Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: stopquitdont Double Jeopardy 13/? - 06/10/11 09:31 AM
Another chapter full of stuff. Not much in the way of the investigation. Mostly fluff. But we need a bit of that to balance the evil!



"Hey, CK, when we get to your place, if you'll make me and Jack a list, we'll scoot out and get Collin a few things he might need," Jimmy said as he looked over the seat from his position beside Perry in front.

"That would be good, Jimmy."

"Bill gave us this bag." Jack indicated the black duffel beside him. "It has a few clothes and diapers."

"That's good." Clark rubbed the boy's bottom. "I believe he needs a change." Collin was still staring at everyone as if he was scared to death. Poor guy didn't know what was going on. If Clark could make this easier for him, he certainly would. The boy had been through so many changes since his birth.

Wide, questioning eyes looked at Clark as his small hand went up to touch the man's cheek. "Cup," he said clearly.

"Are you thirsty, big guy?"

"Ah, do you think he can drink from a straw?" Jimmy passed back a large Styrofoam cup from the front.

Clark held it out, offering it to the baby. Collin looked at it a second before he leaned over and grasped the straw with his lips. He definitely knew how to drink from a straw because he sucked hard, gulping down whatever was in the cup. He paused long enough to take a breath, then sucked again. The whole time he never took his eyes off Clark's. Finally he drew away and looked over at Jack.

"He sure looks a lot like his sister," the younger man said as he smiled at him.

"Stop!" Collin shouted at him and tried to hit him.

"Hey, hey, I'm your friend," Jack informed him as he held up his hands. Collin leaned over and smacked the closest hand. Jack laughed softly. "You know how to give five!" He waited for him to do it once more and wasn't disappointed. The boy slapped his hand against the bigger one again, then sat back to glare at Jack. Jack glared right back.

Collin glanced at Clark before looking at Jack again. Finally he offered up a little smile.

"Oh wow! He has dimples just like Perry," Jack said excitedly.

Clark's hand smoothed over the side of Collin's face. He'd placed the cup in the holder so he could better hold the boy. It was good to see the child have an expression that displayed something other than uncertainly and fear.

"Ah, man, CK, the bottom feeders are at your place," Jimmy spoke up as they neared Clark's building.

"Like Perry said, we knew this was going to happen. We've made his abduction international news."

"I'll pull up and get out to come around and help you fight this crowd," Perry said as he parked on the curb. He rushed around, along with Jack. "Hey, back off," he shouted to the reporters clamoring for a word from them.

"How did you find the boy?" came a question.

Clark took a deep breath, tucked Collin's head against his chest- much to the little guy's protests- then stepped out when Perry opened the door.

"Mr. Kent, are you glad to have the boy home?"

"Yes," Clark answered as he moved slowly through the throng.

"Why did Mrs. Luthor grant you custody?" came the next question.

"Lane," Jimmy corrected. "Her name is Lois Lane."

"What's your association with Ms. Lane?"

"Where's he been?"

"Who had him?"

"Will LexCorp push to regain custody?"

The questions came one after another as they worked their way toward Clark's apartment. They finally made it to the door and closed themselves safely inside.

"Wow! Do we act like that?" Jack asked as he stepped down into the living room.

"Lois did when she was at her prime," Jimmy said with a chuckle. "You should have seen her." He dropped to the sofa and propped up his feet.

Clark took Collin to the bedroom and laid him on the bed to change him. The boy didn't protest, just stared at him intently. While Clark changed Collin, he gave him a quick once over with his super vision, relieved that nothing seemed to be amiss. No scars, no healing bones, and no evidence of any other kind of abuse. It appeared Lucy was telling the truth and that Collin had been taken good care of. When he was done, Clark picked the boy back up. The child's eyes searched his new surroundings carefully. How many new places had the child seen in his short life? They went back out to the other room and Collin's eyes spotted the toy box beside the couch. He struggled to get down, so Clark set him on his feet and he immediately went to search out something to play with. Clark was relieved to see him at ease enough to play. He supposed the boy had learned to adapt.

"That poor kid's probably been through the ringer," Perry deduced as they all watched him.

Collin rooted around in the toys for a moment before finding a ball. "Ball!" he yelled and turned to show it to Clark.

"That's right, son, that's a ball," Clark said and knelt to look at the item with him.

"Ah, man, now you have twice the responsibilities, CK," Jack said. "Why did you agree to all of this? And for a woman you don't even know?"

"I don't know, Jack," Clark said as he watched Collin go back to the box. "They needed somebody to take care of them."

"Well, like I tell all my other buddies, they don't make 'em any better than you." He stood up and went in search of something to drink.

"Son," Perry spoke up. "Are you sure you're okay with all of this?"

"What choice do I have, Perry?" Clark told him. "They can't take care of themselves."

"Ball!" Collin had found another ball, and he promptly threw it at Clark.

The man chuckled and reached blindly for the toy. "How about I fix us all something to eat?"

"I need to get home to Alice," Perry said. "Jimmy, think you can swing back by and put the paper to bed tonight?"

"You want me to do it?" His wide eyes told him he was stunned.

"Sure. I need to smooch with my wife tonight." Perry started toward the door. "You have plenty of time though. Run to the store for Clark and have dinner."

"I won't let you down, Chief," Jimmy said with a wide grin.

Clark stood and clapped Perry's back. "Give Alice a smooch for me, too."

"Hey, hey." Perry pointed his finger at him. "See ya, big guy," he said with a wave at Collin.

"Bye, bye," was his answer from the curious child. He even threw up a small hand.

"Well, I'll be Elvis' manager."

Clark laughed softly before heading toward the kitchen. "Let me call my folks and I'll get that list ready."

"Take your time." Jimmy clicked on the TV to search for something to make noise.

Collin turned and ran toward the set. He stopped just inches from it and stared. "Jump! Jump!" And he did exactly that.

The younger men laughed. "Maybe he wants to hear some music," Jack offered.

Jimmy clicked it over to the video channel and Collin started to dance. "Oh, wow!"

"Check it, CK. He likes music like his sister!"

Clark laughed and turned away as his mom answered the phone. "Mom?"

"Hi, son. Is everything okay?"

"Mom, we found Collin." There was a long pause on the other end, then his dad joined the conversation.

"You got him?" the man wanted to know.

"We have him. Just a little while ago."

"Is he okay? Was he hurt? They hadn't done anything to him, had they?" His mother fired questions at him so quickly he couldn't answer.

"Mom, calm down. He's great. Scared, but in great shape. He was with Lois' sister. We still don't know what they held him for."

"It doesn't matter. He's home and that's all that matters," his mother told him.

"When are you gonna bring him out, son?" his father wanted to know.

"Tomorrow maybe. Or the next day. I want to get him acclimated a bit."

"Yeah, yeah. We'll be ready for him," he was assured. "Give him a hug from his Papa."

Clark couldn't help but smile. His folks had insisted these kids were their grandchildren a long time ago. Nana and Papa was what Perry called them. Hell, she called him Dadda. It had just seemed the most natural thing for her to do and the first time she'd said it, Clark was blown away. It felt right. And being as how he took care of her like a father should, he thought it was justified. Apparently everyone else did, too. No one ever referred to him as anything other than daddy around Perry.

Clark said his good-byes to his parents and located his notepad. He jotted down a few items for Jack and Jimmy to pick up for Collin. He would have to go buy more clothes later, but the guys could pick up enough to get him through the night.

"We'll be back as soon as we can," Jimmy told the other man as he took the list and started toward the door. When they opened it, Mayson was about to knock. "Hey, come on in. We were on the way to grab some things for CK."

"Clark?" Mayson called after she closed the door. Collin turned from the TV and looked up at her. "Hey there, Collin."

He ran to the kitchen, hiding behind Clark's leg. "Stop!" he shouted at Mayson.

Clark chuckled softly. "I think that's his favorite word," Clark said as he tried to walk over to the counter with the items he'd fished out of the fridge. He was thrilled Collin felt comfortable enough to seek shelter with him. The boy clutched his leg tightly so it made moving difficult.

"I made a few calls and had a patrol stop out front and issue a few warnings."

"Thanks. I'll give an official statement in a day or two." Clark pulled out the cutting board and grabbed a knife. He glanced down at the boy still clinging to his leg. "Hey, little man, how would like a snack?" He opened a banana and held part of it down for him. Collin eyed it carefully before taking it. He eased away from Clark enough so he could look around the kitchen island at Mayson. "Looks like he's checking you out."

Mayson smiled over at the boy. "That's okay." She watched Clark as he worked to get dinner prepared.

"Do you want to join us for dinner? Spaghetti and salad. I figured he'd eat that."

Collin went back around and held up his hand to Clark. "More!"

"You want the rest?" He gave the boy the banana and went back to chopping veggies. He glanced up at Mayson, then did something he'd never done in front of her- he used his powers. His hands became a blur and when he was done, so was the salad.

She looked up at him and grinned. "Nice, Mr. Kent."

He laughed aloud and turned to lower his glasses so he could heat the water in the pot for the pasta. The gas stove would cook it quickly, but he often helped it out by getting it to boiling. "So, are you staying to eat with us?"

"Yeah, I guess I am hungry. And being as how your check for my services never reached the bank..."

He turned to look at her with a quirked brow. "A lawyer who works for food. I could handle that kind of fee."

They laughed together as he continued to work. Collin had drifted back into the living room to dance in front of the TV.

"I've asked Dan to come on board as an investigator for Lois." Clark looked up at her. "I've also filed for Post Conviction Relief- a PCR. She might not want the help, but the more I've thought about it, the more I'm convinced things are not what they seem."

"This PCR, what will it do?"

"I'm using it for sentence reduction. She agreed to plead guilty and made that deal without proper legal representation. If I can get a judge from another jurisdiction to hear the relief request, I think we can get her bounced out of there in half the time she agreed to."

"Tell me how a judge agreed to give someone ten years for a murder conviction anyway? Doesn't that carry a thirty year minimum sentence in New Troy?"

"Yes, but the agreement was for murder in the third degree."

"Wouldn't Luthor turn over in his grave to know his cronies dealt her down so far?"

Mayson laughed at that. She jumped in surprise when a small hand smacked her leg.


"Just tell me what I did and I'll be glad to," she told the boy with a smile.

He glared at her, a confused expression on his face.

Clark pulled one of Perry's cups from the cabinet and poured the little guy some milk. "How about this, son?"

Collin looked back at him where he'd knelt at the end of the counter. After a moment, he walked over and took the cup. "Ta-ta," he mumbled around the spout.

"You're welcome," Clark answered. Ta-Ta was the same thing Perry said to say thank you. Collin pulled the cup away from his lips and offered Clark a wide smile before running back in the other room. "Wow," Clark breathed, blown away by the child's bright grin.

"Looks like another kid has you wrapped," Mayson commented.

Clark stood and walked back around to the stove. "Yeah, well, it's easy to do when you have chubby cheeks and dimples."

"Maybe I should have gained a few pounds," Mayson mumbled as she watched Collin.

"Careful," he cautioned. "I have super ears."

"Yeah, I know." They looked at one another, then smiled again. They often bantered like that when they were together, although this was the first time he'd made references to his super side. Clark had gained a true friend in Mayson. He was very glad he'd met her.


Clark sat on the window seat and watched Collin sleep. The boy had been terrified to close his eyes. He'd cried for nearly an hour. They'd walked, rocked, sang, listened to music, and even took a second bath. Finally Clark floated off the floor and flew Collin around the apartment. To his amazement, it had calmed the child almost immediately.

What must that child think? The first few months of this life he'd been cared for by a nanny and mother so out of her mind she probably didn't know who the baby was. Then the nanny was ripped from him and he was swept away by God only knows who. Nigel had kidnapped Lucy to care for him. Obviously he'd done that just so Lois would agree to sign part of her life away. But why? Luthor was dead, and Nigel was the star witness. Lois had already been in an impossible position. Why have her agree to only ten years?

How had Collin gone from being with Nigel to being with Asabi? He guessed Asabi had taken Collin for financial reasons. Who was paying him to keep that child? Why would they? Did having Luthor's son give someone power over his estate?

A reporter outside his apartment had asked if LexCorp would try to regain custody. He'd asked Mayson about it. She'd assured him that a corporation could not attain custody of a child. When Lucy was able to testify who her kidnapper had been, LexCorp would be further discredited. Clark was just thankful Luthor didn't have any living family members who might step forward with a claim on the boy. While he might not have asked to be an instant daddy to twins, he couldn't imagine handing them over to anyone else other than their mother.

Looking at Collin, Clark couldn't help but see Lois in his features. His small stature and curious eyes could both be attributed to his mother. He also had her lips. From what Jimmy said, Collin had her fire as well. There was a definite resemblance between mother and son. Of course, Perry looked like Lois as well. They were both gorgeous children and he was glad he'd gotten a chance to know them. The sacrifices he'd made and would make were nothing compared to the rewards. And if he listened to Jack, they could even pass for his children. He'd said at dinner tonight that it was uncanny how much Collin looked like him, even more so than Perry.

He laughed softly as he rose and walked over to ease into the bed beside 'his' son. If Collin was an early riser, he'd need a bit of rest to keep up with him. He'd also need his strength, both mentally and physically, for the physical exam Henderson insisted on.

Maybe tomorrow would be the day Lois finally talked with Perry, too.


Lois was angrier than she'd ever been in her life. Hadn't she told Perry she didn't want to see anybody? Hadn't she told Mayson she didn't need her help anymore? No means no!

The guard made her go to the attorney visiting area even though she protested quite loudly. She'd been told that if she didn't go, it would mean a week in solitary. That wasn't a place she wanted to go. She couldn't read the on-line version of the Planet. And unless she finished up in laundry, she'd miss her chance today to read it.

The door opened and Lois stepped in. Perry had been pacing behind Mayson where she sat at the table. He stopped and looked over at the woman he'd once felt was his daughter. This one was no one he knew. She was lean, leaner than before, toned to perfection- maybe even too much. Her hair was mid-length, feathered in layers- quite different than any style she'd ever worn. But what kept Perry from recognizing her was the haunted expression on her face. She was void of emotion, a cold glare casting shadows behind her eyes. The scowl matched her defensive posture.

Deciding to remain as defiant as she possibly could, Lois didn't even blink when she saw Perry in the room. "I thought I told both of you I didn't want to see you."

"We found Collin," Perry told her right away.

The arms Lois had clasped across her chest fell slowly to her sides as the expression on her face was transformed in an instant. "What?"

"He's with Clark as we speak."

Her eyes filled with tears no matter what she insisted her body do, so she whirled toward the door, unable and unwilling to show how affected she was.

"All of the paperwork has been done," Mayson spoke up.

"They won't take him away again?" she whispered, interrupting whatever the lawyer was trying to say.

"Not if we can help it," Perry said, moving toward her. He couldn't stand to see her like this.

"That's just it," Lois almost shouted when she faced them again. "You can't stop them. No one can. If Lex wanted that child for whatever sick reason, those orders will be carried out even now. His cronies were paid well to remain loyal. And death didn't void the contract."

"Lois," Mayson tried. "We have things under control. An international warrant has been issued for Nigel's and Asabi's arrest."

"Lucy?" she asked. Her sister had been caring for Collin. What did they do to her?

"She's going to be in the hospital for a long time, Lois. They'd been giving her some kind of experimental drug."

Lois looked at the other woman. "Probably the same stuff they were giving me."

Perry nodded. "Yeah, yeah. Star Labs is comparing the two. If we could have made a connection with you..." He shoved a rough hand across his thin hair.

"I made my choices, Perry," Lois told him as she pulled out a chair and sat down. They were here and wouldn't leave until she'd listened to them.

"No, Lois, Luthor made them for you. He took away your right to say no when he shoved those pills down your throat." Perry sat across from her, pleading with her to understand. She knew he was right, but if he knew Lois, she felt ashamed of herself and probably embarrassed by the situation she'd gotten herself into.

"And look where it got me!"

"Excuse me for being so blunt, but you signed the damned papers." Perry had passed frustrated a long time ago. If this girl wanted to do battle, he'd accommodate her.

"What choice did I have?" she asked him as she thrust herself back to her feet, glaring at Perry. "They would have broken my boy's legs."

"And now they won't be able to." Perry rose and face off with her. "So why don't you get off your ass and quit feeling sorry for yourself so we can push Luthor's arrogance down his cold, dead throat?!

Lois stood there, her chest moving up and down in an effort to control her anger. She hadn't been able to let it out, not like she'd wanted to.

Mayson stood and reached out to grab Perry's arm. "Why don't we all just sit down and talk this over rationally?"

Perry and Lois squared off for several more minutes before they slowly sat back down.

"Now, Collin is safe. Child protective services has released him to Clark and they're getting to know one another. As far as keeping him safe, I think we have that covered. LexCorp is in the limelight and if I have anything to do with it, we'll keep them there. Trying anything to harm Collin would be a grave mistake." She opened her briefcase and pulled out a few papers. "Being as you don't want to help yourself, I felt someone had to. I've filed a PCR- post conviction relief. Most of the time this kind of relief gets a conviction overturned, negating the need for a new trial. But in your case, you agreed to a plea bargain."

"So a PCR would only be used to reduce my sentence," Lois finished for her.

"I see you're versed in law."

"Yeah, well, I have a little extra time these days," she answered sarcastically.

Mayson gave her a lopsided smile. Lately she'd come to truly feel sorry for this lady. She wished there was more she could do to help her. Unfortunately, she was doing all she could do. "LexCorp is not filing the paperwork. It might take a while for the PCR to come through."

"I've got time," she said with the same flippant tone again.

"In the meantime, we're taking up the investigation again," Perry told her.

"I swear, Perry, if you get my babies hurt..."

"Nobody is going to hurt either of those kids."

She looked down at the table, suddenly feeling ten years older.

"Let's go over what will happen with this relief appeal..."

Lois stared at a spot on the table while Mayson talked about the PCR, locating another judge, and shaving five years off her sentence. That meant she'd still be here for five, *long* years. That was over four years from now. How in hell could she do that time without losing her mind? She already felt she'd go crazy. Getting up day after day, doing the same things over and over, and never being able to see her babies...

"Would you like to see them?"

Perry's question made her head snap up, her eyes searching his. "How could I, Perry? How could I bring them here then get up over and over when all I'd want to do is see them again? It's been a *long* year, but I've managed to be able to open my eyes every day without seeing them around every corner. To have them visit..." She turned her head, sniffing a little as she did so. "I just can't do that to them."

"Do that to them? Don't you think they'd want to see their mother?" Perry asked her.

"I know they would." She stood and paced over to look out the small window. "It's been a year. They probably don't even know who I am now. Why bring them here? To this horrid place to see their mother locked up like an animal? It's bad enough I'll have to tell them some day that I killed their father."

"Stop that now!" Perry got up and went to her. "You didn't kill Luthor. He killed himself."

"Something happened on that roof and I can't tell you what. All I do know is Lex is dead and I'm in jail for his murder." She wiped her face, squared her shoulders, and faced Perry. "I won't see the kids here. I just can't. Obviously I can't stop Mayson from doing whatever she's doing, and I can't stop you from investigating Lex now. So, you do what you have to do, and I'll do what I have to do." She started toward the door.

"When all of this is over, I'll expect you to finally admit that sometimes there's another way to do things than just your way."

Her sad eyes met Perry's again. "Yeah, well, right now, nobody's way is doing a bit of good, is it?"

He could only watch as she knocked on the door and left. He sighed heavily before facing Mayson. "Do whatever you have to do. The checks will keep coming and if you need anything else, call me. We'll all do what we can on our end."

"We'll find it Perry," Mayson said as she stood up. "We'll find whatever is Luthor was hiding from the world."

He certainly hoped so. There was too much riding on it.


Clark had listened from outside the curtain as long as he could. He'd taken Collin to the hospital as Henderson had wanted him to do and the boy was taken into an exam room. The doctor had thought it best Clark wait outside, to help keep the boy calm. However, it hadn't worked very well. The toddler began screaming the time Clark passed him off to the nurse, and he hadn't stopped yet. Nearly ten minutes later, Clark had enough. He pushed the curtain aside and stepped up to the bed.

"Collin, son, listen to me." His eyes snapped up to the woman holding the child's arms. "Let me." She glared at him, but released her hold on the child. Clark lifted the boy up and smoothed his hand over his bare back. "Is this really necessary?" he asked the doctor. "You've taken x-rays and found nothing. Ears, eyes, chest are all clear. What do you need blood for?"

"We need to make sure there are no drugs in his system? Please, Mr. Kent, Inspector Henderson said it has to be documented."

And he knew Bill was right. It was better to be safe than sorry. If there were drugs in Collin's system, it could have severe effects on him later. Or the deadly stuff could have already had consequences. He just hated to hear him cry. Collin had calmed a bit, obviously convinced Clark was his shelter from the storm because he'd wrapped his small arms around the man's large neck. Clark squeezed his eyes closed a moment before nodding his consent. He pried Collin from his neck, who immediately began screaming loudly again. "Son, listen." He held one of the flailing arms, carefully tucking him against his side. "I'll hold his arm," he said to the nurse. She nodded and waited for Clark to get Collin situated for her to draw the blood. The boy struggled and screamed louder, but Clark managed, very painfully, to hold him until the procedure was finished. As soon as it was over, he pulled the child back to his chest. This time instead of seeking shelter, Collin pushed against him.

"Stop! Stop!" he shouted, then slapped Clark's face.

"I know, son, I know." He allowed the boy to fight until he'd drained himself. Collin finally stopped struggling and whimpered, hiccups the tale-tell sign that he'd been upset. Clark carefully lifted his hand and wiped the wet face staring up at him with sad, questioning eyes. "I know you don't understand, but this had to be done." Clark shifted him to the bed and began to redress him. Collin didn't fight, just laid there, sniffling and watching him carefully. When Clark had him redressed, he picked him up and faced the doctor. "Are we finished?"

"Yes. Collin seems healthy and well nourished."

"Good." He smoothed a hand over unruly hair. "Thank you."

"I'll send my report to Henderson."

Clark nodded and he and Collin left the hospital. The child did a fair job ignoring him on the way downtown. They stopped for a Happy Meal and the boy refused to eat. Clark tried to reason with him, but it was no use. They made their way to the Planet and up to Perry's office.

"Hey, CK. Collin, my main man," Jack said and held up his hand for a high five. The boy stared at him for a moment before slapping his hand in return. "That's my boy!"

"Looks like it's just me he's mad at," Clark commented as he tried again to get the boy's attention.

"Why's he mad?"

"I took him to the hospital to be checked over and held him while they took blood."

"Ouch! Hey, come here." Jack held out his hands to grasp Collin under his arms. "Let's me and you go find some donuts."

"Thanks, Jack," Clark said as he relinquished the angry boy over to the younger man. Collin wasn't exactly happy to go, but he didn't fight either. After watching them walk away, Clark continued to Perry's office.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be taking care of that boy," Perry insisted as he looked up from sorting files on his desk.

"Jack's got him." He indicated with a quick wave of his hand. "He's a little upset because of the exam today."

"I can understand that." He lifted a file and read a moment. "I have all of your notes in a box. You can hit the ground running when you get back. Of course, it's still a time permitting thing. There's something there, but we can't pull you and Jimmy off the daily beat to work on it exclusively. It'll be all Jack does, unless he's needed for something else."

"I take it you saw Lois today."

"Yeah." Perry looked at him sadly. "This has really broke that girl. I've never seen someone so... angry."

"She has good reason to be angry," Clark defended her.

"Oh yeah, I agree. The bitterness is what really tore my heart out. She's let this taint all that's good in her. Said she didn't even want to see the kids."


"I asked if she'd like to see her babies and you'd have thought I'd sentenced her to ten more years."

Clark glanced out at Collin. How could she not want to see them?

How could she in that house of hell? If Lois was anything like he suspected her to be, she didn't want to expose those children to that kind of environment. And she probably felt that if she saw them once, she'd die having to leave them behind again.

"I guess I can understand a little of how she feels," Perry interrupted his thoughts. "I know I'd die having to look at my babies through a glass wall. Not to mention watching them leave with someone else again."

"Then having to think of nothing but that," Clark finished. "She's probably managed to get her mind to a place she's able to breathe."

"Yeah, she said as much." Perry walked around the desk and squeezed the other man's shoulder. "I believe I've found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow with you, boy."

Clark chuckled and dropped his eyes to the floor.

"Hey, guys," Jack said as he and Collin came into the room. "This fellow likes chocolate donuts."

"He *is* his mother's son," Jimmy spoke up as he walked up behind them.

Collin just looked between them, chocolate covering his lips. He held his donut out, his lips puckered as he chewed. He took another bite, staring at everyone like he thought they'd lost their minds.

They all shared a brief laugh as they watched him.

"What do you say, big guy? You ready to cut me a break?" Clark reached out tentatively, almost relieved when the boy leaned over, giving permission for the man to take him. "Guess that chocolate's helped with your anger."

"Maybe we should send a few hundred pounds to the prison," Jack commented and picked up a few files from Perry's desk. "Later, CJ," he told the boy. He waved over his shoulder as he went off to work his magic. If there was something to be found, that boy would find it.

Clark and Collin took their leave, allowing Perry and Jimmy to get back to work. Outside on the sidewalk, Clark rooted around in the backpack he'd brought along with some of Collin's things in it to search out a wipe. As he cleaned the toddler's hands, he glanced up at him. "What do you think we should do today?" The boy was more interested in the people rushing by around them. And the noises and cars and shouts... it was as if it all excited the little guy. "How about the park? Would you like to go play?" He lifted him from the top of the news rack he'd sat him on to clean him up and they headed toward Centennial Park.

The boy's head jerked back and forth as he looked at all of the new surroundings. "Haven't you ever been to the park?" Clark asked him. By the time he stood the little fellow on his feet beside the jungle gym, he'd deduced that Collin had probably never been a lot of places. He'd make it a point to go speak with Lucy Lane as soon as she was able.

Collin stood staring up at the slide and the other kids running around. He glanced back at Clark, who was kneeling behind him waiting patiently. A little girl's shriek made him jump and his expression indicated he might cry. But after a moment it passed and he took a step. A glance at Clark who smiled, then a step. Before long, the curious child was climbing the large platform up onto the jungle gym. With an expression that must have been part of his genetic make-up, he flopped down and pushed like he'd seen the other kids do. Clark caught him at the bottom of slide and was rewarded with a wide grin.

"Look at that!" Clark quickly placed him on his feet because impatience had set in. Collin was off at a run. By the third slide, Collin laughed aloud. "Oh wow!" Clark lifted him up above his head, smiling at the sound the child made. He was rewarded with another laugh. "I like that!"

Down again, the boy was headed toward the swing. He jumped up and down, glancing back at Clark to come help him. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" he shouted over and over.

"Okay, okay. I get the hint," Clark said as he went over and lifted the boy into a child swing. "This is a swing," he explained as he set the seat in motion. A sharp intake of breath told him the child was scared. He immediately reached out to stop the swing.

"No!" the boy said and pushed his hand off the seat. "Go!"

"You're a brave one, huh?" He set him moving again, realizing Collin had been surprised by the motion of the toy. After several moments, surprise had been replaced with pure excitement. And his laughter started again.

"Go!" The boy jumped up and down in his seat, laughing and shouting happily. "Jump! Jump!"

Clark laughed with him. The string of jumbled words was impossible to understand, but Collin was sure enjoying his playtime. Soon enough he was bored with the swing. He ran toward the merry-go-round and showed no fear as Clark spun it hard. From there he was climbing the rock wall. He took a turn on the see saw with Clark, then he was off to climb the monkey bars. When he tired of that, he spotted the pond off in the distance. His quick moving feet made short work of the distance between him and the water. Clark caught him right before he jumped in.

"Whoa!" He grabbed Collin by his arm and lifted him around. "It's a little too cool to get in the water. Besides, you really don't want to swim in that dirty water." He set him back on his feet. "No," he told him firmly and pointed at the pond.

Collin glanced at the water, then back at Clark. His eyes drifted off as he saw a goose. "Duck!" he yelled and pointed.

"No, son, that's a goose."

"Doose!" He was after the poor bird before Clark could stop him. He even managed to pull a feather from its tail causing the animal to turn and peck at him. The boy's shriek pierced the air and he held his little hand against his chest.

"Did he get you?" Clark knelt and reached out to grasp his hand so that he could inspect the damage. Fortunately there was only a red mark. "It didn't break the skin. I think you'll live." He pulled the hand up and kissed the bruised skin.

"Boo boo," Collin said as he inspected his hand.

"No, no boo boo. It's red, but it'll be okay."

"Tis it." He shoved his hand back toward Clark's face.

Clark kissed it again, then smiled. "Is that better?"

"Yep." He smiled back then set off in search of something else to do.

Amazing, Clark thought as he chased after the little boy. He was discovering everything for the first time and Clark was enjoying discovering it with him. It was also amazing how caring for a child could completely transform your perspective. He might not have asked to care for two children he didn't even know, but he was completely rewarded by doing it. As he watched Collin, he decided that the dark haired little boy was going to change his life completely- that boy and his sister.


The items on the desk flew across the room as the man swiped his hand over the surface. If he read one more article...

"Can you believe the audacity of those people?" he asked Nigel as he came into the room.

"Yes, sir. Quite." The older man couldn't understand why Lex was so angry. That brat was out of their hair. Good riddance, he thought as he remembered the days of listening to the awful screaming. Not to mention the smells and that revolting food they constantly spit all over the place.

"That's *my* son!"

"Maybe I should remind you that he's no one's son." Nigel felt he should point out that the child was not even human. He was an it, a thing Lex had commissioned Paul Lang to create.

Lex heaved to catch his breath as he stared at Nigel. "Who do you think you are? No one speaks to me that way!"

"My apologies, sir. I just don't think we should lose perspective here. The objective would be lost."

"What objective, Nigel? Without the boy we have nothing."

"I beg to differ. You have billions of dollars and a new life." He shrugged. "Of course, you could always just create another one."

"You know, Nigel, sometimes you just..." He stopped his rant and stared at the other man. "... have a pretty good idea." An evil smile had spread across his face and he turned to dig through a drawer on his desk. "Is there any word on our dear doctor?"

"Not yet. It seems he was working for Church."

Lex's head snapped up. "What?"

"Lane told police that he and Lang had been working for Church. They were trying to perfect the drugs you had Lang start developing."

"Do you know if they succeeded?"

"They made it to the testing stage. If it's any consolation, Church is fit to be tied. Lang's disappeared on him, too."

Lex pulled out a file and quickly flipped through it. "Let me look over a few things and you make some calls for me. By next week we'll be on our way to the city. With any luck, we'll also have little Xavier back where he belongs."

"She changed his name," Nigel pointed out.

"His name is Xavier!" He leaned over and scribbled several numbers. "Call these people and see how they feel about LexCorp."

"Right away, sir." Nigel took the paper and headed out of the room.

Lex sat down and smiled as he thought about reclaiming his position at the top of the world.


Clark landed outside his parents house just before midnight. Collin had fallen asleep a little quicker tonight, thanks to the trip to the park that afternoon. The boy had run until his little legs could barely move any longer. They'd grabbed take-out and watched a cartoon while they ate. After his bath, Collin danced in front of the television for a while. The toddler kept rubbing his eyes, clearly very tired. But just as the night before, he fought the pull to sleep. When he was finally out, Clark changed into his suit and tucked the boy under his cape before flying out to Kansas. He would have kept him longer, but he just couldn't wait to see the twins together.

Martha was waiting in the kitchen when he went in. "Oh, look at him," she said when Clark pulled the edge of the cape away. She reached to take the boy.

"I'll go get his things real quick."

Martha barely knew he was gone before he was back. He spun back into his regular clothes and stepped closer to his mother. She was staring down at the sleeping baby, a wide smile on her face.

"Did Dad get his bed ready?"

"Yes. It's in the room with Perry." She smoothed her hand over his angelic face. "His hair is so long."

"We can get it cut when he gets settled in. Do you want me to carry him up to bed?"

"I can do it." They walked together up to the room that was once Clark's. Another crib had been added to the room, arranged along side the other so the two babies could see one another when they woke. It would give them a chance to study one another. Martha gently placed the baby boy in his bed and tucked the cover around him. "Sound sleeper," she commented.

"Hardly," Clark answered as he set the bags he had near the closet. "Last night was awful. He cried and fought until he was worn out. He didn't cry tonight, but he wouldn't be still until he simply passed out from exhaustion."

"Oh, this poor baby," his mother crooned as she looked down at Collin. "He must be so confused and terrified."

"I'll stay with you guys at night as long as you need me to," Clark told her as he walked up her and put arm around her. "I hate placing all of this on you."

"Are you kidding? Jonathan and I are having the time of our lives. Clark, we've always wanted a house full of kids."

"Surely not at retirement age, Mom." He guided her toward the door. The last thing he wanted to do was wake up Collin.

"So we'll have a house full of grandkids."

Clark rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. "Mom, you know they're not your grandkids."

"Not by blood," Martha said as she pulled away and placed a hand on her bedroom door. "Love's thicker anyway."

Before Clark could say anything else, his mom closed herself off in her room. He just shook his head and went back into his old room to make himself a place to sleep on the floor. He wanted to be close in case Collin woke up during the night and was scared.

Thank goodness he could float, Clark thought as he spread out the blanket he'd taken from the closet. The last few days had caught up with him because he was more than ready to lie down. For the first time in a long time, he even managed to let his mind rest as he placed his head on his pillow. Tomorrow was a new day.


Collin's wide eyes moved back and forth frantically as his bottom lip poked out in a pout. He was just about to start screaming when his eyes fell on another pair of brown orbs staring right back at him.

"Baby," said the little girl clutching the top of her crib and looking at her visitor. Perry wasn't as shy as her brother. "Hi, baby!" She waved her little hand at him and smiled.

The boy had no idea what to do. He just sat there, staring at her.

"Dadda!" The little girl yelled out and looked down at the man lying on the floor. "Dadda! Baby! See baby!"

Clark slowly rolled over and looked up at Perry. "Hi there, sunshine," he managed as he struggled to his feet. "How's my big girl?" He reached in and picked her up, kissing her cheek.

"Baby! See!" Perry leaned toward the other crib, smiling and babbling.

"Yes, sweetie. That's Collin." He pulled her up and settled her on his arm. "Hey, big guy." The boy stared up at him, his lip quivering on the verge of crying. "It's okay. This is Perry. She's your sister."

"Baby," Perry said again and tried to climb into the crib with Collin.

"Here." Clark eased her down in front of the boy. She sat for a moment before crawling over on her knees, her hand going up to touch the other baby.

"Hi, baby!"

Collin scooted backwards away from her. "Stop!" He swatted at her, smacking her in the face.

Perry's smile faded and she primped up. "No!" she yelled at him. "No hit!"

"That's right, Perry," Clark said as he leaned over to grasp Collin's arm. When the boy looked up at him, he shook his finger at him. "No hitting! That's not very nice." Immediately the boy began to cry, large tears welling in his eyes. "I know you don't understand, little man," Clark said as he picked him up, soothing a hand over his back where he lay against his chest.

Perry stood up and watched her daddy hold the new baby. "Baby cry."

"Yes, Perry. The baby's crying. He's scared." Clark leaned over and scooped up the other child and sat down on the floor. He situated them so they could look at one another. Collin's head was lying over on Clark's shoulder, but after a few minutes he leaned up to look at Perry.

"Baby," the boy said of Perry.

"That's right, son. Perry."

Collin leaned over to touch the girl, the same way she'd done him. "Baby," he repeated.

She laughed, her teeth shining brightly. "Baby."

"Collin," Clark told her again.

Perry looked up at him, then back at her brother. "Baby."

Clark chuckled softly. "I guess baby will do." He kissed her head and eased them both to the blanket so he could get up and get the things he needed to change them.

Perry sat wide-eyed as Clark changed Collin. When he pulled her down, the boy stood up and looked around the room. He watched Clark for a second, then turned to walk away, curious about his new surroundings.

"Wait up, big guy," Clark said as he finished changing Perry at super speed. He held her as he went to grasp Collin's arm right before the child started down the stairs. There was a gate at the bottom, but they'd never put one at the top. Clark would take care of that later in the day. He allowed the little guy to walk down the stairs as he held his hand. When they stepped into the kitchen, Jonathan looked up from his coffee.

"Hey there!"

"Hi, Papa!" was Perry's happy response. She struggled for Clark to put her down, then hurried over for her morning hug.

"How's my sunshine this morning?"

"I happy!" she said.

"Good." He kissed the top of her head and allowed her to go greet Martha. He looked up at Collin, who still held tight to Clark's hand. "Hey, Collin. Papa's glad to see you finally."

The boy stared at him, but for the first time meeting someone new, he didn't tell him to stop. He glanced up at Clark, pulled his hand away, then walked over to stand next to Jonathan.

"Do you want a hug, too?" the older man asked him. He didn't wait for an answer, just lifted him up to sit on the table. "You are one handsome fellow. And so big." He was taller and more solid than Perry. The boy just sat there staring at him.

"That's amazing," Clark said as he watched the exchange. "He usually yells 'stop' when he meets a new person." He sat and took the coffee his mom offered him. She'd put Perry in her highchair and went back to get the toddlers' breakfast.

Collin reached up to touch Jonathan's face, offered him a smile, then looked toward Clark. "Cup!"

"We can do that," Martha said, handing him a full sippy cup.

The boy took it and sucked happily, still eying the man who'd called himself Papa. After a moment, he clutched the cup against his chest so he could speak again. "Eat!"

The adults laughed softly and Jonathan settled him in his lap to feed him. "Is this okay?" he asked the boy. "We'll have to get another highchair."

"Are you guys sure it's okay that he's here? I can tell Perry..."

"Tell Perry what?" Martha wanted to know as she set food in front of the little girl. "Sorry, we have to turn him away because my folks can't handle two. Don't be ridiculous, Clark. He needs us."

Clark looked over at the baby. He was leaning forward to get another bite; Jonathan couldn't feed him fast enough. "Yeah," he agreed. "I think I need them both," he said softly. He looked up when his mom placed a hand on his shoulder.

"What's going on, son?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. I just feel... so many things since Perry came into my life. And yesterday, watching Collin discover new things- I felt..." He sighed, unable to describe how he felt. "I just wish their mother would at least see them. You know she told Perry she couldn't. Said if she saw them and had to let them leave, she didn't think she could make it through the rest of her time."

"Clark, that poor girl is probably so mixed up," Martha observed. "I know I'd be if someone stripped me of my dignity, my identity, and my freedom."

"I guess so." Clark glanced over at Perry, then to Collin. "This is just such a weird situation. But I'm grateful to Lois for bringing these guys into my life."

"So are we, boy. So are we," Jonathan agreed as Collin reached out to grasp his hand so he could bring the spoon to his mouth. The man chuckled. "I guess I'm not fast enough."

"More!" Collin said as he looked up at Jonathan.

"Okay. We have plenty." The man leaned over and touched his nose to the boy's, causing the child to stare like he'd been burned. "What? Did I do something wrong?"

Collin reached up to touch his nose. "Nose."

"That's right." He touched Collin's nose. "Nose."

Collin struggled around and touched his nose against Jonathan's. "Lub u," he said with a wide grin.

The old man's eyes widened in stunned disbelief. "I love you," he managed as he smiled back.

"How 'bout that?" Clark said as he watched the exchange. "Lucy must have done that with him. I plan on talking to her in a few days."

"That poor girl." Martha poured more coffee before she sat down to her own breakfast.

"I think I'll take this big guy out to help me on the tractor today," Jonathan announced after they'd finished their breakfast.

"You two be careful," Martha warned him.

"We will." Jonathan had risen and was headed for the door. He stopped and turned back toward the table. "Tell 'em bye-bye, Collin."

"Bye-bye," the boy said and waved his hand.

"Bye." Clark was still smiling when they went out. "I guess I shouldn't have been so worried about him."

"No. He's going to be just fine."

"I wonder why he's taken up with Dad so quickly." Clark handed Perry's cup to her.

"Are you jealous?" his mom wanted to know.

"Mom, no. I'm thrilled he's so trusting. I was worried about him that first night. I kept thinking 'what have I done?' But seeing him with Dad is great."

She reached over and grasped his hand. "He'll be more than okay."

Clark smiled at her. "I know. Look how I turned out."

Perry began to chant something no one could understand, but she seemed happy enough.

"Oh really?" Clark asked her as he stood and scooped her out of the chair. "How about me and you see what we can get into today?" She grasped his face and planted a solid, sloppy kiss on his lips. "Ah, sunshine, that's the best thing in the world."

The little girl's laughter rang out around the room as Clark tickled her. They drifted outside to enjoy the beautiful day.
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