Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Deadly Chakram FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/24/12 11:22 PM
Figured I'd post this since I think several of you might hire guys who know guys to come after me if I don't. wink

More at the end of the week. peep
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/25/12 12:28 AM
Boo-yah! I'm on top of it this round and actually ahead! What up? cool :p
He was painfully aware of his appearance. Every eye on the planet would be fixed on him and on his soon to be wife; if not in person, then on every video monitor in every public place and private home.
Didn't even consider this aspect. It makes sense- look at all the hubabaloo (is that spelled right? I don't think so...) over the royal wedding in England just this last year.
Just try not to look so depressed. Everyone expects this to be a happy occasion."
Ooh! I can just imagine the two love birds getting into a fight in front of practically the entire population of Krypton.
"Might I have a word with your brother in private?" he asked.
Tips for the wedding night? clap
He gave her a shy smile but before he could speak a word, his brothers converged on them. Kal sighed inwardly. Normally he'd be happy to be rescued from a moment like this, but now, it felt more like an intrusion.

"Kal! Congrats, bro!" Jai said, reaching him first. He drew Kal into a back-slapping hug.
laugh It seems that Jimmy Interruptus is a liable threat in any universe.
You'll be seeing a lot of them, now that we're...family.
He wanted desperately to have a moment alone with Lois. But fate, it seemed, had other plans.
/sighs/ It always does.
"I, uh...would you mind walking beside me?"

"That...wouldn't be proper. Tradition clearly states..."

"Hang tradition," Kal said, smiling gently. "You are my wife now. I will not have you treated as if you are beneath me."
Score one for Kal.
Lois was stripping out of her robes. She paused and swallowed hard, facing Kal, and let the material pool around her ankles.

"Wh...what are you doing?" Kal asked. He tried not to stare and averted his eyes. He toed the carpet of the room self-consciously.
rotflol What a way to break the ice.
Lois cut him off, her brown eyes flashing with anger. "You thought what? That you'd buy my affections? That you'd make one gesture and I'd fall into your arms? Well, you've got another thing coming. The only reason I am here is that I had no other choice."
Lois nodded. "And just because we've been forced into a marriage doesn't mean that I have to like it. My father might be thrilled with this match, but I'm not. If it were up to me, I'd be off doing my own thing. I'd rather be a working commoner then a princess stuck in a marriage with you. So you can just keep your little gift. I will not be bought!"
Score one for Lois!
He'd meant the gift to be a gesture of his good will and his willingness to give this marriage a fighting chance. How had the tables turned on him so quickly?
laugh It seems Kal has just become acquainted with the Mad Dog.
Kal lay on the couch on his back. Fasa jumped up and lay on his chest. Hot tears of sadness and frustration pricked at Kal's eyes. He fought them back and stroked the cat's back. Though he was exhausted, Kal found sleep to be elusive for a long while.
Poor Clark- and poor Lois. Neither of them really deserve this. They shouldn't lash out at each other. And lol at the image of the Kal stroking the cat- for some reason it just gives me the image of the Bond villain Blofeild... which in turn only makes me think of Dr. Evil in Austin Powers... and at that point I'm laughing so hard I'm practically crying.

Great chapter! Really glad to finally meet Lois, and I hope all of our demands from the last session of FDK aren't putting you behind on finishing this up. I shall be patient as long as I can bear it... but patience is not necessarily a virtue I possess. Just sayin'. wink
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/25/12 01:00 AM
whinging Oh, Poor Kal. He's married a... a... I can't think of the correct words to describe Lois's first words and actions to Clark. But "sweet" isn't among them. Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Oh, dear. It's going to be a long life for Kal.

I had such high hopes too. Sigh. Kal was finally acting like a gentleman, trying to do the decent thing, letting his Clark show. I found him to be kind and sweet despite the circumstances that threw them together. Of course he fell in love with Lois at first sight. And then to receive a back hand across his face when he presented her with his gift, well... it was probably his fault... if only unintentionally. He made two mistakes. Two - very major - mistakes. (Forgiveable mistakes, since what does the poor lunkhead really know about women?)

First, when he finally was able to say something in private to Lois... he implied a regular wedding night with these words:

"After dessert, I think we'll be able to slip out of here, if you'd like to."
What he *should* have said was: "After dessert, I think we'll be able to slip out of here and talk, if you like."

How was Lois to know that he wanted to talk to her first? What does she know of men, other than her father and what her mother (Elle!) has told her? Little or nothing, I expect. So, of course, when they arrived to his chambers (what? No Wedding suite? No honeymoon?) and he rushed off to change into his pjs (his *second* mistake), what else was she supposed to think? So, of course, she did what her mother probably told her would be expected of her, she got undressed. And then he returned and rejected her... no woman wants that... especially on their wedding night. I completely understand that Lois would be angry after all that.

And now, my conjecture about Pooooor Lois. whinging Poor Kal!

"What are you doing?" Lois demanded.
What? You said you couldn't be bought? You practically beanned him with his goodwill gift. Did you expect that he'd interpret that to mean you'd give it away for free? That he'd fall at your feet begging you to let him have his way with you? Or did you expect that he'd just do that anyway, no matter your opinion?

"You can take the bed," Kal said, disgusted by the turn of events. "I'm going to go sleep on the couch. Come, Fasa."
Ouch, Kal! Not even leaving her the cat. That's harsh! Oh, dear, it looks like you married a nice and proper gentleman after all, Lois. Too bad you didn't know about those kind of men before you got married, isn't it? mecry

Gee, thanks, Dad(s). This will make for one happy marriage.

Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Oh, dear. What will happen next???? Biting my fingernails (figuratively) in anticipation.

How about each time you finish a part and send it to Beta, you post a new part? or every Thursday - whichever comes first? Then you'll still be that much ahead of the rest of us. grovel

EDIT: In case you didn't notice, I'm liking your story. laugh
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/25/12 01:13 AM
Boo-yah! I'm on top of it this round and actually ahead! What up?
Hi Mouse! wave I do believe that gives you the right to post an annoying "FIRST!!!!!!!" comment. wink

Didn't even consider this aspect. It makes sense- look at all the hubabaloo (is that spelled right? I don't think so...) over the royal wedding in England just this last year.
Very true. And Clark hates being in the spotlight.

Ooh! I can just imagine the two love birds getting into a fight in front of practically the entire population of Krypton.

It seems that Jimmy Interruptus is a liable threat in any universe.
Pretty much. evil

Score one for Kal.
<hands out official score sheets>

What a way to break the ice.
Ice? What ice? wink

It seems Kal has just become acquainted with the Mad Dog.
And she's foaming at the mouth.

Poor Clark- and poor Lois. Neither of them really deserve this. They shouldn't lash out at each other.
Very true.

And at the image of the Kal stroking the cat- for some reason it just gives me the image of the Bond villain Blofeild... which in turn only makes me think of Dr. Evil in Austin Powers... and at that point I'm laughing so hard I'm practically crying.
Quarter after 3am here, and I am wiping tears out of my eyes as I laugh so hard.

Great chapter! Really glad to finally meet Lois, and I hope all of our demands from the last session of FDK aren't putting you behind on finishing this up. I shall be patient as long as I can bear it... but patience is not necessarily a virtue I possess. Just sayin'.
Eh, it didn't put me *too* far behind. I did manage to get about a page done for chapter 18.

Thanks for stopping in! laugh
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/25/12 01:31 AM
Oooh! Virginia is here...and with super-long feedback! clap

Oh, Poor Kal. He's married a... a... I can't think of the correct words to describe Lois's first words and actions to Clark. But "sweet" isn't among them. Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Oh, dear. It's going to be a long life for Kal.

Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Oh, dear. What will happen next???? Biting my fingernails (figuratively) in anticipation.
Nothing good? laugh

How about each time you finish a part and send it to Beta, you post a new part? or every Thursday - whichever comes first? Then you'll still be that much ahead of the rest of us.
laugh I'm contemplating Sunday/Thursday...but hey, if you want every Thurday... wink

EDIT: In case you didn't notice, I'm liking your story.
I'm glad! I am really enjoying your feedback. laugh
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/25/12 06:02 AM
I knew we could reach an agreement. laugh (Translation: Thanks for posting early!)

For several days now, the prince had been on edge. He could barely sleep. And when he did, his dreams were fitful and dark. It left him somehow more exhausted than when he'd initially laid down to sleep. He found himself able to eat even less than he was able to sleep. His stomach roiled and lurched each time he sat down to eat.
I wonder if it's just wedding jitters or something more sinister, maybe something to do with Lex - uh, I mean Lux? (Why Lux, which is Latin for light?)

"Let Lois see me as I am," he mumbled to himself. "She deserves better than to be lied to in any way on this day."

Still pondering his situation, Kal finished changing and reentered the bedroom. Lois was stripping out of her robes. She paused and swallowed hard, facing Kal, and let the material pool around her ankles.

"Wh...what are you doing?" Kal asked. He tried not to stare and averted his eyes. He toed the carpet of the room self-consciously.

"I...thought...you'd want to take what is rightfully yours."

Kal shook his head. "No. Please, get dressed."

"Am I not pleasing to you, my lord?"
More ouch. They really raised her on crap. dizzy

Kal shook his head again. "It's not that. You're beautiful. In fact, I've never seen anyone as beautiful as you."

"Then I'm afraid I don't understand." Still, Lois bent and pulled the robes around her body once more.

"Look, Lois, you don't...belong...to me, or to anyone. It wouldn't be right for me to just...take...what you're offering. I'd like it if we got to know each other though. Here...I have something that I'd like to give you."
It's a good thing he's a good guy. No, make that a great guy.

Lois cut him off, her brown eyes flashing with anger. "You thought what? That you'd buy my affections? That you'd make one gesture and I'd fall into your arms? Well, you've got another thing coming. The only reason I am here is that I had no other choice."

"Lois, neither one of us had a choice in this."

Lois nodded. "And just because we've been forced into a marriage doesn't mean that I have to like it. My father might be thrilled with this match, but I'm not. If it were up to me, I'd be off doing my own thing. I'd rather be a working commoner then a princess stuck in a marriage with you. So you can just keep your little gift. I will not be bought!"
rotflol Lois as we know her. Poor Kal, though. I dare say that's not the reaction he expected.

He placed the box on the top of his dresser and shook his head. He went to his closet and pulled out an extra blanket and pillow.

"What are you doing?" Lois demanded.

"You can take the bed," Kal said, disgusted by the turn of events. "I'm going to go sleep on the couch. Come, Fasa."
The logical conclusion for someone with common sense. However, Lois wasn't raised to believe in common sense... I wonder what she's going to make out of it. Rejection on his part? Reading on...

Wait, that's it? You can't just stop here! I mean, hey, that's just pure evil!
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/25/12 01:11 PM
I knew we could reach an agreement. (Translation: Thanks for posting early!)
You're welcome. laugh Now, about those thugs staring at me and hefting night sticks... wink

I wonder if it's just wedding jitters or something more sinister, maybe something to do with Lex - uh, I mean Lux? (Why Lux, which is Latin for light?)
Umm...mostly because lazy writer brain couldn't come up with anything better?

Good boy! He's already learning how to be a good husband. Just... will Lois appreciate it? Off to read more.
He *can* be taught! laugh

Good advice from someone who's been there, done that. (Especially the "don't look so depressed" part)
What? "Don't look so depressed" isn't standard wedding day advice? wink

Lol. Remeinds me of dancing lessons. "Smile! Dancing is fun!" is what my instructor used to tell us pretty much every lesson.

*giggles* Too cute. Like a teenager before his first date.
Only without acne! laugh

Notice the absence of the noun "bed" in there? Also, the wedding vows do not contain anything about fidelity. Wonder if it's going to be the same for Lois? (My money is on "not".)
Bingo. Since, well, Kal can't get pregnant and all. wink

Why am I not surprised? If that's the official wedding vows for all people, Lois' mother sure failed with hers, as did Lara. (She never had a daughter, did she?)

Then do something about it, dammit! Offer her your arm or something!
Too shy, too painfully aware of protocol.

What I was afraid of: Lois seems to be raised to honor even the silliest piece of protocol so she would not shame her father (any more than she did by being a girl in the first place). No wonder she's not happy. But, once again, the House of El men seem to know exactly what to say.
Well, observe in public anyway... wink The El men are good people though.

God, this guy is way too passive.
Just too polite for his own good.

More ouch. They really raised her on crap.
Force fed it to her. frown

Lois as we know her. Poor Kal, though. I dare say that's not the reaction he expected.
Not in the least! smile

The logical conclusion for someone with common sense. However, Lois wasn't raised to believe in common sense... I wonder what she's going to make out of it. Rejection on his part? Reading on...

it, that's it? You can't just stop here! I mean, hey, that's just pure evil!
rotflol Sorry! More to come soon, I promise!
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/25/12 02:41 PM
I wonder if it's just wedding jitters or something more sinister, maybe something to do with Lex - uh, I mean Lux? (Why Lux, which is Latin for light?)
Umm...mostly because lazy writer brain couldn't come up with anything better?
Personally, I'd have called him Lex-Or... :p

What? "Don't look so depressed" isn't standard wedding day advice?
How would I know? I'm not married...

Aside from the fact that Kal's marriage will start off more depressing than a funeral?
Bingo! And much more satisfying in the long run, if you don't bleed to death before reaching it.
True, but that's a big "if". (Besides, it's much more fun to read.)

Bingo. Since, well, Kal can't get pregnant and all. wink
No, all he could do is sire little half princes. (Why does that always remind me of The Half-Blood Prince?)

Then do something about it, dammit! Offer her your arm or something!
Too shy, too painfully aware of protocol.
What happened to "Hang tradition"? Just hang protocol by its side!

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif"> goofy
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/25/12 04:37 PM
Everyone is saying the same thing - poor Kal! Yes it is a terrible thing to be sold into marriage with a person you do not meet until the wedding day.

I have questions of course.

Jor seems petty and mean knowing what this is doing to his son. His words at the end were pretty weak. An apology might have gone a long way! Another thing. Why did Jor wait so long before telling Kal? At least the young man might have had time to get used to the idea of sharing his life with a complete stranger no matter how beautiful she is!

Love the cat!

That's our Lois! At first in the 'wedding chamber' she seemed so complying and willing, but than WHAM! Mad Dog Lyne appears and won't allow herself to be this prince's plaything - no matter how handsome he is! party

So I look forward to seeing how this entire situation is resolved. This is a great fic so far!
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/25/12 04:39 PM
How would I know? I'm not married...
I wouldn't know either. I had to stop myself from running down the aisle to the altar.

True, but that's a big "if". (Besides, it's much more fun to read.)
Precisely! dizzy jawdrop

<feverishly preps more chapters for AntiK to beta>

My guess is that Lois actually made it. Her secret career, which she had to kill. Thus, the "offical" death of the maker of that pendant. (And thereby reminding her of what she has lost, further fueling her anger and frustration.)
Really not though. She just *wanted* to be free to choose her own path - her own career and husband. But heck, what a twist that would have been if she'd been the one to make that necklace!!! laugh
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/25/12 04:44 PM
Hi Morgana! wave

Everyone is saying the same thing - poor Kal! Yes it is a terrible thing to be sold into marriage with a person you do not meet until the wedding day.
Yup. Poor Lois and Kal both!

I have questions of course.
I have answers! :p

Jor seems petty and mean knowing what this is doing to his son. His words at the end were pretty weak. An apology might have gone a long way! Another thing. Why did Jor wait so long before telling Kal? At least the young man might have had time to get used to the idea of sharing his life with a complete stranger no matter how beautiful she is!
Severe guilt for having traded his son's life like that. Also, he knows how headstrong Kal is and fears that he would have done something rash, like try to run away from home and become a farmer or something.

Love the cat!
Thanks! He's based (mostly) on my own tabby, Mufasa. (Except for the cat's backstory, which makes a brief appearance in a totally not weird way.)

That's our Lois! At first in the 'wedding chamber' she seemed so complying and willing, but than WHAM! Mad Dog Lyne appears and won't allow herself to be this prince's plaything - no matter how handsome he is!
"Oh? I *don't* have to conform to tradition...well then, screw this and you!" wink

So I look forward to seeing how this entire situation is resolved. This is a great fic so far!
Thank you! More coming probably around Thursday!
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/25/12 10:26 PM
Wow that was a surprise, but I can't say I blame her. Though I'd like to know what she thinks of him at least. Laura
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/25/12 11:06 PM
Originally posted by Laurach:
Wow that was a surprise, but I can't say I blame her. Though I'd like to know what she thinks of him at least. Laura
Oh, don't worry. You'll get a peek inside of Lois' head in a few chapters. smile
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/26/12 02:02 PM
First off, I’m terribly scared to post after Virginia’s FDK. That was just goofy /imagines Lois thinking that the little princling didn’t even care to straighten out for their wedding day/

. "I, Kal, of the house of El, hereby do solemnly pledge myself to thee, Lois, of the house of Lyne. From this moment, henceforth, until my dying day, I commit myself to you as your husband.
evil Hope they have a stock supply of dishes and vases to re-supply the prince’s rooms.

including Lux Uthor

He just couldn't bring himself to lay with a complete stranger. But what would Lois think? Would it be a relief to her as well?
Well, to Lucrecia Borgia, it was a way out. Given how her husband was unable to perform his marital duties to her.

"Is she not attractive though?" his father asked knowingly.
[Linked Image]
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/26/12 02:04 PM
"After dessert, I think we'll be able to slip out of here, if you'd like to."
goofy Handing her the bedding so she can take the couch?

"You can take the bed," Kal said, disgusted by the turn of events.

Though he was exhausted, Kal found sleep to be elusive for a long while.

To Be Continued...
So, are we going to get Lois’s POV next? Or will we see her again when she pours cold water over his face?

Oh, and is it Thursday already? And no, those black SUVs are not following you.

wave Michael
Posted By: MrsLuthor Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/26/12 02:32 PM
Awww! Poor Kal! Lois should be happy he's not a 'take what's rightfully his' type of guy!

Lovely part! I'm a little behind on reading it, but it certainly was splendid!
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/26/12 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Darth Michael:
<strong> First off, I’m terribly scared to post after Virginia’s FDK. That was just notworthy

/Pst., Michael, rotflol

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif"> I'm contemplating Sunday/Thursday...but hey, if you want every Thurday...
peep No, no, DC. Don't listen to me. Thurs and Sunday is just fine.
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/26/12 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
I do believe that gives you the right to post an annoying "FIRST!!!!!!!" comment.
You said it, not me, so... FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! laugh
Like in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding?"
clap Goody! Kallie throws the best tea parties... and something suddenly clicks in Lois' mind about just why their wedding night went so wrong...
hands out official score sheets
Oooh! I'm going to get on that! Special Lois and Clark score sheets, here I come! (Seriously. I'm gonna do that. cool )
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/26/12 04:45 PM
"Then I'm afraid I don't understand." Still, Lois bent and pulled the robes around her body once more.

“You see. I meant ‘beautiful’ as in aesthetically pleasing, not sexually attractive. I much prefer the services of the male care givers we employ.”
/spews water everywhere, curses under breath as I now have to dry my textbook off/ clap clap

Micahel, you are brilliant.
Posted By: robinson Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/26/12 06:56 PM
I am really enjoying this story. I am anxious to see how the relationship develops. Will they develop a friendship first while trying to solve some mystery?

Looking forward to the next part.

Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/26/12 08:55 PM
Sounds like he is…building up to his wedding night? Concubines really would help in this case.

/points towards page 3 of the room service menu. The royal palace offers an assortment of hair colors and cup-sizes./

/imagines Lois thinking that the little princling didn’t even care to straighten out for their wedding day/
huh Sorry, I don't get the reference. But umm...poor Kal?

Considering what’s going to happen later, that’s his first big mistake. He’s showing her that he’s not above her. That he is not set out to dominate her. Yes, that’s going to go well in a patriarchal marriage culture.
<tacks a "Please verbally abuse me" sign on Kal's back>

I’ll have to give him that. And that’s without knowing that she likes to be on top.
Hehehehe! (I think I ran out of graemlins)

Oooooh! She likes adventures.
Good thing too...since this marriage will be one.

So, she wearing her great-grandmother’s burlap-sack nighty underneath?
LOL! Or....nothing.

See? Should have gone with the black lace number instead of the burlap.
That one *does* have a proven track record.

“You see. I meant ‘beautiful’ as in aesthetically pleasing, not sexually attractive. I much prefer the services of the male care givers we employ.”
<checks room service menu> Huh. Look at that. Something for everyone here.

That’s his second mistake. Now she knows that she can act out the way she wants to
Open the flood gates! Take cover!!!!

I did not see that reaction coming. That’s just. Why. How. He already said he doesn’t want to… And she didn’t seem like he’d have to struggle much, like Nor-Uthor had to with his step-mother. So, why… how… what now? Oh, did they schedule the wedding for the worst time inside a four week time window?
/whispers ‘think’ not ‘thing’/
Ha! Well, that would solve "blood on the sheet" issues...if anyone cared.

Yes, but working as a commoner she’d also be doing the prince. So, the only difference is that she’s got a bigger expense account this way
Her very own Kryptonian Express card?

So, are we going to get Lois’s POV next? Or will we see her again when she pours cold water over his face?
Soon...but not yet. But it's coming.

Oh, and is it Thursday already? And no, those black SUVs are not following you.
Oh, good. Because three of them followed me to the gym today and twelve goons made a show of bench pressing twice their weight right in front of me today...

<locks door just in case>
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/26/12 08:59 PM
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
Awww! Poor Kal! Lois should be happy he's not a 'take what's rightfully his' type of guy!

Lovely part! I'm a little behind on reading it, but it certainly was splendid!
Thanks so much Mrs. L! Yes, she *should* be glad. But...she's Lois.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/26/12 09:38 PM
No, no, DC. Don't listen to me. Thurs and Sunday is just fine.
lol lol lol
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/26/12 09:40 PM
I love that movie! Haven't seen it in ages! /rummages through DVD drawer and pumps fist/ Yes!
Best rom-com EVER. laugh

Goody! Kallie throws the best tea parties... and something suddenly clicks in Lois' mind about just why their wedding night went so wrong...
laugh And yes, Lois *will* wonder if that's the case...

Oooh! I'm going to get on that! Special Lois and Clark score sheets, here I come! (Seriously. I'm gonna do that. )
Best of luck with that! wink
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/26/12 09:41 PM
Originally posted by robinson:
I am really enjoying this story. I am anxious to see how the relationship develops. Will they develop a friendship first while trying to solve some mystery?

Looking forward to the next part.

Thanks so much! More to come, along with answers to your questions, soon! laugh
Posted By: MrsLuthor Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/26/12 09:41 PM
Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
[b] Awww! Poor Kal! Lois should be happy he's not a 'take what's rightfully his' type of guy!

Lovely part! I'm a little behind on reading it, but it certainly was splendid!
Thanks so much Mrs. L! Yes, she *should* be glad. But...she's Lois. [/b]
Which means that even if she agrees with him, she's going to disagree... just cause!
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/26/12 09:42 PM
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
[b] Awww! Poor Kal! Lois should be happy he's not a 'take what's rightfully his' type of guy!

Lovely part! I'm a little behind on reading it, but it certainly was splendid!
Thanks so much Mrs. L! Yes, she *should* be glad. But...she's Lois. [/b]
Which means that even if she agrees with him, she's going to disagree... just cause! [/b]
Exactly! laugh
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/27/12 01:13 PM
Well, that was... interesting. Yeah, he made some mistakes, but, um, Lois was less Mad Dog than well, Female Dog, there at the end, if you see what I mean... I suppose she's got her reasons but it did seem to come out of nowhere. I mean, he's not trying to buy her with that present; he already owns her. So anything he does nice is strictly voluntary just 'cause he's nice.

I'll assume she's been even more stressed than he was, and has been brainwashed to think all men are scum, but still... I'm looking forward to getting in her head and maybe then this'll make more sense to me.

Of course, even if she does realize she blew her top and totally over-reacted, that will only make things worse, at least for a while... 'cause she's totally not going to admit to that and apologize.

So how on earth will you allow her to warm up to him??

Posted By: KenJ Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/27/12 01:17 PM
I am frankly intimidated by the detailed FDK that some of the commentors leave. jawdrop

Virginia and Michael, Lara and Mouse. I feel so inadequate. wallbash

I guess the bottom line is - Poor Kal he doesn't have the vaguest notion on how to handle women and one particular woman espacially. He needs to learn, and quickly or they will both be miserable. grovel
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/27/12 01:44 PM
Originally posted by ChiefPam:
Well, that was... interesting. Yeah, he made some mistakes, but, um, Lois was less Mad Dog than well, Female Dog, there at the end, if you see what I mean... I suppose she's got her reasons but it did seem to come out of nowhere. I mean, he's not trying to buy her with that present; he already owns her. So anything he does nice is strictly voluntary just 'cause he's nice.

I'll assume she's been even more stressed than he was, and has been brainwashed to think all men are scum, but still... I'm looking forward to getting in her head and maybe then this'll make more sense to me.

Of course, even if she does realize she blew her top and totally over-reacted, that will only make things worse, at least for a while... 'cause she's totally not going to admit to that and apologize.

So how on earth will you allow her to warm up to him??

Oh, I have my evil little ways. laugh But you are right. Even if Lois realizes how mean and unfair she's being...well...she's not likely to apologize any time soon.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/27/12 01:45 PM
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by KenJ:
<strong> I am frankly intimidated by the detailed FDK that some of the commentors leave. wave

Trust me - any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated.

Yes, Kal and Lois will both be miserable if they can't find some common ground.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/27/12 01:50 PM
Sorry, I don't get the reference.
Lucretia Borgia. (from memory) Got married as soon as biologically sensible, to secure some alliance or other for her father, Pope Alexander 6th. Later, it was deemed better to secure a different alliance and since she swore her husband was never able to follow through with his marital duties, the Pope was conveniently able to annul the marriage. This allowed her father to arrange for a different political union. Ahhh, wasn't the Renaissance a great time to live?

Hehehehe! (I think I ran out of graemlins)
I know the feeling.

LOL! Or....nothing.
wave Michael
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/27/12 02:07 PM
Lucretia Borgia. (from memory) Got married as soon as biologically sensible, to secure some alliance or other for her father, Pope Alexander 6th. Later, it was deemed better to secure a different alliance and since she swore her husband was never able to follow through with his marital duties, the Pope was conveniently able to annul the marriage. This allowed her father to arrange for a different political union. Ahhh, wasn't the Renaissance a great time to live?
A fantastic time! Sure don't remember this being covered in my history classes though.

I know the feeling.

Okay, then. Kal likes his boys, then. Which is fine. To each their own.

Hmmm...why are there five black SUVs all parked in front of my house and why are all of the oocupants staring at me through binoculars?
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/27/12 02:12 PM
Five? *Five?*

Is Grimes off again, trying to sneak some alone time with Alex...

Erm... I mean, what SUVs?

wave Michael
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/27/12 02:15 PM
Originally posted by Darth Michael:
Five? *Five?*

Is Grimes off again, trying to sneak some alone time with Alex...

Erm... I mean, what SUVs?

wave Michael
rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/28/12 01:38 PM
drool Does this also mean we might be getting our next fix in a little over 8 hours? Which, coincidentally, would also mean, I'll have something fun to wake up to. Just like Clark, come to think of it... evil

grovel grovel grovel grovel grovel


PS: Would you be so kind and pop your head outside and tell the guys to remember bringing fresh rolls from the bakery on their way back to the Buy More? That would be great, thanks!
In reference to the black SUVs following someone:

Oh, good. Because three of them followed me to the gym today and twelve goons made a show of bench pressing twice their weight right in front of me today...

<locks door just in case>
I don't think locking the door would help.

And why hasn't anyone commented on Kal's most obvious super-power? He told his cat Fasa what to do and Fasa did it! Got to be super.
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/28/12 03:28 PM
Lol, I guess this version of Kal doesn't have a super dog, but a super cat! (Does Fasa happen to wear a red cape with the House of El crest on it?)
[Linked Image]
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/28/12 03:34 PM
Originally posted by Darth Michael:
drool Does this also mean we might be getting our next fix in a little over 8 hours? Which, coincidentally, would also mean, I'll have something fun to wake up to. Just like Clark, come to think of it... evil

grovel grovel grovel grovel grovel


PS: Would you be so kind and pop your head outside and tell the guys to remember bringing fresh rolls from the bakery on their way back to the Buy More? That would be great, thanks!
Prooooooobably! laugh

Black SUV guys want to know what kind of rolls.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/28/12 03:35 PM
Originally posted by Terry Leatherwood:
In reference to the black SUVs following someone:

Oh, good. Because three of them followed me to the gym today and twelve goons made a show of bench pressing twice their weight right in front of me today...

<locks door just in case>
I don't think locking the door would help.

And why hasn't anyone commented on Kal's most obvious super-power? He told his cat Fasa what to do and Fasa did it! Got to be super.
So...that means I have super powers too! (Seriously, my Mufasa will follow me if I tell him "Come on, time for bed.")

Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/28/12 03:36 PM
Originally posted by Lara Joelle Kent:
Lol, I guess this version of Kal doesn't have a super dog, but a super cat! (Does Fasa happen to wear a red cape with the House of El crest on it?)
[Linked Image]
rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol

That. Is. AWESOME.
According to people who have taken care of both cats and dogs:

  • Dogs have owners.
  • Cats have staff.

That matches my experiences with both kinds of critters. If you can get a cat to do something - anything - on command, you're more powerful than I am!
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/28/12 09:46 PM
Originally posted by Terry Leatherwood:
According to people who have taken care of both cats and dogs:

  • Dogs have owners.
  • Cats have staff.

That matches my experiences with both kinds of critters. If you can get a cat to do something - anything - on command, you're more powerful than I am!
laugh Having had both cats and a dog in my time, that's pretty much spot on. I just really lucked out with my tabby - he actually does listen sometimes!
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/28/12 09:52 PM
Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
laugh Having had both cats and a dog in my time, that's pretty much spot on. I just really lucked out with my tabby - he actually does listen sometimes!
Of course, they listen, but if they do what you ask -- that's their own decision.

My cat (since her playmate has died) has decided that she can give me orders. :rolleyes: So, she comes up and meows at me until I do what she asks. (Of course, she has me well trained... what was that about cats having servants...?)

So, to get back on topic, DC, you posting after midnight tonight or making us wait another day?
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Contractually Bound (3/21) - 03/28/12 10:01 PM
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
[b] laugh Having had both cats and a dog in my time, that's pretty much spot on. I just really lucked out with my tabby - he actually does listen sometimes!
Of course, they listen, but if they do what you ask -- that's their own decision.

My cat (since her playmate has died) has decided that she can give me orders. :rolleyes: So, she comes up and meows at me until I do what she asks. (Of course, she has me well trained... what was that about cats having servants...?)

So, to get back on topic, DC, you posting after midnight tonight or making us wait another day? [/b]
Our bengal, Ariel, has us trained. She throws a fit until we pet her and/or throw a tinfoil ball at her. Mufasa doesn't ask for anything - he just does. So if he wants to snuggle, he just climbs up on you.

Actually, just prepping the story for posting now. Please stand by...
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