Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Quel Lane Christmas Matchmaker Part 2/4 - 12/13/03 04:54 AM
From part 1:

Some minutes later, Lois walked back to her desk.

"Hey, Lois. Where is Becky?" Clark asked her.

"Oh, I left her with Perry. I think she has a lot of questions to ask him and he is interested in telling her some of his Elvis stories," Lois rolled her eyes.

"And you're not in the mood to listen to Perry and his Elvis stories, right?" Clark tried to guess why Lois had left his cousin alone with Perry.

"You bet."

They both laughed out loud.


Part 2

Lois and Clark took the rest of the day off. They wanted to buy gifts and Lois promised she would help Clark with his Christmas tree. She had agreed to spend Christmas with him and his family. She wanted to make him happy, after all.

While she was trying to choose a perfect gift to give to Clark, she thought about everything she had told him yesterday. She really believed that Christmas was a commercialized thing. She didn't know when she had stopped believing in the magic that Clark still believed in. When had she stopped believing in Santa? She couldn't remember. The memories she had about the holiday weren't good. Clark had told her that it was magic. It was a time for sharing and forgiveness.

She couldn't understand that. How could she forgive her parents for turning her childhood into a nightmare? Because it was Christmas? Because it was a time for sharing and forgiveness? You could forgive little things but not big things and what her parents had done to her...it was a big thing. Well, maybe she was trying to hate Christmas because it brought back sad memories...memories of a time when her mother got drunk and her father wasn't around; when she went to her bedroom and cried until she fell asleep because her parents were fighting; when she started believing that Santa didn't exist because he never brought her what she asked him. Maybe it was time to change everything; it was time to put all that behind her and have an excellent Christmas with Clark.

Thinking about Clark, what did he really mean to her? He was her partner and best friend, but was that all? After her almost marriage to Lex, she believed she had feelings for him. What kind of feelings? She wasn't sure. Well, it didn't matter after all because it was obvious that Clark didn't feel the same thing, or did he? She could remember some times when Clark seemed to feel something for her, something beyond friendship. When she had been afraid because of the Prankster and she had spent the night at Clark's apartment, he had protected her like he always did, but something about his answer "Lois, I won't let that happen" when she had said she didn't want to die...something about the way he had looked at her when he had said that made her think that maybe there was more to Clark than she thought. What about the time when he stayed with her when Sebastian Finn had almost killed her? He had hugged her on the kitchen floor and had let the killer escape. Well, maybe she was wrong and Clark did feel something for her.

<Maybe he loves you> a little voice came from inside. <But what should I do? I don't even know if I love him> she thought. <Well, try to remember the times you felt something for him...something stronger than friendship> the voice completed.

Lois knew a couple of such times. First was when Clark had quit his job during the heat wave. He had said goodbye to her at the Planet. He had kissed her on the lips and she had really felt something. She remembered how devastated she had felt at that time. The other time she had felt even more devastated had been when Clark had died - or at least she had thought he had died. Lois could remember when he was shot at that gambling club. He had protected her again and he was shot because of that. She could see herself crying and screaming his name while the gangsters took him away from her. Lois had thought about how her life would be without him. She had thought she wouldn't have a life anymore. She would be a lonely soul. Clark was the sun that brought light for her life and without him she had nothing. Yeah, those times she had really felt that Clark was more than a friend to her - but was it love? She still didn't have the answer.

But why was she thinking this way? Maybe it was because of Christmas or because of Becky. That little girl had her thinking. She remembered Becky saying they would be a cute couple. Maybe that was it...she was thinking about her relationship with Clark because of Becky; because of what Becky had told them. Well, she would do nothing to jeopardize their relationship, at least until she was sure about their feelings for each other.

While Lois was trying to pick a gift for Clark, he and Becky were trying to choose something for Lois.

"How about a necklace, cousin?" Becky asked.

"I don't know, Becky. It has to be special," Clark said. It was the first time Lois would spend Christmas with him and his family. He wanted to give her the perfect Christmas and so he should find the perfect gift too.

"Clark, you love her, don't you?" Becky had guessed that Clark felt something for Lois because of the way he had answered her question earlier about whether he and Lois were a couple or not.

"Oh, well, she is my friend, Becky. Of course I love her." He tried to hide his emotions, but he wasn't that good with excuses or lies and even a 10-year-old girl could notice that.

"No, I mean as a girlfriend." She tried to persuade him to confirm her suspicions.

"It doesn't matter, Becky. She doesn't love me that way." Clark finally gave up trying to hide the fact that he loved Lois more than as a friend. He just hoped Becky wouldn't say something to Lois, especially now that she had agreed to come to his house for Christmas.

"I think you may be wrong," Becky said after some time.

"Why? Do you know something? Did she tell you something?" Clark remembered that Becky had spent some time alone with Lois. Was it possible that Lois had said something to Becky? It was unlike Lois to do something like that but, well, Lois used to change a lot and come up with something new every day.

"No, and she doesn't need to tell me anyway. Anybody with half a brain can see that. You two love each other but neither of you want to be the first to say it," Becky pointed out.

Clark smiled and sighed. "I'm not sure, Becky. Let's focus on Lois' gift, okay?"

"Your wish is my command, Sir," Becky said with a big grin on her face and Clark laughed.


Clark and Becky came back to Clark's apartment. Martha and Jonathan were there too but Clark noticed that something was wrong.

"Becky, why won't you go with Jonathan and help him wrap the gifts," Martha suggested.

"Okay." Becky went to Clark's bedroom with Jonathan.

"What's happening, Mom?" Clark asked her, worried.

"Well, Elizabeth called us. She said Becky's uncle died. She and her husband were taking care of him at the hospital; that was why they couldn't come to Metropolis."

"That's horrible, Mom. What will we tell Becky? She's just a kid." Clark was pretty worried about Becky's reaction.

"I told her mother that it would be better for Becky if she stayed here. A funeral isn't the place for little children. She agreed," Martha explained.

"Yeah, you did right." Clark gave his mom a sad smile.

"But, Clark, your father and I can't stay here. Elizabeth and Mike need our help. That was why she called us. You need to stay here and take care of Becky for us, okay?"

"But, Mom..."

"No, Clark. Listen to me. You're doing a great job with your cousin. You can take care of her and, besides, Lois could help you."

"Yeah, I know, but it's Christmas time. We've never stayed away from each other during the holidays, even when I was on the other side of the world." Clark was feeling sad that his parents couldn't stay for Christmas.

"I know, honey, but it's a family thing. You know we have to help," Martha pointed out.

"Do you want to go..." He whispered "...Superman Express?"

"No, Clark, we'll take a plane. You have Becky to take care of."

"But it would be just 15 minutes or something to go to Wichita."

"No, Clark, you need to stay here and, besides, how would I explain that we arrived there so quickly?"

"Okay." Clark was sad. He hated the idea of spending Christmas on his own. Of course he would have Becky and, most of all, Lois, but his parents were important to him.

"Oh, honey, don't be so sad. This is an opportunity to spend some time alone with Lois." She winked.

"Yeah, but I wish you and Dad could be here too." Clark was looking like a little kid now. It was hard for him to imagine Christmas without his parents around.

"We'll be here by New Year's Eve and we'll call you." Martha tried to comfort him.

"Okay, but who will talk to Becky?" He was still worried about the little girl. How could a kid like her understand what had happened to her uncle?

"That's okay, Clark. Your father is taking care of that."

Jonathan and Becky entered the living room. The little girl seemed sad but she wasn't crying.

"So, Becky, how are you?" Clark looked concerned.

"I'm fine, cousin Clark. I know uncle John was very sick and that was why my parents didn't come to Metropolis. I'm sad but I know he is in a better place right now. He was suffering a lot and maybe it's better this way. I'm worried about my dad, but I'm sure Mom is taking care of him."

"And Jonathan and I are going to Wichita. We'll help them. You can stay here with Clark and have a happy Christmas," Martha said.

"Yeah, I'll take care of you and Lois will be here too," Clark said, smiling.

"Thanks. I'm feeling better now." Becky smiled timidly.

"Well, Clark, I'll go pack our things. We have three hours left," Martha commented.

"Okay, Mom," Clark said.


Clark called Lois and told her everything about that had happened and he explained that he had to take care of Becky while his parents were going to Wichita. He didn't know if they would come back to Metropolis because his mother wanted to help Elizabeth and her husband. Maybe they would come back after Christmas.

Clark and Lois decided to go to buy a Christmas tree with Becky to help her forget about the problems her parents were going through, but before that Lois would come to Clark's apartment to say goodbye to Jonathan and Martha.

Later that day, after saying goodbye to Martha and Jonathan, Lois, Clark and Becky went to the mall.

When they arrived Becky was happy that she could see Lois and Clark doing such a "couple" thing. She prayed that everything would be okay with them.

"Lois, Becky, how about that one?" Clark pointed to a huge and beautiful tree.

"Oh, it's beautiful, Clark, but you want to know something?" Lois asked him.

"Of course," Clark answered.

"I always have trouble deciding. See, I like the big, pretty ones but I feel so sorry for the little scrawny ones. I remember when I was twelve...my folks had just split up and didn't bother to get a tree. So I broke open my piggy bank, went out and bought the ugliest, loneliest-looking little tree I could find. And I said to myself, 'If I can make this tree beautiful, then I can have a great Christmas...even if it's by myself.' So I put it in my room and decorated it with ribbons and popcorn and tin foil. And...all the needles fell off, it turned black and my mom threw it out.

"That's a sad story, Lois, but you're a grown woman now and you can have a big and beautiful tree," Clark smiled at her. He couldn't imagine how hard his life would be if he hadn't had such great parents while growing up.

"Yeah, I think you're right." Lois smiled back at him. Clark was such a kid during Christmas time but she had found out that she liked that and she liked the way he was letting her have some of the magic he saw in it.

"Then you can choose whatever you want. Becky, do you want to help Lois find the biggest tree?" Clark asked Becky.

"Of course." Becky smiled. She was happy even though she wouldn't see her parents. She was going to spend some wonderful time with Lois and Clark and she knew that she loved them very much. Becky took Lois' hand and ran to see the trees.

"Take it easy, Becky. I'm not 10 years old anymore," Lois said, laughing.

Clark watched Lois and Becky running to the trees and sighed. It was as if they were Becky's parents...as if they were a real family taking the time to choose their Christmas tree. Well, he knew it was just a fantasy. Lois was his friend and Becky was his cousin. But if someone could see them now they could think they were a family, Clark thought. He watched Lois. She was so happy, as if she wasn't the same person who had said those horrible things about Christmas the day before. Lois was really happy and comfortable with that child. Maybe she could rethink having children...but even if she reconsidered it, it wouldn't change a thing because he wouldn't be the father, or would he? <That's crazy, Clark! Stop thinking this way> the voice inside his head said.

"Clark, come see the tree we chose," Lois yelled.

"I'm coming." Clark ran towards Lois and Becky.

"So, what do you think?" Lois asked him.

Clark looked at the big tree and smiled. "I think it's the most beautiful tree I've seen in my whole life."

Lois blushed and said, "It was Becky's idea. I was thinking about that little one over there." Lois pointed to a small and ugly tree. "I know you said that I'm an adult now and I should have a big and beautiful tree, but I still feel sorry for the little ones."

"Well, Lois, if it makes you happy I think we should buy that one too. I think you're right, we shouldn't leave that little tree alone at Christmastime."

"Really?" Lois asked him. She was happy that Clark understood her so well. Probably she would never find someone as wonderful as him.

"Yep. I'm sure it has great potential." He smiled at her, that wonderful and bright smile that always made her a little weak inside. <What is it about Clark Kent and his smile that always makes me feel like this?>

"Thanks, Clark." On impulse, Lois kissed his cheek.

"You're welcome." Clark was blushing a lot. He knew that Lois wasn't the kind of person who was comfortable showing her feelings. She always hid her emotions - but something was changing. He looked at her and saw something different in her eyes. She was staring at him the same way she stared at Superman. Was she flirting with him? No, probably it was just wishful thinking.

"Well, I think we should hurry because it's starting to snow and Becky may get a cold," Lois said, trying to end the silence that had settled between them. What was she thinking? She was flirting with him. Why was she flirting with him anyway? <Get a grip, Lois, or you will make a fool of yourself.>

"I think you're right," Clark said a few moments later. He was fighting his own feelings. Maybe Becky was right and Lois liked him as much as he liked her, but neither one wanted to be the first to say it out loud. Well, he couldn't risk their friendship...not yet.

"Hey, you! Can you stop all this and buy the trees? I'm looking forward to seeing what they will look like when we decorate them." Becky interrupted them.

"Of course, little one," Clark said. He noted that Becky looked a lot like Lois.

Lois just laughed at them.


Clark, Lois and Becky went to Clark's apartment, carrying both trees.

"We can put the big one here." Becky pointed to a spot near the couch.

"Yep. That's a great place, Becky," Clark said.

"Clark, where are the ornaments?" Lois asked him.

"They are above my closet inside a big box."

"I'll get them," Lois said and went to Clark's bedroom.

Clark was so distracted that he didn't hear Lois.

"Cousin Clark, I think you should help Lois find the ornaments." Becky smiled and winked at him.

"Oh, yeah. Thanks, Becky," Clark said. He didn't know why his cousin was winking at him or smiling like that. He then followed Lois into his bedroom. She was climbing on a little stool that was near Clark's bathroom.

"Let me help you, Lois," Clark said. He knew the box was too heavy for Lois.

Lois was so distracted that she didn't hear Clark coming and fell off the stool.

Clark came to rescue her and she fell into his arms.

"Oh, thanks, Clark. I didn't hear you coming," Lois said, still a little shocked. Before Clark had come in, she had been thinking about him. She had entered his bedroom thinking about things she shouldn't be thinking of. Why was she thinking about Clark that way? Why was she daydreaming about him? It was just that stupid time of the year and Clark's gentleness with her was affecting her more than ever. No wonder when he had come in she fell off the stool. She had been too busy thinking about him to notice his arrival.

"Are you all right?" Clark was concerned. He noticed that Lois still appeared to be shocked because she didn't say much and she was just staring at him.

"I think I hit my foot on the stool when I fell but I'm fine," she said quickly.

"Let me see." Clark put her on his bed and took her foot in his hand.

"I'm fine, Clark. It's okay, you don't need to do that. I'm...Oh, Clark, that's wonderful." Lois was in a sitting position on Clark's bed while Clark knelt on the floor, massaging her foot.

"Are you feeling better?" Clark was still concerned about her.

"Oh, much, much better." Lois couldn't hide her delight from Clark. "You're very good."

"Thanks." Clark was glad he could be so near Lois this way, but he was embarrassed because of where his thoughts were leading him. Lois wasn't helping him either. She was moaning softly.

"Oh, Clark, that's so good," she said and closed her eyes. Why was she feeling warm inside? Clark's touch was having an effect on her but she didn't dare analyze it, not yet. She would think about that later...no! She wouldn't think about that, she decided.

He couldn't help looking at her beautiful legs and...Clark suddenly remembered they weren't alone at his apartment. Becky was in the living room. He stopped what he was doing and said, "If you're better, I think we should look for the ornaments or Becky will get impatient."

"Oh, yeah. You're right." Lois came back from her daydream and sounded a little disappointed. Why on Earth was she disappointed? She should be glad he had stopped. She had liked that way too much for her own good.

Clark stood up and went to take the box. He noticed that Lois had seemed disappointed when he had stopped what he was doing. Maybe she was thinking the same way he was thinking while he was massaging her foot. Well, he was pretty sure she was enjoying it.

Lois remained on the bed for a little while. <Oh my god, what just happened here?> She looked at Clark. <He is so handsome and sweet. I can't stop thinking about him. What he did here just now...WOW. I've never felt as special as I felt while he was massaging my foot. Please, Lois, stop it now!> Lois was fighting an internal battle.

It was obvious that Lois and Clark were trying to forget what they both felt for each other and they both knew what had just happened.


To be continued on Tuesday smile
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