Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: mariadferdez. FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/02/04 03:13 PM

Great part. help That is not an opcion.

More ASAP,please.

MAF drool
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/02/04 07:18 PM
What an emotional roller coaster. More soon. Laura
Posted By: silm Re: FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/03/04 03:49 AM
What a great story, I´m completly hooked.
It´s very emotional and beautiful written. Thank you, I can´t wait for the next part.
Posted By: Pennyfeather Re: FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/03/04 05:05 AM

I really hope Clark will take care of the boy and not send him to foster parents, even if he likes them. Of course we all still need to know if the boy is really Clark's son.

Can't wait for the next part.
Please, hurry! smile1

Posted By: daneel Re: FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/03/04 07:30 AM
I can't wait to see what happens next smile

Jose smile1
Posted By: Gabriele Re: FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/03/04 10:53 AM
You descibe so well both Clark and Lois's emotional turmoil: how they feel so many things and how their feelings change:

“Is that something you’d consider?” she whispered. Is that what Clark was thinking of doing? Would he give away his child because of her? More to the point, did she want him to? Horrified by her true feelings, she held her breath as she waited for him to answer.

Clark didn’t think he could possibly feel any worse, but he was wrong. She wasn't simply asking if adoption had crossed his mind. She was asking if he'd consider doing that for her. How could she ask him to do something like that? He’d be forced to choose between her and his own child. Could he live with a decision like that? Could he live without her?

He looked down as more tears came to his eyes. As much as he wanted to say no, he just couldn't.

<<God, forgive me.>>

“Maybe... maybe I should at least hear about this family,” he told her softly as he lifted his eyes to meet hers.

<<I just can’t lose you.>> He glanced down at the floor briefly before looking back up at her.

Lois almost gasped at his expression. How could she do this to him? Did she really want him to make a choice like that? She didn’t know what she wanted. She *did* know he was in pain and needed her. She reached out automatically to embrace him. He came to her willingly and together both wept softly.
Good point: this wasn't something that Clark did hide from Lois, but something that Kim did hide from Clark.

Is it a good idea to take a child from foster parents who want to adopt him?

Post more *soon*.
Posted By: stopquitdont Re: FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/03/04 02:47 PM
Good point: this wasn't something that Clark did hide from Lois, but something that Kim did hide from Clark.

Is it a good idea to take a child from foster parents who want to adopt him?
Gabrielle, you're the only one who's asked this question. I'm glad to see it asked. E-mail me. I'd like to talk to you a little more about another problem.

Thanks to everyone keeping up. I'll come back and add more thanks a little later. I'm late for dinner and hubby is about to STARVE! shock
Posted By: Supes1fan Re: FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/03/04 05:02 PM
Great part..

Their emotions are so raw, I really feel for them.

thumbsup thumbsup

Posted By: ethnica Re: FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/03/04 05:48 PM
thumbsup I expected Lois to need a couple of days to decide she still wanted to be with Clark. I can't wait to see what happens next. hyper
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/03/04 10:57 PM
Eek, I'm dying to find out whether or not Clark is the father!

Looking forward to more!
Posted By: Pennyfeather Re: FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/04/04 04:40 AM
Is it a good idea to take a child from foster parents who want to adopt him?
Hmm, that’s a good point and it got me thinking. So I have to add something. laugh

If this boy grew up with a foster family right from his birth I would agree completely that he should stay with them. But here we have another situation. First he lived with his mom until he was about five, I believe. Then he bounced around in foster homes until at last he ended with his current foster family. So it is not, as if Robin would be yanked away from a family he grew up with and put in any other foster family. He would live with his “dad”, and I think Clark would make a terrific dad. (And Lois a fantastic mother, for that matter.) Sure, it would need some adjusting, but I believe Robin won’t make a bad deal. He is still young and able to adjust.

I believe every child has the right to know, who his parents are and, if possible grow up with them. Especially in Robin’s case his heritage plays an important role, since he is not only the son of Clark Kent but also of Superman and he easily could inherit the powers. Is it really sensible to let other people deal with that? And, more important how will Robin feel if he grows up in a foster family and his real dad builds a family of his own, with more kids. Won’t he feel excluded? Is it really fair towards Robin, to rob him of the opportunity to grow up with his dad and (assuming he has superpowers) with siblings of his own kind? In a surrounding where everyone will understand his special abilities and how to deal with them?

Another thing is that I can’t imagine Clark to give up the opportunity to raise his own son, to have someone of his own flesh, to love him, support him and teach him. He is the only of his kin so far, and Clark can’t be sure if he ever can have children with Lois. So I believe he probably would always regret, if he would give his (only) son away for adoption.

Well, just my two cents, don’t take this too serious, I can understand if someone feels Robin should stay with his foster family. smile

And I’m still waiting curious, how the story will continue. smile1

Posted By: Gabriele Re: FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/04/04 11:27 AM
But here we have another situation. First he lived with his mom until he was about five, I believe. Then he bounced around in foster homes until at last he ended with his current foster family. So it is not, as if Robin would be yanked away from a family he grew up with and put in any other foster family.
This boy has ecperienced traumatic losses: first his mother, then many fosterhomes. *If* the boy has finally found parents who love him and whom he loves, the decision is not at all simple: after all, Clark is a total stranger to him.

It's not about Clark's need to be a daddy but what's best for the boy. Sometimes it takes more love to give up (cf. Salomon's tale of two mothers).

Clark should consider the situation carefully: do the boy have good parents, do he love them already and does he want to stay with them? Clark could of course visit him.

The more I think of this situation, the more I think that Kim must be crazy. What good would it cause to her son to find a "real" father, when the chances were he was a rapist. Or even that there were several men who could be his father. I think Kim shouldn't have told about the rape. She must have known that Clark would have taken care of the boy if she has asked him, even if he wasn't the father.
Posted By: merry Re: FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/07/04 08:50 AM
wonderful segment
sorry I'm so far behind
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/07/04 01:51 PM

If this is Clark's child (I think it is) will be very irresponsible of Clark to give the child in adoption specially if he can inherited Clark's power.

The adoption is not an option. eek

help The kid need to know his father.

help Lois and Clark need to separate their relation from the father and son relation.

help Everyone need to get to know each other.

I bet it look like Clark. thumbsup

MAF laugh
Posted By: Gabriele Re: FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/08/04 04:42 AM
If this is Clark's child (I think it is) will be very irresponsible of Clark to give the child in adoption specially if he can inherited Clark's power.
But what if the foster parents are like Martha and Jonathan?

Of course a child should know his parents, and Clark should visit him. However, I believe that the boy resents him for a long time - all the more, if he can't resent his dead mother.

But *if* the child's situation is now good and he loves his foster parents and they love him, why give him yet another trauma in addition to those he already has? If the parents are like Martha and Jonathan, inheriting superpowers is not a problem. Clark could trust them.

What is best for the child, should be the issue to Clark, not f.ex. how much *he* would like to have a child of his own and not to be alone.
Posted By: Pennyfeather Re: FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/08/04 08:35 AM
But what if the foster parents are like Martha and Jonathan?
I think, we still don't know enough to decide what would be the best for the boy. We need to know more about the family that wants to adopt him, and more about the boy himself.

However, *if* the foster parents are like Martha and Jonathan, I agree with you, Gabriele, there is no need to yank the boy away from his foster family immediately. That wouldn't be sensible. Maybe Clark could make an agreement with them, that the boy could stay with them and get the opportunity to slowly learning to know Clark and Lois and get comfortable with them. Then he could decide for himself where he wants to live.

Well, I can't help myself, I just can't see Clark giving the boy up completely or be only a "once in a while" visiting father.

Clark is very understanding and a very gentle man, I believe he would never do anything that would cause this boy further trauma. But I also believe he has the right to get to know this boy, and feel responsible for him and he has the right to feel the desire to raise his son, to feel close to his own flesh, to love him and to be loved by him. It is only human to feel that way.

Ines smile
Posted By: Gabriele Re: FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/08/04 12:15 PM
Yes, of course Clark should know the boy, *even* if he isn't the father. After all, he did know well the boy's mother *before* the gang rape occured and could tell what kind of person she was.

Even if Kim wasn't sure who the father is, it's hard to understand why she didn't want to tell Clark who would surely have wanted to help her and the child.

If one of the rapists is the biological father, I doubt if he could really become a daddy - or that the child should know the truth. What kind of model could a rapist be to a growing boy?

We had a situation like this in a historical TV series recently: an enemy soldier raped a young girl in the beginning of 19th century. He did repent later, came to see his illegitimate daughter and left her a heritage. However, relatives never told her the true story and she believed that her parents had loved each other but were separated by the war.

I believe that this was wisely done. Cf. how Ellery Queen did hid the truth in Murderer is Fox.
Posted By: Seme Re: FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/08/04 08:37 PM
I love this story. I can't wait to see if the boy is Clark's son.

Can you please post part 4 now please?

Pretty please
U have me starving 4 more

Great job by the way!!!

Posted By: Seme Re: FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/08/04 08:37 PM
I love this story. I can't wait to see if the boy is Clark's son.

Can you please post part 4 now please?

Pretty please
U have me starving 4 more

Great job by the way!!!

Posted By: stopquitdont Re: FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/09/04 05:44 AM
Thanks everyone for keeping up with this one and indulging me. All the wonderful comments make me feel that I've accomplished the goals I've set for this story. However, I've had some very interesting comments both privately and on the boards, so I need to apologize for a slightly longer delay while I do a little rewritting on part 4. Promise to work on it and get it out ASAP! Thanks again for supporting my writing!
Posted By: ethnica Re: FDK:Chip Off the Old Clark-Part 3 - 02/14/04 04:34 AM
Hoping for part. hyper Hoping, hoping.
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