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Posted By: KathyM FDK: Conspiracy Theories - 12/27/03 04:17 PM
Beverly, if the thread about "archiving" fics made you put this one out there, then it's doing its job. And I hope that there are more to follow...

This was delightful. I haven't seen the movie Conspiracy Theory in years, so I wasn't quite sure where you were going to take us...but I certainly didn't expect an appearance by the MiB! Wonderful to see them...and I'm like you, I like the ending just like it is too. smile

And I also particularly liked this:
Clark shook his head in disbelief at what he was hearing. Only his partner would imagine the world revolved around her. And he didn’t even want to think about the fact that right at that moment Superman WAS technically spying on her. Ethical or not, he had a secret to protect.
Nicely done. Many thanks. clap

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Conspiracy Theories - 12/27/03 06:48 PM
Loved MIB very cute tie in. Laura
Posted By: rivka Re: FDK: Conspiracy Theories - 12/27/03 10:23 PM
clap Very nicely done!
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Conspiracy Theories - 12/27/03 10:57 PM
God bless you all who pointed out the MiB tie-in LOL. I have no business reading fic after midnight if I haven't read it twelve thousand times already. goofy Now that my brain is back on track, cute fic!!

Posted By: daneel Re: FDK: Conspiracy Theories - 12/28/03 05:22 AM
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK: Conspiracy Theories - 12/28/03 06:13 AM
LOL, cute fic <g> I was wondering where it was going, but that ending was a very funny surprise.

thinking, hmm, maybe K is for MiB <g>
Posted By: BevBB Re: FDK: Conspiracy Theories - 12/28/03 07:54 AM
Thanks for the nice word, everyone. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

It's one that always brings a smile to my face because of the odd little twist it took that even surprised me with it's pure silliness. Although, even that makes more sense if one takes into account that just before writing it I had rewatched the Pilot of L&C (remember Prof./Dr. Pratt?) and happened to catch a rerun of CONSPIRACY THEORY within days of each other at the same time that commercials for MIB2 were everywhere on TV for either the theatre run or video release and it all starts to click. Well, it did in my brain anyway. laugh

I will confess that while I've always seen this one as a stand alone vignette with a cute payoff and never intended for it to become anything more than that, I do have one more similar "payoff" scene in my head that I've never felt confident enough to attempt because it involves moving more into the MIB universe. (They want Clark to come back with them to their headquarters because their boss wants to ask him for a "small" favor.) If I ever find the time and motivation one day, I may still try to jot the particulars of "Man In Black" down but don't count on it happening. I think I'm way too intimidated by that universe at the same time that I’m intrigued by the interaction between Clark and J & K. smile

Beverly :-)
Posted By: merry Re: FDK: Conspiracy Theories - 12/28/03 04:29 PM
cute story Bev
Posted By: TriciaW Re: FDK: Conspiracy Theories - 12/29/03 04:33 PM

LOL! smile1 I enjoyed it immensely.

Tricia cool
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK: Conspiracy Theories - 12/30/03 02:16 PM

Interesting story. smile1
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: FDK: Conspiracy Theories - 12/31/03 07:52 AM
Great, Beverly! Good job! I loved this little story.

Keep writing,
AnnaBtG. wink
Posted By: KathyB Re: FDK: Conspiracy Theories - 01/01/04 09:18 PM
LOL! Yes, I have told you (several times, I think <g>) that you shouldn't post it until it was "done" but that was after you told me you wanted to finish it. Given that you might not actually continue it, I definitely support the idea of sharing it with us all! smile

Fantastic vignette, Beverly ... I loved it way back when you first showed it to me and I love it just as much now. I was ROTFL when I realized that the MiB were there and that they knew exactly who Clark was.

Priceless and so funny!

Thanks for getting it off that hard drive of yours and sharing ... anything else you'd like to show us while you're at it? <bg> (Oh yeah, and consider this your reminder to send it to the Archive, too! smile )

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