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My, oh my, the suspects are rolling in. Superman, Super clone, Clark, someone else. I'm glad that Henderson doesn't think it could be Clark, but that doesn't mean he'll continue to be in the clear as the days pass and no more evidence on Lois's disappearance comes to light.

The Kents did a good job of empathizing and sympathizing with Clark. I'm glad they reminded him about the Lanes and Perry (who also will be shaken up by this). I'm a bit surprised that they didn't remind him to take care of himself during this time, since I could see him wearing himself to the bone searching for Lois.

Clark was lucky to return to his apartment just before Henderson got there. What if Henderson had called first and hadn't gotten an answer? That would have been suspicious as Clark would hope it was the kidnappers with a ransom request, or Lois herself. Also, how is Clark going to remain in the apartment while Superman searches for Lois? Poor Clark being split in two emotionally, wanting to search for Lois on one hand, and needing to keep his secret intact on the other.

Yes, his denials of Superman's culpability (his protestations of Superman's innocence) may have been a bit strong, being that Lois and Superman had been witnessed kissing on more than one occasion. I could totally see someone (Lex Luthor back form the dead again) trying to frame Superman by mocking up intimate photos of Lois and Superman (ala SLV). There are so many ways you could go.

Is this a good spot to mention how shock <<But you know me, why do 10, when you could do 100? laugh >> Okay, I'll shut up now and see where you take it from here.
Bill was surprised to find a tear rolling down his cheek while he watched as his friend trudged up the steps to the doors of the apartment building. He hastily wiped it away with the back of his hand. Observing Clark’s demeanor he thought, <How could I have ever considered him a suspect? If I ever saw a beaten man, that’s him. His whole life has been wrapped up in her. It’s almost like with her disappearance he’s lost the will to live. You can see the worry and despair written all over his face. We need to find her. Even if we can’t we have to do everything we can. Much as I hate to admit it, I have started to like Lane. Ever since she hooked up with Kent she’s mellowed, well, at least a little.> He started the car and pulled away from the curb.
This paragraph is rich with meaning on so many levels! The verbal sparring between Lane and Henderson is always fun to read. It is also very refreshing to 'get inside' Bill's head for a moment.

Clark is soo sad. whinging
Hi Virginia,

Thanks for the FDK!

Yes, when you have no evidence as to just who it is everyone is a suspect. From the very nature of the abduction it sure looks like Superman could be culpable, doesn’t it. thumbsup

Calling the Lanes on the phone, yeah, I guess he could, however, his mid-west upbringing, in the form of Mom and Dad, tells him it is better in person. clap

As to the rest, I gues you’ll just have to follow the rest of the story. peep
Hi Morgana,

Thanks for the FDK!

Yes, Bill is an interesting character. I just hope I got his 'voice ' right.

We will be seeing more of Bill in the next chapter since we are still in the early stages of the investigation.
Once he finished with the Langs
I think you meant Lanes. Hmm, maybe that is who kidnapped Lois.

he was going to go out searching some more.
Oh, I did not think of that. I guess he can claim he was away so long because of having to walk. Sneaky.

Since he really doesn’t expect a ransom note or to be contacted he doesn’t need to worry about hanging out at the apartment.
So he has decided it was Tempus and to some unknown time.

I have to admit I was surprised Clark did not decide to tell Henderson his secret. I think he could trust Henderson, and it would avoid the investigation going off on wild goose chases.
Hi John,

Thanks for the FDK!

Because of the mode of abduction there is little doubt in Clark's mind as to just who the culprit is. Hanging around the apartment waiting to be contacted would be a severe waste of valuable time.

If there is a chance that Tempus only moved her geographically he needs to be out there searching. If he moved her temporally everything is a total waste of time.

Until he can rule out a geographical move he needs to continue the search.

Regardiing Bill Henderson: As long as Bill is providing the needed services without it there is no real need to disclose his identity. If Bill had persisted in his accusation of Superman as the culprit he might have concidered disclosing that fact. However, that did not happen.
Hi, Ken.

Sorry for the delay in getting to these. I'm going to pull out excuse #27: RL + 3 stories in process makes Bob a busy boy. smile

I liked Bill in this part. I'm actually surprised that he was as easy on Clark as he was. Tears or no tears, if I were Bill I'd suspect Clark.

Honestly, when I read this I was thinking that if I were Clark I would come clean on the CK == Superman secret. I'd figure that I needed someone inside the investigation that understood that Lois was a target for Superman's enemies and that Superman could not be a suspect, at least not as a rival. Having Bill in on the secret would also serve to explain why it was Superman that reported the kidnapping.

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