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Posted By: Laurach FDK Addicted (12/13) - 12/23/03 03:32 PM
Wow, Yvonne Clark seems to be healed. He vented his disapointment and anger without turning to the Red K. that is terrific. Also I agree that he and Mason went as far along as they could. It was a good break up. Ihope they can still be friends. Also his job seems to be going well. Time to get rid of Ralph. I am looking foward to how you are going to sum this all up. Being an optimist I hope he finds Lois, but I think in reality, this particular story, doesn't really need it. Of course it would be a great Christmas present and ice cream on the cake if she did show up<g>. Laura
Posted By: BarbP Re: FDK Addicted (12/13) - 12/23/03 03:35 PM

There is a concept known as the bridge -- occasionally an individual helps someone to move onward but because they were so heavily involved in the therapeutic process, they can't be part of the person who has healed.

You've painted Mayson as that bridge. But now Clark needs someone to be with as a healed individual instead of a healing individual.

So bring her on!!!!!!!!!

Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK Addicted (12/13) - 12/23/03 04:06 PM

Very interesting! smile1
Posted By: Julie S Re: FDK Addicted (12/13) - 12/23/03 07:27 PM
Good, so NOW are you going to bring in Lois?

seriously, this was a great part- I like the way you describe the meeting with George and the break up with Mayson- especially the break up with Mayson.

Looking forward for the next part.

Posted By: rivka Re: FDK Addicted (12/13) - 12/23/03 11:36 PM
Aw. frown Bye, bye Mason. razz

This part did a great job of showing that Clark will be able to deal with most crises that could come his way. The breakup -- and the buildup TO the breakup -- was quite believable. Too bad . . . wink
Posted By: Tank Re: FDK Addicted (12/13) - 12/24/03 04:12 AM
This has been progressing in a logical manner, but I do have one observation.

It seems that, so far, Clark's so-called healing has revolved around his being able to have some sort of romantic relationship with a women. That he won't truly be well until he can 'hook up' with a partner. That would basically move him from an addiction to a dependency situation.

Hopefully his stint with Mayson will allow him to realize he can function with or without a significant other. It may be nice to have a romantic partner, but it's not necessary in order to have a useful, fulfilling life (at least I hope it's not!).

To me, if he is to beat the addiction, he has to do it for himself, by himself. He can't use the crutch of a relationship to provide the 'feel-good' that the red K was providing.

Tank (who thinks that it might be more appropriate, in an epilogue, several months later to see the arrival of a certain petite brunette in Metropolis, and leave it like that)
Posted By: gerry Re: FDK Addicted (12/13) - 12/24/03 07:47 AM
I can't believe that you're going to end this in one more installment.

I agree with Tank that we need to see Clark coping with his life on his own. He no longer needs the companionship. He is finding his own inner strength and inner understanding.

And, truthfully, you could end the story with him finding absolute proof that Lois is dead and Clark could go on very sadly but going on nonetheless.

But this is fanfiction and I guess Lois has to pop up...and I admit that I want her to pop up and doing it in only one instalment won't make me happy. frown

Posted By: daneel Re: FDK Addicted (12/13) - 12/25/03 04:23 AM
I wonder how are you going to end this...

Jose hyper
Posted By: Wendymr Re: FDK Addicted (12/13) - 12/25/03 04:57 AM
I'm just dropping in very briefly to let you all know that Yvonne is visiting family for Christmas and is currently in the north of Scotland without an internet connection... frown

However... Before she left yesterday, she sent me the final section of Addicted and asked me to post it for her. Which I will... tomorrow. wink I can assure all of you that it's well worth waiting for!! jump

Wendy smile
Posted By: Julie S Re: FDK Addicted (12/13) - 12/25/03 01:57 PM
Wendy!!!!!!!!!! wildguy
Posted By: rivka Re: FDK Addicted (12/13) - 12/26/03 09:51 AM

It's tomorrow! laugh So, nu?
Posted By: Sorcha Re: FDK Addicted (12/13) - 12/26/03 10:32 AM

Wow. I have to admit that I agree with Gerry. I haven't the faintest idea how you're going to solve this in just one more installment... though if it's 30 pages, or if it ends with 'To Be Continued in Part II' then I'll be perfectly happy wink Anyway, as usual, part 12 was just wildguy

Sara smile
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