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Posted By: Laurach FBK Addicted 9 - 12/17/03 06:14 PM
Wow Yvonne George is really good. Poor Clark, even I was sure she was Lois but in a way I am glad she isn't. I hope Clark is able to move on with his life first before he meets the real Lois. Maybe you will throw us a curve and have him get over her and never have him meet Lois. Either way he needs to get his life back in order. Great job. Laura
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FBK Addicted 9 - 12/17/03 06:52 PM

Great part. grumble Clark addiction is destroying Superman persona and everything he stand.

grumble By now he probably loss his job again and his credibility.

More soon, please.

MAF frown
Posted By: gerry Re: FBK Addicted 9 - 12/17/03 07:09 PM
Another insightful session between Clark and George.

I hope that Clark shares his own insights that may be crucial to his recovery.
failure seemed to be a common theme running through everything he touched. Failure to please, failure to love, failure to take control of a situation, failure to spot the difference between a random woman in a clinic and Lois Lane, and champion of them all, failure to stay away from red kryptonite.
Good luck, Clark. I'm cheering for you.

Posted By: Tank Re: FBK Addicted 9 - 12/17/03 07:50 PM
Some more interesting fodder presented here. I'm sure Yvonne gets a kick out of the gentle readers constantly 'psychoanalyzing' her story. wink

First, I thought Clark was a little insensitive to Linda. I'll chalk up some of his early incoherencies to his shock and disappointment, but his actions with her bordered on rude. He should've at least been rationale enough to thank the woman for her flower pictures.

Actually, I think Clark should be curious, and take an interest in Linda. Caring about another individual with obvious problems might be good for him. Help him take some of the focus off his own self pity and realize there are others even worse off then he.

Another intriguing possibility is... We know that Kryptonians are telepathic, and that a certain bond exists betwenn Loises and Clarks. So, what if all that 'losing her' mumbo jumbo George is spewing is just so much hog wash? What if Clark is actually telepathically 'tapping into' Lois in a particularly harrowing time of need? Hmmmmm, maybe?

Another thing that I have to bring up. Maria also mentioned this. Everyone knows that Clark Kent is Superman, and many people know that he has been, and is being treated for 'problems'. It seems to me that it will be extremely hard, if not impossible for people to ever really trust Superman again. Weak, flawed 'humans' can have our sympathy and support, and will still be accepted as friends and family. But, for the most part, we prefer our Super Heros perfect. This kind of problem is not good for the old public image.

Story is going good. You make the whole process quite believable, but now is the time for some whams!

Tank (who thinks it would be an interesting development if, while Clark is incapcitated by his 'problem', we find out that Lois actually was in dire danger and as a result of Clark not being 'able' to respond to her dilemna she actually does perish... can you say major guilt?)
Posted By: BarbP Re: FBK Addicted 9 - 12/17/03 08:24 PM

Boundary issues -- a difficult nut to crack, but George is doing it well.

Clark is getting to the point where he is more fully participating in the therapeutic process, where George can just say a few encouraging reflections of feeling and content and let Clark lead the way toward healing.

Getting there!!!!!!!! A tremendous hurdle conquered and we're on the way!!!!!!

Great job,

Posted By: daneel Re: FBK Addicted 9 - 12/18/03 06:45 AM
I wonder where are you going with this smile

Jose wave
Posted By: rivka Re: FBK Addicted 9 - 12/18/03 03:20 PM
Great part! I was pretty sure that wasn't really Lois . . . but razz anyway.

George is such a great character! clap And Clark is gaining important insights.

I can't wait to see what's next!
Posted By: Allie Re: FBK Addicted 9 - 12/18/03 04:10 PM
this is a tough one.
I am enjoying the story.. sort of.

But I can't help feeling this isn't any Clark I can imagine.
Especially here:
" In fact, failure seemed to be a common theme running through everything he touched. Failure to please, failure to love, failure to take control of a situation, failure to spot the difference between a random woman in a clinic and Lois Lane, and champion of them all, failure to stay away from red kryptonite.

By the time sleep eventually claimed him, Clark was in tears."

I love this story.Great writing !! But I'd love it more if this character were named Fred.

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