Lois & Clark Forums
Well, Missy promised that it is really and truly the final part, so I have titled this post appropriately and now I'm off to read...

OK, now I can finally relax and let out a relieved and happy sigh. I love how you brought this around full circle. With their meeting place and the hat and the reminder of the bet. They traveled quite a path during this year, but it was definitely worth it... And the entire Strangers series has been a marvelous ride for your readers, Missy, and I'm sorry to see it end.

Kathy (happy to see L&C happy [Linked Image])

Yay! That gave me a much more WAFFy ending.
/me melts into a puddle
This has been a great series, Missy!

YAY! Lois knows, and quite understanding, and all is right with their world. Or is it? Considering the "or not" part. ;-)

And thank you, thank you, Missy.

"Oh, no! It's not for me, but for my brother. He's been stationed overseas and his whole platoon looks up to you. You're more than a hero to them; you're their inspiration."
I've loved the cameo, and I admit I've had a little too much fun with it. o< wink But thank you so much for including that part, it just made my night... well, along with the ending of the story. laugh

I loved this whole story, and the whole series. I can't wait for S6! smile1

Great piece. smile1
Mop on aisle five! There's a puddle of goo!

And it seems to be SMILING!

Yes, Lois finally knows. smile1
I love how they come back to their original meeting place. So WAFFy! clap

Congratulations on an excellent story. notworthy
I love the whole series.

Tricia cool
Finally the end!!! laugh

Or not? wink

Jose hyper
YAY!!! She knows! At last!!!! goofy

Mind you, first you have to finish WLGTDWI! wildguy

Wendy smile
That was a wonderful story. You did a great job with the ending too. I suppose you could continue it, but honestly it works really well ending right here. Of course that doesn't mean that I want you to stop writing. I am looking forward to your next story, continuation or not<g>. Laura
Oh, Missy, I forgive you for stopping my heart with that first "Final" version. (And sorry for all the rotten things I muttered about you...)

This was so great- very satisfying in every way. It took me so long to get caught up with the whole series, I really kind of hate for it to be over. However, you have rounded it off so nicely here.

A great ride.

at last
I loved the story and the wrap up
Is there to be a Strangers6?

Happy New Year
A beautiful ending to a beautiful story!!! Thank you for this wonderful series. Finally, I can now print the whole story and read it again. I'm really looking forward to this!!

Thanks so much for the Strangers series. smile


I finally finished Strangers I through V and I really need to let you know how much I enjoyed reading it.
I loved it throughout from the very first to the very last word and even the spaces in between!!!
smile1 We'll see... hopefully soon.

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