Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Artemis FDK: Mother of Utopia 1/2 - 05/18/11 02:05 PM
Hi Ken:
Yes, that was much smoother. Looking forward to more of the story.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Mother of Utopia 1/2 - 09/26/11 11:47 PM
I've read this Part before too; I'm not sure -- as it was a while back -- if it was this version or an earlier one.

Interesting about the auras. Do you mean that with closeness the couples become one within the aura? Do they start to share an aura? Is that another reason why they are constantly touching or have to be (like to be) within 3 feet of each other? Or do you mean that with extended intimacy they are able to break through the aura to become pregnant? Perhaps this is explained fuller in part 2. (some Kryptoniant birth control technique -- or is it different if both members of the couple are Kryptonian?)

Interesting that there will be a Lois Lane and Clark Kent writing for the DP until 2300. Perry would have been proud. clap

The abrevations for Herb's machines and societies and dimensions threw me a bit (as such things usually do). You had mentioned that the Matchmaker Chronicals was about alt-dimension, so that confused me when I started reading this, thinking 'wait, isn't this canon dimension?' And I went back and checked and sure enough, it's canon dimension.

I love Lois and Clark naturally assuming a visit from Wells means something up in Alt-Dimension, that's funny. laugh Poor alt-Clark.
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