Lois & Clark Forums
Comments/Suggestions/Kicks to my Face?
Part Three:

Wow! What a tone change. L&C are making great progress on their romance (living together!) and it's very light-hearted. And then - BOOM! Jimmy is dead! (well, since this show is based on a comic book, we all know that nobody in the comics is ever truly dead except for Peter Parker's Uncle Ben. laugh )

Part Four:

OK, this is officially serious now. A baby is something you can't treat casually. Clark taking on a child - what will this do to Superman's availability in times of crisis? And what about the baby? I'd like to learn more about her.
And part 4!

“Mr. Kent? It’s Lisa from research. I’m sorry to bother you at home, but a call came for you today from a woman who said she was a friend of, uh, a friend of Jimmy Olsen’s. I said I’d pass on the message for you to call her back.”
Oh? So, we’re getting some connecting, now?

“Hey there! You’ve reached Rachel and Levi Jackson! Leave a message, and we’ll get back to you soon!”
Oh dear. What is he going to think? After all, this sounds like they’re married.

Lois bit her lip in an attempt not to pick up crying where she’d left off before falling asleep as she crawled into Clark’s bed next to him.

the phone rang only once before an automated message came on.

“The number you are trying to reach is not in service.”
Huh. Okay, that’s odd. She didn’t do anything stupid, did she? And left them the baby?

“Excuse me. Are you Clark Kent?” Clark looked up to see a woman standing in front of his desk, eyeing him with questioning eyes.
Wow. She packed up and moved to Metropolis? Rash. But…okay.

“Mr. Kent, my name is Alberta Jennings. I’m a social worker with DCFS.”
wave Michael
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