Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: BarbP FDK: Addicted 13/13 or The 'Trip' is Over. - 12/26/03 12:04 PM
Wow, Yvonne.

What an incredible trip -- an amazing roller coaster ride from start to finish. You took us to dizzying heights and to the bottom of the blackest pit -- but you brought us home.

You gave alt-Clark completion--the end of his journey and the totality of his soul.

You left him with a mission and that's exactly what he needed. Of course, he had a mission as Superman. But now he has one as Clark. We all need a purpose, a reason for being. Superman wasn't the only reason that Clark exists. His humanity is more than the red and blue suit. Clark now can see what's ahead. It may be long and hard, but he no longer lives a murky existance.

You provided him with a new meaning--one that exists in his universe, in his future.

Thank you for a great story.

Wendy, much as I don't appreciate you making us wait, thumbsup

Julie clap

Wonderful story. smile1
Once upon a time, around part 7 of this, I wrote:
I think that introducing Lois into this story would lessen its impact -- unless done really well, which is always possible with an author of Yvonne's calibre, but don't ask me how to do it.
Well, I was right -- it could be done, and done really well, and Yvonne did it, and I had no idea that she was going to do it that way.

Very well done, Yvonne.

Posted By: gerry Re: FDK: Addicted 13/13 or The 'Trip' is Over. - 12/27/03 07:19 AM
Well done, Yvonne. Clark was almost whole before Lois came back into his life. And she's not as simple as a carbon copy of alt-Lois. This is a new Lois with whom he has to deal. I think that he will be a stronger, more understanding person because he has learned more about his own strengths and weaknesses.

As much as I loved this, I felt that the ending came too quickly. I believe that Lois has her own story that you need to explore (a very exciting A-plot I would guess), and then it would be interesting to see how Lois and Clark carve out their relationship...if they can be more than friends, caregiver/caregiven? If they can live knowing that another person get inside their heads?

I don't usually ask for a sequel, but this is screaming for one.

Enjoy your holiday and then get back to work.

What are you going to do know you finished torturing Clark? wink

Jose smile1
You are a good story teller, but I did not appreciate the profane use of the Lord's name.
Posted By: rivka Re: FDK: Addicted 13/13 or The 'Trip' is Over. - 12/27/03 09:15 PM
I admit it. I doubted Yvonne's ability to wrap this up satisfactorily in one more part.

I was wrong. goofy

And I liked that you left their future open. Not that I'd be averse to a sequel -- I just don't know that it's necessary.

So, Yvonne, what DO you have for us next? Hmmmmmm? laugh
Well, Yvonne, you did it again. clap

As for the ending... well, I have to admit that I'm going to agree that you really didn't give me enough to completely satisfy me, but I'm still pretty happy with it, because as others have said, it leaves plenty of room for a sequel... and ending it the way you did, my interest isn't waning and *won't*... what can I say other than wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy

Posted By: Tank Re: FDK: Addicted 13/13 or The 'Trip' is Over. - 12/28/03 08:26 AM
Okay, I guess I can accept that Clark was pretty much 'cured' (as much as any addict is ever cured) by the time Lois is brought into the equation.

The 'mission' idea that Barb brought up is very relevant especially since one could say that Clark's psychic link with Lois was a significant contributing factor to his breakdown in the first place.

Another well-crafted story.

Tank (who wonders what Yvonne can come up with to put a Clark through next time)
Yvonne, I waited until the whole story was posted before I started reading and I'm glad I did.
While reading I was thinking the same thing as Phil, but I also really really wanted Clark to have his Lois. So while I was of the opinion Lois really should not make an entrance in this fic, I should have had more confidence in your abilities as an author because you did a really great job of bringing Lois back without taking away from the point of the fic, Clarks addiction and recovery. Wow that was a really long sentence blush
Fantastic story, great job! notworthy
Well, Merry Christmas, everyone! And A Happy New Year for tomorrow.

I'm not sure where to begin here. You've given me such a lot of wonderful comments and insightful feedback throughout this story that it's hard to know how to respond to it all. Perhaps thank you would be a good start. I'll try to move onto something a little more intelligent and considered further down this unstructured ramble.

This has to rate as the most exhausting, all-consuming story I've ever written and possibly ever want to write. An awful lot didn't get done while this story was progressing, and I'm sure that sitting still on the sofa for hours at a time, moving only the odd finger or thumb on the laptop keyboard, didn't do anything terribly good for my back.

However, it was a very rewarding experience and I have to admit that I'm actually quite pleased with the result. Ask me in six months, of course, and I'll probably hate the story, but that is the lot of many writers I know.

Now, this sequel business. Well, I can quite understand why some of you might want a sequel. I've left things unfinished, insofar as Lois isn't yet well and Clark doesn't even know if they'll ever get together. A little bit of me would quite like to write the story of Lois's recovery, because of the unique role Clark would have to play in it. The process would undoubtedly be very draining for Clark, thus giving me lots of opportunities for more juicy sessions with good old George. <g> I wouldn't get so much of a thrill out of writing Lois's experience of the recovery process, because so little of it would relate directly to the Lois/Clark world (who wants to read about grim goings on in drug-dealer's house in Brazzaville?).

Anyway, I've already written one 'Lois regains her memory while Clark supports her and hopes she'll eventually come to love him' story (one of the Fear of Discovery series; can't remember which). The prospect of writing another similar story just doesn't appeal, unfortunately. You sequel-hunters will just have to imagine your own sequel - which can be just as much fun. In fact, that's more or less what got me interested in fanfic in the first place - inventing my own stories about Lois and Clark.

By the way, you have Wendy to thank for a couple of very important features. One is the fact that Lois appears at all. <g> I was originally tinkering with having Perry show Clark irrefutable evidence of Lois's death, which would then give Clark the closure he needed to move away from his obsession and onto other relationships. However, Wendy said Clark needed a Lois and that was that <g>. I'm glad she did, because otherwise I'd never have had that telepathy idea, and I would have missed all the fun of writing the Clark/Mayson break-up.

The other feature you have to thank Wendy for is the destruction of the red kryptonite - it was just a throw-away comment which passed from her to me one night, but I soon realised that it was the *only* way to finish the story satisfactorily - as someone said, it brings the story full circle.

Actually, you (and I, of course) should also thank Wendy and Elena for beta-reading this story - without their support and reassurance that I wasn't writing total rubbish the thing may never have been posted at all.

Well, I haven't managed to move onto an intelligent response to your feedback, but I feel I've probably rambled on enough here as it is. Suffice to say I really appreciate all those comments on sections you've singled out for special praise, and all of your insightful remarks about the story - which reassure me that, for the most part, I got across the message I'd hoped to convey. smile

Posted By: Vicki Re: FDK: Addicted 13/13 or The 'Trip' is Over. - 01/06/04 12:05 PM

This was excellent!

Believe it or not, when I began reading, I thought Lois' picture was going to be inside the box. (I've always considered her to be a type of "drug" for Clark.) I was very surprised when I realized it was red kryptonite. Brilliant! What a great idea. From the comments folders, I see that this "addicted to kryptonite" idea has been toyed with on Smallville, but for me it was totally new, and very believeable - especially for Alt-Clark.

As others have mentioned, your description of Clark's addiction was uncanny. Very real, and very scary. I loved Perry's intervention, and was totally absorbed by Clark's long, slow recovery. And, of course, I loved George!

I know that it is a given that "Clark must have his Lois", but I honestly wouldn't have minded if, in this universe, he had ended up with Mayson. (Which says a lot for your writing skills, since in the series, I HATED Mayson!!!!) Well, that is to say, I wouldn't have minded his staying with her up until I read the break-up scene, when it became all too apparent that they should not be together.

I really wanted Clark to be able to be complete, in and of himself. In fact, at the risk of being booted off the boards, I almost wish you had stayed with your original idea, and not brought Lois back at all. Oops, did I just say that out loud? Or rather, did it commit it to black-and-white? No, no, having read the ending, I think I'm perfectly happy.

Thanks for a great story! thumbsup

- Vicki
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