Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: MrsLuthor The New Adv. of Jimmy Olsen [6/10] - 01/04/12 02:34 PM
Chapter Six – As Long As You’ll Be My Friend At the End

“Clark… move over!”

“There’s lots of space, Lois.”

“No there’s not. You’re in the middle of the bed.”

“I am not.”

“Well it’s your turn with the baby anyways. Go get her, Uncle Clarkie.”

“You just want to take the warm spot.”

“So?” Lois said as she rolled into the spot Clark had just been occupying.

“Oh… that’s nice.” She said, curling into the blankets and snuggling into the pillow. “Wait!” She said before he left the room.

“What?” He asked, blinking at the light from the hallway.

“Can you zap the bed again?” She asked.

Clark sighed as he used his heat vision to warm up the bed.

“She’s all bundled up still in the stroller!” Lois called as Clark headed into the living room and threw a jacket and pair of shoes on before pushing the stroller out the apartment door.

“Come on, Jay, you gotta go to sleep.” Clark said as he pushed the stroller down the unplowed sidewalk. “We can’t spend every night out here, walking around in the snow. Auntie Lois needs her beauty sleep.” Clark said.

It was the second night in a row that Jaymee-Lynn fussed relentlessly until they brought her out into the crisp night air.

Lois entered the apartment quietly. The living room was dark. Clark must have been in bed already, or putting the baby to sleep in the guest room. She gently eased her bag to the floor. She’d left several hours ago to meet a source. She felt bad for leaving for so long. It was supposed to be her night with the baby. Their schedule needed work, that was a given, but it was only the end of their second week with Jayme-Lynn, and they were still ironing things out.

Lois stepped out of her heels and padded across the living room.

“Oh, what the hell is that?” She whispered as she felt something squish under her foot.

She flicked on the lamp next to the couch and looked down.

“A dirty diaper? Are you kidding me? Ugh!” She grumbled as she picked up the offending item and walked into the kitchen. She slammed it into the trash can and washed her hands and foot. There was nothing on it, but the idea she had actually stepped on a urinated diaper was unfathomable for her.

Lois entered the bedroom to find Clark just getting into bed.

“Hey, you’re back. How’d it go?” Clark asked, turning the covers on her side of the bed down.

“It was great. I think I’ve got enough for my story. How’d it go here?” Lois asked, her voice slightly irritated.

“It was fine. No problems.” Clark replied.

“Really? So then there wasn’t actually a *reason* for there to be a dirty diaper sitting on the living room floor just waiting for me to step on it?”

Clark sucked in a quick breath as he remembered leaving the diaper.

“I’m so sorry, Lois. I changed her on the floor, and I set the diaper to the side. I was going to throw it out, obviously, but then she spit up on herself and I had to change her. I completely forgot to go back out there and toss it.”

Lois rolled her eyes.

“It’s fine.” She said, but it was obviously *not* fine. She was still irritated even if it was an accident.

Clark smiled, watching as Lois changed into one of his t-shirts and climbed into bed.

“You have no idea how sexy it is for me to see you in my clothes.” Clark said as he leaned over to kiss Lois.

“Are you serious? You wanna make out… tonight? Clark I’m exhausted.” Lois said as she fell back hard onto her pillow.

Clark curled up behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist and heard her sigh when he kissed the back of her neck.

“Dr. Klein gave me my test results today.” He whispered.

Lois rolled onto to her back to look up at him.

“And?” She asked, waiting for him to elaborate.

“He said that not only is it completely safe for me to be intimate with an Earth woman, but I could also father a child with one.” Clark said softly, his eyes twinkling.

Lois’ eyes shot open and she sat up abruptly.

“Excuse me? Clark, we’re still getting used to the Earth child we’ve got. We haven’t even… and you’re talking babies… that’s such a huge step, Clark. I don’t know if I’m ready to even discuss become—“

Clark cut Lois off in the only way he knew how: he kissed her softly on the lips.

“I’m not saying we’re going to have kids now or even ever. I’m just saying that I can… we can. If we ever decided we wanted to, we could be just like any *normal* couple.” He whispered, smiling at her.

Lois smiled and cupped his face.

“Okay. So it’s completely safe for us to…” Lois voice trailed off but her eyebrows raised suggestively.

“Yup. I’m not saying we have to rush into that either, honey. I know what you’ve been through has been horrible, and I know you want to ease into that part of our relationship, but—“

Clark was the one who was cut off this time. Lois grabbed his face in both her hands and pulled his mouth to hers.

“Right. Now.” She said between ferocious kisses.


“You’re welcome.” Lois said, smiling smugly. “It’s always satisfying to have a virgin before bed.” She said as she chuckled to herself and snuggled into Clark’s body.

“Wow…” Clark said again.

“You said that already.” She said, laughing at him.

“Wow.” He whispered again.

Lois laughed as she flicked off the light.

“I’ll get up with the baby tonight. You sleep.” Clark said as he settled into his pillows and wrapped his arms around Lois’ waist.

“Clark… the baby’s crying.” Lois mumbled as she rolled over to nudge him.

“Clark?” She said his name into the darkness of the room as her eyes focused.

He wasn’t there. She rubbed his side of the bed to see if it was still warm and found a small piece of paper.

Earthquake in China.

Superman will see you in AM for interview at Planet.

Love you,

Lois groaned as she placed the note on the table and walked out of the bedroom.

“Hey beautiful.” She whispered as she picked Jayme-Lynn up out of her crib. “You hungry? Come on, let’s go get your bottle.” Lois said, rocking the fussy infant as they walked into the kitchen.

Lois warmed the bottle and tested it on her wrist. “Damnit!” She said, as the milk scalded her skin and the baby wailed even louder at the harsh tone of Lois’ curse.

“I’m sorry. Shhh. I’m not yelling at you. I just messed up. I’ll feed you soon, I promise!” Lois said as she placed the bottle in the fried to cool down. “Come on, let’s read a story while that cools down.” Lois said softly, jiggling the baby gently as she walked over to the couch.
She pulled open the drawer in the end table in search of a book, but found only a stack of letter.

“These’ll have to do.” She mumbled as she pulled them out.

Lois frowned as she saw an unfamiliar looking envelope in the stack of Rachel’s letters. She pulled it out to find a ripped out page from what appeared to be a book of some kind. The letter was written in red marker over the faded black text of the book.


Please get in touch with my friends at the Daily Planet. Call Clark Kent. I’m in a jail in Rwanda now after being transferred back and forth several times. Please get in touch with my family in Metropolis. Don’t tell them what’s happened, just that you need to speak to Superman.

I sure hope this gets to you in time.


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