois than he ever did with his wife of two years. clap
Posted By: QueenOfAces Re: FDK - Once Bitten (13/?) - 02/03/13 08:43 PM
Corrina, another great part. Both characters are falling deeper into their attraction, but you've given Clark a large moral dilemma thanks to his previous experiences and Lois' lack of transparency about the nature of her marriage. Has she forgotten her former culture so completely that she does not think it needs explanation, or is there some other reason that she is holding back?

Also, like VirginiaR, I've been thinking about Lois' secret regarding her appearance in Bangala land. I'm guessing that Tempus had something to do with it, but I'm wondering what promise she made exactly.

Looking forward to more. BTW, feel free to have Lois rub some oil into Clark's chest. I'm sure it will make him feel better. smile
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK - Once Bitten (13/?) - 02/04/13 12:08 AM
Hi, Corrina,

I love the story and have been enjoying each chapter. However, there is a question I’ve been trying to figure out how to ask for a few weeks.

The POV moving back and forth between Lois and Clark has been very effective in conveying the thoughts and emotions of each. So, I understand where Clark in coming from and I am very comfortable with the way he has evolved through the story so far.

However, I have been struggling with Lois for a while. Lois has told Clark that she is married to the chief. However, she is acting toward Clark very much in the way I’d expect if she were single. Also, unless I am misinterpreting her thoughts, she is thinking of a relationship with him.

She knows that Clark is from a background where “married” has a very particular meaning. However much she may have adopted the native perspective, she is from that same US culture so she has to know how Clark will be interpreting her actions as a married woman.

So, I guess my question is, “How am I supposed to reconcile Lois’s thoughts and actions against the backdrop of her knowledge of how Clark will interpret her married status?”

This question becomes especially troubling in light of the fact that Lois now knows that Lana was unfaithful to Clark.

Again, I love the story but for the past three segments this has become more and more of a seeming inconsistency. If Lois were not married, there would be no problem. Even if she hadn’t told Clark that she were married, then it would be better. But for all the Lois POV we’ve seen, there hasn’t been a single thought about, “How will Kent interpret our interaction and budding relationship in light of the fact that he knows I’m married?” I mean, they are sleeping in each other’s arms. As someone raised in a US culture, how can she not be having those thoughts?

I apologize if this seems critical, but I have been struggling to understand. As things are, I feel like I am misunderstanding something very fundamental to Lois's perspective.


**** EDIT **** EDIT **** EDIT ****
Re: I mean, they are sleeping in each others arms.

When I read the transition between parts 12 and 13, it felt to me that perhaps they - or at least Lois - had fallen asleep while they were holding each other. I interpreted that section transition as a longer time period that may have been intended. So, based on re-reading that section, I retract that assertion. (I never intended to imply that there was anything more than simply falling asleep.)

However, re-reading this Lois POV section, particularly what she does - and more importantly does not - think about, still feels like a thorn in my mind. She is having these thoughts of non-sexual intimacy such as in this section:
Their closeness was far greater than mere physical connection. She belonged here. By his side.

This morning, his arms had been wrapped around her. Now, she was the one surrounding him, but the sense of two halves coming together was just as strong.
The fact that she is not having thoughts of her own "married" status keeps gnawing at me.

I know I am probably off on a tangent of misunderstanding, but like any thorn, the irritation that this one thing triggers is very distracting.

Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK - Once Bitten (13/?) - 02/04/13 06:45 AM
I'm very confused, too. Lois acts like she's single. Clearly she wants a relationship with Clark and is goading (not sure it's the right word) him into more-than-friendship direction. She doesn't live with Matymbou. He isn't step-father to her son. She isn't step-mother to his daughter. Why is he considered her husband? Why doesn't she explain to Clark her real status quo? huh She should realize she is sending mixed signals to him and this is not good when he is so fragile and lost. sad He is being very open with her, she should reciprocate it if she wants to earn his trust.

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK - Once Bitten (13/?) - 02/04/13 08:40 PM
Still here and looking forward to more. Good job, too tired to say more. night! Laura
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Once Bitten (13/?) - 02/04/13 09:40 PM
I think I might be able to understand where Lois is coming from, but have to agree she is confusing Clark.

However, on the other hand, he has not even tried to confront her on that front. While Lois may be assuming too much that Clark understands what is going on, I would also say that Clark should vocalize his worries more.

Any misunderstanding occuring is just as much Clark's fault as Lois'.
Posted By: KateB Re: FDK - Once Bitten (13/?) - 02/06/13 11:04 AM
I loved this part Corrina. smile1 It seems that Clark believes, that Lois is offering her friendship and support as a medicine woman. He may try not to think about Lois' strange marriage situation, but we are curious!! help Are we going to find out soon?? huh

Waiting for more. notworthy
Posted By: KateB Re: FDK - Once Bitten (13/?) - 02/06/13 11:05 AM
Oh boy, double post. dizzy
Posted By: Female Hawk Re: FDK - Once Bitten (13/?) - 02/13/13 09:20 PM

I do have to say I feel for Clark. He finally finds the perfect woamn and she is already married.
Agreed. But is Clark in any condition to accept that Lois is the perfect woman?


Lois has one secret.

It will have an effect on her future relationship with Clark.



He's got a point there. Lois isn't acting like the wife of another man should be acting. If Clark feels like her actions are too intimate, they are too intimate. Lois should know this and either explain about her marriage to the Chief not being a real marriage, or she should stop acting in that manner. She's liable to scare him off. He doesn't want to get involved with another woman who would cheat on her husband.
She's a medicine woman in a society that is very tactile and also (by our standards) primitive. She would use touch a lot - ie in cases where modern doctors would use an x-ray.

Clark's thoughts about belonging were not meant to sound like criticism of Lois - he was grinding the same mill he's been grinding for most of his life.

You don't think the fact of her marriage is one reason why he hasn't been scared off?


Has she forgotten her former culture so completely that she does not think it needs explanation, or is there some other reason that she is holding back?
Let's compare Lois's behaviour with a female nurse nursing a male patient. Initially, she doesn't divulge her marital status. Why - because it's irrelevant.
Then, her husband turns up to the wards and the patient asks about him. She says it's her husband, but doesn't go into the details, conditions, or health of her marriage. Why - because if her marriage is good, why would she gush to a male patient? And if it's bad, admitting that could be deemed to be too close to suggesting she's available.

Lois has to realise her own feelings. Then she has to try to determine what Kent is feeling - if anything. Then, she has to try to decide what is in the best interests of her patient.

She's had four days.

I like your suggestion about oil and Clark's chest!


So, I guess my question is, “How am I supposed to reconcile Lois’s thoughts and actions against the backdrop of her knowledge of how Clark will interpret her married status?”
Clark doesn't have access to Lois's thoughts. They might confuse the reader (hopefully only until we get to some explanations) but they won't confuse Clark.

Her actions - she's been nursing him. She's touched various parts of his body, but nothing close to no-go zones. She's tried to reach him emotionally (because she knows he's damaged), but she's made no overtly suggestive comments.

The scene by the fire - where she puts her arm around his back in response to him telling her Lana left him - is certainly a changing point in their association (or relationship, but not in the sense of a romantic relationship.) At the end of this chapter, Lois is still stunned. I hope that a few chapters down the track, you will understand her thoughts, feelings, actions, motivations with more clarity.

“How will Kent interpret our interaction and budding relationship in light of the fact that he knows I’m married?”
Until now, she hasn't fully realised they have a budding relationship let alone have gotten to the point where she is thinking about what Kent might be thinking.


She should realize she is sending mixed signals to him and this is not good when he is so fragile and lost.
Could it not be that because he's so fragile and lost, she would expect that he wouldn't be looking for or noticing or analysing any 'signals'?

Laura Thanks for the FDK even though you were tired.


It seems that Clark believes, that Lois is offering her friendship and support as a medicine woman.
Agreed. Why would he believe anything else? He thinks she's married and he has made it clear he wanted to be alone.

Thanks to everyone who commented,

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