Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: scifiJoan FDK Separate (8/8) - 06/15/11 10:44 AM
Once again I want to thank my betas Emily C and Mozartmaid for their help with this story. Thanks to all of you who have been reading and commenting! I hope you enjoy the ending.

Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK Separate (8/8) - 06/15/11 02:41 PM
“But he’s Su…” Growing nervous, Jimmy moved closer to her and asked, “He’s okay, isn’t he? He hasn’t made any appearances since the train incident.”

Lois made a mental note to later advise Jimmy not to broach this subject in such a public place, especially The Daily Planet.
Tsk tsk Jimmy!

No wonder Clark had been so worked up when they’d searched those warehouse offices together. Without superpowers, he must’ve felt totally vulnerable, knowing he couldn’t protect her. Yet even with that staggering handicap, he’d somehow managed to save her life once again.
Great point. Glad to see Lois recognizes that fact.

“I don’t think so,” Sam answered, “I’m not seeing any obvious indicators of damage in that respect. It could be that it’s just taking some time for his synapses to adjust after the stress of the procedure.”
I hope so. frown

He’d felt different the moment he’d awakened after the rejoining. In addition to the problems his parents and Dr. Lane were aware of, he was also dealing with a strange tangle of emotions - being jealous of himself, feeling isolated, alone and ultimately - out of control.
Yikes! Poor Clark. I love that you wove this in - it is, essentially, the driving emotional issue he has in the first two seasons - competing with him and his isolation that comes from not being human.

“Look at Resplendent Man, and Johnny Corbin. They had superpowers and only used them for personal gain. What did it get them? It’s not just having powers that makes you super. It’s how you use them.”
Bingo Lois!

Slightly annoyed, Lois retorted, “I don’t have superpowers. Am I a waste of a human being?”
Very in-character for Lois to challenge Clark right now. He definitely needs it.

Lois noticed the car they’d used to get there was missing. There was a huge furrow nearby, suggesting Superman ran into it as he landed. The first splash must’ve been the vehicle hitting the water.
So...is he ever going to be normal again? I hope so. I hope it's just temporary like the bout of red Kryptonite in "Letal Weapon."

Sweet ending. And I like the awkward way that Jimmy almost interrupts them. smile

Great story!
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK Separate (8/8) - 06/15/11 03:24 PM
Yea! It's Lois's love that heals Clark. smile1

Rocks the size of bowling balls were thrown into the box.


“My arm!” Jimmy cried when several rocks landed on him.

Lois gritted her teeth and braced herself as more rocks were added to the crate, praying none would hit her on the head. Then the lid was sealed, leaving them in the semi-darkness, only faint beams of light creeping through small cracks between the planks.
eek Lois! eek Jimmy! eek

Is it true love when you are willing to die just so someone else doesn't get hurt? Lois thinks so. But she was willing to risk Jimmy, too? Even when Jimmy wasn't willing to risk himself. She should have known that Clark would never forgive himself if his love and his best friend both died just to stop Superman from helping before he was ready. It would have destroyed him -- and he would think that Lois never loved him, because she didn't trust him to help at the end. She really wasn't thinking this through, was she? But then again, she isn't a planner -- she's a jump in and then test the water type of woman. goofy
Posted By: AntiKryptonite Re: FDK Separate (8/8) - 06/16/11 12:36 AM
What a great ending! I love the parallels you drew between the reasons Clark lies to her and the lie she herself told!

It's hard to pick out all the individual things I like about this part (and the story as a whole) because they were all interwoven together. I like her dad and how he handled the situation; I like how Jimmy's in the know; I like how it's taking a bit for Clark to reintegrate into one person and how you brought out that he has to assimilate two mens' memories into one; I like the moment when Clark tells Lois he misses her; and I love the slow way Lois realizes just how much Clark loves her and how much she loves him.

Excellent story! Thanks so much for sharing!

(And, VirginiaR, Johnny Corbin is Metallo in the second season, the cyborg with the Kryptonite heart.)
Posted By: scifiJoan Re: FDK Separate (8/8) - 06/16/11 01:49 PM
Deadly Chakram

I was a bit torn if Lois should let Jimmy in on the secret. But I thought I could have some fun with it.

So...is he ever going to be normal again?
Yes, he will. I was a little concerned that I was having him recover too quickly but even in the show, he seems to bounce back fast.

And I like the awkward way that Jimmy almost interrupts them.
Thanks! It's fun to end on a lighter note. Glad to hear you and VirginiaR liked it. smile1

VirginiaR - I agree, Lois doesn't tend to think things through. Excellent point - if she and Jimmy had died, Clark would've never recovered.

AntiKryptonite I'm glad to hear you liked the progression of Lois realizing her feelings.

Thanks for all your kind feedback! It's been fun!

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK Separate (8/8) - 06/16/11 07:36 PM
Very cute ending. Love the cab line by Jimmy at the end. LOL
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