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Missing Lois - TOC

Author’s Note: The “Lois” in Chapter 5 and 6 refers to alt-Lois. Canon Lois will be called “Lucy” to help lessen the confusion between the two characters.

Story Notes: This story is mostly set in alt-dimension, although visits to the canon dimension do happen from time-to-time.
- Clark = Alt-Clark unless otherwise noted (such as when we are in the canon dimension, then 'Clark' is canon Clark)
- Lucy El = pregnant canon Lois avoiding the curse by hiding out with alt-Clark, aka Lois's secret identity
- Kal = Lucy El's husband's name, or what Lois-Lucy and alt-Clark call canon Clark
- Lois = alt-Lois, wife of Lex Luthor
- Lola Luthor = ‘wife’ of Lex Luthor; alt-Lois, if not referring to Clois (Cloned Lois)
- Mr. Amazing = alt-Lois's nickname for Superman
- Sam Lane = alt-Lois's Dad, Lois's doctor & roommate
- Ultra Woman = the costume Lucy/Lois wore to Perry's 'Come as Your Favorite Superhero' party
- Martha and Jonathan Kent = canon Clark's parents
- Lex Luthor = no explanation necessary, same bad guy as always, this time bald

- The only people who know canon Lois's true identity are alt-Clark, Sam, Moonbeam (alt-Star) and Dr. Klein. Alt-Clark told Mayson Drake that Lucy El is his sister-in-law and that he has a twin brother, but not about the other dimension. Mayson didn't believe him (thinking instead that Lucy was a con-artist).


What happened in Chapter 5: Part 11...

This infuriated canon Clark, who then took the time machine back home. Alt-Clark caught a ride and the two of them continued their fight in Martha’s backyard. She brought the clash to an immediate end and had the two Supermen come inside to talk like adults. In the course of their discussion, alt-Clark admitted that he hadn’t been honest with alt-Lois about his true identity. He also told canon Clark that he did have a pregnant woman under his ‘protection’ pretending to be the wife of his birth name (i.e. Lucy El, wife of Kal El), but the child was not his, but Kal-El’s. Martha was sure her son would catch all the dropped hints about his missing Lois, but they seemed to slip right on past him.

Realizing that they had left alt-Lois alone in his house in his Smallville, alt-Clark took the time machine and returned to her.

Meanwhile, canon Clark discussed his kissing of alt-Lois with his mother and also discussed whether or not he should tell his wife. Clark decided he should as he and his wife had agreed not to keep secrets from one another.

At the same time in the other dimension, freaked out not only about the two dimensions but also by her Superman’s rage at finding her kissing canon Superman, Lois jumped into her rental car and hightailed it down the road to Topeka straight into a snowstorm. As she thought through all that she had learned in the canon dimension and from canon Superman, Lois put two and two together and realized that Superman was actually Clark Kent. She decided to turn around and discuss this new development with him, when her car slid on the slick road, ending up in partially in a ditch. As she tried to get out of the car, a snowplow came down the road and pushed her car all the way into the ditch. The accident caused Lois to be knocked around inside the car.

Alt-Clark returned to his home dimension to discover that his girlfriend had left his Smallville house. Deciding to allow her time to cool down instead of chasing her, Clark soon overheard a call for EMTs about a car and driver in a ditch. He arrived at the scene to find Lois in very bad shape, bleeding and her neck at a weird angle. As he rushed her off to the hospital, they were struck by lightning. Due to the lightning strike, Clark was forced to land them in the woods near his Smallville house. With one last look at him, Lois went limp. While grieving for Lois at his Smallville house, Clark heard her heart still beating. Realizing that she was probably close to death – who could survive all that? – Clark rushed back to Metropolis to bring Sam Lane back to say his final good-bye to his daughter.

Clark himself mourned for the loss of the only woman he had truly ever loved, feeling he was to blame. Eventually, Sam came to him to tell him that Lois didn’t die; in fact, Sam couldn’t find anything wrong with her, except that she was still unconscious. Clark examined her body and could not find one broken bone.


Part 12

Lois blinked her eyes. She took a deep breath. She could smell coffee. Was that bacon? Eggs? Toast? It was bright outside. A ray of sunshine shone through the window, blanketing her in sunlight. She felt good. Better than good.

She sat up in bed and noticed Clark. He was sitting in a chair with a blanket covering him. Had he slept there all night? When she threw off her quilt, she noticed she was still wearing Lucy’s clothes. They were a little stiff like they had gotten wet and then had dried. Looking around the room, she saw her photos. Her photos. The ones that had been on her bookshelves and walls of her apartment.

Sitting on an old wooden desk against one wall was her laptop; it was sitting there as if it belonged there. Like she had plugged it into recharge before heading to bed.

Her stomach twinged, cramped. Lois rolled her head around, stretching her neck and shoulders. She yawned. Just what she needed, cramping. She gasped, her hand covering her belly. No. Not that. Anything, but that. She took a deep breath. It couldn’t be that. She swallowed. She was being paranoid.

Lois heard a noise downstairs – a cough – and it made her jump. It sounded like it was right next to her. She thought Clark had woken up. But when she looked over at him, he was exactly the same. Someone was cooking breakfast. She grinned. Mr. Amazing! No. Clark was Mr. Amazing, wasn’t he? She was so confused. She walked out of the bedroom and skipped down the stairs. She felt so good. Not a part of her hurt, except that pesky twinge in her stomach. And she felt so light, like she could just float.

Lois pushed open the door to the kitchen. Sam Lane was setting a plate of scrambled eggs, toast and bacon on a tray. She had never felt so disappointed in her life. So, no Mr. Amazing. Maybe he was Clark Kent, after all. Well, she wouldn’t let him know that she knew. He deserved a little punishment.

“Hi, Daddy,” Lois said making him start. “Is that for Clark or me?”

Her father grabbed his chest and then rushed up to her and hugged her. “Lois, princess. You’re all right.”

She stole a piece of bacon off the plate. “Why wouldn’t I be all right?”

He took the plate off the tray and set it on the table. He poured her a glass of juice and then sat down in a neighboring chair with his coffee.

Lois looked at him. “What? No coffee?” she asked, heading over to the cabinets.

“Oh, sorry. I’m used to making breakfast for Lucy.”

“I’m starved. Do we have any cream?” She found a coffee mug; filling it only half way with coffee, she poured the remainder of the half and half carton into the mug. “Aren’t you going to eat?”

“I already ate, Sweetie.” He shook his head. “Princess, you look just like Lucy with your hair and that get up.”

Lois scooped in four sugars into her almost overflowing mug.

“Whoa, honey! That’s a lot of calories.”

“Huh?” She looked down at her mug. Then she shrugged and took a sip. Sweet. “Live in the moment, I say.”

“You’ve never said that,” he corrected. “I believe your motto is ‘once on the lips, straight to the hips.’”

“Well, that was the old me. The new me says, ‘eat what I want and die happy.’”

Sam slightly choked on his coffee and started coughing.

Lois looked at him, concerned, but he waved at her, so she continued, “Plus, if I was fifty pounds heavier, maybe all these men chasing after me would start leaving me alone.” She plopped down into her seat, breaking it. She shook off her surprise and sat down more carefully in the next chair. Sam glanced between her and the chair, but didn’t say anything. “You don’t see whackos chasing…” She paused, taking a bite of toast. “Daddy, how did Lucy ever catch a man like Kal El?”

He smiled, taking a sip of his coffee. “Figured that out, did you?”

“She’s wicked smart and attractive in a way, since she looks like me, but look how she dresses.” Lois flipped up her shirt and then noticed the blood stain. “What’s this?”

“You were in a car accident, remember, Princess?”

Lois swallowed as her stomach cramped again. She ran to the downstairs powder room to look at herself in the mirror. Her face had been wiped clean of blood, but it had obviously covered her face at some point. She found some blood around her hairline and under her ear but couldn’t find the wound from where the blood had come. She pulled off Lucy’s flouncy shirt and noticed the stiffness of the material came from dried blood, not dried snow.

Her tummy cramped again and she could no longer ignore the signs of her forthcoming period. She sat down on the toilet and peeked at her underwear. Tears dripped down her cheeks. She wiped her nose. Why was she so upset? She hadn’t wanted to have a baby. Not now, when her life was already so complicated. But it had been theirs, something that belonged just to them. Proof that her Mr. Amazing existed. Proof that she wasn’t crazy when she dreamed of him touching her, floating with her. Proof of his love. Proof that they belonged together. She took a deep breath. This was her punishment for kissing Kal El, she told herself. Karma. She let a few more tears fall down her cheeks and then wiped them off with a sniffle.

Lois splashed some water on her face. She didn’t want to return to the kitchen in a bloody shirt. She threw it in the trashcan and ran upstairs to her room. Clark was still asleep in the chair. She shrugged; he had seen her more naked than that. She grabbed a t-shirt out of the dresser and returned to the kitchen.

“Daddy, what happened to me?” She sat down carefully in a chair.

“Superman said that your car got hit by a snowplow and that you hadn’t been wearing your seatbelt.”

Lois closed her eyes for a moment, remembering. “So, that’s what hit me. My car spun around on the ice and had gone part way into the ditch. He found me? Was I unconscious? Did you heal me? Or did he? Why don’t I have a scratch on me? How long was I asleep? You didn’t turn me into one of your cyborgs, did you?” She stared at her father, willing the answers out of him with her barrage of questions.

“No, of course not, Princess. He said he was flying you to the hospital when the two of you got struck by lightning. You crashed into the woods. He thought you were dead. He came to get me, so I could say goodbye…”

Lois stared at him. “But… But…”

“I know.” He smiled. “It’s a miracle.”

“How is this possible? I feel better than I have ever felt in my life. No aches, no pain, with the exception of some PMS cramping.” She took a deep breath. Don’t think about that. “There has to be a reason, Daddy. You know, I don’t believe in miracles any more than I believe in magic.”

“In this past year, I’ve seen so much that I’m a believer,” her father told her.

“Please, don’t tell me you’re born again?” Lois looked at him skeptically. “You’re the doctor. Well, examine me.”

“I already have. You’re perfectly healthy. And… Superman x-rayed you, no broken bones.”

Lois looked around. “Where is Superman, anyway?” Her father had lied to her as well. He could swim in limbo with Clark.

“He thought, after yesterday, you might not want to see him for awhile,” answered her father.

“Right. I would not want to see him for awhile, since I see him all the time now.” She bit her lip. ‘Don’t call me, Lois, I’ll call you.’ She was going to torture Clark Kent for this. “He did go psycho on Kal El, all because I gave him a little kiss. Do you think Superman might like me? Had he developed a crush on me after we spent that one weekend here? I guess he doesn’t spend much time one-on-one with women and thought we had some connection over PB&Js. Did you see that room upstairs?” She rolled her eyes. “A bit stalkerish, don’t you think?”

Her father nodded. “I noticed. He can be a little intense, Lois, but his heart is in the right place.”

“Intense? That’s stating it a little mildly, don’t you think, Daddy?” Her bottom lip began to quiver. So Mr. Amazing didn’t think Lois would want to see him. He didn’t think she would want to talk to him about what happened. To tell him about the baby. She sucked in another deep breath. He didn’t know about the baby. The baby that was no more. She would give anything to have him hold her while she cried and she needed to cry. But not now, she would wait until she was alone. She couldn’t tell her father. She sniffled, wiping her nose with her arm. “If he thinks I’m going to stay cooped up here…”

“You’re free to go at any time, Lois,” a sad voice from behind her said. “We just wanted you safe from Luthor.”

Lois spun around. “Clark! What are you doing here?”

“I was worried about you. Good morning, Sam. How’s our little patient?”

“Perfect.” Her father beamed. “She even has your appetite.”

Clark stared at her. “How is that possible? I’ve seen super healing powers before, Lois, but you take the cake.”

Lois laughed. “I don’t have any super powers, Clark.”

Clark noticed the broken chair. “What happened here?” he said, picking up the pieces.

“I sat down. It must have been on its last leg.”

Clark nodded like he understood. “I hate it when that happens.”

“Happens to you often?” she asked, skeptically. Yeah, I bet it does, Superman.

“More often than you’d think.” He smiled, taking the pieces out the kitchen door.

“He’s an odd duck.” Lois shook her head, taking a bite of her bacon.

The phone rang. Her father went to answer it.


Sam? Where is he? I’m going to tear him in two!” Lucy screamed.

“Whoa! She’s mad,” said Lois. Lucy was screaming so loud she could hear her across the kitchen. Wonder what she was so pissy about?

Was that Lois? What are you all doing out there? I’m sitting here wondering what’s going on. She doesn’t come home last night and nobody thought to call me!

Clark returned from outside.

“Sorry, Lucy,” Lois’s father apologized turning to Clark.

The younger man held up his hands and shook his head, forcefully. ‘Yeah, I bet he doesn’t want to talk to Lucy after telling her husband that they had slept together… Only, how would Lucy have found out about that?’

Tell him to come to the phone or I’ll fly out there and…

“Hello, Lucy,” Clark murmured, taking the phone.

I’m going to kill you. Kill you, dead. How could you tell Kal…

So, Lois thought, ‘Lucy knew he had said something to Kal El. Interesting. How did she do that? Must be some Ultra Woman ability. Some connection between her and her Superman.’

“This is Clark, Lucy. Superman’s not here,” he said with a smile to Lois, who was visibly listening.

I’m going to fly out there…

“Don’t do anything rash, Lucy. I’m sure we’ll be back in the city by nightfall.”

Me, rash? That’s bold, Clark. So, are you going to tell me what you’re still doing there or you going to let me just come to my own ugly conclusions?

“Lois was in a car accident.”

I’m sorry, Clark.” Lucy was suddenly calm. “Is she okay?

“She’s fine. Not a scratch, actually.”

Lucy didn’t say anything for a moment. “Then why is Sam there? A chaperone?

“She’s funny.” Lois laughed and Clark turned to her with mild curiosity.

“Maybe I should have Sam explain.” Clark passed the phone back to her father.

They could all hear Lucy yelling, “Clark, don’t you dare… Hello, Sam. He’s being a big chicken, again, isn’t he?

Her father turned his back on Clark and then smiled. “No comment.”

Lois turned to Clark as sat down next to her. “Big chicken?”

He grinned and shrugged.

So, are you going to tell me what happened?

“It’s an actual miracle, Lucy. Lois got banged up when her car got hit by a snowplow and… Superman was flying her to the hospital, when they got struck by lightning.”

Lightning?” Lucy gasped. “Oh, my God. And Superman was holding her?

“Of course. He said the blast knocked them into the woods. He thought she had died.”

Mr. Amazing had thought she had died? Lois glanced at Clark. He did indeed look like he had been shot through the heart. She just wanted to hug him and tell him everything was okay; she was fine. But he didn’t know she knew about Clark Kent. And Mr. Amazing wasn’t here. So, Mr. Amazing thought she was dead and just left. He buried the clone, but abandoned her? Rich, Clark. What would she think about that, if she didn’t know the truth? She would think that she committed the ultimate betrayal and Mr. Amazing didn’t love her anymore. She could play that. Lois sniffled, her bottom lip quivering. Clark glanced over at her. She closed her eyes and willed a tear out of her eye. He placed an arm over her shoulder and squeezed. It took every ounce of her self-control not to lean into him. ‘He lied to you,’ she reminded herself. ‘He’s still lying to you.’

And she’s perfectly fine, now? Not a scratch on her?” Lucy asked, her voice growing softer.

“Yeah, just like Clark said.”

Sam, listen to me. Not a single scratch on her?

“Yes. How did you know? Have you seen this before?”

Lucy sighed. “Yeah, Sam. I have. Just not to this extreme.

He turned to the others. “She knows what happened.”

Clark shook his head. “How does she do that?”

“See, I told you. A rational explanation, not a miracle.” Lois nodded, shrugging off Clark’s arm. Enough closeness. She needed to breathe.

“Well?” inquired Sam.

Clark grabbed the phone out of his hand. “Well?”

Can I speak with Lois?

Clark held out the phone to Lois. “She wants to speak with you.”

Lois took the phone. “You’re not going to kill me, too, are you?” She laughed.

Lucy didn’t laugh. “You heard me say that, didn’t you? Of course, you did. We’ll discuss that later. How do you feel?

“Great! Except for some PMS cramping…” She bit her lip to hold back the tears. “I wish people would stop asking me that.”

Oh, they will, soon enough.

“So, what happened to me?”

Lucy paused. “I think it would be best if I explained it to you in person. Can you have Superman fly you home?

“Like that’s going to happen.” Lois shook her head. She wasn’t going to give Mr. Amazing the satisfaction. “He’s psycho, Lucy. He sucker punched Kal El across the field.”

Clark winced and turned away from Lois, covering his ears.

Lucy snarled. “Kal-El can take care of himself. And he probably deserved it. But if your Superman is anything like mine, pig-headed jealousy is his only vice. You might want to keep that in mind, next time you decide to run off and kiss…

“He’s not my Superman, Lucy. Haven’t you heard? I’m a married woman, so he doesn’t want to have anything to do with me.” Lois bit her lip, again. “Maybe I’ll just stay away from controlling men for awhile.”

Good idea. But I need to talk to you as soon as possible. Tell Clark I’ll fly out there…

“She wants to fly out…” Lois covered the receiver.

Her father grabbed the phone away. “No flying, Lucy! Please, I’m begging you.”

Lucy harrumphed. “Got the message, spoil sport, but if she won’t fly with Superman, you better be hoping Topeka airport has reopened. Give the phone back to Lois.

He held out the phone. Lois rolled her eyes. “Demanding thing, isn’t she?”

Sam and Clark exchanged a glance. They better not be comparing her to Lucy.

“What do you want, now?”

To give you some advice. Be careful. Keep your temper in check…

“My temper?” Lois laughed.

If you’re anything like me, you have a short fuse. I’ve been working on mine…

“Really? Couldn’t tell?” retorted Lois. Anything like Lucy. Obviously, they all knew Lucy was the other dimension’s Lois Lane.

Lois, listen to me. Slow, methodical. Think carefully about everything and everyone you touch. Do you understand?

“Why?” Lois asked, her curiosity piqued.

Just in case what I think happened actually happened.

“Why don’t you just tell me?”

Because it would be better if I were there in-person to help.

“With what?”

You must be horrible at surprise parties. Patience. Pass the phone to Clark.

Clark took the phone with a chuckle. “You’re not going to tell me, either, are you, Lucy?”

I would love to tell you, Clark. But you’ve been a bad boy. A very bad boy. So, no, I’m not going to tell you. You’ll find out soon enough. Ask Sam if he’d be willing to fly back with Superman.

He covered up the mouthpiece, but before he could speak, Lois said, “How have you been bad, Clark?” She took a bite of toast.

Clark shrugged. “She doesn’t like to be out of the loop.” He winced and then turned to Sam.

‘Yeah, Clark, Lois Lane doesn’t like to be kept out of the loop. Men!’ Lois rolled her eyes.

“Lucy wants to know if you’re willing to fly Superman Express,” Clark asked Sam Lane.

Her father nodded.

“Yes. He’ll come back early.”

Great. I’ll need his help. Clark, stick like glue to Lois. We can’t have any more disappearing tricks. Not now.

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Clark, none of your lip. I’m trying to help, but if you want to battle this monster on your own, Frankenstein…

“OK. OK. I’m sorry, Lois.”


He grimaced. “Right, sorry.”

Keep an eye on her. You need to be willing to step in if need be.

“What do you mean by that?” Clark’s brow furrowed.

Lucy sighed. “You will understand if the occasion arises. This would be a lot simpler if you guys would just let me fly out there.

Clark shook his head. “And you call me pig-headed? See you later, Lucy.” He hung up. So, Clark had heard the pig-headed jealousy remark. Of course, he had. He’s got Super hearing.

“Lois?” Lois inquired, eyebrow raised, carrying her breakfast dishes to the sink.

“You should see her Lois Lane impersonation.” He blushed.

Liar! “How is Daddy going to fly back to Metropolis Superman Express? How are you going to contact Superman? He thinks I’m dead; who knows where he disappeared off to? He’s going to blame himself, like he did when Lola died. He was really broken up about that.” She looked at Clark with curiosity. ‘Go ahead. Fly yourself out of that one, Mr. Amazing.’

Clark looked away from her with a swallow. “He knows you didn’t die, Lois. He knows that you’re alive. I know how to contact him.”

Wow. Her heart took a nosedive. Had Clark really just slapped her across the face with that news? She placed a hand to her mouth and turned her back towards him. That was really cruel.

“I’ll go find you a suitcase.”

“A suitcase?” Lois asked.

“For your stuff. The stuff you’ve been begging me for days to get for you. I can’t have you keep breaking into my house every time you need to change your shirt.”

“It must be hard being best friends with Superman. Having to share everything with him or else.”

“You have no idea.” Clark sighed with a shake of his head.

“How did you meet him?” Lois asked, leaning against the counter.

Clark thought about this for a moment. She had posed the same question to Superman. “Lucy introduced us. She’s kind of my Superman expert.”

“Oh, so that’s why you tolerate her.”

Her father coughed, pushing her away from the sink. “Why don’t you go take a shower, Princess?”

“Good idea, Daddy. “ Lois kissed her father on the cheek and turned to Clark, looking him up and down, admiringly. A man who sat by her bedside all night after she was in a car accident still loved her. ‘Hmmm. Not bad looking in his every-day clothes either. Not bad looking at all.’ How come she never noticed how incredibly sexy Clark Kent was before?

If Clark was going to torture her, Lois could lay it on him just as thick. “I feel dirty anyway. I could use a hot shower. A long, hot shower.” Lois sighed and stretched her arms up over her head, her t-shirt riding up her waist as she did so. So, Mr. Amazing was going to try to break up with her. Not as long as she still had breath in her body. She glanced over her shoulder at Clark and licked her lips.

As soon as she left the room, her father spoke to Clark, “You better get me to Lucy and pick up a car while she’s getting ready. Clark? Clark?” He snapped his fingers.

Right,” Clark replied, his voice hoarse.

Lois paused on the stairs and shook her head. The acoustics in this old house were incredible. She could hear everything.

The End of Chapter 5

Continued in Chapter 6 – The Return of Ultra Woman



Chapter 6: Part 1/12
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