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Posted By: KenJ Aurora Borealis – The Complete Story 4/11 - 01/23/13 09:24 AM
Aurora Borealis – The Complete Story 4/11

By Ken Janney
This story is rated PG-13.

Comments are always welcomed at ken.janney@kjanney.com

Disclaimers: The characters in this story are property of DC, December 3rd productions and Warner Bros. No Copyright infringement is intended. I have just borrowed the characters for a short time.

This story originated with a single scene that I had written as a suggested plot device for another author. It was rejected in favor of another one. I still liked the idea so I wrote a story around it. This is only loosely related to my Matchmaker series.

I wish to thank Artemis and Morgana for the beta on this.

< > denotes thoughts
* * denotes emphasis


Bill started rolling Clark’s statements around in his mind testing their validity when suddenly Bill’s analysis was interrupted by Clark, “Bill, I have to go out, just for a short time.”

“I said you were to stay here.”

“I have to see Lois’ parents. I have to tell them. They need to hear it from me, not the police, not the papers. I owe them that much.”

Bill relented, “Oh, okay, but get back here as quickly as you can. Do you need a lift? My car’s just outside.”

“Thanks, Bill. Yes, that would help.”

They exited Clark’s building and moved to Henderson’s car. Clark was brooding and uncommunicative as Henderson drove.

When Henderson pulled up in front of the building that Sam had an apartment in, Bill asked, “Do you want me to come up with you or wait?”

“No, Bill. Thanks anyhow. I need to do this by myself and the walk back will do me good.”

“Okay, but, get back to your apartment as quickly as you can. We don’t want to miss any communications from the kidnappers.”

“I will Bill. Thanks for the lift.” He reached over and shook Bill’s hand before he opened the door to exit.

Bill was surprised to find a tear rolling down his cheek while he watched as his friend trudged up the steps to the doors of the apartment building. He hastily wiped it away with the back of his hand. Observing Clark’s demeanor he thought, <How could I have ever considered him a suspect? If I ever saw a beaten man, that’s him. His whole life has been wrapped up in her. It’s almost like with her disappearance he’s lost the will to live. You can see the worry and despair written all over his face. We need to find her. Even if we can’t we have to do everything we can. Much as I hate to admit it, I have started to like Lane. Ever since she hooked up with Kent she’s mellowed, well, at least a little.> He started the car and pulled away from the curb.

And now:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 4
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Clark slowly mounted the stairs rather than take the elevator in order to give himself some time to compose himself and prepare for the confrontation. When he reached the correct floor he paused just inside the door until he had his emotions basically under control. Exiting the stairwell and moving down the corridor until he was in front of the door to Sam Lane’s apartment where he prepared to knock. Then his superhearing picked up three distinct heartbeats. He thought, <Just as well. This way I can do it all at once.> He reached up and knocked on the door.

After a few seconds Sam Lane answered the door. When he saw Clark he looked around for Lois and not seeing her he looked again at Clark. The expression on Clark’s face told Sam a story that Sam didn’t want to hear. He asked, “Clark, what’s happened? Where’s Lois?”

Ellen heard part of Sam’s question and jumped out of her seat on the couch and hurried to the door. As she approached she asked, “Sam? What about Lois? Clark, what are you doing here? Where's Lois? Why aren't you two on the way to your honeymoon?” Seeing his countenance Ellen realized that something was wrong. She almost screamed at him, “CLARK! Where's Lois???" Her voice had been rising in octaves and volume, taking on a note of hysteria as she had been speaking.

Clark finally broke his silence and said, "I'm sorry, ".

Before he could even complete his statement Ellen Lane screamed, "NO!" and then wailed, "Lois, what has happened to Lois? Where is she?"

Clark started again, "I'm sorry, she's missing. She's been kidnapped. We don't know where she is."

Lucy finally had moved over close to the door and heard the final couple of statements. In a frenzied tone she asked, "Did you say that Lois had been kidnapped? How could you let something like that happen?"

"Lucy, it isn't that I let it happen; there was no way I could prevent it from happening. It all happened so quickly. We had no warning. One minute she was there and the next she was ... gone." his voice broke on that last word and all could see just how much he was affected by her loss.

Sam finally realizing that they were still standing in the doorway said, "Come on in Clark. Let's talk inside instead of in the hallway."

Clark stepped in and Sam closed the door. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Sam said, "Now, tell us what happened."

"I really don't know, it all happened so fast. We ... We were preparing to leave for Hawaii. Lois went into another part of the apartment, I think she was going to change clothes, and suddenly she was gone. I didn't see her leave. I didn't see who took her. Just suddenly, she was gone."

In a fatalistic tone, Ellen said, "I need a drink."

Addressing Ellen, Sam said, "Don't start that again. We need clear heads if we are going to deal with this."

Ellen replied, "You deal with it with a clear head if you want. Me, I need a drink."

Lucy almost shouted, "Mom, don't! Dad's right! Now is not the time."

"It might not be the time for you, but it's past time for me. Sam, where's your liquor?"

Sam tried to prevent or at least delay the inevitable, "I don't keep any here."

"Don't lie to me Sam. I know you have a bottle or two around here ... somewhere. Just get it for me."

"No Ellen, I won't. Not this time."

Clark Interrupted, "I'm really sorry. Maybe I should go."

While Clark talked some more with Sam, Lucy was remonstrating with her mother about the drinking. In a huff now at being denied what she felt she needed Ellen flounced down onto the couch. Lucy sat next to her and tried, unsuccessfully to calm her down.

Finally, Sam said, "No Clark, I'm sorry you had to go through this. I'm sure Lois' disappearance has upset you enough without having to witness this scene. What is being done to find her?"

"The police are scouring the city and Superman has also been searching. I ... I really need to get back to my apartment. The police want me to be there in case the kidnappers try to contact me with their demands."

"Yes, that makes sense. You should be there, not here."

"I felt that it was my duty to be the one to tell you."

"You were right Clark and we appreciate it. Even Ellen, though it doesn’t look like it. But you should go. You need to be there in case they try to contact you. Please, keep us informed."

"I will. As soon as I hear something I'll let you know." Clark turned and headed out the door.

He had only gotten a few steps down the hall when the door opened and Lucy came out after him, "Clark?"

Turning at the sound of her voice Clark said, "I'm sorry Lucy. You kinda got left out in there. What can I do for you?"

She moved up close to him before saying, "For one thing you can tell me what happened. Mom kinda interrupted and I never heard any details."

"There really isn't that much to tell. We were getting ready to leave for our honeymoon. I was in one part of the apartment and she was in another when someone grabbed her and took her away. It happened so fast I didn't even know about it until it was over. I've been to the police, well, actually Superman went to the police and Inspector Henderson came and saw me at the apartment."

"What's being done to find her?"

"Squads of police are scouring the city. Superman is out looking. Everything that can be done is being done." At this point he nearly broke down, but wanting to put up a brave front for Lucy, he barely managed to control himself.

Lucy, seeing this reached out a hand and placed it tenderly on his arm and said, "Don't worry, brother-in-law. Somehow, I just know everything will turn out okay."

"I hope you're right Lucy. I don't know what I'd do if she were lost to me forever. I don't know if I'd even want to continue living." He stood there for a few seconds, feeling her hand on his arm. The personal contact was oddly comforting. He was fighting with his emotions and finally said, "I need to get back, in case the kidnappers try to contact me with their demands."

Lucy slid her hand up and down his arm in a comforting way as she said, "You go ahead. I'll tell Mother and Daddy the details, that is if we can keep Mother from crawling into a bottle long enough. You take care."

Clark reached up and covered her hand with his as he said, "You too, Lucy and thanks.” Clark turned and headed for the stairwell.

They had been standing quite close to the stairwell door and Lucy followed him with her eyes until the door closed behind him and then she heard the unmistakable sounds of weeping. She was tempted to go to him but refrained, allowing him to grieve in private. She turned and headed back into the lion's den knowing that she was going to have to fight with her mother in order to keep her on the wagon and not happy at the prospect.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Clark had not as yet told the staff at the Planet about what had happened to Lois. He had waited until he could do it in person so a few days later, to everyone’s surprise, Clark returned to the Planet. Perry was out on the floor when the ding of the elevator chime sounded and he turned to see who had arrived. When Clark exited the elevator a startled look overtook Perry’s features. Perry asked, “Clark, what are you doin’ here? I thought yo’all were on your honeymoon.” Seeing Clark there was one thing but when the elevator doors closed behind him and Lois failed to emerge he asked, “The two o’ you didn’t have a fight, did you?” Seeing the look on Clark’s face he realized that there was a lot more to it than a spat. He dropped the papers he had in his hand as in a strained tone asked, “Where’s Lois?”

His crushed demeanor being evident Clark asked, “Can I talk to you in your office?”

Perry was really becoming concerned and asked again and in a higher tone, “Clark, *where’s* *Lois*?”

By this time the conversation had the attention of everyone in the bullpen and looking around Clark saw that all eyes were on him. He even sensed that collectively all but a few of his co-workers were holding their breath waiting to hear his response. In a defeated tone he replied, “She’s been kidnapped and neither the police nor Superman have been able to find the slightest trace of her.”

As everyone in the bullpen gasped and shouted their disbelief, Perry sagged into a nearby chair.

Looking up from where he had stooped down to recover Perry’s papers Jimmy shouted, “Is that who Superman was searching for?”

“Yes, Jimmy and I thank you for helping him.”

“Why wouldn’t he tell me? He knows how close we are.”

“He didn’t want to upset everyone in case he was able to find her. The police have been looking as well as Superman, but she hasn’t been found as yet.”

Turning to Perry he asked, “Perry, can I see you in your office now?”

Perry roused himself. Jimmy handed him the papers he had dropped and Perry led the way to his office. Once he was seated he put the papers down on his desk and collected himself before asking, “How are you holding up Clark?”

“About like you’d expect. I haven’t been sleeping well. I keep thinking I hear her, but she’s not there.”

“What’s being done to find her?”

“Superman and the MPD are all looking for her. Superman reports back to me frequently. He has scoured the country, in fact the entire North American continent. He will be starting south of the border shortly. He has promised that he won’t stop searching until she’s found. Perry, I need to work. If I stay home I’ll go crazy. Can you give me something to do?”

Just then over a police scanner came an announcement of a problem at Metropolis prison. Perry looked at Clark. Clark nodded and headed out.

When he hit the stairwell he spun into the Suit and headed for the prison. He landed as some guards coughing from some gas inhalation stumbled away from a gaping hole in the wall.

The guard informed him that it had been a prison break and that only one prisoner had escaped, Conner Schenk, a man who had been in prison so long it was like the prison had been built around him. At this point he had to be in his seventies or eighties. Superman quickly repaired the breach in the wall to prevent any additional escapes and then flew off.

Later that day an old man entered the bullpen. He was in an agitated state calling out for Jimmy Olsen. Jimmy didn’t recognize him, but after he died of old age they checked his ID and found out that he was actually a twenty something that had been a friend of Jimmy’s.

Jimmy was teamed up with Clark for the investigation but Jimmy went off on his own and was made a victim of the same machine as his friend. After he escaped he started to age rapidly, but before senility set in he was able to lead Superman to the location where it had all been done to him.

Superman intervened and saved Jimmy’s life by giving up some of his life force. He hadn’t been able to find Lois, but he got some modicum of comfort from helping Jimmy live a full life.

With Conner Schenk back in prison and Veeda Doodsen brought up on charges that case was wrapped up.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Two week after Lois’ disappearance Clark walked into police headquarters and surrendered himself to Inspector Bill Henderson.

When he was in Bill’s office Bill said, “This is only a formality Clark. In cases of unexplained disappearance, family or spouses are the main persons of interest. If we had gotten a ransom note or a call or something, anything but silence, we wouldn’t be going through this.”

“I understand Bill. Procedures. Do you think this could possibly go to trial? Should I hire a lawyer?”

Somewhat apologetically Bill replied, “Go to trial? I don’t think so. Should you hire a lawyer? I don’t know. That’s entirely up to you. Without a corpus delicti first they have to prove that a crime actually has been committed and that is difficult. The fact that the person is not physically here to look at isn’t sufficient grounds to prove a crime has in fact been committed. You know, if Ellen Lane hadn’t pushed this you wouldn’t even be here. She insisted on a coroner’s inquest. Of course that was a no-go. If there’s no *body* there is no way to determine the cause of death which is where a coroner’s inquest comes in. When she was turned down for that she pushed for a Grand Jury. That’s why we are here. Why is she so mad at you?”

In a rather sad tone Clark replied, “I don’t really think she’s mad at me Bill. I think she is just plain mad that she lost her daughter and is striking out at anyone and everyone. If she hadn’t been with Sam when it happened she might have tried to blame him. I’m just a convenient target.”

“Personally, I’ll do all that I can to squash any charges.”

“Thanks Bill. I appreciate it.”

After Clark was fingerprinted and booked he was released on his own recognizance.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Two weeks later the Grand Jury was empanelled and the disappearance examined. As Bill had predicted lacking a body a crime could not be proven so there were no charges lodged.

Remembering when Superman had been booked and fingerprinted, as soon as the Grand Jury handed down its verdict Clark applied for expungement to have his fingerprints removed from the record. It wouldn’t do to have Clark Kent’s fingerprints match up with Superman’s.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Later that same day, carrying a small paper bag, Clark entered STAR Labs and asked to meet with Dr. Klein. He was sent on back and after greeting him said, “Doc, I’ve got an unusual request to make.” He put the bag on his desk.

Bernie looked at it and asked, “What do we have here?”

“I brought Lois’ hair brush. Assuming that there are some hair follicles it will be a sample of her DNA. I’d like you to map her DNA.”

“Why? Do you want to try and create a clone or something?”

“No, that’s just it Bernie. If she were to suddenly show up I need a way to verify that it *is* her and *not* a clone.”

“Ahhhh, I see. A wise precaution. I’ll get right on it. I’ll run triplicate samples just so there will be no question. It will take some time.”

“Let it Bernie. Accuracy is more important than speed. Thank you. I really appreciate it. By the way, do you have a mapping of Superman’s DNA on file?”

“No, we don’t. Should we?”

“Why don’t I talk to him? Maybe it would be a good thing. He should come in and give you a sample so that it can be mapped. You never can tell what might happen or when something like that would come in handy. Thanks Doc. I’ll be in touch.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Two months later Clark was served with papers for a civil suit; Ellen Lane vs. Clark Kent suing him in the disappearance of one Lois Lane-Kent.

However, this suit never came to trial because before a court date could be set the Plaintiff died of alcohol poisoning.

A week later Clark stood with Sam and Lucy Lane at the funeral.

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TBC in Chapter 5
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