Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Laurach FDK: Strangers in a strange land: 24 and 25 - 11/04/11 05:52 PM
Hi L, Thanks for posting. I can't wait for more as usual. I am glad Clark is back and doing well despite what the Kryptonians are doing there. It is interesting that Wells showed up and already found the good Kal el from that place.I can't wait to find out how he and the Lois on that world will manage to get along. I am glad she met the other 2 Clark's first. At least she has met some good Kal Els, even though she does not like or trust them, I am sure it will ease her introduction the rightful heir of the El line. Laura
I need to go back and read the previous chapters, but what I have read so far has been very satisfying!
I need to go back and read the previous chapters, but what I have read so far has been very satisfying!
Yes, Morgana - it is! Now, go back and read the whole thing from the beginning... /taps fingers/

That was good, wasn't it?!

Now, if you have an extra few hours to spare, go and read "Long Strange Trip" at the Archive. It sets up this story.

Now, back to commenting...

OK, so our heroes have broken out Kal-El from his prison. Actually, HG did it! Yay for HGW! He has unseen reservoirs of bravery.

Where is the real Kal-El right now? Does HG have Kal-El with him? Will Kal-El be dumped into a meeting of the resistance, there to see for the first time in his life his designated soulmate, and the other two Loises and Clarks? (That might be interesting.)

“I … didn't stop any of the terrible things I saw,” he added, his voice filled with self-loathing. “I … just let things happen. Even though I – well... it's the greater good. I'd never had to make that choice before... I never knew how hard it would actually be.”
I really like this line. We expect Superman to be a superhero, and Clark here is showing it. He really cares.

"The original's location changes all the time – they're trying to keep his existence secret. He's tended to by robots which inject him regularly with something. We couldn't risk going near him because he's probably been flooded with red-radiation and he's also under surveillance. I did... do a few walk-bys near where he was and there were several others who seemed to find this alarming, even though they did their best to hide it. He tends to be kept in places where Kal-El isn't likely to ever go.”
You know, one thing I'm wondering - who had the clone made, and who had Kal-El replaced by the clone? Are there two parties among the Kryptonians? Is there a party of Kryptonians who are sympathetic to the goals of the resistance, who have kept Kal-El away from Clone-El? Or is it that the people who had the clone made in the first place are keeping Kal-El as a backup in case Clone-El gets too uppity? Will we find out more about this as the fic goes on? If there are divisions among the Kryptonians, surely the Resistance could use this (as they are already making use of Zara's talents.)
Part 24:
“Clark needs to go after them,” Lane implored the resistance leadership barely holding in her fear and anger. “Two days is too long not to have heard anything.”
Sounds like we're off to a gripping new part!

“You can't know,” said LL haughtily. “You've lived a happy little fluffy life – it's so sad about your hard life with your struggles with your father, and Claude,” she said sarcastically. “Poor little broken Lois. But you have no idea. What we've endured takes your problems and relegates them to the realm of laughable.”
That's sad and funny at the same time!

LL sure is a complicated person smile

wave Michael
I read Long Strange Trip two years ago and it has always been one of the BEST fics I have ever read in this fandom. hyper

That having been said I'm on Part 11...
jawdrop I did not see Wells coming. Or was that Nigel? wink

Looking forward to the next part!

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