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Posted By: KenJ FDK: Vampire Murders 19/? - 09/16/12 07:59 PM
Hi Nan,

Stranger and stranger. I was thinking that the little guy was the shaman. How did he get in front of Lois that quickly?

Intergang was going to kill her and make it look like a vampire did it. I wonder if that's what happened to the undercover cops.
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: Vampire Murders 19/? - 09/16/12 09:34 PM
"There was this one shaman, Night Eagle, or something, that went up against them and beat them with his power, destroyed them, but he paid a price. He was only corporeal by night, afterwards, and was sometimes overcome by the blood thirst, but apparently he confined himself to various malefactors and the good-for-nothings in the tribe."
This sounds promising. And could he have been the one that saved Lois from the thugs? Or do you have more plot twists in store for us?
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Vampire Murders 19/? - 09/16/12 11:40 PM
More mystery. More suspence! clap

I love the banter between Henderson and Superman. I'm surprised that Superman calls Henderson "Bill" though. I didn't know they were on first name basis (although Clark might be). Henderson I think might be getting an idea that he may have seen that unmasked man somewhere else before.

Clark! Where are you? Lois is being attacked and forced into a car! She was saved by the Shadow? Is Night Eagle Lois's new super stalking hero? Won't that make Superman jealous?

I like all the background info about CostMart vs. LexCorp. It makes you think that CostMart might have a little something behind the fall of Luthor.

As always, sitting on the edge of my seat! clap
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK: Vampire Murders 19/? - 09/17/12 01:13 PM
I also join the "where is Superman" crod, but it seems that Clark is a less effective stalker than some people give him credit for.

I was hoping to get to hear what he refuses to believe he saw, but I guess we will have to wait for the next installment to learn that.
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: FDK: Vampire Murders 19/? - 09/17/12 05:04 PM
Definitely something very odd going on here - looking forward to more!
Posted By: anagram Re: FDK: Vampire Murders 19/? - 09/19/12 03:49 AM
Ooh! I just caught up with this story - what a terrific bit of mystery.

I really liked the Henderson/Superman interaction and Henderson's experience flying 'Air Superman'. In fact, I love the way Clark interacts as Superman generally in this fic. I'm always a big fan of L&CNAOS' Clark playing Supes as more than a caricature of what the press expect him to be. As a big fan of Supes in the comics and movie worlds, I sometimes think L&C sold him a bit short when in uniform, so to speak.

Am intrigued to see where this is headed. Looking forward to more - keep up the good work.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Vampire Murders 19/? - 09/22/12 08:18 AM
Update! smile1
Superman didn't answer at once. At last, he spoke, sounding, Henderson thought, a little reluctant.

"I'm not sure."
Yeah, that must be awkward for the Man of Steel.

Henderson blinked. "And I thought Lois could change the subject fast."

A slight grin quirked the Man of Steel's lips. "Sorry. Too much exposure to Lois, I suppose. But you haven't answered me."
wave Michael
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