Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: VirginiaR Synopsis - Missing Lois - 05/26/11 10:50 PM
Synopsis of Missing Lois

It has been brought to my attention that my story Missing Lois is quite complex and that some readers might find it helpful if I include a synopsis after each chapter to help clarify things. (Or in case, some new readers want to jump in mid-story.)

I will post a new entry of the previous chapter after posting the first part of the next chapter. (i.e. so when I post Chapter 4 - part 1, I will also add a Chapter 3 summary to this synopsis and so on.)

If you do want to read my story from the beginning, go to: Missing Lois - TOC

Chapters One and Two:

Lois and Clark made love the night before he departed for New Krypton, leaving Lois pregnant and cursed. When Lois found out she was five weeks pregnant, H.G. Wells showed up and informed her that she was cursed to die in childbirth. He also told her that Clark would not return to Earth until the day of her funeral and would then discover her and the baby’s deaths, causing him to hang up his red cape forever.

Lois agreed to move to the alternate dimension with the other Clark to avoid this curse. Martha, Clark’s mom, was told about the baby when Lois brought her in as the only person in her dimension who knew where the real Lois went. Meanwhile, alt-Clark came into Lois’s dimension and rescued a Lex-kidnapped, clone-stalked, pre-Wanda Detroit, non-cursed Lois from the past to sub in for her while she was in the other dimension. Lois wrote her substitute a journal to fill-in her missing memories for those three months (except her night of bliss with her Clark, which she left out).

(Until otherwise noted in the synopsis, Clark will be referred to as ‘canon Clark’ or ‘her Clark’ and alt-Clark will be referred to just as ‘Clark.’)

In the alternate dimension, Lois first moved in with Clark only to discover it was much too close for comfort as their attraction for each other was still quite strong. They agreed that they should treat each other as if the two Clarks were twin brothers (i.e. she was essentially Clark’s sister-in-law) to keep the boundary line nice and defined. Lois also agreed to call her Clark ‘Kal,’ around Clark, so he didn’t get confused when she talked about loving ‘Clark.’ (Although, when Lois wrote to her Clark in her ‘Dear Clark’ journal, she called him ‘Clark’ and Clark ‘Kal.’) Lois also realized that when she slept, she relived her stand-in’s daily memories as dreams, allowing her to know what was going on in her own dimension.

Lois found Jaxon Xavier working at the Daily Planet. Then she told Mayor Perry White, DP owner James Olsen and Clark that Jaxon was Lex Luthor’s son and that Luthor may have had something to do with the disappearance of their Lois Lane (although there was no proof to back up her harebrained theory). It was only a ruse to get them to hire her on at The Planet as Clark’s Research Assistant. Lois also told them that she had been the one who impersonated their Lois back in February during the mayoral election (“Tempus Anyone?”) as a way to fish out Lois’s real killer or kidnapper, but in fact her true identity was ‘Lucy El,’ a college buddy of Clark’s, who not only happened to be a vegetarian (an excuse due to an unexpected bout of morning sickness), but also a recovering alcoholic. Lois’s secret identity of Lucy El wore John Lennon glasses, no make-up, baggy clothes (to hide the pregnancy), and clunky clogs, and spoke with a Southern-type accent. Perry recognized that Lucy El was pregnant, but thought Clark was the father. Perry convinced James to let Lois sublet their missing Lois’s apartment in the building that James both lived in and owned.

Clark, Lois soon realized, had a huge crush on his missing Lois, having gone to the Congo as part of the initial team of reporters Perry sent to locate her. So while Lois looked at Clark and saw her Clark; Clark looked at Lois and saw his alt-Lois.

Lois also found the missing Lois’s father, Sam Lane – a homeless, recovering alcoholic - at the Fifth Street Mission. She moved him into her (alt-Lois’s) apartment, at first pretending that she was his other missing daughter, Lucy Lane. This ploy didn’t last long after she asked him to be her pregnancy doctor and Sam located in the apartment some photos that she had brought along with her from her dimension. Clark and Lois came clean to Sam about her true identity and her real life with her Clark/Superman in her dimension. The truth was hammered into Sam when he met Moonbeam (Alt-Star), a psychic divorce attorney, who told him that they would need canon Lois to help Clark find Sam’s missing daughter, Lois. Moonbeam was a lot more grounded than Star and recognized Lois as her true self, but from another dimension.

Jaxon’s older brother ‘Junior’ was angry with Superman, because on the day he appeared, his Neuroscanner stopped working (the last image shown on the monitor had been Superman’s face). He had been using the Neuroscanner to control his step-Mom. (Yes, the Neuroscanner is that same horrible device the Lex Luthor, Jr -- from her home dimension -- would use on Lois in “Voice from the Past” that allowed him to see through her eyes, hear through her ears, and gave her migraine headaches whenever he choose.) For revenge on busting his Neuroscanner, Junior shot Clark’s best friend – and one of his rumored girlfriends -- ‘Lucy El’ (aka canon Lois). But as it happened, on that day, Lois faded in and out of existence due to her younger substitute in her dimension being electrocuted by the Wedding Destroyer. The shot therefore went right through her shoulder and into Jaxon who was standing behind her. While visiting him in the hospital, Clark used his intense Superman stare to get Jaxon to tell him about his crazy brother (Jaxon didn’t know that Clark knew about Lex Luthor) and the Neuroscanner.

Despite rumors linking him romantically to his friend Lucy El, Clark actually had just started dating Mayson Drake, a detective on the police force. Mayson, true to form, really liked Clark but only tolerated his alter-ego Superman (despite knowing they were really the same person). When he learned from an over-heard telephone conversation between Jaxon and Junior that Junior was after his girlfriend, Clark went to warn Mayson. During that conversation he gave her a heated kiss, thereby letting her know how much he cared for her. Photos of this kiss, spread like wild-fire across the tabloids. To try to throw the tabloids off his and Mayson’s scent, Clark agreed to auction himself off on 50 (platonic) dates for charity, hoping that no one would notice Mayson in the crowd of other dates.

After a wonderful long weekend of dreaming of her honeymoon with her Clark in her dimension, as her dreams were actually memories from her substitute, Lois returned to work and enlightened James on her marital status. (So, now, James knew she was married, but didn’t know she was pregnant and Perry knew she was pregnant, but thought that Clark was the father and didn’t know she was married to another man.) Lois discovered that society-celebrity-gossip columnist Cat Grant had been put in charge of organizing Clark’s charity auction dates.

When Clark tried to rope Lois into being one of his dates to a charity function several months in advance, Lois reminded him that H.G. Wells, her Clark, and her substitute had eliminated the curse and she could be return to her dimension at any time. Clark reminded her that she would need to come up with a way to convince her stand-in self to leave her husband Clark and return to the worst day of her life (kidnapped by Lex, chased by her clone, hit by a car, and in the amnesia-hell of Wanda Detroit), because without her stand-in’s consent Clark refused to help her return her old self to her rightful place in the time-line.


Thank you for your interest in my story and I hope this was helpful.

Please leave any FDK Comments here: Comments

If you are ready to jump into Chapter 3, you can do so here: Chapter 3: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back (1/10)
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Synopsis - Missing Lois - 06/10/11 09:19 AM
Chapter 3

Author’s Note: I have altered the timeline of the show twice in this chapter. First, by extending the length of Lois’s murder trial (to months instead of days) and secondly, by moving Tempus’s John Doe Presidential election bid to its correct spot - after “Ghosts” and around the time of “Stop the Presses” (i.e. November 1996).

Two months had passed and Lois was still stuck in the alt-dimension. HG Wells never returned for her, but now her substitute back in her home dimension was in jail awaiting her murder trial (“The People vs. Lois Lane”). Clark had finally gotten to a comfortable enough spot in his relationship with Dr. Klein to discuss his sexual experience (Clark had none). He broached the subject of whether or not he would be able to father a child with an Earth woman as part of his research on possible pregnancy complications Lois could develop. They weren’t ready to disclose her pregnancy to anyone else.

Lois and Sam snuck into a hospital in the middle of the night to do an ultrasound on her four-month-old fetus. After they returned to their apartment and went to bed, Sam discovered Lois sleeping on the ceiling and called Clark for assistance. Clark disclosed to Sam that Lois had gained some super powers due to her super pregnancy: hearing, healing and now floating. They decided not to tell Lois. When she awoke, Lois begged Clark to take her flying to Paris for breakfast. When they returned, they found Clark’s angry girlfriend, Mayson Drake, waiting for them. Clark informed Lois that he could not continue lying to Mayson.

Back at his apartment, Mayson informed Clark that she knew he had been lying to her about Lucy El’s identity, since essentially his assistant didn’t exist until she arrived three months earlier. Clark confessed – after getting Mayson to promise not to tell anyone – that Lucy was actually his sister-in-law, that she was married to his brother Kal-El, who grew up on New Krypton and had come to Earth to search for his long-lost brother. When Clark revealed that he had never actually met Kal-El, Mayson believed that Lucy was actually a con-artist out to get anything she could from Clark. Clark tried to convince his girlfriend that his version was the truth, but she didn’t buy it. She told him that the only reason Clark believed Lucy’s story was because she looked like the missing, and presumed dead, reporter Lois Lane, with whom he was in love.

Faced with this admission, Clark had an emotional outburst causing him to lose control with Mayson – allowing her to see his passionate side for the first time when they kiss. Mayson realized that having Clark/Superman for a boyfriend may not be a bad thing after all – she really liked this passionate side of him (and the floating). Their make-out session was interrupted by her partner, Detective Henderson, who phoned her about a case. The couple made plans for the following weekend, before Mayson left to meet her partner. Clark heard a bomb ticking in her car and barely had time to get her out before it exploded.

Lois heard the bomb blast with her super hearing and rushed with James Olsen, in his car, to the scene. They found Mayson’s destroyed car outside and Clark’s t-shirt and smashed glasses lying on the floor of his apartment. They then rush to the hospital to search for Clark and Mayson. Lois found Clark, covered in Mayson’s blood, waiting outside a pre-op room. She convinced him to go home to shower and change, but by that time, he had other plans. Clark wanted vengeance and he thought Jaxon had the answers. He left Lois at the hospital with a message to give to Mayson if she came out of surgery before he returned.

Hours pass and Clark still hadn’t returned. Perry arrived and together with James, the three of them decided that someone needed to search for Clark, before he – in his anger – hurt someone. Before she could leave, Mayson asked for Clark and Lois had to deliver his message. Mayson was emotionally hurt that Clark not only left, but asked Lois to be his messenger for his non-romantic apology message. Lois told her that Clark was likely to try to break up with Mayson and told her not to allow it to happen, because Superman needed her. Then Lois left to try to find Clark.

Lois tracked Clark down by following Jaxon to his Virtual Computer center, where he had locked Superman within the ‘game’ (like Lois had been in “Virtually Destroyed”). Luckily, Clark was able to communicate with Lois using hand-signals (Clark could smell and hear her, but he could not speak to or see her). She told him to look for Jaxon’s exit key. Jaxon returned to flaunt his power over Superman, but Superman maneuvered him into showing him the exit pass instead. Clark and Lois escaped the VR center, but instead of locking up Jaxon, Clark just wanted to forget it ever happened.

Clark dropped Lois off at her apartment and then left to break-up with Mayson for her own safety; however, Mayson broke-up with him first. After speaking with Perry and James, a confused and hurt Clark left the hospital with plans to go on a week-long vacation. Lois and Sam arrived at the hospital only to discover that Clark had already left. Lois was mad at him because he left town while she was on trial for murder (back in her home dimension).

Before leaving on vacation, Superman captured the car bomber and tied him up with red computer cord he stole from Jaxon’s VR center. Then he went to S.T.A.R. Labs and had Dr. Klein weaken his invulnerability with Kryptonite in order to draw blood. When they draw blood, one of the samples was contaminated by the broken glass of a test tube. Then after a two hour rest, Superman was asked to give a sample of his ‘swimmers’ for final analysis of his fertility.

While in Smallville, Clark spoke with the Kent family lawyer and discovered that his folks had left him the old farmhouse when they died. Clark stocked up on supplies and started to clean up almost 20 years of dust and memories. He only returned to Metropolis to invite Lois to dinner (via note) and then to pick her up.

On the same day that she was supposed to have dinner with Clark, Lois Lane was found guilty of murder (in her home dimension) and broken out of jail by her husband (“Dead Lois Walking”). Upset that her Clark had risked everything for her, Lois refused to leave her bed until Clark dragged her out to celebrate her birthday. At a hamburger stand in Key West, Clark gave Lois his Mom’s wedding ring to wear (to represent the wedding ring that canon Clark had given her). Lois agreed to wear the ring only until they found his Lois or until she returned to her dimension.

After Clark returned from vacation, Dr. Klein gave him the bad news that he (Clark) could not have children. This – on top of everything else –sent Clark into a tailspin of depression. The only thing that drew him out of it was Lois agreeing to accompany him to a hero-themed Halloween costume party thrown by the Mayor’s office.

Clark had had made for Lois an Ultra Woman costume to wear for the occasion, while he himself was going as mustached Superman. Lois had a good time ‘hiding’ in her Ultra Woman costume and dancing with Clark. The romance of the evening swept up Lois and Clark and they end up kissing on the dance floor. Or was it the pheromone perfume ‘Animal Magnetism’ (alt-“Revenge”) messing with their heads? Ultra Woman captured the perfumer Miranda before flying off, hand-in-hand, with Superman, essentially destroying all the hard work they did in erasing Clark’s personal life from the tabloids’ radar.

Back at Lois’s apartment, Clark thought that he had been affected a bit by the pheromone perfume – although it had more to do with the draw of Lois’s kisses. Clark ended up following Lois into her bedroom.

The next morning, while Superman was in India dealing with an emergency, Lois was left at the DP cleaning up after the newsfest that was Ultra Woman. James Olsen – extremely affected by the perfume – had taken roll after roll of Ultra Woman at the party and now turned a few of the photos over to his current editor-in-chief, Ralph, to publish in the paper. The rest of the photos, many of which were of Superman and Ultra Woman making out at the party, James handed over to Lois to give to Clark. Lois told Clark that they could not let intimacy between them happen again, despite both of them wishing it could. Clark concurred. Once was a mistake, twice was a decision.

Between being stalked by tabloid reporters and tending to emergencies, Clark was able to avoid Lois for the next several weeks until Lois discovered that Tempus had taken over her dimension as President-elect John Doe (“Meet John Doe”). Shortly thereafter, Lois flew to Clark’s apartment in the middle of the night to tell him that her Clark had been lost in time. Lois pleaded for Clark to help, but there was nothing he could do.

H.G. Wells arrived to take Clark to Lois’s dimension in order to capture Tempus and rid her dimension of Tempus’s horrible mind-control device (“Lois and Clarks”). Clark agreed to go, but told Lois he was saving her dimension because of his love for her. They kiss again as Clark returned Lois to her apartment, before he left for her home dimension.


Thank you for reading.

Please post FDK Comments for Chapter 3 here: Comments

If you are ready to jump to Chapter 4: The Rescue of Mrs. Luthor you can do so here: Chapter 4 - Part 1
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Synopsis - Missing Lois - 07/06/11 02:12 AM
Chapter 4

Author’s Note: I have altered the timeline of the show in this chapter by moving Tempus’s John Doe Presidential election bid to its correct spot between the “Ghosts” and around the time of “Stop the Presses” (i.e. November 1996).

While Clark was over in her dimension saving it from Tempus (“Lois and Clarks”), canon Lois, left back in his dimension, started to become delusional. Lois went to the Daily Planet where she told everyone that Tempus defeated Superman and that Clark – the man she loved - was lost in time. When acting-editor Ralph was thrilled at this news story, Lois physically attacked him and promptly got fired. James burst in at that moment and let everyone know that she was delusional due to her husband, Kal El, being missing (and that Clark / Superman had gone off to find him).

Meanwhile, back in her home dimension, Clark realized what a heel he was in trying to steal Lois away from the man that she loved (canon Clark). He and Martha talked about Lois’s life in the alt-world and he gave her a photo of Lois in her secret identity costume (Lucy El) and the ultrasound photo of Baby Kent. Martha, in return, gave Clark a framed wedding photo for Clark to give to her daughter-in-law.

On the trip back to his home dimension, Clark told HG Wells of Lois’s recent strange behavior (i.e. becoming obsessed with him and forgetting about Kal) and Mr. Wells realized that Lois was suffering from what he called “Interdimensional Time Sickness.” This illness turned the time-traveler’s memories against them should they stay in the wrong time too long, making them believe that they were in the correct time. Since Lois was visiting another dimension and had the memories of her other self to contend with, it effectively made her delusional. The only cure was to return her to her proper time and dimension.

When Clark and Mr. Wells returned to Metropolis to take Lois back to her home dimension, they learned that she was indeed delusional. Delusional Lois went to visit Dr. Klein at S.T.A.R. Labs to talk with him about making a tracking device for the Neuroscanner in the hopes of finding Clark’s missing Lois, whom canon Lois knew was Lex Luthor’s wife. Lois had difficulty telling Dr. Klein about the Neuroscanner because her brain wasn’t working properly. Instead she told him that she was pregnant with Superman’s brother’s baby. While at S.T.A.R. Labs she also ran into Professor Jefferson Cole, who was behind framing her for murder in her home dimension.

By the time Superman found Lois, Jefferson Cole had her at gun-point, tied up in a straitjacket, locked in a padded room, and he was about to inject her with a sedative because she kept calling Cole a murderer. Superman lost control and knocked out the guards, threw Jefferson against a wall (with no care about his condition) and with the help of Dr. Klein freed Lois. With yet another kiss, Superman returned her to Mr. Wells for her journey back to her home dimension.

Mr. Wells took Lois to visit Martha on the farm. Wells explained to Clark’s mom that Lois was sick and just needed some time in her home dimension to straighten out her mind. Lois could not stay in her home dimension longer than a short visit as she was so far along with her pregnancy (just starting her 3rd trimester), she would be unable to seamlessly slip back into her old life; therefore she would be returning to the alt-dimension for the duration of her pregnancy. During lunch Lois told Martha all about her search for the other Clark’s missing Lois and how she needed to return to the other dimension to help the other Clark find his soul mate.

After leaving the Kent Farm, Wells took Lois to Metropolis for a walk to cement her new-found sanity. While in Metropolis, Lois snuck into her townhouse and seduced her sleeping husband (her stand-in being out of the house), telling him about the baby. She left him believing that she was only a dream.

After Wells returned Lois to the alt-dimension, she confessed to Sam that she still had feelings for the other Clark, but had control over these desires once again.

Meanwhile back in her home dimension, canon Clark was perplexed that his wife had no memories of their night of passion before he left for New Krypton, only to have her remind him that if they had indeed made love that night the curse would have killed one of them.

Back in alt-world, Lois apologized to James for her behavior and he gave her back her job. He sent Ralph to Gotham City and made Cat Grant acting-editor. A new permanent editor-in-chief was to start at the beginning of the year.

Lois also contacted and apologized to Dr. Klein, supplying him with a sample of her hair for the genetic fingerprint for the Neuroscanner tracker that she had requested from him. Clark, on the other hand, informed Dr. Klein that any information that Lois gave him about the baby, his ‘brother’ or the other dimension was to stay strictly confidential.

Shortly before Thanksgiving, Clark received a phone call from a woman who told him that she ‘was alive!’ It wasn’t until he was arguing later with Lois – about their confusing relationship – that he realized that the woman on the phone was his missing Lois. Sam was thrilled to learn about his daughter and so was Perry with whom they ate Thanksgiving dinner.

Meanwhile back in Lois’s home dimension, her husband had a discussion with his father, Jonathan. Clark talked about his strange ‘pregnant Lois’ dream, about which Clark could not stop obsessing.

Back in the alt-world, Clark confessed to Perry after Thanksgiving dinner that Lois was married to another man, whose child she was carrying. At this point Clark also made the connection between Lola Dane – Jaxon’s stepmother - and his Lois, realizing that his Lois was married to Lex Luthor. After Clark left the party to think about this information privately, James arrived and told the others (Sam, Lois, and Perry) that he had found Lex Luthor and their missing Lois living in Singapore. Not only was the missing Lois married to Lex, she was also blind and still being tortured by the Neuroscanner.

With Lex’s business card in hand, Lois tried to set up an interview with the evil man himself for Clark. After work one night, while waiting for the right time in the right time zone, Lois accidentally revealed to James that she was pregnant with Kal’s child. Lois set up an interview with Luthor that night for Clark – without her friend’s prior knowledge – for two weeks in the future.

On the day Clark was to fly to Singapore, he sent Lois to spend the weekend with Martha (using the time machine HG Wells left for him, in case Lois went delusional again before the baby was born), because Clark was afraid that Lex might send men after her while Superman was otherwise occupied.

While at the Kent Farm, Lois accidentally answered the telephone with her husband on the other end. Hearing Lois on the phone, canon Clark immediately flew to the Kent farm. Using the time machine to escape her Clark, Lois inadvertently traveled a year into future and learned that she had to return to the alt-dimension or still possibly die from the curse. When she returned to the present time, Lois discovered her husband waiting for her. Although she admitted to her Clark that she was his future wife and carrying his future child, Lois refused to tell him more. Martha, on the other hand, told Jonathan and her son that this pregnant Lois was not canon Clark’s wife, but the other Clark’s Lois due to her daughter-in-law’s wish that no one know the truth about her.

At the same time back in alt-world, Clark arrived in Singapore about 24 hours prior to a manmade cyclone which was about to hit the city-state. The night of the cyclone, Clark went to Lex Luthor’s Christmas party and discovered that Lex had made a decoy for him to rescue, a clone named ‘Lola’ who was willing to seduce him. Luckily for Clark, Lola turned against Lex and, on the condition that Clark promised to rescue her as well, Lola told him where to find the real Mrs. Luthor (A.K.A. Lois Lane).

Using the Neuroscanner tracking device that canon Lois had had Dr. Klein make for him, Superman found Lex, Jr. and destroyed the mind-spying and torturing machine. Superman then found his blind Lois, locked in her penthouse bedroom, and had to convince her that not only was he there to rescue her but that he could fly. Having been Lex’s prisoner and on media-blackout, she had never heard of Superman. With Lex about to bust down the door, Lois grabbed the notebooks of evidence she had collected on her husband (before Lex had blinded her) and flew out the window in Superman’s arms.

Superman left his Lois at Clark’s Smallville farmhouse as he went back to Singapore to rescue Lola. Unfortunately, he was too late. Luthor had already thrown the traitorous clone out a window, killing her. Dejected by not being able to fulfill his promise to Lola, Superman returned with her body to Smallville, burying her on the farm. Lois discovered her hero crying in the living room and got him to admit what had happened to Lola. Not able to resist her hero’s sweet nature and charm (not to mention his muscular body), and to distract him from his sad thoughts, Lois kissed him. Feeling the instant chemistry between them, but also his dirty body (due to burying Lola), Lois sent him to take a shower. Then she went in and joined him.


Thank you for reading.

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If you are ready to read Chapter 5: Earth Angel, click here Chapter 5: Part 1
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Synopsis - Missing Lois - 08/08/11 01:29 AM
Chapter 5

(Until otherwise noted in the synopsis, canon Lois will be referred to as her secret identity name ‘Lucy El’ or ‘Kal’s Lois’ and alt-Lois will be referred to just as ‘Lois.’)

Alt-Clark made love to his Lois and instantly fell head-over-heels in love with this exquisite, long-haired, blind beauty. Unfortunately, Lois was technically Lex Luthor’s wife. Clark, being Superman, could not ruin his wholesome image by having it known that he had an affair / relationship with another man’s wife. After making her breakfast and asking his Lois not to tell anyone else about them, Superman returned to Singapore to help with search and rescue after the devastation caused by the cyclone.

Due to her blindness and a misunderstanding during her rescue, Lois never learned her hero’s name. She decided to call him Mr. Amazing.

Left alone in the Smallville farmhouse, Lois decided to check in with Perry at the Daily Planet. It was only after telephoning the newspaper that Lois realized that Perry was now the mayor of Metropolis. She talked to Barry Balson (Superman beat reporter) about her rescue from Lex Luthor. Not knowing that her hero was already a household name, she told Barry all about this flying hero who had rescued her. Cat Grant, who had been listening in on the conversation, gleefully informed Lois that if she wanted her job back at the Planet, Lois would need to prove she still had it by digging up new information on their resident alien Superman (Lois’s hero) and his girlfriend Ultra Woman.

Humiliated and confused by her new lover (Mr. Amazing), Lois contacted Perry at the Mayor’s office. Within moments of speaking with her, Perry easily wormed it out of Lois about her new intimate relationship with Superman (Perry – already in on Clark’s love for this Lois – was a trustworthy confidant). Lois learned from Perry that indeed Superman was from another planet, that he had dated a woman named Ultra Woman (in the past), and that he had a range of interesting and super abilities. Perry also informed her that Lois could not expect to have a future relationship with Superman, as he was an international hero and could not survive the public scrutiny of an affair with a married woman. What Perry, Cat, and Barry all failed to mention to Lois – and what everyone already knew – was that Superman was also Clark Kent.

When Superman returned to the Smallville house after sundown in Singapore, Lois greeted him more affectionately than he had ever known. She then informed him that once they returned to Metropolis, they could no longer be an item for it would certainly harm his standing as a hero. Her understanding of his situation made Superman love her even more as he sadly agreed with her. They spent one last afternoon making love. But she did not inform him that she had learned of his identity as Superman – the world’s hero. He thought she was still blissfully unaware of anything about him.

Clark returned to Metropolis to make sure Lois’s apartment was safe for her arrival and bumped into Lucy, who had come back early from her trip to the Kents’ farm. They decided that it would be best – since Lois was blind and needed some assistance – for the two Loises to share the apartment and for homeless Sam to move in with Clark. Lucy guessed correctly that more had happened between Clark and his Lois than he let on. He asked her not to say anything to anyone for the good of Superman’s reputation.

Superman flew Lois to her apartment for a private greeting party. The whole ‘find Lois’ gang was there – her father, Perry White, James Olsen and Lucy. Lois kissed Superman’s cheek and let him know that she knew he was Superman. To Clark it felt like she had been lying to him as he still thought she had known nothing about him, even his moniker. Lucy tried to tell him that Lois was just getting him back for not telling him who he was, but the Man of Steel had already disappeared out the window. Lois asked about Clark Kent and was told that he had been at the gathering, but had left early.

After midnight, Superman returned only to be denied entrance into Lois’s room by Lucy, who thought she was protecting both Lois and Clark from the scandal their relationship would cause. Lucy argued with him about not revealing his true identity to his Lois, but Superman – after almost a year of every part of his life under a microscope – loved that Lois had accepted him without even a name. Instead of helping, Lucy just created a wedge between herself and the lovers. Clark was angry at Lucy for once again being right. And Lois was angry at Lucy for sticking her nose where it didn’t belong, as Lois had no plans on letting her Mr. Amazing go so easily.

Meanwhile back in Lucy’s home dimension, her husband returned to the Kent Farm in hopes of seeing his future pregnant wife again. Upon his arrival, his mother told him that Lois had not only left, but she was truly the other Clark’s Lois, who was unable to see her Clark due to still being married to Lex Luthor.

Back in the alternate dimension, Lex Luthor contacted alt-Clark the Monday morning before Christmas, informing Clark that he not only wanted his wife back but that he would drag Clark and Superman’s name through the mud to get her back, if need be. Acting editor Cat Grant made a Daily Planet edict that no one was to tell Lois Lane of Superman’s true identity, so that ‘the best investigative reporter in Metropolis’ could figure it out on her own, or Cat would demote or fire them.

Caught between a rock-and-a-hard-place, Clark went to introduce his Clark Kent self to his Lois, wondering if she would recognize either his touch or voice as Superman. Lois felt something, but did not tie it to her Mr. Amazing. He also realized he could see Lois as Clark Kent – as friends – as long as Lois continued to not know he was also Superman. Meanwhile, Sam was becoming more and more suspicious that something had happened between his daughter and the ‘tights-wearing-freak.’ Then Lucy and Sam had Lois tell them about how Lex blinded her in hopes of discovering a cure. It turned out that Lois was blinded in the same manner and by the same men who had blinded Superman in Lucy’s dimension (“The Eyes Have It.”) Lucy of course knew how to reverse the blindness because of how she had cured her own Superman.

That afternoon Lois – now cured of her blindness – barged into the bullpen and demanded that Clark Kent give her back her stuff, which Lucy had told her that Clark had cleared out of her apartment before she had moved in. While at the Daily Planet, Lois also ran into her step-son Jaxon Xavier – who was working for the paper’s website and also in research – and who promptly contacted his father to tell Lex of Lola Dane’s whereabouts. Instead of waiting around to convince him otherwise, Lois had Clark take her back to her secure apartment. On the trip there, Clark mistakenly mentioned to her that he had a ‘secret girlfriend’ – namely, Lois herself.

On Christmas Eve morning on the way to work, Lucy – mistaken for Lola Dane Luthor (AKA alt-Lois) – was abducted by Lex Luthor and his thugs. She was able to get one “help Superman” out before her mouth was taped shut. Not knowing what Lex Luthor would do if he discovered her condition, Lucy decided to use the extra strength she had developed with her ‘super’ pregnancy to get away. Lex Luthor escaped, because Lucy promptly passed out once she was in Superman’s awaiting arms.

Superman flew Lucy back to the apartment and to Sam for an examination, where she was diagnosed with higher than normal blood pressure. Dr. Lane directed her to remain on bed rest. Lois was supposed to meet for a photo-op breakfast with Mayor Perry White, with her father as her ‘bodyguard.’ With Lucy ill, Sam decided to stay with her, causing Clark to pick up the body guarding slack. Before Superman left the apartment, he made a date with Lois to meet for a late night rendezvous.

At breakfast, Perry gave Clark the third degree for not revealing his true identity to Lois and then tried to convince Clark that Lois was entirely the wrong woman for him and his super image. When Clark admitted he didn’t have the self-control to stay away from Lois, Perry taunted him – in front of Lois – for not having bought his ‘secret girlfriend’ a Christmas gift.

Superman arrived at Lois’s apartment that night with a Christmas tree, only to find her asleep on the couch. He ended up decorating the apartment and tree by himself. As he was carrying Lois back to bed, she awoke and their ‘date’ began with Lois asking him 101 questions, including about his sexual history. She wanted to make sure he had had enough experience to know the difference between love and sex. Superman once again admitted that he loved her, because he had fallen in love with her while they had been searching for her. When he left for the night – after telling her that he could not be seen with her anymore because of Lex Luthor’s threats – Superman admitted that he had only made love to ‘Lois Lane.’ In her bedroom, Lois discovered that Mr. Amazing’s Christmas gift to her was a roomful of chocolates from around the world.

Christmas was low-key – except for the fact that Lois’s love of Christmas matched that of Lucy’s husband’s, canon Clark. Despite being only just returned to Metropolis, Lois had gifts for everyone including T-shirts for Lucy and Clark. Clark gave Lucy the framed wedding photo Martha had given to him in November when he had visited the canon dimension to help rid the world of Tempus. Lucy gave Lois Moonbeam’s – divorce attorney at law – business card, so Lois could get started on her divorce from Lex Luthor.

On New Year’s Eve, Lois finally went to meet with her new attorney only to discover that she already knew her. Star – Moonbeam’s name before she changed it when she became a lawyer – had told Lois before she had left for the Congo not to go or she would miss out on true love. Then while they discussed how best to start on the divorce proceedings, Moonbeam realized that Lois had met her soul mate. Lois naturally assumed it to be Mr. Amazing and was shocked to learn that it was Clark. Then Moonbeam told her that she had made a mistake and yes, it was Mr. Amazing. Then reading Lois’s future, her lawyer / psychic informed her that to get fully away from Lex and to capture the man of her dreams, Lois would lose her name and something else she had always wanted and something she had never thought she wanted.

Upset that Clark had still never returned the stuff he took from her apartment, that Mr. Amazing was good to his word about keeping his distance from her, and that she had been stuck in her apartment for ‘her protection’ (so she wouldn’t get kid-napped by Lex), Lois snuck out to Smallville in early January. She had cut her hair to look like Lucy, stolen Lucy’s clothes and her ID (false that it was) and Clark’s credit card and taken a trip out to the Smallville house to try to get her laptop back. At the house though, she was halted by the presence of the security alarm. She wandered the property and discovered the dimension-hopping time machine hiding under an invisibility tarp in the barn. Lois used this to take a trip to Lucy’s home dimension, without knowing that was where she would end up.

Martha found her and contacted her son Clark, asking Clark to get their unwanted visitor from another dimension back home. When Superman showed up to take Lois back to her own dimension, Lois thought he was her Superman. Shocked by the appearance of the other Lois who obviously had been intimate with the other Superman like his mother had told him, Superman checked to see if indeed this Lois was pregnant and could possibly be the same woman with whom he had made out with back in December. Indeed she was – around a month pregnant.

Superman returned this other Lois to her home dimension and broke into Alt-Clark’s Smallville house so that they could contact him to take custody of her from him. Superman called the Daily Planet searching for Clark Kent and instead found not only Jaxon Xavier but also a self-proclaimed Superman expert – Lucy El. Lucy tried to hold it together as she got the information from her Kal-El about Lois’s whereabouts to give it to the other Clark without her husband knowing that he was actually speaking to his missing Lois.

Lois, who had eavesdropped on Superman’s conversation with Lucy, realized that he might be Lucy’s missing husband Kal-El. Still muddled by the idea of two dimensions, and pulled toward canon Clark due to the whole soul-mate vibe, Lois tried to seduce him for information about Lucy and Ultra Woman, while still not one hundred percent clear on how he couldn’t be her Superman. Canon Clark on the other hand, still could not believe that this Lois was the one he made out with in his parents’ barn a month earlier and allowed himself to be kissed by alt-Lois to see if he could ascertain the truth that way.

It was at that moment that alt-Superman arrived in Smallville to find his girlfriend in the arms of canon Clark. Alt-Clark’s anger exploded and the two Supermen took their ‘discussion’ outdoors. While fighting, alt-Clark implied that he had been more than intimate with Clark’s wife while visiting the canon dimension to help with Tempus.

This infuriated canon Clark, who then took the time machine back home. Alt-Clark caught a ride and the two of them continued their fight in Martha’s backyard. She brought the clash to an immediate end and had the two Supermen come inside to talk like adults. In the course of their discussion, alt-Clark admitted that he hadn’t been honest with alt-Lois about his true identity. He also told canon Clark that he did have a pregnant woman under his ‘protection’ pretending to be the wife of his birth name (i.e. Lucy El, wife of Kal El), but the child was not his, but Kal-El’s. Martha was sure her son would catch all the dropped hints about his missing Lois, but they seemed to slip right on past him.

Realizing that they had left alt-Lois alone in his house in his Smallville, alt-Clark took the time machine and returned to her.

Meanwhile, canon Clark discussed his kissing of alt-Lois with his mother and also discussed whether or not he should tell his wife. Clark decided he should as he and his wife had agreed not to keep secrets from one another.

At the same time in the other dimension, freaked out not only about the two dimensions but also by her Superman’s rage at finding her kissing canon Superman, Lois jumped into her rental car and hightailed it down the road to Topeka straight into a snowstorm. As she thought through all that she had learned in the canon dimension and from canon Superman, Lois put two and two together and realized that Superman was actually Clark Kent. She decided to turn around and discuss this new development with him, when her car slid on the slick road, ending up in partially in a ditch. As she tried to get out of the car, a snowplow came down the road and pushed her car all the way into the ditch. The accident caused Lois to be knocked around inside the car.

Alt-Clark returned to his home dimension to discover that his girlfriend had left his Smallville house. Deciding to allow her time to cool down instead of chasing her, Clark soon overheard a call for EMTs about a car and driver in a ditch. He arrived at the scene to find Lois in very bad shape, bleeding and her neck at a weird angle. As he rushed her off to the hospital, they were struck by lightning. Due to the lightning strike, Clark was forced to land them in the woods near his Smallville house. With one last look at him, Lois went limp. While grieving for Lois at his Smallville house, Clark heard her heart still beating. Realizing that she was probably close to death – who could survive all that? – Clark rushed back to Metropolis to bring Sam Lane back to say his final good-bye to his daughter.

Clark himself mourned for the loss of the only woman he had truly ever loved, feeling he was to blame. Eventually, Sam came to him to tell him that Lois didn’t die; in fact, Sam couldn’t find anything wrong with her, except that she was still unconscious. Clark examined her body and could not find one broken bone.

Lois awoke the next morning refreshed and surprised to find that Clark was sitting by her bedside. She hadn’t forgotten her epiphany from the day before and planned on giving him back tenfold for lying to her. Lois found her father making breakfast downstairs and learned that he too knew the truth and had been keeping it from her. Unfortunately, perhaps due to the car accident or the lightning strike, the baby that canon Superman had said she was carrying died –Lois had a miscarriage.

On top of all that, strange things kept happening to Lois that morning. First, Lois could hear really well. Secondly, when she plopped down in a chair – as she usually did – it broke. Thirdly, when Lucy called to yell at Clark for telling her husband that they had slept together, Lois could hear Lucy as well as if she was talking on the phone with her herself.

Only Lucy knew how Lois had survived both the car accident and the lightning strike, but she refused to tell them over the phone. And the men refused to let Mrs. Kal El ‘fly’ out to Kansas to talk in person. So, Lois decided to punish Clark for keeping his secret identity in the dark, by refusing any contact with Mr. Amazing Superman, who obviously didn’t care enough about her to even check and see if she was all right. Lois insisted that she and Clark return to Metropolis by plane.


Thank you so much for your interest in my story.

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If you are ready to jump to Chapter 6: Return of Ultra Woman, you may do so here: Chapter 6: Part 1
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Synopsis - Missing Lois - 09/01/11 09:02 AM
Chapter 6

Author’s Note: The “Lois” in this chapter refers to alt-Lois. Canon Lois will be called “Lucy” to help lessen the confusion between the two characters. The “Clark” in this chapter (unless otherwise noted) is alt-Clark.

When Clark returned from dropping Sam off in Metropolis and picking up a new rental car, he found Lois sobbing on the bed that they had shared when he rescued her from Singapore. Although she was mourning the loss of their now miscarried baby; he thought she was grieving the loss of her relationship with Mr. Amazing. As they went to leave the house, Lois picked up her suitcase and was freaked by the fact it felt empty when she knew quite well it was full. As they drove to Topeka, Lois and Clark agreed to be friends and each other’s confidant. Lois had fun teasing Clark, knowing full well he was her now missing-in-action Mr. Amazing.

At the airport Clark made the airline employees a little nervous by flying as a passenger in a plane. Lois was surprised how everyone recognized Clark as Superman. It made her realize how isolating Clark’s life had become since his secret had been revealed. How the man that she loved always had to be on his best behavior at all times for fear of ruining Superman’s image, especially with children who idolized him.

Lois stressed herself out by thinking that Superman lied to her about loving her; thinking he only slept with her because she was a substitute for “Ultra Woman” (Lucy) who he actually loved instead. Clark, on the other hand, was worried about both Lois’s emotional wellbeing – as it seemed her emotions were bouncing all over the place – as well as her physical wellbeing.

While waiting for their plane Lois accidentally sped-read a book and clearly overheard Clark’s conversation despite him being all the way down the concourse. But it wasn’t until she was on the plane and accidentally froze her coffee when she blew on it to cool it down that she realized that she had acquired Clark’s super abilities. She was excited by this discovery as she knew that Lex could never hold her prisoner again and that if Clark tried to run away from their relationship, she could now easily follow him.

Back in Metropolis, Lois and Clark got stuck in a malfunctioning elevator and Lois gave him another taste of Hurricane Lane’s seduction. Only he didn’t know she knew that he was also her Mr. Amazing. Upon arriving at her apartment Lois and Lucy argued about the how the other one used/abused their own Superman before deciding to team up against Clark/Superman. The two Loises kicked Clark out and refused to tell him how Lois survived her ordeal in Smallville until he agreed to tell Lois Superman’s secret identity.

Lois informed Lucy that she had figured out Clark’s secret. Lucy in turn told Lois that the reason she (Lucy) was in that dimension was due to the curse, where one of the couple of Lois and Clark was fated to die after they became intimate. Lois had been able to beat said curse with the help of some lightning and gaining Superman’s powers. Lucy also explained that another reason she was in this other dimension was because she, Lucy, was pregnant with Kal’s child. Lois freaked out as she was once again reminded about how much she lost because of the accident. She confessed to Lucy that she too had been pregnant, according to Kal, but not anymore. Lucy told Lois that she (Lois) was now the real Ultra Woman.

On the walk home from the Loises’ apartment, Clark decided that the best path for him and for Lois was for him to become a world correspondent for the Daily Planet and give Lois space to live her life. But then upon making this decision, he realized he loved her too much to live without her, so he rushed back to the apartment to inform her of this. As he hovered by the living room windows, he saw Lois crying into Lucy’s arms (about the miscarriage, but Clark did not know anything about that) and once again hesitated in telling her the truth. He flew off to help some people, but when he returned the Loises had gone out (to test Lois’s new Ultra Woman powers).

While doing some Ultra apartment cleaning, Lois discovered a part of a rejected passage in Lucy’s journal to Kal, where she discussed Clark’s love for his Lois. Thirsty for more knowledge, Lois searched Lucy’s room and found her Kal Journal/Diary. Reading it, Lois learned all about what had happened to Lucy since her arrival in this dimension. Lois discovered from Lucy’s journal that something happened to Clark (emotionally) after Mayson got hurt by the car bomb, but Lois was not able to understand exactly what.

The new EIC at the Daily Planet Gareth McTinney asked Lucy before the morning meeting when she would be leaving on her maternity leave, announcing quite plainly to everyone – including Jaxon – that she was pregnant. She denied the claim and immediately left the meeting, calling Lois to come in and sub in for her as "Lucy El". Lois admitted that she had already done so the previous day when the pregnant woman wasn't feeling well. Clark was out in Bolivia rescuing people from a natural disaster that day so Lucy told Lois they should inform him of the switch at the first opportunity.
The next day, Lois still in the "Lucy" persona invited Mayson Drake, Clark's ex-girlfriend, to lunch. Clark thought this odd as the two women had never gotten along. Mayson figured out the ‘Lucy’ she was meeting with was actually Lois Lane. She told Lois that if Lois wanted to truly make Clark happy, then she needed to leave him and find him Ultra Woman – someone who he could be with without fear of hurting her. Lois accidentally told Mayson that Lucy was pregnant with a super baby, not realizing that Clark had not told his ex-girlfriend that portion of the truth.

Meanwhile, the pregnant Lois invited Clark to visit her and told him about her switching places with Lois. Clark realized that he could communicate telepathically with Lucy’s baby and that it was confusing him with Kal and drawing him towards its mother. Clark told Lucy how frustrated he was with his life, wishing he had an easy life like Kal’s. That was when Lucy told him about Kal’s latest bout with Red Kryptonite, where it caused his powers to go haywire. This only intensified Clark’s insecurities about being with a human woman who he might someone accidentally hurt physically, again. (He still blamed himself for Lois’s car accident.)

Clark confronted Lois upon her return from her luncheon with Mayson to tell her that he knew that she had made the switch in identities with Lucy. When Lois told Clark that Mayson thought Superman would disappear if something happened to her, Clark told Lois that Superman still lived, but Mr. Amazing had died.

Lois and Lucy – while sulking over Clark's nasty words and eating Christmas chocolate – decided that Lois needed to take control over her and Clark's relationship out of Clark's hands. They decided to break with tradition and actually formulate a plan. Moonbeam showed up and told them that she was having difficulties processing the divorce papers because she could not serve Luthor with them.

They decided that the first part of their plan would be to resurrect Ultra Woman as Luthor would not be able to resist meeting with the superheroine. To do that Lois broke into the Smallville house using keys she had copied from Clark's key ring while he was showering. She stole Lucy’s Ultra Woman costume from Clark’s Smallville house, where he had put it for safekeeping. When Lois put on the costume she finally took the last step in becoming Ultra Woman herself.

Ultra Woman visited Jaxon at his apartment and announced she was searching for Lex Luthor. Jaxon called his father and Lex agreed to meet with her. Upon arriving at his penthouse, Ultra Woman delivered the divorce papers. Exhilarated at her success, Ultra Woman then rescued a woman from a bad date, stopped a mugging and a purse snatching.

Lucy had Lois touch her pregnant belly to see if Ultra Woman could communicate telepathically with her unborn child like Clark could. The baby thought Lois was its mother, even calling her ‘Mommy.’ Thrilled at the discovery of this new super ability, Lois decided to use it to send Clark messages of love in his dreams.

Clark’s dreams of Lois telling him she loved him drew him to the Loises’ apartment the next morning, but when he arrived she had already left – to return the Ultra Woman suit to the Smallville house. That morning at work he received calls from both Mayson and Leo Nunk asking him about Ultra Woman sightings. He derided the rumors as speculation or a vigilante in an Ultra Woman suit, knowing full well the only Ultra Woman he knew (Lucy) was so round with child she wouldn’t be able to fit in the suit.

Lois announced during the Daily Planet’s morning meeting, one that Clark wasn’t attending due to a rescue, that she heard that Ultra Woman had returned. This set off a news firestorm, especially when Jaxon confirmed her rumor by telling everyone that the superheroine visited him in search of his father.

The next day, Lois, Luthor and their divorce attorneys met to hammer out the conditions of a divorce. Lex Luthor told Lois that if she went forward with the divorce he would draw in Clark / Superman and accuse them of marriage infidelity. If she agreed to stay married to him, Lex would allow her her freedom as long as she never had contact with Clark again. So, Lois decided that for Clark's best interest she should leave Metropolis and him behind.

When Gareth McTinney asked her, in private, how she (her secret identity she, as in Lucy El) met Clark, Lois suddenly had to come up with a story on the spot, so she pulled one from her past. Lois told the EIC of the Daily Planet that she (Lucy) had met Clark back in college when he rescued her from being gang raped when they both were visiting another university. It was only after the whole true story spilled out that Lois realized that was indeed where she had met Clark – she had only pushed the whole ugly event deep into her memory bank. After stumbling back to her desk, Lois decided she couldn't leave Clark, because he was the man she had been searching for all her life. She needed to come up with another plan.

In her Lucy persona, Lois invited Bobby Bigmouth over for dinner and plied him with gourmet food until he told her everything he knew about Intergang. With this final step completed, Lois was able to move forward with her plan.

Lois asked Clark to kiss her when he came to walk her to work that Monday morning. When he refused, knowing he wouldn’t be able to stop if he started, she sent him to deliver a faux suicide note to Martha, in canon universe.

In the letter, Lois told Martha about the accident, Mr. Amazing’s disappearance, her miscarriage and her plans to “die”. After discussing the particulars of the letter with Clark, Martha realized that the other Lois now had super powers (like Resplendent Man). Martha ‘accidentally’ let it slip that her son had told alt-Lois that she was pregnant, causing Clark to read Lois’s letter – and learn not only of the miscarriage, but also of Lois’s desire to die. He left immediately for his dimension to save her from herself. Martha’s son arrived, after grasping what his mother had done to his ‘brother’. Canon Clark read the letter from the other Lois and learned that alt-Clark had been told that he could not have children.

What Clark did not know was that Lois’s “suicide” was part of her plan to finally win him back. Joe-the-Blow had put a bomb-activated dance mat in her bedroom to make her dance until she dropped, literally. She had sent Clark to the Martha in the other dimension, so that she could go through with her ‘suicide’ without him coming by to rescue her.

Alt-Clark returned to his dimension to find who he thought was his Lois sitting at her desk at the Daily Planet as he flew by. Relieved that she hadn’t gone through with what her note implied, Clark rushed off on several Superman rescues. When he was finally able to make it in to work, he discovered that it wasn’t his Lois, but Lucy he had seen. Cat Grant arrived and played him a taped conversation with Lois from that morning, in which Lois not only admitted to knowing for weeks about Clark’s other persona, but also the whereabouts of Ultra Woman. The conversation concluded with Lois telling Cat that she had accidentally activated a bomb and to please send Clark to help her. But one look at Lucy told him he was already too late.

Rushing over to the Loises’ apartment, Clark found a hole where there had once been a wall. Mayson informed him that Lois’s body had already been removed. Clark returned to his Clinton Street apartment to wait for Sam to tell him the bad news. While waiting, he found Lois had left his Kansas State letterman jacket on his bed. He remembered rescuing her in college and then searching for her for weeks afterward only to come up empty. He had even broken up with Lana, because he had felt a connection with the girl ‘Lucy’ he had met.

When Sam returned, Clark told him about the bomb and Sam confessed that he knew Lois was going to do something ‘big’ to get Clark’s attention, but he never thought she would actually die from it. Henderson called to have Sam come down to the morgue to identify Lois’s body. Clark went with him, only to discover that the body in the morgue wasn’t Lois, but Lola the clone. Clark’s head spun, first from thinking that Lois was dead and then learning she wasn’t. He was shocked to find Sam telling Henderson that it indeed was his daughter and almost corrected the doctor’s error, but then at Sam’s telling glance, decided against it. Before Clark could ask Sam why he lied, he was called to Philadelphia to handle a leak at a nuclear plant.

Upon arriving at the nuclear power plant, Superman discovered that there was already another super hero on duty: Ultra Woman. They finished rescuing the workers and sealing the leak, then Superman followed Ultra Woman into the skies for privacy. It was only at that moment that Clark comprehended that his Lois was now super powered like him.

Ultra Woman flew off to the Smallville house where Superman tried to tell her that they couldn’t have a relationship because she was still married. Lois informed him that the married Lois Lane was now dead. Clark told her that Lucy El – the identity that Lois had taken over, as the real Lucy El was too pregnant to work at the Daily Planet anymore – was married as well. Lois reminded him that Lucy El was married to Kal-El, last son of Krypton, in other words, him. Clark tried once again to tell her that no one else knew of that relationship and that they still could not be together. Lois told him that as Ultra Woman, she and Superman could have an open relationship because no one knew of Ultra Woman’s secret identity. Finally Clark acknowledged to himself that he had no excuses left for staying away from the woman he loved. He allowed himself to finally admit defeat and let love win.


Thank you for your interest in my story.

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If you are ready to jump to Chapter 7: And Baby Makes Four, please click here: Chapter 7 - Part 1
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Synopsis - Missing Lois - 09/26/11 01:32 AM
Chapter 7

Author’s Note: The “Lois” in this chapter summary once again refers to canon-Lois. Alt-Lois will be called “Lucy” or “Ultra Woman” to help lessen the confusion between the two characters. The “Clark” in this chapter is alt-Clark, except when I’m describing what happened in canon universe. Confused? I hope not. laugh

In Alt-Dimension: Lucy told Clark about the miscarried baby. Clark blamed himself again, not only for the car accident in Smallville, but also for the death of their possible unborn child. Lucy reassured him that it wasn’t his fault and that there were a hundred other reasons why the baby could have died, if there even had been a baby to begin with. She only had Lois’s husband’s word that she was pregnant and it wasn’t enough proof for her to know for certain, even if it had felt like he had been telling her the truth.

Lucy’s fake funeral (in which they finally laid Lola – her clone – to rest) was interrupted by Lucy’s ex-husband Lex Luthor who wanted to exhume the body before it was buried to determine its true identity. Luthor didn’t believe that it really was his wife. But as Luthor was unable to get a court order of exhumation, Mayson made him leave the funeral by threatening to arrest him for violation of the restraining order against him for his attempted kidnapping of Lucy (the then-pregnant Lois) back in December.

Mayson later came to the Daily Planet and told Clark that she knew that Lois Lane (alt-Lois) was alive and in disguise as Lucy El, and was therefore not the body that was buried at her funeral. Mayson was able to get Clark to confess that they buried alt-Lois's clone Lola. Their friend promised not to reveal this secret and had herself removed from the investigation into alt-Lois’s death.

Lucy discovered that one drawback from faking her death was that despite being invulnerable, Clark still worried for her safety, not knowing how stable her change to ultra status really was.

Mayor White (Perry) invited Lucy and Clark over for drinks and disclosed that he knew that his Lois (alt-Lois) was still alive and in disguise as Lucy El. Canon Lois was too pregnant to be going in to work at the Daily Planet, and alt-Lois had taken over her identity as Lucy El. Perry had discovered this tidbit when he almost gave alt-Lois’s first story to Gareth McTinney (the new editor at the Daily Planet) to publish as a retrospective after Lois Lane’s (alt-Lois’s) death. But before Perry could do so, Gareth shared with him the horrible account Lucy had told him of how she and Clark had actually met (the almost-rape on the campus of MidWest U from which Clark had saved her.) Instead the Chief shared the article with Clark, who discovered that Lucy (his Lois) had known from the beginning that he was the man who had saved her that night. Clark revealed that he had broken up with Lana and searched for weeks for the woman “Lucy” with whom he had fallen in love that night, but since Lucy literally disappeared he returned downtrodden back to Lana’s waiting arms. Unable to leave such a huge clue on the true identity of Lucy El, Clark stole the original story from Perry and Lucy denied its existence to her old boss and friend when he wondered at its disappearance.

Perry assumed that Clark and Lucy were still together romantically in her new disguise. Clark explained that his Lois was no more and that Ultra Woman was his true destiny and love. Perry wondered how Clark could claim to be in love with Ultra Woman when the Chief had known the man to have been head-over heels in love with alt-Lois. Perry jokingly laughed that the only explanation would be if Lucy (alt-Lois) were actually Ultra Woman, but he didn’t know how feasibly that could be true. Then he watched as Lucy destroyed the evidence that she had been having ‘drinks’ with the mayor (being that the Lucy persona was an alcoholic and wouldn’t drink) and realized that there was more at stake than Lex Luthor finding out that his ex-wife was still alive. Lucy admitted in a round-about way to Perry that he was right.

While preparing for the birth of Lois’s child, Ultra Woman introduced herself to Dr. Klein and asked him to be available for the birth. She discovered that Lois had risked everything to talk to Dr. Klein about a way to trace the Neuroscanner signal back to Lex, Jr. so Superman could make sure that she (alt-Lois) would no longer be tortured by Luthor’s son. Still fearing Superman's wrath should anything happen to Lucy (pregnant Lois) under his care, Dr. Klein reluctantly agreed.

Lois, fearing the exposure of a public birth, made Sam, Lucy and Clark swear not to take her to real doctors in a real hospital even if her life depended upon it. Lucy and Clark prepared a site in an abandoned hospital for the birth.

When she finally went into labor, Lois was alone in the apartment as Ultra Woman and Superman were off on a rescue. It wasn’t until the next morning that they discovered that she was in labor and Clark instantly rushed to be at her side.

Alone together for the first time since Lucy officially became Ultra Woman, Lois told Clark that when they had made love back on Halloween, she had known that she was making love to him, not her husband, and that a small part of her was still in love with him (alt-Clark). Clark didn’t know what to do with this information, being that he felt the same way for her (Lois). As her labor progressed, Clark never left her side – as he had promised – but never let her slip into the delusion that he was her husband either.

Late that night, they finally moved to the birthing site. Ultra Woman brought Dr. Klein and Clark accepted his presence because Lois told him that she trusted that the scientist would not harm them or the baby. A healthy Lara Kent was born just after midnight on Valentine’s Day 1997.

Unfortunately, her mother did not fare as well. After the birth, Lois started hemorrhaging and Dr. Lane was unable to stop it. Clark sent Ultra Woman and Dr. Klein to S.T.A.R. Labs as a last ditch measure, to retrieve the blood Dr. Klein had withdrawn from Superman (back after Mayson’s car blew up). Dr. Klein admitted to Ultra Woman that one of the samples of the blood might have microscopic glass fragments in it and she volunteered to donate her own blood instead. She had Dr. Klein take the Kryptonite out of the safe and expose her to it to make her vulnerable. Ultra Woman bore the intense pain and allowed the scientist to draw her blood.

When Ultra Woman was exposed to Kryptonite, Clark was able to hear her scream telepathically. He begged her to stop, but she explained that Lois had risked her life for alt-Lois (herself). An exhausted and weary Ultra Woman returned with a pint of her own blood, which they gave to Lois. It took a while, but Lois was finally revived. But although she still lived, she seemed to withdraw into herself.

After the birth, Lois fell deep into a postpartum depression. She missed Kal/Clark and believed that upon learning of her one night with alt-Clark, her husband would take their daughter and leave her. She was also depressed because she felt no real connection with her daughter. Both Clark and Lucy could communicate with her daughter telepathically, which bonded Lara to them, and them to her, in a way that Lois could not duplicate.

Lois pushed Clark away, refusing to let him near her, especially when dressed as Superman. She claimed that he reminded her of her adultery and that she could no longer be in his presence. Despite this, she still allowed Clark and Lucy to help her with the care of her daughter.

Ultra Woman went to Smallville to take the time machine to go retrieve Lois’s husband and have him take his wife home, only to discover the time machine no longer worked for her. Lois overheard the conversation where Lucy told Clark this, and believed that she and her daughter were now stuck in this other dimension forever.

As a month passed and her depression worsened, Lois started to distrust Lucy or Clark, fearing that they were out to take her daughter away from her to keep as their own. Lois had also stopped caring for herself; she stopping eating, bathing, or getting out of bed. The only activity she did was to take care of her daughter, which included nursing. Lois ended up wasting away down to just over 100 pounds. Sam – as her doctor – told her she was no longer allowed to breastfeed as she needed to gain weight again if she ever wanted to return to her own dimension.

Lucy took her away for a much needed afternoon off and as they ate a picnic lunch, asked Lois about Kal’s younger brother. Lois had no idea to whom Lucy referred. It was only after Lucy described the young man in the photos she had seen at the Kent’s house, did Lois realize that her Clark hadn’t told her that Jack had moved in with his folks after her near-wedding to Luthor.

With round-the-clock surveillance by Sam, Clark and Lucy, Lois started to take care of herself and eat again. She was still a shell of the woman she used to be until Moonbeam (alt-Star) arrived to tell her that the Star from her dimension had been trying to contact Lois. Only with the help of Lara was Moonbeam able to get the full message from Star. Clark wanted her to know that he “loved her, missed her, and wanted her to come home.” It was with this message that Lara was finally able to telepathically communicate with her mother, creating a bond between them.

In Canon Dimension: Lois’s husband, Clark discovered from Jimmy that Lois had had a meltdown about five weeks after he left for New Krypton and then had met with his mother. But his wife (substitute Lois from the past) refused to tell him the truth (that she lost her memory) and also stubbornly denied that they had made love before their honeymoon.

With this last detail clicked into place, Clark figured out that Lois went to the other dimension because of the curse and that she was pregnant with his child. That the pregnant Lucy was really his Lois. Clark confronted his Mom, who told him almost everything she knew (with the exception of what she learned from Mr. Wells’s future newspaper.) So, he knew that Lois was pregnant with his child, that she would give birth within days, and that he had no way to contact her. He had no idea when they would return or even if they could. Martha also told him that the woman he married was actually Lois's substitute, borrowed from the past to hold Lois's spot in time until Lois could return from the other dimension.

The knowledge that he had a missing wife and child out in the universe ate at him – especially knowing there was nothing he could do but wait – but Clark also knew he had to keep this information from his stand-in wife. He loved this substitute Lois, had been married to her for months, yet he was no longer sure how he should act around this woman. Eventually he realized that she was still Lois, the woman he loved, and he should treat her accordingly.

Then one day Star showed up at the Planet and told him of Lois’s depression. It was only after she mentioned a baby that Clark realized that Star was speaking of his missing Lois. He tried to have Star send this missing Lois a message from him.

Clark froze Lois to rescue her from Lex Jr. and the Neuroscanner, only to have difficulty reviving her after he thawed her out. He realized that he was not only risking this current woman’s life, but also that of his missing Lois and their child.

As the months passed and Clark having only his mother's word that the woman Lucy was really his missing Lois, he began to wonder if she had been mistaken, especially after Dr. Klein told him it was impossible for Superman and an Earth woman to have a child. His mother told him that Dr. Klein was wrong, but Clark was beginning to wonder if the child that Star saw in his future was his child. Would the other Clark and other Lois (now essentially Kryptonian) give him their child? Was that pregnant woman he met back in December that he thought was his wife, really — as his mother had originally told him – the other Lois? Would Mr. Wells come one day and take his substitute wife away to fix the timeline and leave Clark with no one? He decided that he needed to move his life forward with his current wife, stand-in or not. He could no longer wait for his future to come to him.

Back in alt-dimension When her husband froze Lois’s substitute to escape from Lex Jr, essentially killing her stand-in, Lois and Lara disappeared from the other dimension. Only when they finally reappeared, did Lois realize that the only way to convince her substitute to return into the past (where she would have to go back and suffer amnesia as Wanda Detroit) was to let her substitute fall in love with Lara first.

This new-found connection with her daughter, and this cryptic and confusing message from her husband, finally gave Lois the rope she needed to start to haul herself out of the darkness of her depression. She was able to gain most of weight back, but as the months passed and she was still stuck in the other dimension, Lois wondered if she and her daughter would ever be able to return home, despite Moonbeam’s reassurances that they would.

One day in May, Mr. Wells finally returned for them. Unfortunately as Lois rushed back to the apartment to greet him, she ran into James Olsen. James confessed not only his love for her, but also that he knew she was the woman Clark had taken to the Halloween party, dressed as Ultra Woman. She tried to convince him that he was wrong, but he said that he knew that Lois and Clark were in love. Then he disappeared into a cloud of gold sparkles, kidnapped by Vixen. Lois called to Vixen, telling her to take her too because she was really Lex’s wife (even though she wasn’t). Clark overheard this conversation, but was unable to stop Vixen from taking Lois as well.

Lois awoke in Lex Luthor’s apartment drugged with truth serum and a muscle relaxant in her throat, making it impossible for her to call out to Superman above a whisper. Lois didn’t know if it were because there were so many ‘half-truths’ in her life or because of the Ultra Woman blood running through her veins, but she was still able to lie to Luthor. She told him that she had lied to Vixen (that she really wasn’t his wife) and that she was a private investigator by the name of Wanda Detroit, hired by Perry White and the Daily Planet to find Lois Lane. In the meantime, she also tried to communicate telepathically with her daughter about her location, so Superman or Ultra Woman could rescue her. She pulled a gun on Luthor and told him to have Lex Jr. bring James Olsen to them. One of the henchmen that dragged James into the apartment turned out to be none other than Trask. Lois was about to pull the trigger and kill Lex Luthor when Ultra Woman crashed through the window to stop her. Then Superman arrived, tied up Luthor, his son, and Trask and convinced Lois to give him the gun.

While Ultra Woman and Mr. Wells returned Lara to her father, alt-Clark and Lois went to the beach on Key West where they celebrated her birthday. She gave him back his mother’s wedding ring and they shared one last passionate farewell kiss, acknowledging that there would always be love between them, but that it wasn’t meant to be. Clark returned her to the apartment and then went to wait for his true love, Ultra Woman, at the Smallville house so that they could grieve their loss together – that Lara had gone back to her own dimension. Clark and Ultra Woman would miss their lovely niece.

Several days later, Lois also said goodbye to Sam and Lucy and the other dimension as Mr. Wells and Clark returned her home.


Thank you for reading.

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If you are ready to jump to Chapter 8: The Twilight Zone - Revisited, please click here: Chapter 8: Part 1 .
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Synopsis - Missing Lois - 10/18/11 06:10 PM
Chapter 8

Author’s Note: From now on all action takes place in canon dimension. The Clark is canon Clark. The Lois… well, the first Lois we meet is actually the substitute Lois taken from the past to hold the place of his true Lois, who currently is still in alt-dimension. The action in this chapter takes place starting with the final scene of Season 4.

As Clark and Lois – the substitute Lois – laid in bed after dealing with Fat Head and two sets of brain-cleared parents thanks to Dr. Lane’s Bummer-B-Gone, Clark heard a voice inside his head calling to him. He and Lois went downstairs and found a baby. It was covered by an identical baby blanket as his – ‘S’ shield and all – and was lying in his old bassinette, which his folks had had sent from Smallville. An accompanying note told them that this baby belonged to them. Clark wondered if this was his missing child from his missing Lois.

Both sets of grandparents came downstairs and Lois and Clark introduced them to the baby. Martha, Jonathan, and Sam were thrilled. Ellen was suspicious. As the older generation of men tossed about boy baby names, Ellen told Martha and Lois that if the child turned out to be a daughter that they should be on the look-out for Clark’s ‘a-ha’ moment, when he realized what scum men could be now that he had a daughter. Clark and Martha thought this theory was crazy. When Ellen went to investigate what supplies that the baby might have arrived with, she noticed the blanket in which the baby had arrived. Lois whisked her parents upstairs to do a weight and length check on the new baby and to change its diaper.

While the Lanes were upstairs, Clark realized that his folks no longer had memories of his missing Lois and their first grandchild. Ellen announced to them that the baby was a girl about three months of age, which fit into Clark’s estimation for his own child by the missing Lois. But if she was his missing daughter, where was his missing Lois? He had been with this Lois all afternoon.

Lois decided to name the child Lara – after Clark’s birth mother – and Clark suggested Lucia as middle name after her possible alias while pregnant. Everyone else thought he made the suggestion after Lois’s sister, Lucy. Jonathan and the elder Lanes rushed off to an all-night grocery to pick up baby supplies while Lois, Clark, and Martha tried to figure out from where the baby came. Clark didn’t care. He knew the baby was his and he was thrilled at the telepathic connection he had with his new daughter.

The next day, after spending most of the night trying to get her new daughter back to sleep, Lois and Clark spent the whole day getting to know their new daughter. The grandparents took Lois’s Jeep Cherokee to go buy more baby supplies and furniture. They arrived back shortly before dinner time with a car full of stuff and Chinese take-out. As everyone was enjoying their after-dinner fortune cookie, Ellen dropped the bomb that she and Sam knew that Lara was a ‘super’ baby due to her extra high heart rate and the blanket with which was wrapped. Only after her learning theory turned out to be that Lara was the secret baby of Superman and Ultra Woman did the Kents and Lois finally relax.

Lois convinced Clark not to tell anyone at the Daily Planet – including Jimmy and Perry – about their new daughter until they could prove for a fact that she wasn’t a kidnap victim that had been placed on their doorstep (even though they already knew for certain that she wasn’t). Both sets of grandparents took baby Lara out for a walk in the park, in order to give Lois some time alone to relax for the first time in days.

While Lois got dressed, there was a knock on the door. H. G. Wells arrived to introduce Lois to Lara’s birth mother. The missing Lois (canon Lois) entered only to be slapped across the face by the substitute Lois, who thought she was the other dimension’s Lois who had kissed her (the substitute Lois’s) husband. Lara’s birth mother and H. G. Wells explained to Lois that this new Lois was in fact an older version of herself. As they described the circumstances in which Lois got pregnant (making love to Clark the night before he left for New Krypton), they re-introduced her to the other Superman, who had rescued the substitute Lois from the Clone. Then they convinced her that the only way for Lara to be born was for her (the substitute Lois) to return to her rightful place in time.

After the substitute Lois went upstairs to change into the pink suit she had been wearing the day the other Clark rescued her from the past, Lois (canon Lois) and the other Clark reminisced about their year together. H.G. Wells returned to the time-machine to wait as the other Clark promised to allow the substitute Lois one last goodbye to her daughter before heading back into the past. While upstairs, the substitute Lois called her husband at work to tell him she loved and missed him. Canon Lois and the other Clark shared one last goodbye kiss.

When the substitute Lois returned downstairs after changing, the missing Lois called her husband again to keep him occupied so that two Superman weren’t seen flying around Metropolis at the same time.

The other Clark flew the substitute Lois to the park to say goodbye to Lara and they both discovered that Martha and Jonathan had had their memories of the missing Lois wiped by the Bummer-B-Gone. They arrived back at the time-machine and H.G. Wells took them back in time. As they went, the other Clark admitted to Lois that he had not been thinking of his Lois when he had made love to her (canon Lois) on Halloween. She had one second to react before being bumped by the car and hit into the lamppost and her memories erased. Clark and H.G. Wells returned to the other dimension to celebrate a successful mission.

Meanwhile, over at the Daily Planet, Clark was having difficulty with his new work excuse. He seemed so happy for a man with a sick wife and a house full of houseguests that he raised Perry’s curiosity. Clark asked Jimmy to develop the pictures they took of Lara during the weekend, but told him not to share them with anyone. The new father also had a run-in with Ralph, who had set off Clark’s father-of-a-daughter gene, after the slimeball made a derogatory comment about Penny, Jimmy’s girlfriend.

Clark’s wife called him while he was in the process of telling Ralph what everyone really thought of him and he blew her off, until he realized that Lois had mentioned that she missed him when she had called earlier and that his missing Lois might have returned.

Once on the phone with Lois, she informed Clark that she was alone at the house as the grandparents were taking Lara for a walk. When Clark didn’t catch her hint, Lois told him that she too could communicate with Lara telepathically and that she wanted to try to reach him that way as well. Lois sent Clark an image from her mind showing her jumping him in the newsroom and pulling off his clothes with no thought to exposing his blue suit to everyone. Finally realizing what his wife wanted, Clark started to run out of the bullpen, only to be stopped by Perry, who wanted to discuss what happened with Ralph. Clark – who had been given a time-limit by Lois to get home – blew Perry off with the excuse that Lois had a ‘hot lead’ for him.

Clark arrived home to find his wife in a black teddy and they made love. Afterwards they talked about Clark’s fears for his daughter and the reasons behind his strangling Ralph. Lois reassured him and they made love again. Clark then admitted to blowing Perry off with an excuse of a ‘hot lead.’ He decided that ‘hot lead’ was a great euphemism for afternoon-delight with his wife.

To get off the hook with Perry, Lois told him one of her ‘hot leads’ she learned about while in the other dimension. But she didn’t tell Clark that was where she learned about it or that she had been over there. Lois told him that she suspected that Lex Luthor, Jr. had a twin brother named Alexander, who would then be heir to Lex, Jr.’s estate including the Daily Planet.

Her husband began to suspect that this Lois was his missing Lois, but had no idea how to know for sure unless she told him. If he was wrong, he would seriously be messing with the substitute Lois’s head… if there really was a substitute Lois to begin with. With his mother’s memories erased, Clark had no one else who knew about the missing Lois but himself.

After his parents, in-laws, and daughter returned home, Clark went back to the office. Perry yelled at him for his behavior and Clark used Lois’s information about Lex Luthor, Jr.’s twin to distract him. Jimmy came into the office with the photos he developed for Clark, along with a whole bunch of questions. Clark took him into the conference room and revealed to him that someone left Lara on their front doorstep and that he and Lois were now parents.

Lois tried to get Martha to remember that she had gone to the other dimension to have Clark’s child, but Martha’s memories were gone, making Lois feel alone with this knowledge. She also lost her one motivation for telling her husband the truth about their daughter’s origins.

Clark arrived home from work with a gravel rattle for Lara, news that he hired a lawyer to start working on Lara’s adoption (Constance Hunter from Whine, Whine, Whine), and photos for everyone else. Lois was upset at Clark for telling Jimmy as she knew the information would surely reach their boss. The doorbell rung and there were Perry and Alice with chicken soup for the flu-addled Lois. As Clark answered the door with Lara in his arms, their secret was out.

Perry insisted that they contact the police and stated that they needed to write an article about finding a baby. It was decided that Lois needed to stay home with the baby on maternity/adoption leave, because Clark couldn’t take the time off. The unspoken truth was that Superman couldn’t take the time off. Frustrated about already having spent three months alone with a baby with what felt like no personal support and more than ready to return to work, Lois snapped and ran upstairs to their bedroom to try to manage of her out-of-control emotions. Clark joined her and tried to reassure her that as long as he loved her she would never be alone. Lois knew that it was only a matter of time before Clark learned the truth about her affair, at which time she believed he would no longer love her. She was anything but reassured.

The phone rang and it was Jack, who was living on the Kent farm as a ‘hired hand’ since he had become Martha and Jonathan’s foster child after leaving Metropolis. He told Clark that there was a girl who had been raped by the New Kryptonians during their invasion and she was about to give birth. The OB/GYN – Pete Ross, Clark’s old best friend – was demanding that Superman be present because the last one died during birth.

This news stunned Clark. Lara was no longer unique as the only half-Kryptonian child on Earth and the New Kryptonians were just as bad as any invading army, thus crushing any lingering hope inside of him about his birth planet and civilization. Lois, who had heard Jack’s plea for help (due to her improved hearing), snapped Clark out of his doldrums and sent him to Dr. Ross to help with the birth. Now that he knew that there was another Kryptonian/Earthling child, Clark acknowledged to himself that Lara might not be his birth daughter after all.

When he returned late that night, Clark apologized to Lois for not informing her about hiding Jack with his folks and that his foster brother knew about his Super side a year before she did. Lois accepted his apology without anger, knowing that she was keeping bigger secrets from him. They made love in the shower, so not to disturb baby Lara who was asleep in their room.

Afterwards, Lois reheated some lasagna she had made for dinner and Clark was curious about when, how, and where Lois learned to cook. His folks joined them at the table and Clark told the three of them what had happened in Smallville. The new baby – Peter Kent Ross – was adopted by Dr. Ross and his wife. Both mothers had survived and, other than the death of the first baby due to complications with the umbilical cord being invulnerable, the births were uneventful. This news spiraled Lois out-of-control as she realized that the complications from Lara’s birth happened to her only because she had been cursed.

As Lois sobbed herself to sleep – with Clark comforting her – she admitted to him that she missed when he used to sleep with her as Superman and wrapped her in his red cape as that always made her feel better. Clark had never done that with her and he wondered where that memory had come from. The realization that it might have been the other Superman caused him to feel like he had been stabbed by a Kryptonite knife.

The next day Lois acted like her outburst had never happened. She and Clark took Lara for a walk. Lois kept getting confused as she couldn’t remember if places and people she remembered were from this dimension or the other one. They ran into Inspector Henderson, who Perry had sent to find them, and eventually admitted that someone had left Lara in their care.

At their house, the policeman questioned them about Lara. Lois told them that she would claim to be Lara’s birth mother if it made the whole investigation go away. That was when Clark realized that his wife didn’t look like someone who had given birth three months earlier, causing him to once again doubt whether or not she was his missing Lois. She had another stressed-out meltdown about staying home with Lara and Clark was back on the fence. He wondered why she wasn’t telling him the truth if she was his missing wife or if it was just stress about being a new mother.

Over the course of the next week, Clark stayed home with Lois and Lara during the day to watch his wife and try to figure out which Lois she was. During the nights, he flew to Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore to investigate the lead that Lex, Jr. might have a twin brother. Being alone at night was spinning Lois back into the depression she had in the other dimension. She missed her husband and partner every moment he was gone.

One night Lois had a dream that Superman came to her to make love, only to start hearing Elvis singing and to wake up not knowing about which Clark she had been dreaming. Lois came downstairs, and as her mother was spending the night out with her father, fell asleep on the couch snuggled in one of Clark’s red capes. Clark returned home to find her as such and he carried her up to bed. She woke up and begged him to make love to her as she was feeling numb. Clark was worried about his wife as she wasn’t acting like the vibrant woman with whom he had fallen in love. He suggested that they ask Ellen to stay and watch Lara during the day, so that Lois could return to work.

Clark spoke with Ellen the next day, but she said she could only be Lara’s caregiver for one month and that after that they would have to find someone else to watch her. Thrilled, Lois finally returned to work as investigative reporter Lois Lane in her home dimension. But the mistakes between the two dimensions kept creeping up. She called Jimmy, James. She forgot that Lex Luthor wasn’t bald and was dead. And Perry’s ever-playing Elvis music caused her to be passionately drawn to Clark.

Upon hearing rumors that Ms. Pickles-and-Mustard had learned to cook, Bobby Bigmouth invited himself to dinner at the Kents’ townhouse. He informed them that Lex, Jr. didn’t have a twin brother, but a twin sister – Alexandra – one who was as beautiful and blonde as Lex, Jr. wasn’t. She was also a master of disguise, had several aliases, and had married into a crime family a few years before, taking it over from within. Bobby’s normal sources weren’t talking because Alexandra Luthor scared them.

Lois started to relax back into her old work routine. One day the ever-playing Elvis music at the office and her extra good hearing (due to having a pint of Ultra Woman blood coursing through her veins), caused her to lose control at work. She couldn’t stop herself from undressing her husband in the bullpen, until she finally asked Clark to leave. She had to get him away from her. Luckily, she was able to convince Clark that she was trying to warn him about a bank stand-off in Gotham City instead.

After Clark left for the stand-off, Lois confessed to Perry that she could no longer listen to Elvis music without becoming turned on. She told her boss it was a side effect to being exposed to some “Revenge” perfume that had spilled on her at home. She also admitted that it wasn’t Clark who had walked in on her while she was in her weakened state. Perry suggested that Lois make Elvis’s music their own, because he wasn’t going to stop playing it.

Meanwhile in Gotham City, Superman met up with Batman at the Bank heist. They worked together: Batman took out the robbers and Superman saved the hostages. After everyone was secured Superman tried to explain to Batman that the Caped Crusader’s methods were too violent. To himself, Superman wondered what he should do about this out-of-control vigilante. Batman told Superman that he wasn’t in charge of enforcing the ‘superhero’ code and uncovered a Kryptonite necklace so that they could talk on a more even playing field. Then he disappeared when Superman collapsed in pain. Clark did get one final glance at Batman with his x-ray vision.

A week before Ellen was supposed to leave on her cruise, Lois and Clark were still interviewing nannies. Lois told Clark she didn’t want live-in help, because she wanted him to be able to be himself at home.

Jimmy and Penny (Miss 97% from AKA Superman) came to dinner and Jimmy’s girlfriend hit it off instantly with Lara. Clark was convinced that Penny would be the perfect nanny as she was looking for a daytime job with nights and weekends off, because she wanted to go back to graduate school in computer programming. Lois didn’t trust her (especially since Penny was known for having kissed Superman). Jimmy suggested that Lois and Clark hire Penny and his girlfriend jumped at the chance, practically begging for them to hire her. It was only when they overheard Penny asking questions of Clark to Jimmy, that they realized that Jimmy’s girlfriend was still looking for Superman.

During dinner, Lois not only messed up by confusing Jimmy with his other dimension’s counterpart James again, she also confused how many years she and Clark had dated and been married. Each time she messed up, Clark became more and more convinced that this woman was his missing Lois, but she still refused to confess the truth to him.

Several nights later, Lois worked late doing research for an interview on Bruce Wayne. When Perry left, he kindly left his boombox and Elvis music playing for Lois to ‘deprogram’ herself. She instantly changed it to the radio and got sucked into the music (not Elvis), burning off steam by dancing around the empty bullpen. At the end of the song, she realized the office wasn’t as empty as she thought as she heard someone clapping.

Superman floated down from the windows. He told her that her father had offered to watch Lara so that they could have a night off, just the two of them. Lois tried to convince her husband that Superman shouldn’t be seen alone with her at the Daily Planet, but Clark didn’t listen. When the next song came on it was Burning Love, which not only was sung by Elvis, but it was Lois’s song with the other Clark. Clark didn’t know this – or that Elvis’s music made her lose control –and tried to dance with Lois. Suddenly, she pushed Superman down on a desk and climbed on top of him, making out with him. He knew this was too much and flew off. Lois couldn’t believe that she had once again went crazy from Elvis music and was glad that at least no one had seen them. At that moment, Jimmy announced his presence behind her.


Thank you so much for your interest in my story.

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If you are ready to jump to Chapter 9: Don’t be Cruel, you may do so here: Chapter 9: Part 1
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Synopsis - Missing Lois - 11/12/11 12:06 AM
Chapter 9

When we left our characters in Chapter 8, Superman had visited Lois late at night at the Daily Planet, Elvis music came on the radio, and Lois in a Pavlovian response to this music, pushed Superman onto a desk and crawled on top of him, kissing him. Clark, knowing that this reaction was not for public viewing, quickly left. Lois turned around to find Jimmy behind her, not knowing whether or not he had seen her attack Superman.

Jimmy had seen what had happened on the desk and was completely disgusted with Lois for cheating on Clark. Lois was distraught about how out of control she was. She also knew that she wouldn’t be able to get out of this mistake as easily as she had with the photograph that had ended up in Dirt Digger Weekly.

Meanwhile, Clark returning to the newsroom ran into Penny in the stairwell, where she had been waiting for Jimmy. She admitted to Clark that she knew he was Superman and that she would keep his secret, especially if they made her their nanny. He neither confirmed nor denied her guess and went to console his wife.

The young photographer left Lois to find Clark and Penny talking in the stairwell. He wanted to tell the reporter about what the man’s wife had done, but couldn’t. He and Penny watched Clark go and hold Lois as she cried. Jimmy was stupefied by this reaction. Luckily for him, Penny admitted to him that she had witnessed the event as well. Penny told Jimmy, he hadn’t seen what he had thought he had seen. Jimmy didn’t believe her.

The next morning, Lois and Jimmy – who refused to speak a civil word to her – went to interview Bruce Wayne of Wayne Enterprises. The billionaire was an understated jerk to Lois – leering, overly flirtatious, and a bit too touchy-feely. Lois didn’t know what to make of the man. He seemed at odds with what his Personal Assistant, Margarite Javez, had told Lois – that Wayne was fluent in at least four languages and had never made one single pass at his exceedingly beautiful Assistant.

Jimmy, on the other hand, found Bruce Wayne terrific. The young photographer thought the businessman was fun and personable. Wayne actually acknowledged Jimmy’s existence and spoke directly to him – unlike other wealthy philanthropists Jimmy had met. Jimmy felt that Lois was acting like a harlot and took every opportunity to make mumbled inappropriate comments to that effect during the interview.

On the limo ride to the restaurant, Bruce took an inordinate amount of interest in Lois’s private life. When the tycoon asked Lois how it was possible that she and Clark had a baby, the reporter ended the interview and had the driver let her and Jimmy out immediately. She was so angry she walked all the way back to the Daily Planet. Jimmy ditched her and took a cab.

Believing that Wayne was the man who he had seen under Batman’s mask, Clark was distressed to learn that Jimmy had abandoned Lois, especially after he had asked his friend to keep an eye on his wife. Jimmy told Clark that Lois had ended the interview with Bruce Wayne early due to the billionaire’s behavior, which only raised Lois’s husband’s ire.

Apology roses were delivered to Lois’s desk before she walked in. She focused her anger – from Wayne’s personal questions – onto Jimmy, whom she believed undermined the entire interview. Clark got angrier by the moment as neither of them would tell him what the man had said or done to his wife. Before Lois could tell him, Perry called her and Jimmy into his office.

Perry confronted the two of them over their argument in the bullpen. All Jimmy would admit to the Chief was the Lois had crossed the line and he refused to work with her any longer. After a minute under Perry’s cold stare, Jimmy caved and told his boss – off the record – that he had caught Lois kissing someone other than her husband. Hints were dropped and their boss figured out not only whom Lois had attacked, but whom Lois had claimed she was brainwashed to kiss. Jimmy was relieved to hear that Lois was “brainwashed” and immediately forgave her. Being brainwashed Jimmy could believe; Lois cheating on Clark, he couldn’t.

The Chief told Lois that he was sending her and Clark to spend a romantic weekend in Memphis to a hotel known for playing Elvis music constantly. He was doing this so that she could deprogram her mind from lusting after Superman every time she heard Elvis’s music.

When Lois left Perry’s office, Clark was just returning from a Superman rescue. He had missed the entire conversation in the boss’s office. Lois recapped it for him, putting her own spin on the details. She told him that Perry had gotten Jimmy to forgive her.

That was when she saw the roses. Clark also noticed she was wearing a flower corsage; Lois had received it from Wayne at the beginning of the interview and had forgotten she was wearing it. When Lois smashed the corsage under the heel of her shoe, Clark heard the definite whine of dying electronics. Taking a super-close look at the smashed flower, he saw a bat-shaped listening device.

Once Clark told Lois when the roses had arrived (shortly before she had returned), Lois knew there was no way Wayne could have had them delivered so quickly. They soon discovered that due to a mistake at the florist’s shop, the roses had been delivered hours early and had been ordered days before.

Lois and Clark discussed her “interview” with Bruce Wayne for possible ulterior motives. Clark had his suspicions, but wasn’t yet ready to share them with his wife. When Jimmy walked up with the photos from the interview, including one where Wayne had pinned Lois to a pinball machine – Clark became furious and decided to pay the CEO of Wayne Enterprises a visit. On his way out, he overheard Lois and Jimmy discussing her being brainwashed to Elvis music and wondered what in the world they were talking about.

From the moment Clark was led into Wayne’s office by Margarite Javez, Wayne’s Personal Assistant, he felt that his rage was making him sick. But it didn’t stop him from confronting Wayne or throwing the bugged corsage into his face. As he was leaving, Wayne made a comment that he thought superheroes were allowed liberties with Lois, causing Clark to punch him in the jaw. Bruce then told him that he knew that Clark was Superman. Clark denied it and went to leave again, but Bruce wouldn’t let him do so without getting his own punch in. That was when Clark realized that he wasn’t feeling sick due to his jealous rage, but due to Bruce Wayne’s Kryptonite ring.

Clark returned to the office, only to have Perry pull him aside for a talk, pointing out the reporter’s black eye. His boss wanted to let Clark know that he was sending the two of them (Lois and Clark) to Memphis ostensibly to cover the bullet-train story. In reality, their boss wanted to repair their marriage by deprogramming Lois and her Elvis music trigger. Upon their return, Perry was going to have Barry Balson cover the Superman beat instead of them – to put some distance between them and the superhero. His boss then asked Clark to contact Superman, so that Perry could tell him this in person. The Chief got Jimmy – still feeling guilty for treating a “brainwashed” Lois badly during her Wayne interview – to agree to babysit Lara with Penny for the weekend, while Lois and Clark were away “on assignment.”

Embarrassed by his meat-headed behavior with Bruce Wayne and needing to clean up his face before Superman’s meeting with Perry, Clark flew in the sunshine until the cut under his eye from the Kryptonite ring had healed. He also didn’t want to worry Lois about him walking into Bruce Wayne’s obvious Superman trap.

Superman met with Perry that night at the Daily Planet. The Chief told him about knowing about the kiss and the previous ‘Revenge’-induced episode. Clark had no idea to what incident his boss was referring or why Lois would have told Perry such a story. He wondered if there was some truth to the Elvis music being a trigger to Lois’s passionate behavior. It wasn’t until Perry used the phrase “cheating on Clark” that Superman realized that he wasn’t the Superman that the trigger caused Lois to kiss. The realization of this fact crushed him and he destroyed the office chair he was leaning against.

In agony, Clark went off to the Arctic to scream out his anger and frustration.

Back in Metropolis, Lois had a nightmare that Trask threw her from the plane and Superman wasn’t there to save her. She woke up and Clark wasn’t there to comfort her.

The next day, Clark avoided Lois as they prepared for their trip to Memphis and ignored her once they were on the train. When Lois called him on it, he told her he was willing to talk when she was. Clark told her that he knew the real reason for their trip to Memphis and he refused to speak with her until she admitted it to him herself. Just as she was about to, the seats opposite them were taken by other passengers.

While Clark continued to ignore Lois and the interrupters, he telepathically sensed that Lara was hurt. Lois called home on her cell phone to discover that their daughter had gotten a paper cut. Penny reassured them that Lara was fine and then told them that the wound had vanished, healed completely within minutes. The nanny asked Lara’s mom again if Lara was really adopted and Lois told her she was.

Later, while standing between train cars, Clark told Lois that he suspected that Superman was having an affair with his wife. Lois admitted to him that it had only been one time. Admitting the truth eased Lois’s guilt for only a moment. As soon as she saw the pain in Clark’s eyes, she knew this wouldn’t be the romantic weekend she and Perry had hoped.

That night Lois and Clark checked into the honeymoon suite of the Hotel Teddy Bear in Memphis. Clark refused to carry Lois’s suitcase, carry her over the threshold, or even allow her sleep with him on the bed. The only other option in the room was the sunken tub. He filled it with throw pillows for her. In the middle of the night, feeling guilty for making her sleep in the bathtub, Clark carried her to bed and asked her to tell him the truth about the night with the other Clark. Lois refused, saying that everything she would tell him would just sound like an excuse. She had cheated on her husband and she wasn’t going to try to explain her behavior away. She deserved any punishment he deemed fit.

When Clark awoke in the morning, he noticed the bullet wound scar on Lois’s shoulder and she admitted to him that Lex Junior had shot her. He felt guilty; for the past months, he had thought that his wife was “on vacation” in the other dimension. He called his mom and told her about Lara’s paper cut and that he was angry with Lois for “lying” to him. He couldn’t tell his mom the truth, because even though he was furious with his wife, he didn’t want his parents to hate her.

After Lois woke up and ordered room service, she began to tell Clark about her life in the other dimension. She was still talking at lunch. The more Lois talked about her life with the other Clark, the more jealous her husband got. Finally, she decided to take a walk and rest her tongue, but Clark didn’t want to go with her. He just wanted her to tell him about the affair; but she didn’t think he could handle the truth.

When Lois returned to the hotel a couple of hours later, Clark had disappeared. She decided to take advantage of the sunken tub and take a bath. Clark walked in a few minutes later and Lois tried to convince him to join her. He declined. She told him that she would need his help to get over what had happened in the other dimension. Finally, he relented and they spent the night making love.

The next morning, Clark announced that their break was over and she needed to get back to talking about what happened in the other dimension. But first, Clark told Lois how he figured out she was in the other dimension. Lois told him more about being shot by Lex Jr. and getting sick with Interdimensional Time-Sickness.

Then he asked her about Ultra Woman and how the other Lois knew about her. Reluctantly, Lois told her husband about Perry’s Halloween costume party, the exposure to ‘Revenge’, and kissing the other Superman, which then led to them spending the night together.

Clark told Lois that the other Clark had taken advantage of her due to her exposure to ‘Revenge’ and coming down with the Interdimensional Time-Sickness. Lois defended him and told her husband that the other Clark didn’t take advantage of her because she had wanted to make love with him. Clark realized that his wife had not only had sex with the other Clark, but she had also fallen in love with him. This devastated him. Clark took all his stuff and left Lois at the hotel. She begged him to stay and talk it out. He didn’t listen to her and the only words he would speak to her were “Goodbye, Lois.”

That night, Lois had a dream of slow dancing with her Clark, only to have it turn into a nightmare when Trask barged in and shot them both with Kryptonite bullets. When she awoke, Clark still hadn’t returned.

She went back to Metropolis alone and filed her story about the train. When Clark returned home that evening, he refused to speak with her and moved into the guest room. Lois learned the next day from Perry that Clark had been injured when he had gone to confront Bruce Wayne over his conduct during their interview. Clark refused to tell her anything more, stating that they both had secrets they didn’t want to share.

The rest of the week continued in the same vein. Lois tried to talk to Clark. He refused to give her the time of day. That Friday, he approached her desk, only to inform her that he was taking Lara to Smallville for the weekend without her. With Clark refusing to talk with her at all, Lois decided to take matters into her own hands and set up an appointment with someone who would listen: Dr. Friskin.

Meanwhile, Clark took Lara to Kansas only to find his parents freaked out by the sudden change of Clark’s old bedroom into a baby’s room. Apparently, the Bummer-B-Gone not only wiped out Martha’s memories of her pregnant daughter-in-law, but also of her own efforts in redecorating.

Lois threw herself into her work, still trying to find the mysterious and elusive Alexandra Luthor – Lex Luthor’s daughter and previously unknown twin sister to Lex, Jr. They – or Jimmy’s research – discovered she was hiding in plain sight as Mindy Church, the nurse that had married the old Bill Church, seduced his son, and tried to take over Intergang.

Clark returned from Smallville and told Lois that he wanted to talk. She was angry that he only wanted to talk on his terms and threw it in his face that he hadn’t asked her one question about their daughter. He was immediately wracked with guilt as her barb hit home.

For the next few days, Clark tried to get time alone with his wife to ask her about their daughter, but there always seemed something (Superman duties, work, Lois’s numerous appointments) or someone interrupting them. Clark began to suspect that Lois was hiding a new secret from him. After he returned from a grueling natural disaster, Clark found a note on his desk informing him of the day and time of Lara’s birth.

He rushed home to kiss his daughter, and misinterpreting his actions, Lois got caught in the crossfire. They had to be on their best behavior because Bobby Bigmouth was on his way to dinner. Lara showed her father a memory from the day of her birth, causing Clark to soften his attitude towards Lois and his wife fell to pieces in the kitchen. Clark had to kiss her to add color back to her cheeks, so that Bobby wouldn’t sense anything amiss in their marriage.

Clark realized from that kiss that he still loved his wife, but didn’t know how to get past her infidelity. That night as she got ready for bed, Clark asked Lois to tell him about Lara’s birth. Lois told him she was too tired, but he suspected she was hiding something.

Lois had another Trask nightmare. This time, the nightmare was about the water-table on the Kent farm being polluted from the Kryptonite that had been pulverized when Clark had fought Trask in the pond. Once again the nightmare showed Clark dying. Clark rushed into the bedroom to comfort his screaming wife.

By Friday of that week, Clark was positive that Lois was hiding something from him, but he could not figure out what. He started to ask Lois questions about her time in the other dimension, but he couldn’t stand to hear anything about the other Clark. Lois told him he couldn’t have it both ways.

That weekend was Lois and Clark’s first anniversary. Lois tried to convince Clark to have them get out of Metropolis as a family, but instead they opted for a leisurely weekend in town. They spent the day together and Clark even left the blue suit at home, so that they wouldn’t have any interruptions from Superman. As he kissed her goodnight, Lois begged him to stay, but Clark told her that he wasn’t ready for that step yet.

That Monday, after following Lois on one of her appointments, Clark realized that her new secret was that she was going to see his old therapist, Dr. Friskin. He spoke to Dr. Friskin about Lois but the doctor wouldn’t reveal any of her patient’s secrets. She did ask Clark about Lois’s dreams about Jason Trask. It was then that he realized what Lois’s nightmares were about. Dr. Friskin encouraged Clark to join one of Lois’s sessions, but he didn’t want his wife to know he had been following her.

Lois had another Trask dream. In this one, the old Bureau 39 leader killed Clark with a Kryptonite spray moments after the birth of their second child, a son. Then Trask took the boy and left Lois powerless to stop him.

Clark had been out patrolling as Superman when he had heard Lois scream and rushed to her side without taking the extra second to change out of the suit. Since learning Lois had cheated on him with the other Clark’s Superman, he hadn’t wanted to be Superman around her. They discussed her Trask dreams and what they could mean. Lois was afraid they were a prophecy of some event in their future. Lois admitted that she didn’t see the suit anymore, just the man underneath. Clark held her until she fell asleep.

Lois and Penny (her nanny and Jimmy’s girlfriend) went to a women’s career development workshop put on by the Wayne Foundation. Neither woman told her man where they had gone. Lois bumped into Bruce Wayne, who tried to apologize again for his earlier behavior. He admitted to acting that way so that Clark wouldn’t worry that he (Wayne) was out to steal his wife. When Penny joined the conversation, Lois was disturbed by the mutual attraction between her nanny and the billionaire.

Bruce told Lois that he knew of her and Clark’s marital problems, and hoped that they hadn’t been due to his behavior. Then he asked her why Superman had been cutting down on his rescues and charity functions recently. He claimed that he had been keeping a friendly eye on them. Lois didn’t believe him. Wayne also hinted that Clark knew something about him and was surprised that Clark hadn’t told his wife.

Lois returned home angry that Clark had been keeping something from her and they had a huge argument. Her husband flew off in a huff, only to return moments later to apologize. He suggested that they needed to go into couple’s therapy with Dr. Friskin to discuss their trust issues. Then he had made a flirtatious joke, which Lois took seriously, only to then have her husband remind her that he wasn’t ready to be intimate with her again. This only made her angrier.

Lois and Clark went to a couple’s appointment with Dr. Friskin. Clark admitted that he didn’t trust Lois because she had been lying to him and he told her that he had followed her. She told him about her conversation with Wayne and accused him of hiding stuff from her as well. He turned the question to one about how she got her improved hearing and Lois shut down, unable to respond.

Clark saw that there was genuine fear behind Lois’s not telling him all her secrets from the other dimension. He also realized that if he expected her to wait for him to be ready to be intimate, he would also have to wait until she was ready to tell him her secrets. He learned that the secret that scared her the most had something to do with the newspaper article announcing her death in her alternate future. The future that would have happened if they hadn’t gotten rid of the curse.

Penny had sent the bloody tissue from Lara’s paper cut to her brother at Gotham Labs, not realizing that Lara shared DNA with Clark. When the Labs had a computer accident running the blood sample – due to too much data – and after witnessing a six-month old Lara seemingly being able to move across the house in no time, Penny came to the conclusion that Lara was Clark’s natural – not adopted – daughter.

The Kent’s nanny phoned her brother immediately to have him send back or destroy the blood sample only to be told it was in Bruce Wayne’s hands. Realizing that Clark would be furious if he learned that she had unwittingly given Wayne a sample of his daughter’s blood, Penny decided that it would be safer for everyone involved if she disappeared.

She took Lara to the Daily Planet to leave her with Lois, but Lara’s mother wasn’t in. Instead Penny had to convince Clark to take his daughter. But he had a Superman rescue and asked if she could wait for Lois at home. While waiting for Lois, Bruce Wayne arrived to ask Penny where she had gotten the blood sample she had sent her brother. Penny refused to tell him.

Upon learning that Bruce Wayne hadn’t brought the sample to return to her, Penny admitted that she feared that Superman might hurt her if he discovered what she had done with the blood. Bruce kept trying to get her to admit whose blood it was, calm her fears that Superman would never hurt her, and let her know that he would protect her from Superman if the Man of Steel got angry as Penny predicted.

Bruce activated his Kryptonite ring and Lara started to cry. That was when Bruce figured out that Lara wasn’t the Kent’s adoptive daughter, but Superman’s natural child.

Meanwhile at the Daily Planet, Clark was telling Lois about Penny’s sudden desire to see her brother in Gotham City. His head started throbbing and it felt like Kryptonite exposure. He then realized Lara was contacting him telepathically.

A furious Clark flew through his living room window. Penny held a screaming Lara across the room from the men. Wayne tried to calm him down and apologize. He told him he never would have come to his house, if he had known the truth about Clark’s daughter. The Kryptonite weakened Clark, but he was still able to pin Bruce down for a minute and then, tie the man up using his own suit jacket. In doing this, Bruce wasn’t able to reach his K-ring to cover it with the lead lid.

Lois burst inside just as Bruce was able to access the ring and it flew out of his hands, falling onto the floor next to Clark, writhing in pain. She sent her nanny and child upstairs away from the Kryptonite. Bruce was about to smash the ring with his heel, when Lois stopped him. She picked up the ring and threw it outside into a passing trash truck. Then she kicked Wayne out of her house.

Bruce tried to apologize again for the misunderstanding, explaining that he just wanted to be friends. Clark didn’t need his sort of friendship and told the billionaire he wasn’t welcome in Metropolis anymore. Penny came downstairs during this conversation and figured out Bruce’s secret from his interest in Superman, capes, and why he might have a sample of Kryptonite. Bruce offered her a ride to see her brother in Gotham City, which she accepted – knowing that the events of the afternoon had transpired out his desire to protect the Kents and then her in turn.

After they left, Lois helped Clark upstairs to rest. He didn’t want to rest. For the first time in a long while, he wanted to make love to his wife. She didn’t believe him at first, fearing that he would once again change his mind. Finally, he convinced her of his desire.

Lois offered to undress him and as she did so, Clark began to wonder if she had done the same with the other Clark. These musings led to doubt which led to lack of ardor. When he went to discuss his fears with his wife, he discovered that Lois was no longer in the room. He found her in Lara’s room, checking on their daughter. He realized that the only person thinking of the other Clark was himself. This insight brought back his passion for his wife and he could once again focus on taking his wife to bed.


Thank you so much for your interest in my story.

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