Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: ShayneT Comments: Secrets - 04/03/11 01:37 PM
Let me know what you think.
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Comments: Secrets - 04/03/11 01:51 PM
Hi Shayne,

Before I decide whether to read your story now or to wait to read it until later, I would like to know the answers to a couple of questions, if you'd be willing to share them: Is this a one part or a multi-part story? And if the latter, have you finished writing the story?

Except for when I am beta-ing, I prefer to wait until the author has finished writing at least the first draft before I start reading it. (I've been burned too often with getting hooked on a story only to have to wait through a several month hiatus between parts.)


Posted By: ShayneT Re: Comments: Secrets - 04/03/11 01:56 PM
This is just a vignette...sorry if that wasn't clear.
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Comments: Secrets - 04/03/11 01:58 PM
Loved this little vignette-- the sort of underdogs knowing what's what about CK=S. I know you meant it to be just a vignette, but there's a longer story in there... *hint, hint* wink
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Comments: Secrets - 04/03/11 02:32 PM
Hi Shayne,

Thanks for the quick response. And I'm with MozartMaid -- I love the vignette, too, and I also think there is a much longer story inside it just waiting to break free.

Well done. clap


p.s., I think it hysterical that Ralph never figured it out, despite being handed a very strong clue.
Posted By: scifiJoan Re: Comments: Secrets - 04/03/11 02:35 PM
Isn't that the truth?

Some people you could never fool, but as long as they loved you, it didn’t matter.
I love the idea that some people have figured it out yet chose to respect his secret.

Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: Comments: Secrets - 04/03/11 09:12 PM
That was great - having the story from the POV of the people THAT KNOW!

I love that you worked in Margaret Smith (was she from Scarlett Burns' story "The Three Rules" ?) and it was great to see Cyrus, the homeless man from your great fic "Veritas" again!

Of course, this story doesn't answer the question: Where is Clark Kent? But the fic does stand on its own.

Despite this, I can't help but agree with the previous posters that I would love to see more from you.
Posted By: AntiKryptonite Re: Comments: Secrets - 04/03/11 11:52 PM
A very nice story--humorous and touching all at the same time. I loved the line about Clark wanting to live a normal life combined with the fact that these people are all willing--some on the basis of only a few minutes' acquaintanceship--to go out of their way to protect that secret for him. It goes to show how powerful first impressions can be!

I love that Perry is in charge of this impromptu search party--hope they find him soon and that he's well. smile

Thanks for sharing.
Posted By: DW Re: Comments: Secrets - 04/04/11 06:00 AM
All of the posters have said it already, but excellent little vignette! clap

I also loved that Perry was the leader of this search party and the group of people, who know unofficially, was genius!

And I would also like to see more from you, whether it is a continuation of this story or something else! (BTW, I loved Veritas!!!)

And Ralph not figuring out the secret when he received such a big clue is so Ralph!

Posted By: bellarase Re: Comments: Secrets - 04/04/11 03:10 PM
Loved this!!!
Posted By: amberlea Re: Comments: Secrets - 04/06/11 07:54 AM
What a perfect little vignette!

I can't help but wonder what it would look like when/if Lois got to join the group...

Amber smile
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Comments: Secrets - 04/08/11 08:52 PM
I loved it!!

He’d seen the billboards too and despite being schizophrenic, he’d made the connection.
Might be likely a schizophrenic might be one of the first to know because they can make connections that us "normal" folks don't. Plus they sometimes have super hearing....
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