Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Sorcha Unfinished Business - Excuse - 01/27/04 01:17 PM
Really, really sorry, guys, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to stop posting for a while. I've run into some unforseen plot problems, and I'll have to drastically re-draft some parts. Going to bore you all dreadfully if I do it right now, so I'll wait until I have it all finished - with the way I write, and with my schedule, a few months [gulp] I've been getting some flames in private email, so I'm not feeling particularly brilliant about my writing right now. Going to have to hide my head in the... ehrm, I mean, take a working break for a while blush

Thanks, everybody, for sticking with me so far smile Either way, the story *will* be continuing. I just need a little more time frown

Posted By: Laurach Re: Unfinished Business - Excuse - 01/28/04 10:54 AM
Sara take all the time you need. I see you have a tough crowd to please. Thank you for continuing the story despite that. Maybe your beta readers can help you. Anyway good luck and I will read it when you are finished. I am sure you will straighten it all out. Don't be discouraged. We all can't make masterpeices all the time, but when you don't give up, you are bound to make one eventually. Laura
Posted By: Wendymr Re: Unfinished Business - Excuse - 01/28/04 12:13 PM
Ditto Laura here, Sara! You have a great story on your hands - I love your writing and the way you portray Lois and Clark's emotions and innermost thoughts. You'll get this sorted! It's not as if you need to change much, anyway.

I'll still be waiting impatiently to read it when you're ready to start posting again! thumbsup

Wendy smile
Posted By: Tank Re: Unfinished Business - Excuse - 01/28/04 03:29 PM
Sara, never doubt your writing. You have exhibited a remarkable skill in portraying emotions and highly charged situations. Your imagery is excellant and you have a flair for introspection.

You've just run into a minor plot glitch. Some things got twisted up a bit and need a little be set back on track. This can happen, especially if your RL forces you to take longer breaks between parts than you'd normally want to. We've all been there and done that.

I still remember a time when the gentle readers read me the riot act because, in an effort to achieve a certain dramatic effect, I forced a character to act very uncharacteristically. I had to go back and rewrite about twenty pages to correct the problem and set up the situation as it should have gone. Just be glad you don't have that much 'tweaking' to do. wink

Tank (who assures Sara that when she'd ready to post the story again, the gentle readers will all be here)
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: Unfinished Business - Excuse - 01/28/04 06:00 PM
Hi Sara,

This is a great story. [Linked Image] Take your time. laugh

I'll wait here for you to come back. [Linked Image]

MAF [Linked Image]
Posted By: lcfan86 Re: Unfinished Business - Excuse - 02/24/06 09:54 PM
Yea I kno i keep asking questions to all the stories that seem to not be finished....But was this story completed? And if so, can someone give me the like? If it wasn't, that's took bad, cause this is one heck of a story! notworthy
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