Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: HappyGirl FDK: Burn - 07/04/12 07:28 PM
Many thanks to Bob for a quick and extremely helpful beta job. You rock!

Will write for feedback. smile
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Burn - 07/04/12 09:12 PM
That was really sweet. Loved it! laura
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Burn - 07/04/12 09:29 PM
Amazing what a little sunburn can do! thumbsup
Posted By: KenJ Re: FDK: Burn - 07/04/12 11:20 PM
Nicely done and a cute reveal.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Burn - 07/04/12 11:39 PM
Awwww. I love how after hearing how she feels, he knows he can't keep his secret any long, how he can't hold back his true feelings. This line:

Suddenly Lois found herself enveloped in a cocoon of blue Spandex, a strong chin resting on the top of her head.
Posted By: Female Hawk Re: FDK: Burn - 07/05/12 07:34 AM
Lovely story, Happy.

With the title - Burn - and the summer theme, I was thinking more of bush/wild fires. You took it in a completely different direction and wrote a great story.

I loved that Clark was so eager to respond to her cry that he broke her window. I could sense that they both really wanted to be together, but couldn't quite find the way back. You fixed it with a bad case of sunburn!

Posted By: scifiJoan Re: FDK: Burn - 07/05/12 09:37 AM
I like the way you tied the summer theme in with an important junction for Lois and Clark. Nice reveal!

Posted By: HappyGirl Re: FDK: Burn - 07/05/12 10:56 AM
Thanks, everybody. I'm really enjoying reading the summer ficathon stories. Like Corrina said, it's fun to see how people take a prompt in a direction I wouldn't expect.
Posted By: jackiek Re: FDK: Burn - 07/05/12 12:40 PM
So sweet! Very nice!

Posted By: Sydney Re: FDK: Burn - 07/05/12 12:49 PM
I love your story, HappyGirl! It's so sweet, so cute wave
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: FDK: Burn - 07/05/12 05:27 PM
So sweet and perfect and romantic! Really liked this! Excellent job! Boy, our ficathon is really coming along fast now, isn't it? laugh
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: Burn - 07/06/12 11:02 PM
Why one should always wear sunscreen....

Oh wait, that doesn't really apply to Lois in this fic. laugh
Posted By: HappyGirl Re: FDK: Burn - 07/07/12 12:28 PM
Good point, Iolanthe. Come to think of it, Lois owes her mom for this one. eek
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Burn - 07/08/12 07:10 AM
Hi Michelle!

/wonders once more about the title…/ Those prompts are fun!

She felt the first warning twinge as she pulled her cover-up over her head and a second one when she peeled her swimsuit off.
Uh-oh. Burn! [Linked Image]

Yep—the makers of her “waterproof” sunscreen had obviously been guilty of false advertising.
Somebody’s gonna do an expose!

Reluctantly, she settled on the one gown she hadn’t worn for weeks, ever since she’d thoroughly embarrassed herself with the tacky move of thinking that it was appropriate attire for a serious talk with Superman.

“I’ll just call the building manager in the morning.” At the sudden widening of his eyes, she assured him, “I won’t tell him how it happened.”
I wonder what he will think. Especially, since it’s probably not the first time.

“I want you to know that I didn’t do this on purpose.”
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Burn - 07/08/12 07:12 AM
“I didn’t wear this—“ she motioned to indicate the silky gown that peeked out from the bottom of the robe “—or cry out like that to try to…you know…lure you here under false pretenses or anything.
Now, wouldn’t that have been fun?

I don’t really feel…that way…about you anyway.”

“Any more? Who doesn’t love you any more?”
I’m guessing it’s not ‘Call-Me-‘Daniel’.

When she didn’t answer, he pressed her. “Lois, please tell me it’s Clark.”

Suddenly Lois found herself enveloped in a cocoon of blue Spandex, a strong chin resting on the top of her head. “Lois…oh, Lois! You’re wrong about Clark. It’s not too late; he never stopped loving you.”
hyper And he *will* tell her, right? Right? [Linked Image]

“I’m sure he was hurt. But I’m just as sure that he loves you and forgives you.
/points to previous remark/

And I’m sure he needs forgiveness from you as well.”

“Talk to him, Lois. Tell him what you told me. Trust me, you two will be pretty even on the forgiveness front.”
[Linked Image]

“I’m not going to hurt Clark by bringing it up again, and you have to promise me that you will never tell him anything about my feelings for him.”

Surprising her again, Superman shook his head. “I can’t promise that, Lois.”

“I know,” he said softly, catching both her hands in his. “Forgive me? Please?” His earnest eyes held hers, full of hope and pleading in equal measure.
Oh, Clark!

“Only if you’ll forgive me,” she replied, suddenly shy.

“Done,” he answered without a second thought.

“And done,” she agreed.
wave Michael
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Burn - 07/08/12 01:41 PM
Normally she loved the beach, but being dragged there by her sister and mother in a transparent attempt to take her mind off her aborted wedding to Metropolis’s biggest criminal wasn’t her idea of a good time.
Yes, that's Clark's job. laugh

Yep—the makers of her “waterproof” sunscreen had obviously been guilty of false advertising. Other than the pale silhouette left by her bathing suit, her entire back was already rosy and well on its way to bright red.
<hands Lois some aloe gel out of the fridge>

not a memento of the time she’d made three serious relationship mistakes in one day
Not her best day ever. laugh

He was mentally reciting all the reasons why it would be wrong to actually x-ray into her bedroom
laugh Actually, that's one of the things I love about Dean's Clark/Superman - the very human desires and temptations he faces.

It fell, hitting her bare foot right on the sensitive spot at the base of her big toenail. As she instinctively straightened up, she banged the top of her head on the corner of the still-open medicine cabinet.
Man, Lois is having one *hell* of a bad day.

while she was dressed in nothing but a flimsy nightgown.
The very same one he saw her in last too. wink Clever.

e two of them hadn’t exactly spent a lot of casual time together lately.
Which is probably the reason for her funk.

After all, she’d known more than one girl in college who regularly made use of the ‘Could you please rub this on my back?’ ploy to attract a guy’s attention. What if Superman thought she’d screamed on purpose so she could try the same thing on him?

“And you believe him?” Superman asked. “Because I don’t.”

“Lois, *I* will always love you.”
Ooooh! A reveal!!!!

She reached up to plant a hard kiss on his lips. She pulled back to discover Superman—no, Clark—grinning at her—a true Clark Kent grin like she hadn’t seen in a long time. Then she slapped him right in the middle of Superman’s S. “And you…all this time…”

He bent his head to seal their bargain with a second kiss, slower and more tender than the first. She reached her arms up around his neck, he wrapped his around her back, and she didn’t feel even a twinge of pain—just the perfect warmth and comfort that she’d been sure she’d never know again.

What a wonderful, WAFFy tale! Brava!
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Burn - 07/09/12 03:42 AM
At several points in this fic tears came to my eyes. Thank you for a cunning, but extremely tender reveal.

Hmmm, maybe I can get my husband to rub my back next time we come back from the beach? thumbsup
Posted By: HappyGirl Re: FDK: Burn - 07/09/12 12:59 PM
Thank you, Michael, DC, and Morgana. Y'all made my day.

Posted By: KateB Re: FDK: Burn - 07/14/12 03:38 PM
Great summer/revelation/romantic story. clap
Posted By: Vicki Re: FDK: Burn - 07/18/12 08:30 AM
Well I have certainly had more than my share of sunburns, so I can definitely relate to that. This was a cute story, with a sweet reveal. smile1

Thanks for sharing it with us! wave
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