Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: scifiJoan FDK: Only in my Dreams (7/22) - 10/05/11 11:25 AM
Love the kiss! Clark is obviously still interested in Lois but something else is going on.
Posted By: immery Re: FDK: Only in my Dreams (7/22) - 10/05/11 12:24 PM
There must be something really big going on with Clark, because he is so much in love with Lois. Can't wait to see next part. I liked the carry your wife part, the way Lois notices while not playfull like before, Clark is affected by this moment. And I loved the kiss of course. And at the end I guess Superman is needed.
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: FDK: Only in my Dreams (7/22) - 10/05/11 04:13 PM
Woo! A kiss! clap

There's definitely something up with Clark. And it's something more than just dating Mayson. Somebody must have threatened Lois or something... like in S4 when Lois was forced to leave Clark because Luthor's son knew about his secret (I think? Can't quite remember episode but no time to look it up before I head back to class...)

Can't wait for more!
Posted By: Mpj891 Re: FDK: Only in my Dreams (7/22) - 10/05/11 04:44 PM
Something is really not right poor lois and Clark
Great story
Posted By: AntiKryptonite Re: FDK: Only in my Dreams (7/22) - 10/06/11 12:32 PM
Okay, I had thought that the reason Clark didn't want to go with Lois to this marriage counseling was because he was afraid it would make whoever's got him over the barrel think that maybe he was breaking his end of whatever bargain's been driven (plus, it would be hard for Clark to keep his distance if he's alone in a room with Lois). However, now I'm starting to wonder if whatever has him so scared is actually involved in this marriage counseling place. That doesn't completely fit with what I've seen so far, but judging from Clark's violent reaction at just hearing that Lois wanted to attract their attention something more is definitely going on.

I love all the tie-backs to Honeymoon In Metropolis. It's a great switcharound; in HiM, it was Clark who was all for the relationship while here it's Lois. Not that Clark isn't affected!

Also love the way the bellhop described Lois and Clark. It's interesting that even outsiders can see that Lois isn't cold anymore and that Clark really isn't either.

We haven't really heard that much about Superman in this story, if I'm remembering correctly. Has he been as active as usual now that Clark's not doing so well with his life--and I'm assuming whoever's controlling him knows he's Superman, but I could be wrong.

Also, one minor point--you mentioned that Lois and Clark had kissed twice, but unless something went different earlier in this universe than at that park bench, it was three times. In the plane with Trask, when he left during the heat-wave, and in the Lexor Hotel.

Loved these parts! I also am quite enjoying getting two parts at once! smile Can't wait to find out what happens next!
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